Mecha Mercs Skirmish (Hanger Thread)

Continuation of the previous thread:
I don't think I need to repost all the stat cards but if you need to see them all the stuff you need is here:

Mission List:

Okay a few things:
Goose in the last thread you bought an Elite level pilot skill for 25 Cred, that should have been 30 cred. Subsidized training gives you the first skill for free and makes respecing cheaper. It does not reduce the cost of climbing to veteran and elite rank.

-Chemical rounds now reduce a target's damage reduction by 2 instead of cancelling it outright.

Also I have been thinking about lessening the penalty on respawning players a bit. Pilot death is meant to be rough, but I think losing your entire cred pool to the company's 5:1 transfer is a bit much. So here's what I've decided to do:

If you die, you get your final payout added to your cred reserve and that gets divided by two.

If a re-spawning player can prove that they are an inheritor through trips, IRC etc... then they can claim this sum of cred.

Your inventory still gets transferred to the company, but if the commander is nice which he is he'll probably give it back to you.

So having said all that:
Hetros: +17 Cred
Ithaqua: +26 Cred

Consider it life insurance.

Finally I would appreciate it if someone could draw up a list of which pilots are assigned to which mission.


Right now you can get back to shopping, RPing and drooling over the licenses you didn't buy.

(kestrel wakes up from sleep, and realizes that the Predator's torso was right there. and then Kestrel realized that this was the hanger, and the top surface of one of the legs.)
'...gosh. Did I really fall asleep with the Predator? I knew I shouldn't have stayed up the night tweaking settings...'
(still groggy from the sleep, kestrel gingerly climbed up the torso of the mech, and boarded the predator. The inside of the mech was dark and confined. tight.)
(but it felt friendly. familiar.)
(and then, following the trail of thoughts, the knowledge that the metallic shell kestrel was in is impervious to most modern weapon systems felt comforting. it was just the way kestrel liked it.)

>sell ECCM Pod (4X3/4= +3cred)
>Buy Stiletto Targeting Suite(-3 cred)
>total: 1+3-3=1 credit left

>equip Stiletto targeting suite on the torso
I'll need the stiletto if I want to quickly take something out with a redline.

=Bird of Prey=

>DEF: 12
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5 (4+1)

>Torso: (2/2)
- Enhanced Autoloder (Removes slow reload attribute)
- Stiletto Targeting Suite (+1 Crit, -2 Pen to weapons)
>RA: (4/4)
- Railgun (Slow Reload, Armor Penetration, High tech, Mag-rail)
>LA: (2/2)
- Recon drone
- Combat drone
>Legs: (1/1)
- Thruster array (+1 Mob. Jump)
>Armor: Ablative(+4 health)

>Redundant Subsystems (1/1)

Recon drone
>DEF: 16(14+2)
>E-Def: 12(10+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 5
>Stealth Rating: 14
>mech pistol(-)
>Superior drone AI(Def, E.Def+2)
>high tech, jump, scan

Combat drone
>DEF: 14(12+2)
>E-Def: 10(8+2)
>Sensor range: 10
>Mobility: 6
>smart gun(-)
>longbow missiles(3/3)
-Defective missile(Missile maintenance removed(longbow -4), random effect)
>Superior drone AI (Def, E.Def +2)
>high tech, jump

Combat tech
>For[T]ified Systems
>Enhanced [DR]one Control
>Superior Drone [AI]

>Defective missile(1)

I hope I fixed all the mistakes.

Welcome back command, I was beginning to get a little worried when your Twitter said you were going to be taking things slow. Also you're directly linking to the Errata page, not the whole Google drive. Not sure if that was intentional?

For anyone tallying the pilot deployments, I'm signed up for the GuyeCo raid.

Our first task is deciding between missions. Since the Guye-Co one is TOP PRIORITY, we're doing that for certain and it takes 10 mechs. That leaves 10 of us left over, enough for one of these options:

A) Both the Relief missions
>Small numbers of combatants on each. Low veteran level likely
>Good for training rookies
>Low payout
>Doesn't influence the world
>Rough terrain

B) QAF Defence
>Medium payout
>Plays to our defensive strengths
>Mostly conventional troops and aircraft
>Enemy will contain a squad of mechs, of veteran quality
>YOLO super assault carrier confirmed. No idea of capabilities, but will require serious gear to destroy. Bring artillery and/or Demo charges.

