Kobold Thread?

Kobold Thread?

Cutebolds welcome too



Can't wait for all they furry porn to not get deleted

I wouldn't call them furry.

Cutebolds are the result of natural selection, due to adventurers being less willing to kill cute monsters.

That's absurd. I'd still kill that

There's some weird dissonance in some of the material about the alignment of Kobolds. For instance, if you look at D&D 3.5's "Races of the Dragon," the book with the most kobold related information, they read almost completely as lawful neutral. A heavy emphasis on the community, family and ritual, a justified historical hatred of gnomes (which is reciprocated harshly), and given their tendency towards subterranean expansion, they don't necessarily clash with other races unless they're in the wrong place. Kurtulmak's (and by extension, kobolds in general) status as Lawful Evil doesn't really seem too born out. Gnomes and Dwarves like traps too, and they get to be good by default.

They're supposed to be extremely xenophobic, as well, attacking other races on sight.

Of course, I've read that material too, and it doesn't really hold up to scrutiny.

What do kobolds eat? How do they find fresh water? If they have so many raw materials (ores, gems), why aren't they constantly under attack, instead of being seen as vermin by other races?

Furthermore, why aren't kobolds ever a dangerous force in any setting I've seen? They're cunning, they have strong traditions and tribe bonds, they have massive amounts of wealth. Yet, in every setting, they're below all the other dragonlike races in society.

It makes me want to write a setting where kobolds consider themselves to be the greatest of the non-dragon races, and have some kobold religions encourage kobolds to kill and eat dragons. Having them as this semi-terrifying, individually weak threat that wreaks havoc just by existing.

Once you think of Kobolds as Cave Africa it all makes sense.

Depends how far back you set the time machine.



Has anyone read the Ren of Atikala series? The first book was free and I enjoyed it, was wondering if the others are worthy buying. I really enjoyed the way it showed how their society worked, and how it managed to show how a largely Evil race can come to be while seeing themselves as in the right. Them seeing humans, elves, and the like as the monstrous races that they treat the same way PCs would generally treat kobolds or goblins was probably one of my favorite bits, even if it's kind of simple.


Aztech bolds

Aztechnology bolds


Cyber bolds

We need more lewdbold.

Has no more

Paladin bolds

Of course, everyone knows anything an adventurer does not kill they fuck or sell.

Which means cutebold sex slaves



Best kobolds.

He's gonna have some trouble with those goggles.


Imagine a band of heroic kobolds, a la TMNT.
The Kalamitous Kombat Kobolds of ... Calcutta, or something.




Kobolds in my setting are pretty worthless. They die in droves, their society is in shambles, and most people view them as pests. Cockroaches that can talk, basically.

My players kept running into one particular Kobold, and they kept sparing his life. At some point he became a friend of sorts.

They had no idea it was actually Kurtulmak himself, disguised as a mortal, until later on. Now that an over-god has decided he wants to kill half the gods, they're actually fighting to help poor Kurtulmak survive, and improve himself. It's been fun so far.

What a little slutboy...

>made a small society of barbarian style humans that lived alongside kobolds and gnolls
>excepted my pc's to go full murder hobo on them since I'd designed them to essentially be a kill fodder faction
>they end up siding with the ramshackle faction and helping them expand

I'm proud of em but this also gives me a lot more work than I needed

I need suggestions for kobold NPCs in Prohibition-era inspired fantasy. The role I have them playing is largely based on Chinese immigrants.

>The old god-in-beggar's-clothing thing actually worked
Fuckin' neato. Sounds like a good campaign.

I think that one's female, though it's hard to be sure with kobolds.


Well, it didn't, from his perspective.

He was trying to improve the lives of Kobolds by working directly with them. Unfortunately, literally every single one of the groups he joined wound up with most of the members dead, and he tried to do the disguise thing for almost fifty years.

There was another plot point where the players had the opportunity to kill a god with no consequence (my world's cosmology is a bit fucky but it makes sense in context). Poor Kurtulmak personally requested that they kill him so somebody more competent could take his place.

He's in much better spirits now, thankfully.

You've got me interested now. Please, tell us more...

The ORIGINAL Kobold before all these other lame RPGs started copying World of Warcraft's ideas.

First doesn't mean best. In this case it's worst.

>Gonna get us somma them there adventurers

Umm this is a troll from the spiderwhick chronicles

Also wasn't first



Mythological goblins by another name is what I was referring to by "first." They're worst, and kobolds have gone steadily uphill with each new version after that.

Any recent tales, escapades or screencaps to share?

Well, in my setting, all the gods have rooms in this big temple at the center of the world, which they get complete control over. This temple is ludicrously magical, and gods which try to defy its rules wind up dead (or worse). Every few decades they have a big festival where they all show up in their temples and let their followers in.

Secretly, this festival was actually because the gods all had to go to a giant performance meeting with their own creators, twin over-gods who made the world and everything in it. Occasionally, however, the over-gods fail to show up. In these cases, mortals find a bunch of powerful artifacts, all of which they can use to kill gods at the meeting. The gods, naturally, believed this to be a form of punishment for bad behavior. Kurtulmak believed himself to be the major cause of this round of punishment, a theory which most of the gods agreed on—he was, by far, the most useless and pathetic deity in the entire world.

Thankfully he escaped death because the players wanted to kill somebody else instead. Not that they could have killed him in the first place—the previously unknown third overgod sort of crashed the party. #3 then decided that there were way too many gods, and decided to kill half of them. Being a fair soul, he gave them 256 days to "impress" him before he made his decision, which has sort of thrust the entire fucking world into chaos. The fact that he significantly reduced the power of all the gods so they'd be on equal footing actually made everything worse.

