Hey Veeky Forums, you know what I like? Custom Chapters. Let's roll one up.
1d10 to start for the reason for our Founding.
Hey Veeky Forums, you know what I like? Custom Chapters. Let's roll one up.
1d10 to start for the reason for our Founding.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Sure why not
Strategic Prognostication!
Apparently it was foretold that we would be needed.
1d100 for when we were Founded.
Rolled 98 (1d100)
Where in the galaxy would the chapter even be?
Oh shit, we don't know when we were founded! Records have been lost or destroyed. Perhaps we got our shit pushed in at some point.
We can sort out where we're stationed when we know more about the Chapter, but we know something nasty enough to warrant a whole Chapter opposing it was predicted.
Now for Primogenitor. I modified the table here, but there's still a high chance of Smurfiness. Not to worry, though; we can always tell Calgar to shove it. Give me 1d100 to see who our Primarch is.
Rolled 61 (1d100)
Hell yeah dog, secrecy
Imperial Fists! Papa Dorne must be so proud.
But how pure are we? Did the AdMech get it into their coggy heads that fucking around with geneseed again was a good idea?
That's a 1d10, by the way.
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Hell yeah dude, best primarch
Altered Stock, eh? Damned techpriests can't leave well enough alone.
1d10 for our Deficiency.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Sweet merciful fuck. I'm gonna take that 10, and then it says we need 1d3 for how many things went wrong. We'll include the 9 as one of the d3.
Rolled 2 (1d3)
Only one more d10 for how FUCKED our geneseed is, then.
Have at it.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
9: DOOMED. I'll need 1d2 to determine the effects of this, but it won't be good.
Oolitic Secretions. We've got funny-looking skin, that's not so bad.
Rolled 2 (1d2)
It'll definitely be great
So, we can't grow new Progenoids. That's... bad. Unless we fix that, the Chapter's doomed to die out due to not being able to make new Scouts.
Between that and our lost records, we've probably got some personality. 1d10 for Demeanour!
Rolled 5 (1d10)
It's getting real interesting, man
Scions of Mars! We've got close ties to the Mechanicum, and have training with strange and arcane weaponry not normally seen in the armouries of the Astartes. Perhaps we try to compensate for our geneseed deficiencies with cybernetic implants.
Characteristic Modifiers are up next. I've modified this table too, so give me 2d10.
Scions of Mars? I suppose with our inability to get new member we would want to do everything ton keep the ones we got alive.
I'm almost reminded of the Fire Drakes.
Yeah that's what I was thinking of as well.
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10)
Perhaps our chapter suffers from some sort of "incomplete" complex, where they've taken their deficiency to heart and want to be "mended".
+5 to Strength and one Characteristic of the player's choice.
Who is our Chapter Hero?
Seems probable; cybernetic enhancement can be an alluring crutch, and if we don't fix whatever went wrong with our geneseed we're doomed to die by attrition if we don't go out in a collective blaze of glory.
Er, 1d10 for Chapter Hero.
That's strike two. Hopefully I don't anger the Corgissar further.
1D100, NOT 1D10.
Rolled 95 (1d100)
We can only pray.
Does anyone know how to roll dice using mobile. I don't see any email fields.
Just a battle brother, huh. A bit of a humble lot we got here.
I don't entirely think it's possible
There should be an 'options' field. It's the same as the email field; just input dice+1d100 as normal.
Our Hero was a Battle Brother! Let's have 2d10 for his Company and Squad. Now that there's a few of us in here, I'll take 1d10 from two separate posters.
Rolled 9, 6 = 15 (2d10)
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d10)
does anyone have a source for the random charts, i need it for a campaign im making
We must determine battle company and squad for our battle-brother hero
No prob, Bob
9th Company, 5th Squad. That makes him a Devastator if we follow the Codex.
I haven't made an expanded table for Deeds of Legend yet, so let's have a d100 for the table and if it's lame we'll make shit up.