C) Nuclear Interception
>High payout
>Stops nuclear material getting into the wrong hands
>Presence of Zanvarans makes it a complete fuck up waiting to happen
>If we fail IF will be furious
>Enemy is entirely veteran and Elite mechs

Remember: Intel on the Guye-Co defences suggests they have a trio of Elite mechs, including a custom Pugalist. Other than that, mostly standard enemies and a few dangerous civilians.

So, votes on how we should spread ourselves: begin!

Im on the Red Crux mission with Gunman.

Cobra Ablative 14/14
Def: 12 (2 DR on Front Arc)
Move:4+1 (Commando)
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader.
LA: Tac-Shield
RA: Anti-Mech Rifle

"I'm on guyco as well. I promised that I would be there to help take down this so called 'super pugilist'. I stayed up all night tweaking the Predator to take it down.
Speaking of, I think Nihilus said he wanted to join the guyco raid, but isn he a bit...underequipped for this? We did give him some support, but I don't know if that will be enough."

"This is just a personal opinion, but I think he should join the red crux relief convoy. He's well equipped for that, since gunship and disposable missiles will have to get through his guidance distruptor, while the 'comparatively' light fire could mean that his shield could become very useful. Meanwhile at Guyco..."

"I s-said it before, but I'd like to be a part of t-the Red Crux Relief mission. I-if i'm not needed anywhere else."

>Sign up for "Protect Relief Convoy" if possible
>Otherwise, express interest in helping out with "Refugee Escort"

I volunteered for Guye Co. and I'm sticking with that. I might not be super useful against mechs yet, but with my new training I should at least be able to keep the armored units off your backs.

If there's better folks to be going on Guye Co's raid, I don't mind being put on one of the Relief or the Defence missions.

"I recommend that you try out smaller missions first. Large missions can get really hectic from my experience, while the smaller battles will be much easier to take in and get used to how things work around here."

I'd like to deploy for the GuyeCo mission still. Other than that I think it'd be a good idea to take both of the Relief missions and split anyone not going to GuyeCo among them. The Nuclear Interception is way too high risk, and either it or the QAF Defense would be too dangerous for the less experienced pilots here if we're putting our best towards GuyeCo.

[Crocodile] =Killer Kau=
Composite Armor
HP: 18/18 DR: 1
Torso: Advanced Sensor, Stiletto Targeting Suite, Threat Assessment Module
LA: (GE) Gamma Emitter
RA: x2 EMP Missiles
Legs: Thruster Array

Seconded. These other missions are way too risky for fresh pilots.

"Didn't you hear though? I got promoted!"
Someone please fix the squad chart so I'm not a Vet anymore? It's embarrassing...

Since we're 20 strong I'd like to either lead a batch of rookies on a relief mission or go help our QAF friends out again

Horst and Gunman: please email me at above for document access.


Attached is the current company asset list at least as of 07/17
I, or someone else from the command element, will likely be posting an update of it every Hangar Phase.

>Finally I would appreciate it if someone could draw up a list of which pilots are assigned to which mission.

I'll be out all day today but if no one gets to it by the time I get back, I'll see what I can do.

Weird. Email field not showing? Oh well. See below for my disposable. I won't be able to get to it at least until 10 hours from now:
idle dot user at yahoo

Also, please reply to the post with your trip after you've fired off the email. Thanks!

Nonsense, my first sortie tossed me into a massive battlefield and we turned out alright, well, maybe a casualty but overall all right

Theres one redundant systems in stock that Cryptic brought me, but I can't fit it onto the Cobra.

===Official Relief Mission Sign Up===
Please reply to this message with your Loadout to apply.

"I've seen wide approvement for this and it's sister mission so I'll get the rock rolling. Nyx and any one (1) support minded vet are especially welcome."

Target Acquisition
Automated Aggression

Chassis: Cirrus
Armor: Adaptive Camo Plating
HP: 10/10
Def: 14 (additional +2 in cover and when running)
EDef: 10
LA: Smart Gun
RA: Smart Gun
Body: Cirrus Mobility System, Guidance Disruptor
Legs: Cirrus Mobility System

7 credits to my name and no spare parts.

"I-if you're looking for support specifically, I d-don't know if I'd be a good fit, b-but here you go."

