What are some of the most horrific things your characters or party have encountered, Veeky Forums? I'll start off with my barbarian getting swarmed by a shitload of undead babies, commanded by a psychotic necromancer who wanted to make "More Children" out of him. Not with him, out of him.
What are some of the most horrific things your characters or party have encountered, Veeky Forums...
Necromancer cast raise skeleton on someone's skeleton whilst they were still alive.
It tore and peeled the screaming flesh from the bones.
One of the characters in my group witnessed his best friend and longtime sniping partner suddenly explode and have a demon crawl out of the corpse.
The party was a collection of civil servants sent to investigate this derelict house on the west bank of the river. Upon entering we found each room contained dozens of large sacks stitched together from burlap, leather, fur; whatever was available it seemed. Most of the were suspended from the ceiling, with a few tied up to holes in the walls.
Each bag was stained with blood, puke, and urine. A lot of the burlap was festering with moss and rot. We decided to cut open one of the bags to see what was inside. A mixture of rotting sewage, blood, filled with fly maggots and eggs came pouring out. It was the temperature of mud on a cool autumn morning. Mosquitoes and horseflies came swarming out as well. We used our torches to push most of them away.
After everyone had calmed down one of us heard something shift inside the bag. We cut it down and peeled the sack back, revealing a tangled mass of lacerated flesh. They were children, between the ages of eleven to fourteen, tied together into a large clump with string and hemp rope. Several were still alive, their eyes searching the room in blind terror. They were covered in signs of torture, open sores and knife marks, burns and bruises. Some had even had what looked like animal teeth and nails shoved into their skin and eyes and ears.
One, a girl about the age of twelve, was actively eating the necrotic limb of another child.
We opted to just set the whole clump on fire and get the fuck out of the house.
It didn't work out that way.
AdEva game, an Angel decided that the party berserker was the most dangerous one of us in a fight. So it tracked down his uncle using Angel spawn and killed him and ate him. This uncle raised the berserker at his cabin and taught him how to hunt.
During the fight against it, in the middle of the battle, its face reformed into that of the uncle, and its weapons shifted into crude approximations of the hunting rifle and knife that he used, all the white the face shouted in the uncles voice exclamations of fear and confusion which we figured out were probably the last things he ever said, over and over again in a loop.
What really messed with the poor kid was when the Angel started repeating things that the Uncle had said in their last phone conversation. Meaning that the Angel was already stalking his Uncle and listening in on that very conversation.
And then the Angel said something that the pilot had said, in the pilot's own voice.
The berserker ejected on the spot. Just NOPE'd the fuck out of there.
There was some debate afterwards if the Angel was trying to communicate by taking on a familiar form, or if it was just discovering the concept of psychological warfare.
Yeah we all ended up being tied together ourselves, with one of use taking a cue from dissecting the first bag and opting to start eating the rest of us.
The party found a necromancer(ish) mage had inprisoned a woman and was feeding her goop to make her grow just excess flesh that was unstable and mutable. He'd come down every now and again and shear her down to her normal size, heal the wounds and fuck back off only to feed and and regrow the flesh.
Her body began fusing with the basement and the floors and walls were living skin and muscle around her that we cut through with her screaming in pain the whole time.
We didn't realize we were the ones injuring her and she almost died because of it.
AdEva example also. The party found themselves in a room that appeared to be a random storeroom floor full of shelved boxes, metal crates and bins. The lift and sole exit would not come, no matter how they pressed the call button, and being children they couldn't force the door.
So they explored the room a bit. After discovering the boxes had labels written in Enochian, they decided not to open them, which was a pretty good call all told. But they went to the metal crates, which had keypads and were plugged into the wall, and decided to mess with them. Our Manufactured vaguely recognised them as being involved in the labs where he was raised.
They messed around on the keypad, which was written in English and asked for a number to be defined and before hitting a green Deploy key. They set the variable to 1R, and activated it.
The crate started whirring and clunking and after a few seconds it opened up and produced one of the other NPCs, another pilot that we used to fill up party space. They walked forward blankly, naked and absent-minded as they asked for a command.
The box started whirring again as the party stared at them and wondered what the hell to do. After a few more seconds, another one was deployed and asked for instructions. Every few seconds, the process repeated, leaving more standing around idly and doing nothing.
After a while, the party decided enough was enough and went over to the panel, trying to stop it. They couldn't see any cancel option. Freaked out, one of our party unloaded their pistol into the machine, which began to clunk and whirr erratically as a warm brown fluid began to leak from the holes.
