>Use real ancient Roman graffiti in your Dungeons & Dragons campaigns they said
Use real ancient Roman graffiti in your Dungeons & Dragons campaigns they said
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think anybody has said that
Missed this link, user.
>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Why waste great quotes like that on such a shitty game?
I mean the dungeons and dragons part. I kind of figured most people here have seen the old roman graffiti stuff before
>not knowing that Pompeii graffiti is incredibly vulgar
It's basically all stuff like "Maxiumus has a small cock" or "For a good time ask for Julius".
I don't know mang, I mean look at this:
>II.3.10 (Pottery Shop or Bar of Nicanor; right of the door); 10070: Lesbianus, you defecate and you write, ‘Hello, everyone!’
Literal shitposting from millenia ago.
Just imagine
Someone, someday, might uncover some of our shitposts, and will then discuss them and be amazed at them just like we are now
Early Veeky Forums posting was nothing like it is today, they weren't as depressed and constantly posted shit like xD and :3
It sure is, fellow person how makes entirely reasonable posts on this modern electronic internet web that we are using together.
It sure is.
Just stop.
>that guy who takes his masters slave to whorehouses
Absolute madman
Toilet grafitti is pretty much part of human nature I guess.
Shitposting. Shitposting never changes.
>they weren't as depressed
There shall be wiki-brains dedicated to cataloguing the ancient's memes.
And despite that Lro-889747309786/www.gorkclade.centauri is mostly plastic and cock, he still will feel a bond with you.
Pompeii was well known, in it's time, for having as many brothels as it did bakeries.
Despite Pompeii's good condition, it's not a very good way to learn about stereotypical Roman towns.
Among other thing's, it /wasn't/ a stereotypical Roman town. It was a tourist trap.
Literally half the town was summer homes for nobility.
it reads "Milo once loved Rome"
Use real ancient Roman graffiti in your Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.
There, now someone has said it.
>for having as many brothels as it did bakeries.
Plenty of yeast to go around, then.
Jesus Christ user.
Not to mention the number of buns in the oven.
Isn't "Milo" the word for "soldier"? Making that "a soldier once loved Rome"?
>I finally made it into a screencap thread
Dreams really do come true :3
Man, I want a movie director ballsy enough to make it. And make all the Romans actually speak Latin too.
Rolling out doughy puns one after the other user?
It gets a rise out of people
And we wonder why their civilization crumbled.
S2 is pretty sweet, but I didn't know that there was an S0 as well.
>Kosher Garum
That's some top grade trolling.
Miles, milites is the core form of soldier as far as I remember.
The name root might come from it though.
> they said
That's what you get for listening the voices on your head.
Even Veeky Forums makes more sense than them.
Don't be so crusty, man, you don't need to bake him over it.
I wonder how they'd feel if they knew that in 2000 years people would know that Gaius and Aulus were bros 4 lyfe.
Let's be real. It was because most of us were underaged b& and technically shouldn't have been on here.
Shitposting is part of human culture.
Anyone got the stuff from the medieval kid?
Yeah and add subtitles. That are also in Latin.
I think Vin Diesel once wanted to make a dead language movie about the second Punic War; and he was going to play Hannibal Barca.
Pretty proud
That string of puns was actually giving me a pretty stronger imgur vibe.
Will anthropologists in 2000 years go through our shitposts and try to take them seriously?
I hope so, user. I hope so.
The self deprecation meme begun in earnest when Veeky Forums decided that it must reject reddit. If we would shitpost hard enough and make the entire place depressing enough they would leave. Then /pol/ started pulling in stormfuckbois and the shitposting never stopped after the whole SJW scare.
Veeky Forums has always had a tendency to poison the town well because fuck Greg.
It's why we can't have nice things.
This is the best one by far
Speaking of that, does anyone have that collected 'wisdom' of Veeky Forums PDF?
>fuck Greg
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1842: Gaius Pumidius Dipilus was here on October 3rd 78 BC.
>October 3rd 78 BC.
Now just wait a god damn minute...
I assume they translated the dating system to make it easier to read as well.
Presumably dates too are translated, as they likely either counted dates from some legendary foundation of Rome, or the years of their current king's reign, which basically meant nothing to most people outside the culture.