Assault, Point Blank
Ablative armor
HP: 20/20
DEF: 8 (2 reduction front arc)
MOV: 5
Torso: (HP)Heavy Pistol
LA: Tactical Shield
RI: (MA) Mace
Legs: Thruster Array

"Count me in. Anyone who tries to attack aid workers is a coward who deserve nothing less than what we are bringing them."

Cobra Ablative 14/14
Def: 12 (2 DR on Front Arc)
Move:4+1 (Commando)
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader.
LA: Tac-Shield
RA: Anti-Mech Rifle

You wanted some veteran support right?

==Fiddler Crab==
Lord (Cost:44(Upkeep:8))
HP 12 DEF 10 ED 14 SR 12 MV 4 SR 16
Armor: Stealth Armour
Right Arm: Lancer Cannon
Left Arm: Repair Arm
Torso: Enhanced Auto-Loader, ECCM Pod, Stileto Targeting Suite
Other: Redundant Sub-sytem

Cross Bow

"Protecting aid workers is always a good thing and plus this is my chance to prove myself! Hey Gunman! Put me down for the relief mission!"

As the man from Odros walked up to his mech for a check up, an idea came to him.
"Hmmm...since I just joined and my mech is a Crocodile, how about I name it the Young Snapper?" he said in thought while standing in front of his mech. Then he nodded to himself when he made his decision. "Yeah that works! I'll name my mech the Young Snapper!"

=Bob Doe=
Gunner: Vigilance

=Young Snapper=
Chassis: [Crocodile]
Armour: Ablative Armour (+4 HP)
HP: 18/18
DEF: 10 (2 reduction front arc)
E.DEF: 8
MOV: 4
Torso (3/3): Redundant Systems, Stiletto Targeting Suite, Chaff Launcher
LA (2/2): Tactical Shield
RA (2/2): Laser Rifle
Legs (1/1): Demo Charge x 1

Okay, guess I may as well do that thing I do now.

Guye Co.:

Red Crux Relief:
>Bob Doe

Refugee escort:

Either previous:


At present the Guye Co mission and the Red Cruix relief are both fully booked, however there is of course still plenty of time for anyone with second thoughts to switch to a mission they think they might be better suited to.

Also, we have 19 pilots at present (not counting Hetros's new character).

Command, might want to edit the asset sheet, Haze appears on it twice.

On that note...

Not even here one mission and apparently you're already a veteran that's worth two regular pilots. You're acquiring quite the legend, eh Haze?

"Pardon me horst, but I've had my share of deployments, and at every large mission I held the line along with others. and all three times I nearly got blasted to bits. Once there was that Missile gunship, and then there was that Supermech, and-
screw this, you know damn well what I'm saying. The only reason I'm standing here after so many close calls are because my engineer training allow me to rig my systems to be redundant as possible, along with the fact that I dragged around tacshields whenever possible. for those who CAN'T, what can they do? why, make the source of the damage weaker, of course. smaller fries hit weaker, and getting hit weaker means that pilots can actually bail out of mechs before they get blasted. Although most of our newguys have tac shields I don't believe them to keep them safe against Guyco, since it's front defence only. Look, can we risk new people into this place? we're raiding a guarded position. and to top it off a goddamn super pugilist and cohorts piloted by elite pilots. Most non-combat engineers don't have redundant systems. add a little bad luck and then it's just hamburgers."

>select all signs for captcha
>sign says 'Dead end'

"Welp, looks line I'll be assisting on the Refugee Escort."

>Join the Refugee Escort mission.

=The Regulator=
-Composite Armour-
HP: 24/24
Def: 8
EDef: 8
Sensor: 6
Move: 4
RA: Electro Bat, Melee Sub-Processor
LA: Blast Shield, Harpoon
Torso: Guidance Disruptor
Legs: Juggernaut Mods
Extra: Redundant Sub-system
Skills: Combat Tech, System Restore, Deflection Angles

I'm actually starting to wonder if we're over preparing for this raid. Three elite mechs plus armour support vs ten mechs, most of which are elite or veteran. And then there's the Invisible Captain Chloroform and her amazing instakill armour piercing gas gun, and your own Predator, which is pretty monstrous in it's own right. Tragedy and Izzy can both rack up the damage up close, and Bludhawk at range, Kail can keep them locked down or blow them to bits if he gets a chance to use swarmers, and I... can wave my laser rifle menacingly I guess (or hack in a pinch).