They're in the first chapter of the Deathwatch rulebook Rites of Battle. There should be a copy downloadable from one of the links in > but if you just need fluff and not crunch has most of it.
Rolled 85 (1d100)
He boarded a fucking craft world?
Could explain the whole to some degree I suppose. Eldar would probably be mad pissed off
Our Hero led a boarding action against an Eldar craftworld! For a Devastator to pull that off, shit must have gotten hairy, but when there was a leadership void he stepped up to the plate and performed impeccably, laying waste to the foul alien ship and directing the slaughter of untold numbers of its ancient inhabitants. The Eldar still have not recovered, and bitterly remember the Battle-Brother's name to this day.
There's no place like home, so let's have 1d10 for our Home World. Or 1d100 like the book says, but since they're convenient multiples of 10 it makes no difference.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Let's see if mobile dice rolls work as suggested
Fleet based!
And we recruit from a Hive World. Let's have a d100 for our Recruiting World's terrain.
Rolled 58 (1d100)
Rolled 73 (1d100)
Ice World? Interesting! Our recruits probably spend many of their trials enduring the elements much as our Primarch Rogal Dorn did on the world of Inwit... must be a slap in the face coming out of a comfy Hive to face aspirant trials in lethally snowy weather, but those that survive will have the strength to call themselves Space Marines.
And it's pretty polluted outside the Hives too. Maybe they shouldn't dump industrial waste into the arctic oceans.
Do we maintain direct control over the Hives of our Recruiting World, or just ignore their petty mortal politics and take our Aspirants? A d10 will tell us.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Glaciers of toxic sludge, man.
Distant rule, we grab aspirants, run the trials and leave.
Distant rule. Being a Hive World, they're surely educated enough to know what a Space Marine is, but they're lucky if we so much as acknowledge the existence of anyone but our Aspirants.
Given the nature of Hive Worlds, that raises some interesting questions about how we select Aspirants. Is there perhaps a legend that a boy who can brave the frozen wastes and find a hidden castellum will be inducted into the Angels of Death? Probably, but it might actually be true; it's easier to permanently station a few Apothecaries and Scout Sergeants to train a steady trickle of recruits as they come and have the fleet pick them up all at once than to leave the fleet stationary in orbit while we separate the chaff from the wheat.
Now for the moment of truth. How do we feel about Guilliman's book? 1d10 for Codex Adherence.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
We are codex-adherent
We follow the dictates of the Codex. Probably to the letter like our genefathers the Imperial Fists, while teasing the Smurfs when they don't live up to their own rules. If we're real hardliners about the Codex, we might actually have been founded from the Hammers of Dorn.
Strictly speaking, that means we follow Codex combat doctrine, but let's take a 1d10 on the Doctrine table to see if we favor any particular approach within the Codex's flexible guidelines.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
TERROR! We like to target enemy leadership and communications and make shows of force to cow our foes into submission before dealing the deathblow. Even Orks and Eldar may panic when their commander's mangled corpse is thrown at their feet.
We might also decorate our stuff with even more skulls than most folks do.
Okay, time for Solo Mode abilities. Let's have a d100.
Rolled 78 (1d100)
Rolled 66 (1d100)
Makes sense for the low numbers
We've got excellent reflexes. When in Solo Mode, we gain the benefits of the Lightning Reflexes talent, doubling our Agility bonus for purposes of Initiative rolls. At Rank 3 we also get +10 to all Dodge tests while in solo mode, while Rank 5 adds the Rapid Reaction talent, allowing us to test Agility to act normally when ambushed despite the surprise. Those who live long enough to reach Rank 7 can automatically pass any one Agility-based test once per game session, counting as having rolled a 01 if it's an Opposed Test.
Now, 1d100 for our Squad Attack Mode.