The next Manufactured created was slightly shorter than the ones before, and in some places showed some skin discoloration. The next one had the same minor mutations and six fingers on the left hand. The next one had diplopia.
As they tried to stop the crate, the genetic mutations piled up and accummulated. Arms became stunted. Eyes became blind. Chests shrunk and organs externalised.
Seventy generations in, the genetic drift left the next clone a shivering, malformed wreck on the floor, teratoma bursting through the skin, eyes completely warped, two layers of teeth coming through simultaneously. Each one asked for instructions in an identical manner.
They managed to destroy the machine before the harlequin icthyosis but the room was filled with nearly a hundred copies of their friend mindlessly shuffling around, asking for instructions, begging for orders, confused. The lift was still out. The air was becoming thin. In a moment of inspiration (unplanned, I might add) the manufactured ordered them to self-terminate.
As one, they looked at him, muttered "Yes, Commander" and snapped their own necks.
Jesus christ what the fuck.
What system was that in?
I... I don't think necromancy works like that.
One man's fear...
Storyteller system. We were all playing regular joes in a Dark Ages game.
It did that time.
We had to go on side adventure to remove our own skeletons before we could take him on.
DM told us some time later that he wanted us to try a non direct form of attack like setting traps, long distance ambush or poison.
We went with skeleton removal.
Someone who was overly friendly with children.
fucking adventurers man, I swear.
Given a job to investigate an alarming large number of missing people all of which were teenage girls though some sick detective work we find out almost all of the girls had the same doctor. We follow the trail to a toy factory and we start seeing some fucked up shit mannequins with extremely realistic faces then it just gets more fucked when we find the doctor is turning the missing girls into fucking dolls though some sort of special acid so he could make the perfect women. Long story short we had to fight the mannequins whose human faces were aware of the situation.
It was like that doctor from bioshock who was obsessed with beauty but turned up to 11
What replaced your skeletons?
Halloween decorations.
The Bard performed a ritual to ensure he became a ghost when he died. He then suicided by dragon.
Cleric distilled and extracted the vital essence of gelatinous cubes and oozes. Injected the result into his arteries and became a gelatinous cleric.
Paladin (formally the barbarian whose skeleton tuned against him) became an Illithid. He drank a weird potion to keep his mind and soul and rolled some will saves. Illithids have cartilage rather than bones.
I ran Lover in the Ice for my Call of Cthulhu group. It went as expected
>Oh shit, our opponent is a necromancer!
>Better go Ghost!
He had loads of CHA. Quite low on WIS.
Thankfully necromancer specialized in bones.
I think the DM was being generous.
more skeletons
>Paladin (formally the barbarian whose skeleton tuned against him)
My sides.
This story has a dozen other untold stories nested in it.
We came across this fertility cult. We expected maybe ruined messes or some such and found them but they were all dead and description was short.
Suddenly we find these failed experiments for new rituals are something near the basement level which i now suspect to be the GM's magical realm. Whole rooms filled with heaving flesh that we found out was actual just one lady who was given "a never ceasing supply of the water of life" which translates to breastmilk, women who were like chickens where several eggs are in various stages of completion but for fetuses and those fetus popped out at every point of their development, some weird one that was just bits of whole flesh sloughing off the bone then regrowing said flesh only to have it happen elsewhere, someone of "unearthly beauty" which meant she was so ugly by out standards she caused one of us to kill he on sight while 2 others broke down for several turns, a weird girl we met who over the course of an hour aged from birth to death then on her deathbed birthed a new child that absorbed the dead mass back into itself through the umbilical cord to start again, a pit of women gone crazy by being on their periods 24/7 which apparently means they're now just masses of unstable hormones devoid of humanity, and then to top it all off the "ideal" women was heading the cult which was an amazoness who apparently has a dick as we found her journal later explaining how she personally "prepared" all women who entered her cult.
We don't let him run games anymore unless they're modules and we haven't played modules in years.
Fighting 3 Leucodemons at the same time in a shrine of Urgathoa the Goddess of Disease.
Everything had the theme of infection, vomit, blood and rot. Papa Nurgle would be proud of that shit.
Anyway one of these demons decided to grapple the alchemist and vomit in his mouth.
After this encounter we still had to deal with a fucking Banshee, luckily we managed to burst her down in the first round before the wail.
Nice, your GM did good.
How does Lover in the Ice go for those who don't know?
Sounds like "Necromancer" isn't quite an apt description for this guy's skillset.
Less generalized powers over the dead and more over bone matter?
I'd call him an "Osteomancer".