>just came up with an amazing idea for a campaign
>summer's almost over and all of my friends will move away soon
>just came up with an amazing idea for a campaign
>summer's almost over and all of my friends will move away soon
When you guys have campaign ideas, do you write it all out and let it sit on your hard drive until you have people to play with? It seems like the only time I will be able to do this campaign im thinking of will be next summer when people are back in town, because everyone will be gone/busy with college all year.
what's the idea
Gather them together on Roll20 and start an online campaign with them.
My friends don't like playing on the PC, only in person.
It's a Zelda campaign that takes place in a fictional country during the Majora's Mask time period of the game. So it's more or less a spiritual successor to Zelda. Link, Zelda and Ganondorf are not involved, it will be entirely new characters.
That is the stupidest shit I've ever read on Veeky Forums.
It allows me to be creative and create my own lore while working with the Zelda universe without breaking anything.
>rip off a videogame
>It's an amazing idea you guise!
Play on Roll20 dude. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works.
who hurt you user
It has the potential to be fun, but I would never call it an 'amazing idea'
>summer almost over
>it's still July
u wat
did you just get out of highschool or something?
Yeah im over exaggerating, technically summer wont end until late August. But all of my friends are doing things out of state for the majority of August (which is strangely coincidental) so I will probably have two weeks of me being alone in my hometown during that month.
I already have an in-depth knowledge of the Zelda lore, so I would only need little research to get everything right. So lore-research would be less work for me, then I can fill in the gaps with my own imagination (which would work with the lore). And again, because this campaign wouldnt take place in Hyrule, I wouldn't run the risk of breaking anything lore-wise.
I never thought of doing a Zelda campaign until now, and I have no idea why because I'm a huge Zelda fan. I tried doing an Elder Scrolls campaign but the lore is so intense that I spent most of the time just researching shit, which usually conflicted with my ideas. But I know Zelda like the back of my hand so I can spend more time being creative.
Your mom when her teeth scraped on my dick. Quit ad homming. "Le ebin zelda" is a fucking terrible premise for an RPG campaign.
Nothing about your idea is creative.I doubt you eve know what that word means. Maybe something your second grade teacher told you when you finished your macaroni necklace in the tard camp? Guess whst, she was being paid to say that. And nothing of your "idea" is creative or interesting at all. Please die of cancer at your earliest convenience.
Im not going to bother arguing with this statement, but there is some truth to it. Because Zelda appeals to every normie gamer, a normie could run a campaign and totally fuck everything up, breaking all of the rules with oc all while claiming "but it's MY vision of zelda! I can do what I want! :^)". But I feel that I have a good grasp on the Zelda universe, and I could run a campaign well without breaking anything or ruining the universe with oc.
And this idea im working with wont even take place in Hyrule, zelda ganon and link will be nowhere to be seen, so I run no risk of breaking whats happening in Hyrule as this campaign goes on.
>creating your own lore
>Nothing about your idea is creative.I doubt you eve know what that word means
>Im not going to bother arguing with this statement
That's because every word of it is true and you are unable to refute it. Back to your college classes, boy. Keep paying them 20k a year to tell you you're a special boy so you feel compelled to post your terrible ideas here and get butt hurt when we call you out on it
>get butt hurt when we call you out on it
im pretty sure I am arguing with a single samefag shitposter
So replying to two separate comments of yours, is samefagging? Drink bleach.
Do people still unironically namedrop ad hom?
In any case, I'm merely addressing a present fact in a subtle manner - to say you're overreacting is an understatement. You're being such an absurd, angry child of a character that you don't really warrant a direct response. But I'll bite anyways because I'm curious to see what else you come up with.
> "Le ebin zelda" is a fucking terrible premise for an RPG campaign.
It's just a setting. I don't see what is so outrageous about it... Are there some sort of outstanding flaws with the Zelda world that people don't talk about? I haven't played the games. What OP said is not only not very derivative but it's too ambiguous to determine anything about its quality. Unless there's something I'm overlooking you're just being irrational.
>Your mom when her teeth scraped on my dick
Don't pretend like you've ever had a sexual encounter with a woman.
I'd hardly call your mother a woman, just like I'd hardly call Zeldaland or whatever the fuck it's called, a setting.
>It's a Zelda campaign, but without any of the characters, locales, and a tenuous link to an already abstracted time period
Fampai I'm not even one of those spergs who cares if you rip off your favorite media for a game or not, but why even describe it as Zelda at this point
Because it would still have zoras, gorons and dekus, and zelda enemies like octoroks.
Man, LoZ fans are the most anal people I have ever met.
Yeah I know, we range from kids to normie young adults to man children to autists, to people who just like zelda. Its a pretty broad fanbase, which is both good and bad.
I'm mostly referring to the grognards in this thread trolling the poor kid.
