Reminder that Bitfinex is Goxing RIGHT NOW

1: Exiting with user funds.
They now have over 1bn USD worth of ETH and tokens in this address that never finds its way back to bitfinex related wallets, meanwhile the bitfinex reddit is screaming about not being able to withdraw many different coins for over 20 hours.

2: Effective marketcap of Tethers in circulation is much higher than what one would think.

Bitfinex barely holds tether. The picture you see is how much each exchange has on behalf of their users + their own. It has been as low as 1.8m some days.
Yes, bitfinex doesn't even have their own users tether, they sell them on other exchanges and their own users pay each other in the exchange with not just credited tethers, but imaginary credited bitfinex tethers.
Yes, imaginary imaginary USD IOUs. I know, It's hilarious.

Essentially, this means the total circulating supply of tether is what we thought it was, plus the entire amount that people "have" on bitfinex.
Considering there is much more you can use tethers for on bitfinex than, say, bittrex, and the bitfinex non-fake volume is likely not higher or much higher on bittrex, the amount of tethers people "have" on bitfinex should be much higher than what people "have" on bittrex.
For all we know there could be up to a billion or even more "tethers" on bitfinex right now. The scam is on an even higher scale than the tether marketcap suggests.

3: Polish Money Laundering Bank

There is also more but this should be enough to make you sweat. Also, go look at the bitfinex subreddit.

For people having trouble withdrawing:

Other urls found in this thread:

Same with /r/bitstamp

Watch at ATH, all exchanges magically "crash"

just because you're salty you sold at $1000 doesn't mean you can keep shilling your conspiritard theories

bitfinex'ed pls go

Show me your short positions. Can't put your money where your mouth is, then shut the fuck up cunt

Why do brainlets always use this argument? Why on earth would anyone want to go near something so dangerous?

>calls everyone who sees the bitfinex fraud bitfinexed
I'm not him but he's a goddamn hero.
An autistic avenger. Everybody laughed at him but over the last months the community has come to see that he was right all along.

Fucking amazing. I bet netflix will make some tacky series based on his life as a critical investigative cryptocurrency journalist in 2019.

>we still get these shillposts after hundreds of people have lost tens of millions of dolllars

>he was right all along

nobody has lost shit

I'm very comfy that they are hedging in ETH. Seems like they know it's a good pick.

>hello were is the proofs
>proofs literally in OP and also in PIC and links
How spoonfed do you need to be.

A lot of EOS too seemingly. Wonder if it will reduce sell pressure a lot and cause a big spike if they plan to keep the EOS long term.

literally none of that is proof of anything.

bittrex trades ALL usd pairs as USDT.

How much does bfx do?

honestly if you had one shred of evidence i wouldn't even be posting, but you don't.

Why are you even posting, what motives do you have?

So OP thinks his dollars are on his bank always...

Nobody cares. Bitfinex was behind this BTC bull run in the last year and guess what? It doesn't fucking matter.

They created a self-sustaining bull run and now are exiting the market with all of their gains. BTC won't crash and nothing will happen.

They got away with it. Bitfinex'd was right but it doesn't matter any more. They won.

Holy fuck did you even read a single word?
Is every single one of you just a dishonest shill or are some of you just retards still in denial, the kind that there used to be a sizeable portion of but now seem to have mostly disappeared?

A crash has been a "sure thing any day now!" Since 1k
Its clear the people spreading this trash aren't shorting, just trying to get in

He sold at $1000, begged bitfinex for a refund when it blew past his call, was told to fuck off, then started posting 20 times on Twitter a day

Figure it out Brainlet

Yes, and it's all bullshit.

You can fuck off back to now



you are the obvious dishonest shill here with yout shitty theories like "they dont have our tethers" or "the market will crash if everybody withdraws". guess what you fucking moron? thats how every fucking commoditie, bank and your moms asshole works.

Holy shit these are the people in crypto now?

Holy fuck then explain their tether wallet balance and explain the 1bn+ usd value ethereum + token wallet they took exchange user funds into.

You can't. None of you fuckers, if you're even more than 1 person with different IDs, are addressing or trying to debunk a single thing in the OP.

And no, exchanges are supposed to hold user funds. Exchanges aren't supposed to have fractional reserves and sell off parts of their users funds or siphon off parts of it and put it in their personal wallets. What the fuck are you smoking. There is nothing normal about this. Bitfinex is not a bank.

people that had so much in a fucking online exchange deserve to be shoa'ed

>explain their tether wallet balance
They don't have USDT pairs, they only need tether for withdraws

>explain the 1bn+ usd value ethereum + token wallet
They're the fucking biggest crypto exchange with a daily volume of 2-3+ billion USD/day, your point that they have a billion sitting in ETH is what exactly?

You think if they were gonna do a runner they'd choose ETH? You're really fucking dense.

>Exchanges aren't supposed to have fractional reserves and sell off parts of their users funds
Where's the proof

C4$H will be KING
Live ticker of dead chain walking.
Craig Satoshi Wright is gonna fuck these banksters up

You do know banks invest with your money all the time and thats not publicized, and you also know that its not only bitfinex that uses tether right?
You are saying that all exchanges are in a sort of scheme to fuck everybody in crypto, their money maker (they have fees you know)?
Should they be audited? Of course. Will some exchanges fuck other people? Im pretty sure yes just like every instrument WallSt created in decades.


Holy shit I swear you BCH shills are getting more stupid every day

OP lays out coherent points on post.
(You) reply with ad hominem.
Good job (You). (You) win this round.

Do you even know what an Ad hominem you illiterate mongoloid?

I'm not trying to defend Bitfinex specifically and I don't how much of the Tether conspiracy is true or not BUT before anyone actually panics from this shit:

EVERY big exchange is getting hit either by a huge influx of new users or DDOS, last night Bitfinex, Binance, and others were all barely loading for people. This also means there are way larger numbers of people submitting withdrawals so people with unverified accounts that need to be processed manually are gonna have bigger wait times.

BTC and IOTA in particular are slow to process transactions right now so it may be the blockchain itself if your withdrawals are taking a long time.