Naval Timeline Edition
Four Castellum Strongholds Sub-Edition
In the last thread we saw how one IWfag is building his marheens, Anons discussed their favorite MK and old Scorpius Rounds, go go Blood Angels, we discussed how long the Horus Heresy should be when the new timeline was posted, we saw some highly accurate fanart of Pert and Fulgrim, there was talk on the warships of the time, and the KE generator was remade. All of this plus so much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Strawpoll links:
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
First for link to a download to the new Legiones Astartes red book:
How many flags is too many fags?
Well that is embarrassing, flags, f-l-a-g-s.
If there are more flags than bodies you have a problem.
You are now imagining EC marines gracefully dancing into battle
>How many flags is too many fags?
Kek, I thought you were talking about EC Command squads or something like that.
Nonsense, you need at least two flags per marine. Attach one to each arm, like wings
But don't they have to earn the right for each of those flags?
Only one of them. With the other they have to earn the left.
Like slaying xenos, daemons and teaching important moral lessons about Atheistmas?
Oh you.
Yeah that works.
Who you calling fags?
What kind of anti-AV 14 should I use in a drop assault vanguard list?
Meltaguns. Armoured ceramite still only helps so much when you drop 10 meltaguns down.
Might as well get any generic S8 weapon, because without armourbane you're not going to penetrate and you're wasting both the armourbane and the AP1 of the meltagun on ceramite AV14.
>Bought 2 copies of Betrayal at Calth from GW.
>3 Days later still hasn't shipped.
>lose 1.11 HP
>1.38 HP if BS5
Oh noes!
Drop pod laser rapiers.
Got my KR case for 30k today. Holy shit this thing is more massive than I thought.
You'll probably want something like the Primaris-Lightning with Kraken missiles, though you'll only have the one shot with it.
The coolest answer, however, is a Caestus Assault Ram, because its rams are S10 AP2 Ordnance rams, effectively.
But is it a dropcock-layz-pusslaser or a dropcock-lass-pusslaser?
Also does anyone know if dreadclaws fit into these?
Graviton Land Speeders.
Just looking at it, probably not.
Meltaguns are still good against AV10-AV13 with Armoured Ceramite since they can still penetrate and blow shit up, but against AV14 with AC they're trash.
>buying products directly from GW instead of buying them at 15-25% off from 3rd party retailers
Do you have brain problems?
I support my country and those who create. Fuck third party parasites.
Are you retarded? You are still buying from GW, it is just that a third party buys shit direct from GW for cheaper and passes some of those savings on to you.
that legion you gonna do?
I'd rather support the company that creates the stuff in the first place, not a parasitic third party who gives me savings and takes a cut themselves at the cost of GW receiving less revenue.
One Box Ultramarine, One Box Word Bearers.
It'll be my first 30k Minis so I'm going basic and creating two small armies for me to play with muh bro.
>I want to pay more for an already expensive product because I have too much money and would like to waste it rather than save it or donate it to a good cause.
So you are retarded. Glad we could get that out of the way.
thats the best way to go. it means whenever they come out with other boxes you can have different armor marks mixed in.
>3rd party retailers
You mean FLGS, right?
It's all fun and games until they squat your game and release Age Of Horus in its place.
thats why i buy from china.
ill buy from FW when GW reimburses me for my 100's of dollars worth of WHFB
No, you do it because you're a cheap faggot. Stop trying to pretend you have some sort of moral high ground with your chinashit.
i unironically hope gw goes out of business.
>mfw if GW/HH went under I wouldn't care because I could just carry on with my group of friends who also exclusively buy from our glorious zhounggouren comrade
Based Chinaman, bless us with your smelly resin and lower prices, never mind the sperg and the autist that hasn't seen your light.
May thy email be hidden in plain sight and thine English perfectly broken.
Honest, I love sniffing his models. I have a huge pile of night lords that I never bothered to assemble which I keep in a sealed plastic bag and every so often give it a huge sniff.
I don't know what he's putting in that resin but I like it.
You're really upset about something. If it makes you feel better I bought things from forgeworld even before the pound dropped but not buying from gw until they kill aos or fix 40k. He might be expensive but Alan has my heart so I'm loyal
It's love, user.
Love and carcinogenic chemicals.
I only buy new consoles when sony reimburses me for the old ones.
Damn typical of me to get sick during FW open day.
Anyone got a quick resume of what's been shown this year ?
Xbox one backpedaled at least
Nothing we havent already seen.
>My savings shall flow like the mighty Yangtze, my children.
The first one.
not even remotely relevant
Had a shitload of store credit at my flgs so I bought a calth box, can't decide what legion to make. I'm into Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons and Salamanders, so what do you people I'll never meet think? Do any of these get really over-represented by popularity do you think or should I just listen to my heart?
The IW got shafted again.
There was this thing, some knight heads, some lascannons for the dorito, some legion-specific breacher shields, and some assault cannons for cataphractii. I think that's everything that was new in terms of models. Then there was some waffle about Inferno, big news there is it's slipped to "Winter/Spring".
you get the base of terror assault out of the box so go for NL
just the pick the one you like the best. whichever youd like to paint the most
you shouldnt care about how popular a legion is, that breeds hipsterism. and hipsters are scum
You are a Primarch amongst men.
Buffed breachers.
>bless us with your smelly resin
>Honest, I love sniffing his models. I have a huge pile of night lords that I never bothered to assemble which I keep in a sealed plastic bag and every so often give it a huge sniff.
>It's love, user.
>Love and carcinogenic chemicals.