I'm not saying it'll be a walk in the park, but it's not a suicide mission either. Leave the rookies (and me) to keep the support units off you, and have the better pilots in the better robots deal with the mechs.

Didn't we have 6 HMPs in storage? Where did one go?

Bah, the QAF are capable enough....
But they're off the chart now.
Four experienced pilots can handle a refugee escort
>Signs onto escort

So since it looks like we will have a unit deploying with a weapon listed as a real warcrime what do we think the fallout is going to be?

If what is said about Alice's stealh is true, they shouldn't really see her. And if they do, can you imagine Guye Co. doing something as unmanly as complaining about warcrimes as an excuse for loosing a fight?

"a-actual fallout?"

"well...sure. I guess. but still. regardless of how prepared we were there are instances where things got out of control. we've suddenly started to have losses and if that doesn't indicate how things are getting hot around here, then I...
okay. I'm getting sidetracked. maybe I'm overreacting. maybe one of us big experienced guys take down the big scary guys using redline. and everyone does what they are supposed to do. if everything goes to whatever we plan when we get there, fine. no loss. but I'm just saying that ~20 health and front-only 2DR is not invincible when you have pugilists involved. of course, it's our job to take those down, but nothing in this world is guaranteed is it? I'm not saying that it's a suicide mission or walk in the park. I'm just saying that being careful nets no loss. and finally we only have one shot at this, and we MUST succeed if we want to know more about that cognis supermech."

" know what, maybe you're right, I might be going crazy. paranoid crazy. ugh, I need a drink."

(kestrel heads into the warlord's stash next to the mess hall. opens up the fridge only to find alcoholic beverages. kestrel reels and backs off.)
"hey, do we have any drinks here that doesn't have alcohol in it?"

I was more worried about Izzy's Gamma Emitter a weapon that should never have been made. The Saint have mercy on anyone who that it is used on, and also on the one that uses it. Guye Co. might take it as more than just regular corp warfare.

Well it is radiation weapon...but I don't think we have a danger of that happening.

Hmm, true. For someone who comes from the Rovian Collective, she sure doesn't harbour their founders qualms over nuclear weaponry. But if there is no company rule against it, I'm not going to object.

Does alcohol fermented from animal venoms count?
I mean, were so close to home I could get some fufuberry punch if you want.

Yes Horst. It counts. Considering the after effects from drinking it that I felt, it cannot be defined as normal alcohol.

He's not talking about Alice. Her Cough gun is mundanely illegal rather than a war crime, and is relatively low key. Hetros was using one for a while and no-one noticed. Kerry stated that it would take "A Peacekeeper or a god-tier weapons expert" to identify a Cough Gun being fired from stealth.

No, he was referring to Izzy's cancer gun.

I doubt it's common to spread around records of attacks on your own corporate sites (makes you look weak), and I likewise doubt most people couldn't identify something as exotic as a gamma gun (fingers crossed anyway).

Remember, the 3C has only ever actually failed one mission, early in your careers when you were all driving GGA crap.

Now, I understand, we've taken some losses recently and it's weighing on you, but there's always that risk. Mechs will always take damage, pilots will go down in nearly every engagement and whether or not they die is basically up to a chance of whether the cockpit gets crit or not. We've had a run of bad luck, that's it. And all tactics and preparation can do is improve your odds. We couldn't eliminate the risk even if we piled all our best pilots on this one, all we can do is prepare.

And we have, we've geared up to fight Guye Co. and exploit Guye Co. weaknesses. And I think you may be underestimating these rookies, they're all exceedingly better equipped than you were back in the day, and they're backed up by the best.

Look at it this way, fretting is only counterproductive, so just focus on getting the job done when we're there.

"Oh there's no risk of fallout, it's just an emitter not an actual nuke- oh you mean repercussions. Well what people don't know won't hurt them, and if they do know they won't live long to talk about it."

You'd be surprised how willing to lie in character testimonials the Reiter creux is if you help them out too..

I think I'm starting to see why you split from the Collective.

Out of interest, is Rovil and his collective the 'any means necessary' kind of soldiers, or the 'Muh military honour' kind of soldiers? What would he/they think of weapons like the gamma gun or chemical rounds?

On an unrelated note, I had a thought about the Guye Co. mission last night that I feel needs to be voiced:

By and large, nobody, not even lawless dickheads, shoots at ejected pilots, if for no other reason than because they're a non threat compared to actual functioning hostiles.