Anyhow, I've always loved the idea of conveying story with graffiti. I once considered trying to add graffiti related to the uniques in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (examples I can remember: some long string of shiposting banter between Pikel and Sonja and "A man sized etching of a scythe with a grin beneath the blade and the words 'Sigmund Sees")
got ya family
>the years of their current king's reign
Fuck off dictator-lover, this is republican territory. You want me to go full Brutus on your ass?
Awesome, thanks
one of the townsfolk
Bromazing bro.
Seconding this.
I'm an archaeologist and yes, almost certainly we will.
Even with the fact that digital data is incredibly hard to preserve longer than half a human lifetime?
Some madman will start carving random bullshit onto stone tablets so that it will survive beyond the apocalypse. You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE!
The "this post is art" will probably last, 'cause it's physical.
My guess is that we should carve the best prints in stone to preserve Veeky Forums history.
Woah. 21 seconds of difference, but we thought the same shit.
Great minds think alike, user. They called us mad, but who's works will be enshrined in history?!
Not familiar with stonecarving but i know a guy who can carve anything out of wood (or on actual trees).
He always needs a buck so i think i'll call him up.
Maybe give him some cash to carve shitposting and memes on random trees just for lulz.
Also post results when it's done i guess.
Godspeed, brave preserver of knowledge.
Nobody should be on this site, user. We are a community of outcasts.
Not true, the culture just evolved. That shit took time to get cancerous and forced. When a joke gets played out, you move on.
This is pretty much reason number 1 why reddit is so awful, as soon as a joke is introduced, it's immediately and completely fucked to death, and those comic necrophiles continue fucking it for years afterwards.
>enjoying comfy quiety Roman community, civil life, brotherhood and virtue
>every year fucking summerfags roll in and shit the place up
truly, nothing ever changes
That's disgusting
You can credit them with forcing jokes past their expiration date but it's not like we're much better. There are multiple Veeky Forums boards that are basically just jokes past their expiration date.
Tip-top, thanks chum.
I wish people would stop posting this picture
it always makes my heart feel funny
Don't worry, she's not really into you and your human heart beating it's red blood, anyway.
She's so cute!
I've actually mulled over the idea of a tv series(probably mini-series) about the Punic Wars
It would play heavily with the "One Shall Stand; One Shall Fall" sort of motif. The Punic Wars were literally the watershed moment in human history. Rome's victory in the Punic Wars shaped the rest of history.
>Billboard in Times Square
>Map of the Mediterranean
>Two red dots; one in Italy, one in North Africa
>They're both captioned as 'Roma' and 'Carthage' respectively
>Bottom of the billboard says:
>"The world is not big enough for the both of them".
>The Punic Wars
honestly, why are people not interested in historical epics? Even way back when they were still being made it seems like no one cares about anything more than two hundred years 'go.
>honestly, why are people not interested in historical epics?
I thought the Rome TV series did well.
Maybe it just needs a good script?
Nice to see Romans having good taste
Why is this the funniest thing I've ever seen
>Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place
Can this be a thing
Can this just be a thing that Veeky Forums says to shitposters
>Let everyone one in love come and see. I want to break Venus’ ribs with clubs and cripple the goddess’ loins. If she can strike through my soft chest, then why can’t I smash her head with a club?
Is this roman /r9k/
VIII.1 (above a bench outside the Marine Gate); 1751: If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; she costs 4 sestertii.
4 ses was about $15 lmao
>If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; she costs 4 sestertii.
"If you're reading this, Attice is a $20 ho if you want some ass."
It's like we walk in our forefathers footsteps millennia apart.
We did something similar with our female Orc Berserker, we had to gain entrance to a slave trade so we convinced her to wear near-naked clothing and act submissive. The plan fell apart as soon as one of the inspectors touched her breast to see what size they were.
Cheap bitches are eternal. Prostitution is the oldest profession and all that.
Underrated post
>Don't talk to me or my son ever again
Mein ancient bush loving nigga
What the fuck even is this supposed to be?
Holy shit
You see the big guy on the left? That's the dad. Little dude on the bottom is the son. The dad is a warrior.
But what are they doing?
Just standing there, like
>This is what I'm gonna be when I grow up
>there were namefags even back in 78 BC