Rolled 21 (1d100)
We follow the example of our parent Chapter! Since we're Fist descendants, that's probably their mode, Tactical Bolter Drill, which lets us expend 2 Cohesion as a Free Action to grant the Bolter Drill talent to anyone within Support Range, increasing rate of fire of bolters, bolt pistols, heavy bolters, and storm bolters by 1. At Rank 3, it also grants +10 to Ballistic Skill when using those weapons, though sadly the ability cannot be Sustained.
How about our Defensive Mode? (1d100 again.)
Rolled 28 (1d100)
I do like the promise of this chapter though
Interesting, we follow our Founders' lead there too.
Hold at All Costs takes a Full Action to declare and costs 3 Cohesion, and it only affects a ten-meter diameter fortification, piece of cover, or terrain, but it can be Sustained and makes all Battle-Brothers holding that ground immune to the effects of Fear.
Kinda meh, since Space Marines can more or less ignore what little effect Fear has on them, but I get the impression they focus on attacking. Astartes are shock troopers par excellence, and if the enemy has an opportunity to launch an offensive they've done something wrong.
How do they feel about the Emperor and the Primarchs? Are they as convinced as the Hammers of Dorn that Dorn was the BESTEST PRIMARCH EVAR? 1d100 for Beliefs.
Rolled 84 (1d100)
Totem Creature? Huh. Something else must live out in the frozen wastes of our homeworld. We likely admire it for its endurance in such an inhospitable environment and add it to our heraldry, but it could be anything from a deadly monster that preys upon our Aspirants to a humble forager. We'll have to carefully consider that, in case it affects our Chapter's name.
1d10 for Chapter Strength. This is going to be more important than usual, since we can't replace losses - if we're Endangered or Understrength, these may be the Chapter's final days.
Space mammoths?
Rolled 10 (1d10)
We're over-strength? Well if we can't get our problems fixes, then it looks like we're slotted for a slow , possibly millenia long fall.
Ha ha! Overstrength! I hardly dared hope!
We must have started being VERY VERY CAREFUL when we realized our geneseed was screwed, but advancing the Scouts and Aspirants we already had has brought us above Codex-dictated norms.
Time for Friends and Enemies! We already know from our Scions of Mars demeanour and our Hero's Deed of Legend that we have close ties to the Cult Mechanicus and a particular Craftworld nurses a grudge against us, but let's see what the dice have to say about other relationships. 1d100 for Chapter Allies.
Rolled 21 (1d100)
Hell yeah, weird though. Must've been a recent geneseed failure
maybe we noticed some minor and gradual issues cropping up so before it failed completely we recruited absolutely loads of initiates
The Eldar might have found some way to cripple our geneseed as an act of vengeance for their crippling losses at our hands. It might be particularly embarassing for them that it was one of our lowest-ranking - a Devastator in a Reserve Company, barely out of his Scout training - championed such a devastating assault and got the strike force out more or less intact.
We're friends with another Astartes Chapter! We might be founded from the Hammers of Dorn, but given our impurities and recent deviation from the Codex's dictates on Chapter size I think they might not like us so much. We have more in common with the Ice Wraiths, Ice Snakes, and Invaders; the Invaders know what it's like to go put an entire Craftworld to the sword only to suffer terrible retribution while recovering from the losses, while the Iceguys know about chilly planets and awesome Mechanicus-exclusive guns. That said, if we can overlook their Codex-deviancy, the Black Templars are another Fleet-based Chapter of Dorn's sons.
Let's have another 1d100 for our Enemies.
Rolled 80 (1d100)
The motherfucking inqusition
Nvm, read the wrong table.
Chaos is our enemy
A particular Chaos-aligned group? If we really are descended from the Hammers of Dorn then we might have inherited their hateboner for the Word Bearers, but... nope, CSM are a separate entry. Maybe we fought alongside the Mechanicus against a Traitor Titan Legion back in the day and are ever watchful for that old foe's vengeance, and another chance to fuck them up.