But a bunch of overexcited Murikan suburbanites? There's a very real possibility they'll get cought up in the thrill of the moment (or just not care), and shoot at our ejected pilots just because they're still alive.

If you loose all your armour it might be better to just take a dive and look dead than eject and face mob 'justice'.

Well Im from Surden Nevik. I just think that Rovil is one of the greatest military minds ever to exist.

Our deeds live on well after we have done them, just look at the Exclusion Zone.
Don't forget we can call for an air drop of a new mech in a pinch.

I'm willing to switch over to the escort mission if the 3C requires more experienced pilots against Guye Co.

Yeah, I was just quoting you, I was referring to Izzy. You seem to have a fair moral leaning yourself.

I'm not going to tell you to do anything, that's not our style. What I am going to do is point out that you're in a Cobra, possibly the glassiest glass cannon on the market. Wechuge was a much more experienced pilot than you are, and he went from perfect shape to closed casket after being hit by two Kaus.

Pugilists are stronger than Kaus.

You might still be able to stay out of reach, but if someone does get near you you're in more danger than anyone else.


"I'm in a Komodo with Ablative Armor, tac shield, guidance disruptor, and redundant systems... Hopefully that's not too much of a glass cannon Cryptic.. Or I'm quite screwed."

Whoopsiedaisy, I was thinking of Nyx. My bad.

Yeah, okay. You're probably alright. You still can't take a solid hit from Guye Co., but that's okay, none of us can either because no-one can take a solid hit from Guye Co, it's kind of their thing.

I do think you'd best focussing on the armour like I intend to instead of the mechs though.

Those're very similar names
I'm not gunna remember that.

>resists saluting you once again
"Well luckily you don't have to sir.. It comes with the rank."

Nyx is sniperman, Nihilus is respectdude.

It's easy.

"Either way I don't want to jeopardize the mission if more firepower is needed against the Guye Co mechs. If the Colonel wishes to place me on humanitarian duty then I'd be fine with it. I just want to make sure we all make it back okay. Priority #1."

>I just want to make sure we all make it back okay. Priority #1
Hey, good attitude.
Well, I guess we'll consider your position flexible for now. If Chuck or Sparebits feel they could contribute to that mission they can ask you if you want to swap.

>I'm actually starting to wonder if we're over preparing for this raid.
I believe that with suitable assigning of pilots to jobs relevant to their skills and loadouts, we have enough for both this one and the QAF. I highly doubt we could stretch to the nuclear retrieval however, without putting too many rookies on the Guye Co raid.

All that is rather inconsequential however, as almost everyone other than myself seems keen to take the relief missions. As an Officer (and with Sparebits not yet appearing) I am declaring the Guye-Co Raid, the Refugee Escort, and the Relief Convoy to be our Missions until overruled.

Thank you for gathering this list together Cryptic ~sniff~ They grow up so fast

Since we have 6 recruits, it makes sense to send three to each relief mission with a veteran and an officer/NCO in charge. Nihilus and Chuck: would you mind trading places? He's our toughest and one of the few who stands a chance at resisting a Pugalist charge.

== Plausible Assignments? ==
-- Guye Co --

-- Red Crux Relief --
>Bob Doe

-- Refugee escort --

((OOC, I will have only intermittent internet from Friday the 22nd, and none at all from the 1st till the 13th. So it might be better if I traded places with someone on the Red Crux or the Refugee job.))

I'm more worried about you and
That young Nevikian gal Hazel, we have a mission with 4 top notch pilots in high class gear about to be auto assigned to and a high risk mission with a pair of untested rookies tacked to it, if you or that poor girl gets forced to bail I'm frankly terrified of what those assholes would to to a trespassing pilot if they catch one

I wouldn't worry too much about Haze. I talked with her a bit, and she seemed quite determined to become the most tenacious thing in the world. Her mech even has two redundant systems modules on it.

The one that worries me is Nyx. His Cobra doesn't even have the redundant module I gave him because it doesn't have space for it, he needs the loader to remain viable, and there's no space in that can for anything else. I don't want another Wechuge on our hands.

I do agree that the two aid missions are looking a bit skewed. Perhaps Goose or Borealis would consider switching to even things out a bit?

>salutes with impeccable precision
"Of course, sir. Whatever serves the 3C best."

