What sort gods do Flumphs worship?
What sort gods do Flumphs worship?
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Flying spaghetti monster, ironically
Flumphs are too enlightened to worship gods. They know the true nature of divine beings and cannot "believe" in them the way than other races do.
If you're interested in using flumphs I would suggest giving them a word for gods that doesn't mean "God" like "psychovore" or "belief eater" if you are one of those folk who believe that gods have a metabolism based on people worshiping them.
>They have their own rules for being tipped over and turtling
Which book is this?
Monster Manual, sadly.
For some reason, on top of giving Dragons a ridiculously large chunk of the book, and generally wasting page space like no one's business, they decided to put in stupid Fiend Folio monsters no one has used over the decades they've been in existence.
5e MM
Thank you.
A giant celestial Flumph paladin decked out in golden radiant armor.
Flumphs have no gods because no god wants flumphs to worship it.
The gods of misfortune, doing their best to appease the ones who so obviously have cursed them with existence.
I imagine it spinning like a burning top
hey i love stupid fiend folio monsters, they tend to make for entertaining encounters. Im trying to build a flumph settlement adventure for my group.
Not everyone prefers d&d games to be "kill orc horde #33, kill demon #57, kill dragon #4, kill beholder #7"
some variety in tone and characters is nice
bumping to drawfag
You know not everyone plays D&D like it's the Battle of HelmsDeep every campaign, right?
>talking shit about muh flumphs
Here's my shitty (somewhat touched up) rough sketch. I'll try to color it in in a moment.
shit. didn't notice this
Before the gods rose up to take their mantles and cast their divine will upon the prime material plane. Strange aberrations floated in thin scummy seas, the aboleth still remember this time. Before even then was this there was nothing and before that Kysul crawled across the multiverse already ancient, it began to enact its long tentacled plans.
Obligatory. This flumph worship is the basest form of hipsterism.
None. They're godless killing machines.
Sorry, I need to append that statement once i noticed the blurb on Flumph society.
Filthy communist godless killing machines.
I will admit I was heavily inspired by this,
but I hope you like this shitty watercolor regardless.
and after over 9000 hours using colored pencils and gimp, here's the shittily colored version
your watercolor is much better, but why imgur?
File size. It was too big for Veeky Forums to handle.
Looks great. Also, hilarious video. I was busting up!
As someone who uses a lot of colored pencils, I'd recommend using more shades of similar color to add some depth.
That flumph must have taken Multiattack like a motherfucker. 10/10 would go into battle with.
what a fucking gentleflumph
Holy Christ, Fiend Folio was my go-to for monsters.
An extremely cruel one, it would seem
Helm's Deep only had one kind of monster in it anyway. The "srs bsnss" monsters don't need as much space in the MM because there's only like ten of them.
Flumphs need something to hope for and believe in more than most creatures do. They're the only good-aligned beings in a lightless hellscape full of evil horrors, and they're constantly reminded of this because they literally eat the thoughts of these horrors for food, and it breaks their poor little hearts. More than anything they want someone nice to come and visit them. Flumphish hopes are very fragile indeed.
Maybe the flumphs worship gods of friendship and hospitality, then. Even though they don't eat food or wear clothes, they keep "friendship gardens" and knit sweaters out of spider silk just to make sure that any friendly visitors will be well-fed and have a dry change of clothes.
That's positively adorable. I'm stealing that for my next game.
I just think of flumphs as the kind of beings that are good for goodness sake.
Flumph clerics might follow gods, but they could just easily just pick domains that align with their morals. They might worship the concepts of friendship and hospitality as easily as they might worship a god.
The thing is, many gods are isolated to their planets of origin, so a religious flumph would either be a convert or be worshiping old gods.
It might be interesting to make the oldest of the flumph gods Lovecraftian gods that care little for the lives of mortals.
The way flumphs circulate air means that they cannot wear fedoras
Seriously, though, there are no atheists in the Underdark, especially in a universe where gods and their power are demonstrably real. Flumphs' lives are so hard that they'll probably look for anything that will help. Maybe they salvage discarded kuo-toa gods out of pity.
Flumphs worship good vibes and peaceful energy, dude.
As a side note, we also played our flumphs like they were constantly stoned and happy hippies who just happen to be smart as fuck.
So we have the Shining One, the sheild and sword weilding God of Flumphy defense and righteousness.
The Kind One, the god of Hope and Hospitality (and weaving) and Jolly Cooperation.
Kuo-Toa worship along with a general worship of the "Small Gods" who otherwise lack worship.
Flumphy Pantheon lives in the Great Stalactite Above, the great flaming spear that the other hellish dwellers of the underdark fear and avoid. When a good Flumph dies they go to this glistening shining crystal cave in the sky, where all they meet are friends and have a place to be the best flumph they can be.
>blue means sadness.
>they are depicted as blue.
Poor Flumphykins
Actually, make that a basic trinitarian pantheon:
Names are approximations of the [thought forms] used to identify them.
[Jolly Cooperation] the many sheilded god, unimpeachable from the top or sides, and swift to crush those beneath him. Represents the inherent neccesity and rightness of working openly and happily together with those around you for common goals.
[the Hostess with the Hopefulness] Creator of the world, provider of all and even hope that by being open and a good host to strangers, they shall in turn reward you with the delightfulness of being good guests.
[The Little Ones] lesser, dying or former gods, while individually weak Flumphs find that kind hearted and small prayer sometimes produces rewards from the small gods that sometime come to rest in their domains, where as good hosts they see a duty to provide them some small worship.
Hmm... we've got a vishnu and a Brahma, but no real Shiva figure.
Duh, realise what the Shiva god would be, if we're pushing a heavy greek concept of Xenos on them:
[Time to Leave] While a host has duties to take care of a guest, even on short notice, a guest too has a duty to not over stay their welcome, and this is true for many things and situations in life.
For those situations, there is [Time to Leave]. If the time has come for someone or something and it leaves peaceable and on good terms, content and accepting of the neccesity of all good things coming to an end, [Time to Leave] is kind, and gentle, and helps them go with gifts and advice.
But for those who struggle and refuse to leave, [Time to Leave] is less gentle, and has been known to be super-impolite!