MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - Monday Funday Edition

Good morning and welcome back to Ask A Judge! Sorry for the lack of a thread over the weekend- hope everyone had a good prerelease!

Other urls found in this thread: of the Hatebound)

Do "fight" cards, like Prey Upon trigger Lifelink, Deathtouch, etc?

Can Sin Prodders ability damage be redirected to Planeswalkers?

If a creature is targeted with a removal spell and is blinked, like by Eldrazi Displacer, will it still die?

If a play has an Ob Nixilis Reignited emblem and I use Chandra, Flamecaller's 0 ability to discard 7 draw 8, will the emblem trigger once or 8 times?

First, none of those are triggers. Second, it depends on the ability! Lifelink and Deathtouch work just fine with Fight, because they work on any damage. Combat-centric abilities (Flying, First Strike, Trample, etc) won't work with Fight.

>Sin Prodder
It can. Any time a source you control would deal non-combat damage to an opponent, you can redirect 100% of that damage to a planeswalker they control on resolution. Sin Prodder's ability does non-combat damage, and you control the source, so it meets the requirements for Planeswalker redirection.

Targeted removal, no. Any time an object changes zones, even if only for a moment, it becomes a new object with no memory of, or relation to, its previous selves. You may be using the same physical card to represent it, but technically the game treats it as a whole other object, so the spell won't hit it.

>Ob Nixilis
Eight times. "Draw 8 cards" is actually "Draw a card" repeated 8 times. If Ob Nixilis' emblem was only intended to trigger once at a time, it'd say "Whenever a player draws one or more cards".

Platinum Angel
Abyssal Persecutor

I have both in play.
What happens?

You can't win, and your opponents can't lose.

You can't lose, and your opponents can't win.

So no players can win, and no players can lose. So long as those creatures both exist under your control, the game cannot end in any way except a draw (or a concession).

Conceding is still legal under those circumstances?
I hadn't considered drawing, that's neat.

The Golden Rule of Magic is that where a card's text contradicts the rules, the card wins. The only exception to that is that a player may always, at any time, concede the game, which has them leave the game and immediately lose it.

Hey, what do you think of the most recent rules changes? In particular, players cant look at their opponent's sideboard now if they mindslaver them or something.

This is a hypothetical, so let's just entertain the concept without "Well, that wouldn't happen in real life."

What if the card that's in play somehow gets destroyed? Assuming the game continued, does the players still count as having that card?

Pretty neutral on it, to be honest. Most players didn't even know they had that option, and it wasn't a HUGE deal for the players that did know. I do think it's kinda wonky that a blind "find anything" wish like Death Wish completely whiffs, but I understand the reason behind it.

By destroyed, do you mean like, physically damaged beyond repair?