Oh, wait..... for fick I'm mixing them up already

I mean nyx and haze

I'll be fine. I intend to keep out of the line of fire as much as possible. And I have installed a Tac Shield, so as long as Im not flanked by anything too heavy, I should be able to lessen most incoming fire.

Do not be afraid to run.

Don't worry, I don't intend to let my family validate their views of me.

>Will post mech tonight when I'm free.
Hotfix grants creds, cool. But, the 3C just spent 80cred, 3 of which came from Wechuge's converted bank account, do I need to donate 15 to make that stay a thing that happened?
> If yes, donate 15 cred to company resources
> 15/5=3 cred.
> Also, inventory can stay in the company pool, use as desired.

Alright team, I have noticed some talk but don't let it get in your head. Nobody dies if they keep to their Mech's strengths, unless that strength is melee. Borealis you better stay in reserve until someone needs you or a good opportunity presents itself.
We got two Mechs suited for long range engagements, there's no need to rush into the enemies line of fire prematurely.

Stick together so you can reach Goose and his repair arm in a pinch and I'll use the Phantasm's manoeuvrability to jump to where extra firepower is needed most.

That's all I have to say until the briefing. Unless someone has questions or comments.

"Y-yes sir..."

Just if the company has any intel on the sort of Bandit groups operating in the area and how well equipped they are. I doubt any company or recognised state would attack a relief convoy.

> I doubt any company or recognised state would attack a relief convoy.
It's warlords. Anything in the Midas Range is either destitute civies or Warlords (well, 'cept us). Peacekeeprs don't come in much, they mostly just try and keep the strife from spilling out.

> how well equipped they are
Briefing for your missions says to expect light vehicles, VTOLs, infantry and mega cavalry. So it should be pretty much the same sort of stuff we just fought to get this place. Review the records if you want more details.

"What, so Malek isn't going to adopt Warlord of the 3 Camels as his new title?" Nyx says with the first proper smile he's made since arriving.

"Animal poison? Uh... I'll pass."

"Fine, fine. I get it. However, all I wanted to do was make new guys safe until they got better, but I guess our suppot helps. One last thihg though. No squishies. Like cobras. If anything mechs should have at least 16 HP or have something else goong for them.(like stratus with high dodge)"

"Hey, the reason I'm so worried is you and othr new guys. Whereever you're going you should be careful in that mech. Komodo's a damm tough mrch but that means nothing against a pugilist charging down our face."



>that means nothing against a pugilist charging down our face
In all fairness there isn't much that actually does mean anything in that scenario. An LHI machine maybe.

> all I wanted to do was make new guys safe until they got better
I know the feeling, of anyone here you can at least believe that coming from me. But they're not kids, they're combat pilots, and they're far from helpless. Me and Borealis acquitted ourselves pretty well in our debuts, and I don't believe a single one of the Camels has been killed in their first battle. And these recruits are better equipped than ever, they could handle some tanks.

Not that it matters, it seems Malek has tentatively assigned them to the escort missions for the very reasons you ascribed, which I'm perfectly okay with. Rookies are perfectly fine, but I can't deny that I'd like the support from Chuck and that SatCom jammer. Oh, and Spare I guess.

Numberwang died first sortie
...I don't think he got a funeral...

If I die, please bury me in my home village, not some sandy hole In the midas wilds



That was the NORD assault right? Wasn't that the toughest and most hectic battle you guys ever fought?

Gonna make a new character tonight, still just swamped with work.

>Trigger can I get my stuff back by chance?

>Joyrides around in a stealth cirrius
>mine mine mine mine mine mine mine miiin---

>All yours, any time.

Would this be one of the perks of command?

"In my life?
No, no that'd be...
Anyways, yeah those fanatics are what I imagine these merikams to be if you step on their lawn"

B-but.....your coughgun is so shiny

Can we get any information for our shiny new base? Does it have any (upgradeable) utilities? Satellite terminals? Refit and repair facilities?

Also, for the rookies, you have a free Redline module once per mission. Make sure you use it. It will give you an edge when you need it most.

Man, I am really determined to keep shoving my foot in my mouth today.

Well, fuck it. As long as I'm doing that anyway...

Horst, what exactly is your beef with Nevikians? I can understand a distaste for all three countries, but they're pretty different animals, it doesn't really seem like you could lump them together.

OOC, does the movement bonus on the Cirrus Mobility system stack? Cause I had an idea if I hadn't gone the stealthy route which was lightning blitzer...