Almost done with the dice. Let's have 1d10 for our Advance Table, and if it doesn't fit then we'll default to Imperial Fists or maybe Black Templars.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Command Without Doubt. I suppose that fits, though I was kind of hoping for Honour Thy Wargear, since that cheap Exotic Weapon Training is a delicious bit of crunch to reflect Scions of Mars' blurb about being familiar with the arcane goodies the Mechanicus hoard to themselves and their friends like us.
The dice have spoken. We still need to choose our Heraldry, Livery, Name, and Battle Cry, plus fluffing everything we've got out. Summary inbound.
What's that translate to? The 1d4 page doesn't have the advanced table.
I vote for being called The Mastadons
Well for sure the Eldar are heavily involved, Mastodons does seem like a decent name though.
-We were founded from the Imperial Fists or one of their existing Successor Chapters at an unknown Founding; our records on the matter have been lost to the fires of war.
-Our geneseed has been altered and made deficient, giving us unusual skin coloration. More concerningly, we're unable to produce new progenoids, and unless we can fix that we're doomed to die out.
-We're collectively intrigued by the mysteries of the Omnissiah, and have close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus, alongside whom we fought in a glorious campaign in ages past.
-Our Chapter's geneseed tendencies and selection of recruits produce physically mighty recruits, and trainees are encouraged to train hard to mitigate their weaknesses or capitalize on their strengths.
-We will forever remember a Battle-Brother from the Fifth Squad of the Devastator Reserve Company who seized operational command and led a devastating strike on an Eldar Craftworld before withdrawing with minimal casualties, leaving the great ship crippled and littered with the enemy dead.
-We live and train in our fleet, but recruit from the populations of industrial Hives on an Ice World, leaving the planet's governance to the locals.
-We adhere strictly to the dictates of the Codex Astartes, and emphasize psychological warfare in our tactics with decapitation strikes on enemy leadership.
-Individually, we are strikingly quick, but as squads, we fight much like our Founders the Imperial Fists.
-Our heraldry incorporates a symbolized animal whose qualities we admire and aspire to.
-Despite our Codex adherence and inability to produce new Neophytes, we are Overstrength, likely from extreme caution after our geneseed was sabotaged coupled with the eventual graduation to full Battle-Brother status of all Aspirants recruited before the geneseed became tainted.
-Aside from the Mechanicus, we are also close allies with another Astartes Chapter.
-Aside from the Craftworld we ravaged, we are also sworn enemies of a Chaos group, perhaps those against whom we crusaded with the forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
-We are skilled commanders, defiant against any who would think to erode our will.
>pure crunch being collected next post
Yeah, I think the crunch tables had to be left out for copyright reasons or something.
There's an old Legion-era superheavy transport called the Mastodon. It's got a 40-model transport capacity and an array of weapons that allow literally driving straight through the middle of an enemy fortress, shooting holes in walls and squeezing through.
There are worse things to name a Chapter after.
>We have more in common with the Ice Wraiths, Ice Snakes, and Invaders; the Invaders know what it's like to go put an entire Craftworld to the sword only to suffer terrible retribution while recovering from the losses, while the Iceguys know about chilly planets and awesome Mechanicus-exclusive guns.
My mistake, there are no Ice Snakes. I was thinking of the Ice Serpents.
>Primogenitor: Imperial Fists
>Geneseed Deficiencies: Doomed (Progenoids), Oolitic Secretions
>Demeanour: Scions of Mars
>+5 Strength, +5 to any one Characteristic of the player's choice
>Solo Mode: Quick Reaction (RoB p32)
>Offensive Mode: Tactical Bolter Drill (RoB p49)
>Defensive Mode: Hold at All Costs (RoB p49)
>Organization: Codex-Adherent
>Combat Doctrine: Codex Tactics; Terror Tactics
>Beliefs: Totem Creature
>Homeworld: Fleet Based
>Recruiting World: Hive World; Ice Terrain, Distant Rule
>Status: Overstrength
>Allies: Adeptus Astartes Chapter
>Enemies: A particular Chaos-aligned group
So we still have to decide
>Heraldry (Chapter insignia)
>Livery (Armour paint scheme)
>Battle Cry
>Totem Creature
>Homeworld Name
>Allied Chapter
>Enemy Chaos faction
want to roll another chapter?