I have a setting guidebook that I'm working on if this cosmology sounds interesting. It's nowhere near polished enough to post yet but I'm plodding along.


Keep plodding then, it sounds amazing.

I rolled up a kobold as a character a while back for a campaign a friend started. It's been a blast.

I'm satisfied with myself for playing him in such a way that he naturally acquired a reputation amongst the party as cowardly and neurotic. I imagine he's actually been a bit of a pain for the DM, as he wants NOTHING to do with most plot hooks, as a consequence of his character, but he tends to get dragged into them by his party members- physically so, in one recent case.

I wonder how many members of the armies of devils and demons we went over will remember the puzzling sight of a minotaur enchanted with flight, soaring over them while clutching a screaming, swearing kobold in one arm, like he was a football.

That sounds amazing. Storytime?

I would love to hear more good user.

what about kobold stand-ins?




porn when

Dont even start, user.


Are there any settings where kobolds are gnome-like spirits and not lizard people?


So what's the story with this one?


Clearly we can never know.


A FurAffinity story book cover commission for someone. I don't think there's more art related to it.

I've always imagined kobolds as short, dingy dog folk who are afraid of everything unless they are in packs.

Lizardfolk don't feel right.

Have a shitty WIP.

I'll post a much improved version tomorrow evening, hopefully. I'll have a lot of time to work on it in a car.

Holy shit. That's so much worse than I thought, I don't even explain what tendrils are. Fuck. Look, they're like... Big tubes of land that go through the air like a spiderweb.

I need to put that in there somewhere. It's kind of important.

I have this weird idea about Monmusu where the Kobold are like, in control of everything...
Like, the reason the extra species accords were passed is because the Kobolds bribed the governments to do so....

Also, I think Polt's a mafia princess.

Begone dogbold. This is no place for you.


Why did japanese and western kobold designs diverge so drastically?
Same with Orcs too.

I think in kobolds case, it was a language thing when translating a ye olde dnd bestiary? They were referred to as having 'doglike' faces.

I mean the same thing could have happened to orcs. Say one has a piglike nose, and bam. They all have snouts, even if they only meant it was kinda upturned.

>Here, we will provide
some general guidelines for doing so, as well as
roll tables to help you if you get suck


Reading what I can, thi seems rather interesting, though I didn't get into the meat yet.

I thought the orc thing was based on the kanji for orc and pork being the same.

I dunno on orcs, I was just theorizing.


What makes kobolds koboldy?

What are some definitive kobold traits that transcend setting?

Generally, being short, annoying, puntable, and above all pathetic beyond any shadow of a doubt.

I enjoy dragons who treat their kobolds with that "only I'm allowed to mess with my little brother" attitude. Like, they casually use them for odds and ends (treasure transport, sentry, paperweight...) and might, rarely, pick up and eat one as a snack, but the swordsman and his friends who just killed the four kobolds playing a game of Cribbage for no apparent reason are immediately on his shitlist.

First two definitely, and the third if you can get away with it, but they can be clever.

It's super easy to think that a dragon might consider their kobolds as part of their hoard. If they do something to them, that's fine, but anyone else?

Well allowing that would be downright undraconic.

And other races might look down on kobolds, but dragons look down on everyone, and kobolds at least LOOK dragony.

>This thread has made me fall in love with Kobolds

Kobolds kinda ended up at the bottom of the barrel for me as a DM, but I think that's just cause I hardly have any experience with them in games.

The only time I've ever seen them in a game was when the GM had a bounty hunter hunt our party. Said bounty hunter had two Kobold slaves that would stack up kids-in-a-trenchcoat style and assemble a javelin turret.

They seem pretty cool though, I really wanna play one now. What is playing a Kobold like?

>whats playing a cutebold like?

Playing a Cutebold in a real campaign involves dying a lot, I would believe.

OF course it does

I have two kobold allies traveling with the party in the campaign I'm running.

There's about 10 ways for them to die I the next session. I'm going to be really sad if neither of them make it.

Dubs demand an explanation of the ways they might die


The T-Rex will bite one in half immediately (no save) if they fail to notice it first.

Yuan-Ti are going to try and kill them (as opposed to ignoring them for being non-threats) as part of their quest to purge the unworthy scaled races.

Giant bees can sting them to death (and one of them will accidentally disturb the hive if they're not careful)

Most of the poison plants they can stumble into will have CON saves they're unlikely to make, and the resulting illness will probably kill them.

>pick up and eat one as a snack
vorefags pls go and stay go
you are worst fetish

Is it bad that I stay away from dragons eating anything to avoid going into Vore territory?

I think it's a bit paranoid but I want to be sure.

Cutebolds are essentially what gully dwarves were supposed to be: adorable retards.

Do dragonless tribes of kobolds occasionally adopt hatchlings to eventually lead their group?

You have such a hair-trigger even cops are jealous.

As a vorefag myself, that's probably paranoid. Obviously don't mention it incredibly frequently, and don't devour the party, but dragons eating is fine, especially if you don't go out of the way to mention how it didn't bite down and the snack is alive and fruitlessly struggling down its throat (most vore is soft vore, where there's no gore).
It's like how a drunken hobo pissing on the side of a run-down tavern before staggering down an alleyway is flavortext, and The Whizzard, Powerful Practitioner of Pee Prestidigitation, is magical realm.

Fuck, image didn't load. I'll try again.


Here is other lewdbold.

You'd better be trolling, son.

The proportions on that are really weird