I've been wondering about this a bit too. I figure that since we have a base, we're bound to end up defending it at some point, otherwise why have it? I wonder if we could use company funds to snaz it up a bit.

Borealis thinks about this, and about the possibility that he might die out in the Midas Range just as he always thought he would. "S-speaking of w-which, I-if by any chance I die this mission, j-just... uh, j-just leave my body out there. N-no need for anybody to risk going in and getting it, r-right?"

I know what the errata says about only different sources of bonuses stacking, but I really want to deal +9 damage on a charge action from outside normal scanning range.

>does the movement bonus on the Cirrus Mobility system stack?
With what? The only thing it could stack with is commando.

If they're recovering scrap anyway they can certainly grab your body while they're there.

We really need to do something about that self deprecation.

"y-you think so?"

It was a pipe dream of 4 booster rockets strapped to a mech. Reading over the errata more fully, its pretty clear only one bonus would apply.

You also can't fit any more.
Mobility thrusters take up the one leg slot, and the Cirrus system takes up both that and half the torso. You could only ever apply one equipment bonus to begin with.

Yeah, I realis now you say it. I misread the symbol, since its the only one of its type in the whole game.

(Cryptic roles his eyes)
No, I was humouring you. They're going to remove your body from your robot to drag it off for salvage and just leave you there.

Of course they can! Not that it matters, because you won't be doing any dying. This is quitter talk! I feel like I should take this to Horst, see what he can do about your morale,,,

>I misread the symbol, since its the only one of its type in the whole game.
The multiple hardpoints required one? Not quite, LHI shell armour has it too, as does the Gamma's ion cannon

Is there somewhere I can look at the AESC stuff? its not in the main document, and I missed it when it was posted last thread.

Here. It's not finalised, so there'ssome weird stuff in this version, including the particle ripper taking more arm slots than the Alpha has, no listed hardpoint cost for the plasma blade and the ion cannon only taking one torso slot (it's since been increased to 2 when it was pointed out this would have made it possible to dual wield)

Dear god dual wielding Ion cannons, thats terrifying...

That sounds lovely. how about dual wielding plasma blades though? With berserker?

Oh, and it apparently now has the heavy attribute too. Not that it matters a whit with that kind of range.

Nuh uh uh, a plasma blade with Scythe Motive Control.

>Type up big wordy post where horsts true grasp on vocabulary slips through the cracks
>Post gets eaten
Fuck you Veeky Forums.

"They embrace the shackles placed upon them by themselves.
To be a man given barely enough to survive in exchange for a day ofgrueling hard labor?
To be given everything without a thought of kindness for those less fortunate?
To find this just and a perfect society?
To squat on the ruins of your shattered empire arguing about how important your meaningless Bloodlines are and pretending that behavior will bring you back to your former glory?
To enforce a system that enables the greedy, morally corrupt to flourish while believeing the free market you worship is fair?
To be a Nevikian is to be blind and shackled, only those like the few among us, who have broken their shackles and sought their own fortunes and fates, who have sought to grasp it in their own hands deserve respect, the rest are beneath even a modicum of respect."

Holy shit Horst. I would love to introduce you to my family. I think it would be a surefire way of getting completely disinherited, but dammit it would be worth it.

In the Neromian megacav, those whos spirits were cold and weak are often eaten by their mounts, who sense such weaknesses and pounce.

Nyx rolls his eyes slightly.
"That was a wonderful idea. Cryptic"

That's a little harsh. Not everyone is going to change the world, most people just want to continue to exist, and for that existence to have at least some consistency, some security too it. I can't hold that against them, it's the most basic primal instinct.

Not everyone in Nevik approves of their respective culture you know. I know I didn't. Norden Nevik fucking sucks, it's why I got out. Everyone is such a miserable fucking tryhard, and it doesn't actually amount to anything.

I'm surprised to heat you express disapproval of the way the lower class in Norden Nevik is treated though, I'd have expected you to regard it as 'character building', or 'their dues for their weakness' or some crap like that.

Look, sooner or later something has to give. Better now than in combat. Besides, I know there's a spine in that guy. Just need to extract it...

This puts Borealis in a fighting mood, ready to to take on anything that comes his way!

Or start crying. One or the other. Possibly blaming himself even more for getting wechuge killed because he's cold and weak.