My work here is done, Veeky Forums, but I'll be back later to see if the thread is dead or if there's more fluff done, but a few suggestions before I fuck off:
Hammers of Dorn
>Oolitic Secretion
tough, pale skin
>Totem Creature
Something small and humble, but patient and tough. Snow Mantis? Ice Gecko?
The idea of Mastodons has potential, though, and too often we leave out megafauna unless a planet's established as a Death World or the Chapter has bestial mounts/companions. The Flesh Tearers are evidence enough that plenty of Chapters just see megafauna as beasts to be hunted and MAYBE emulated like their Blood Jaguars successors do, and I'm sure other canon Chapters take the same approach.
Mastodons can still be patient, humble, and tough - to survive a polluted iceworld, though, they'll have to have a bizarre diet or an extremely slow metabolism for such a massive beast, which is at odds with the Chapter's twitch-reaction Solo Mode.
>Homeworld Name
Not to step on the Ice Wraiths' toes with Inuit stuff, but they went with pseudoLatin for their Homeworld of Nixarteria and Rogal Dorn grew up on an iceworld titled friggin' Inwit, so I think it's justified. "" means
Invaders make sense, since we both have Eldar troubles, but where they killed a whole Craftworld and took heavy losses, then got rekt by another Craftworld while rebuilding, we fucked off rather than committing to the raid and the shattered survivors of the victors used subversive tactics to sabotage our geneseed, maybe even hiring a Haemonculus to help.
Ice Wraiths and Ice Serpents are detailed on 1d4chan, but both come from iceworlds and like machines.
Black Templars are fellow Fleet-based Dorn-kids, and their disregard for Codex limitations on Chapter size might have inspired our own.
Personally I think the Invaders fit best.
>Chaos-aligned group
Dark Mechanicus seems to fit, and we might have raided them in support of a detachment from the new Cult Mechanicus Codex.
As for livery, I like a plain pale grey color scheme that blends into our homeworld, but that kind of goes against the teachings of Dorn about proudly displaying your colours and letting the enemy know fear when he gazes upon the Space Marines who defend mankind.
Heraldry should probably be our Totem Creature, so if we go with Mastodons for our name then a mammoth skull could make neat heraldry.
Battle cry should indicate something about the Chapter, so it should be saved for last.
>"" means
Derp, left that part to come back and fill in after digging out my English-Aleut Dictionary and then panicposted when I saw the page number hit 10. "Akyagasiq" means "suffering," so "Aqyag" or "Aqaya" seems like a decent name for a polluted iceworld. I'll link the dictionary in case anyone else wants it; sadly, it's a scan, not a searchable PDF.
We should probably also come up with our Chapter Hero's name and ultimate fate. Is he still alive and serving with the Chapter? If so he's almost certainly been promoted, and might even be a revered Captain or Sergeant favoured as next in line to serve as Chapter Master. If not, was he laid low by the Eldar's vengeance or some other enemy of the Emperor? It's entirely possible he's missing in action, perhaps lost in Warp transit between warzones or battlefields, or gone on a mission of retribution against the Eldar that sabotaged our geneseed.
Why not roll up the Craftworld that hates these guys so much?
Should we start up a separate thread for the craft world tables?
It might help with getting more traffic, but it might not. I wouldn't; we've got a perfectly good thread right here.
Alright, first up is a d10 to determine when this craft world encountered the imperium
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Discovered in the 34th millennium
. Later on we should try and pin down when the fateful boarding and the subsequent retaliation occured. Next up is determined the craft world's biomedical with 1d8