So, nowadays people don't drink the Cups
They smell the minis
If you can remove the claws, it should. It's build around the drop pod, after all.
I-if I bring some chinamen models to the GW store, w-w-will the employee try to s-sniff them? Will they be able to tell? And then smash my models???
Sorry I'm still downloading the book that has NL in it, is that a formation?
I don't mean over-represented out of wanting to be different, just that if there's a ton of Salamanders out there people might be tired of playing against them, if you know what I mean.
Thanks guys
Probs not. Usually the smell doesn't get through the paint. You hopefully actually paint your minis, right?
if somebody smashes your models, beat the shit out of them.
also they cant prove anything so they wouldnt do shit.
NL seem pretty popular online, ksons dont have rules yet but theyll probably be popular.
theres no real way to tell what local metas are like, just go with whatever you like best.
Anyone know if they talked about alternate weapons for the Macrocarid Explorator? Irad Engines seem like the most hyped option so it's nice to see them, but the main appeal of the unit is that you can configure it in a ton of different ways. I know "optional weapons" and "FW kits" usually don't go hand in hand without buying them separately but it would be interesting to know.
It's also a little weird they stuck the sponson weapons between the hull and the tracks since it means they're basically hull-mounted for anything that isn't a torrent weapon already. It really limits how effective it can be at aiming at stuff.
>Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons and Salamanders
I don't suppose anyone knows way many people can't decide between legions that are so dissimilar?
You side stealing, Ironfire riding poison huffer.
If you bring unpainted stuff, they may or not sniff your models, but people will want to smash those unpainted minis.
And if your painted ECs don't smell to perfume/DG don't smell like Paris-India/Salamander don't smell like petrol fumes/IH don't smell like machine oil/IW don't smell like BITTER TEARS people will still be able to notice you're a pleb.
What do Raven Guard smell like? Bird poop? They are white and black.
Sure pal, but yeh you totally deserve your money back when a new version of the game is released.
Are we even suprised at this point ?
Oh boy that's a nice vehicle. Do we know if that'll be in the upcoming IA ?
Did we get any info about the skitarii infantry upgrade kits ? maybe even some rulesfor them ?
>What do Raven Guard smell like?
I'd say fried chicken. Not because cowards, but because they got roasted at Istvaan V
no dumbfuck. it would be like sony completely discontinuing all of their consoles, and yet you are a dumb enough cuck to still only buy sony TVs.
So... any guesses as to what the rules will be like for these guys? They look kinda like a 30k take on the Skitarii Arc Rifles, and if 30k has done anything it's take specialist rifles and give them to entire units.
If nothing else it would be a nice way to get lots of pseudo Arc Rifle bits since if you want to deck your army out with them it's kind of a pain in the butt how few you actually get in the kits. Granted, drop pod Skitarii is dead now, so I'm not sure it's worth it either way.
>New car smell
>When you try and smell it, your nose gets hit by 4 S6 AP4 hits
>Machine oil
>Weapon polish
>Hair gel
>Tattoo ink
>Nothing, wouldn't want to be discovered early
>All of the above
>it would be like sony completely discontinuing all of their consoles, and yet you are a dumb enough cuck to still only buy sony TVs.
As in, buying a new tv? Kek, what is this "resupply" you talk about?
I play smash in ye olde black&white portable tv
Serious question, do people at local non-GW store give a fuck about china recasts of FW?
Would they give a flying fuck about unpainted, off-color models? Could they even tell the difference between these two?
Sure sure, except its not like that at all.
l2shitpost better
>company discontinues an entire product line and fucks over its fanbase
>lol y dont you still support them
because im not a cuck like you. hopefully the freefalling GBP and our chinese friends destroy gw.
kek no
>fucks over fanbase
they seem to be happy
>Do they care about recasts
Not really
>Do they care about unpainted models
The owner of my LGS orders from chinaman.
He orders double of whatever he orders to ensure he gets a good cast.
try harder next time
I think you'll run into more GW managers that don't like FW outright than you will that care whether your FW is legit.
>he doesn't paint
>who the fuck does not paint
>Would they give a flying fuck about unpainted
My GW has a set of rules, every model must at least be paint with three colors, doesnt matter what or how just be painted. I assume its the same on all GW shops and while its not actually enforced but it is there to encourage you to paint and help advertise the hobby.
Not buffed if you like blobs. They end up costing more.
Why not smelling like the forest? :^)
What does that smell li- oooooh
>Tatoo ink
"The Gods had attempted to bind Fenrir twice before with huge chains of metal, but Fenrir was able to break free both times. Therefore, they commissioned the dwarves to forge a chain that was impossible to break. To create a chain to achieve the impossible, the dwarves fashioned the chain out of six supposedly impossible things:
The sound of a cat's footfall
The beard of a woman
The roots of a mountain
The sinews of a bear
The breath of a fish
The spittle of a bird
I'm more interested in the Hoplites. Do we have any idea what their weapon rules might be? I would personally like to see some sort of melee/range combo weapon sort of like what the Minotaurs chapter master has (except much weaker).
Shield gives a 5++/4++ at range and up close respectively
Spear thing is like 18" range, assault 1, str 6, AP 6
In assault the spear is +1 strength, AP 5
Or at least that would be my take towards the hoplites.
fuck you
Gentlemen, behold a Ferrobeast. The worst thing an IH legionary can encounter.
Blobs are stupid.
I like blobs.
Man, dwarven engineering is such bullshit.
Is that some sort of rust monster?
Hi Oedipus.