>get awesome idea for campaign
>tell someone about it to try and brainstorm
>they shit all over it and by the end it's nothing like what I thought up
>self doubt and insecurities put it on the backburner
>they keep talking to you and brainstorming for months
>it's now a macarbe parody of your idea wtill wearing it's skin
>turns out they've been running it the whole time
>everyone who plays it loves it
>spot opens up and you autistically build your character around your original idea
>three sessions later you're asked to leave for not really fitting in with the type of game they're running
>replaced by a player's gf who doesn't can't tell the difference between a d12 and a d20
>asked to come to games anyway because you give lifts and to act as a walking DMG
That "poor kid" deserves what he gets, he's been pampered by the American education system for so long that he can't even handle criticism without it going straight to his precious ego.
This fucking Instagram generation needs to grow a pair of fucking balls
Inb4 "meds gramps" I'm 25 faggot.
Dear OP,
I'm going to assume you aren't just a well-crafted homunculus of the perfect summer child, and respond to you in full earnest.
1. Your idea is not creative. Saying "I'll invent lore" doesn't make it creative, just like saying "I'll draw eventually" doesn't make you an artist.
2. LoZ is a fantasy world, and tends to be relatively self-contained. By using LoZ, but not including any of the major setpieces, you're really just playing a game that has similar monster types... this doesn't differ at all from playing any other fantasy, and isn't a "great idea". It's just "hey I want to use this set of tropes". You'll find, however, that there aren't many good systems for running LoZ, and the majority don't pin down the "gamefeel" that you've come to enjoy.
3. Your intent to just use your favorite setting makes you seem to everyone like some Sonic-OC-tier autist who just wants to roll around at the speed of sound, regardless of how well it would make a game or similar. If you're planning to DM, you should put serious thought into what your table will benefit from... but from your statements in your thread and your apparent age-group (and maturity), I don't think you have the DMing experience to know what that is, so I recommend you stick to trying to run systems and settings that spell out a lot for you and leave little room for error.
4. Your responses in this thread show a grave misunderstanding of both life and Veeky Forums. While most people won't post like I am either, I'm pulling back the veil a bit to elucidate.
Responding with direct attacks at people who point out flaws in what you're doing just makes you a bigger target, and then choosing to go "I'm not responding but here's a three paragraph article :^)" marks you as an easy target for continued trolling. Using phrases like "samefagging" without understanding the meaning adds to this. Don't bite the bait, and don't insult your critics, or your thread will devolve into shit very quickly.
Did you get dumped or something user?
Chillout and go enjoy a beer or two.
Ah, the old "duck the canon so I don't have players breathing down my neck because I did not accurately roleplay Zelda or have to deal with the antics of the significant characters from the series" tactic.
Carry on.
I'll spell it out for you because there seems to be some breakdown in communication.
We are generalizing in the quirky unique Veeky Forums way.
Generally, campaigns that have their premise copied almost verbatum from a video game, anime, movie or other mainstream media are not very good. There are shining examples of someone autistically sticking to the source material and making it an amazing campaign. Their are examples of people just going for the general feel of their source material and making it their own.
Unfortunately the vast majority of these types of campaigns are neither. They are made by inexperienced GMs who cannot handle the scale of an entire prebuilt world and making an overarching plot inside that does not contracdict itself or shitty GMs who are just in it to live out their shitty fanfic.
Now when faced with someone saying "Here's my idea it's pretty much X" an anonymous image board will immediately latch on the what it knows to be the most likely outcome which is "That's stupid, don't act like a 14 year old with undiagnosed aspergers."
OP may make something amazing and prove us all wrong, I truely hope he does. Although it'll probably fizzle and burn like the majority of the campaigns that the sad losers of this website join, so forgive them for projecting.
tl;dr kysfam :^)
>I'm 25
Hopefully someday you'll realize how immature you're acting right now.
I don't really get how a game about an elf in dungeons full of traps that fight giant monsters is somehow not a good setting for D&D.
It's not any worse of an idea than Elder Scrolls...actually it's a better idea than that because Elder Scrolls inherent fuckery would be a shit D&D setting.
>he can't even handle criticism without it going straight to his precious ego.
Ive been replying to your shitposts this entire time, how is this not "handling criticism?" You are the one who keeps flinging the shit. And your writing composition implies that you failed the very education system that I was "pampered" by.
Im open for brainstorms and criticisms but if said person tries to change my idea to the point of it being something completely different then I wouldn't consider them. If I have an idea I like I will improve it until it works, not change it entirely.
Well, right now this is just in the idea phase so I dont have anything tangible that I can work with. But I like the idea because I love zelda and my love for the series would add to the enjoyment of designing the campaign.
>I don't think you have the DMing experience to know what that is
I have DM'ed before. My group seemed to enjoy it.
And about the maturity thing, I dont know what you mean. I have responded to both the critics and the shitposters in the same manner with detailed responses. Im not sure how that is not mature. Especially when you have this one guy who is going out of his way to ruin my day, which isnt actually working. In fact, it's making my day more hilarious.
Lastly, about the shitposter, I get personal enjoyment from pushing shitposters on the edge, and I wanted to see how far this guy would go with his shitpostings. Im also pretty sure that he is the one who keeps flinging the shit, thus "samefagging" seems like an appropriate moniker for him.
Personally, I dont like it when people meddle with official events in lore, so I wouldnt want to do that to any of my game players.
Also holy shit Veeky Forums calm down about railing a kid about Zelda, you're getting more triggered than tumblr "misgendering" a fucking indie video game character.
>It's not any worse of an idea than Elder Scrolls...actually it's a better idea than that because Elder Scrolls inherent fuckery would be a shit D&D setting.
Plus designing a story in that setting is like walking on eggshells because the lore is so fucking deep, if you make one mistake you can ruin everything. I did one campaign and my group had a great time, but continuing to design missions in the TES setting is such a chore.
No my wife just left me, I need to be angry at someone other than myself. Plus Zelda is overrated shit.
OP, would you like to play in a LoZ inspired game on roll20?
We just finished our 3rd game and our 3 party team could use a fourth.
Systems 5e.
Possibly, I have never used roll20. Do you have a steam account? At this point in the thread I wouldnt trust throwing my email up here.
add me on skype: ns_ns001
I dont have a skype
Do you have discord?
>I get personal enjoyment from...
That's what I mean by immature.
>Right now this is just in the idea phase so I don't have anything
And that's why it's not a "great idea". You have done nothing but say "I'LL RUN IN THIS SETTING" which is legitimately the first step everyone makes. The lack of understanding of how little you've actually done, combined with your increasingly foolhardy enthusiasm in your non-idea, are why I question your experience.
>"samefagging" seems like
It doesn't seem like anything. I think this might seriously be a generational thing, but you can't just join a community and take words that have existing meanings and throw them around to mean whatever you want. Not only does that show a lack of communication skills, it makes it super clear you have no idea how this community works And the willful disregard of communicating ideas to others is just another reason I think you lack the maturity and storytelling experience to make your idea work, and seriously urge you to start small and come back to Zelda later. Not even being insulting, don't run a shit campaign and then forever have your group say "that time sucked so never again" when you want to do it *right*. You can't even convince them to use r20, how do you think you'll get them to give you another shot at Zelda?
I dont but I can look into it. Same username?
>The lack of understanding of how little you've actually done, combined with your increasingly foolhardy enthusiasm in your non-idea, are why I question your experience.
I know that I havent even begun the real game-planning yet, but this thread really is about the difficulty of meeting with a group to play games. I have an idea to work with, but time is running up and my group will disband in the time it takes me to make the world and the first mission.
>I think this might seriously be a generational thing, but you can't just join a community and take words that have existing meanings and throw them around to mean whatever you want.
how is this not samefagging?
>And the willful disregard of communicating ideas to others is just another reason I think you lack the maturity and storytelling experience to make your idea work, and seriously urge you to start small and come back to Zelda later. Not even being insulting, don't run a shit campaign and then forever have your group say "that time sucked so never again" when you want to do it *right*.
This is good advice, but again I have ran a campaign before and my group still jokes about how it went, so I think they enjoyed it.
>You can't even convince them to use r20
I haven't even tried yet.
Username is just NS on discord.
The linked posts aren't samefagged, though.
The fact that you don't know how to check for samefagging also pegs you as new, and not understanding the community.
And the quickness to say "it must be one troll" rather than 3 separate people thinking your idea has problems is part of why you make such a juicy target of yourself.
>I did one campaign and my group had a great time, but continuing to design missions in the TES setting is such a chore.
Do what Bethesda does: Don't even involve the Lore in the game, only in books in the game
And told tell Veeky Forums about it. If they're bitching this hard about LoZ imagine how hard they cry if it's TeS.
Still there OP?
...Hyrule? Kid I haven't even played any of the Zelda games and I knew that.
I suppose what you are trying to say is "Yes, I do think the setting is lacking."
This is good, we're making progress. So tell me more about this... Is there not enough content to flesh out the setting enough for TG gameplay? Are there glaring flaws within the content? Inconsistencies? Are there qualities that are not to your taste? Just tell me the issue.
...That is, unless all you really wanted to do was bitch about something, in which case it can't be helped and I shouldn't be trying to stop you. Last time I worked with a child with mental/emotional issues I was getting a paycheck for it, so why should I deal with you for free?
I don't know if you're confused or schizophrenic or what but OP is just a nice kid who wanted to make a campaign in the Zelda setting. The angry spastics of Veeky Forums chose to lash out at him for it, and you seem to have gotten disoriented in the midst of the commotion.
Sorry, but after reading this whole thread I'm gonna side with the "angry spastics" rather than "nice kid" OP. OP's setting really isn't that great, and he's the one reacting like a dumbass in the first place.
On the other hand, I totally know that feeling, OP, so I can sympathize with you on that.