>not-Norse race
>le horned helmets and axes and so tall and they strong and they raid xD
every time
also LMAO at that 1d4chan article written by some underage tard who unironically believes vikings were like Warriors of Chaos
>not-Norse race
>le horned helmets and axes and so tall and they strong and they raid xD
every time
also LMAO at that 1d4chan article written by some underage tard who unironically believes vikings were like Warriors of Chaos
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you seriously implying Warriors of Chaos act like real life vikings?
Is all the hate about the Norse is because they're mainstream now? Stormfags? A pissy Veeky Forums who didn't get enough replies on his viking hate thread? Seriously, can someone tell me why everyone hates Nordic people.
it's literally one guy
If it's one guy, then he really has nothing better to do with his life.
I don't hate them, I personally think they're over used.
Personally, I think it'd be cool to get some Mayan or Aztec themed Halflings that live in the Arctic or some Tibetan Monk themed Dwarves.
It's not hate against the Norse it's hate against their shit caricatures.
>Reading 1d4chan
You have only yourself to blame.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't lizardmen vaguely aztec themed?
afaik, that's only WHFB Lizardmen. Nearly all other forms of media have them as generic savage tribesmen for you're PCs to murderhobo their way through.
>over the top, high fantasy world revolving around endless supernatural war isn't historically accurate
What the fuck I hate GW now.
You people are all retarded faggots. Vikings are not the same as Norse people. The medieval Japanese were not all samurai and ninja. The Turks were not all pirates. The people of ancient Rome were not all Legionaries. American soldiers are not the same as fat American neckbeards who eat at Mcdonald's twice a day and won't wear any article of clothing with fewer than three ketchup stains. HURR DURR I'M SCANDINAVIAN, WATCH ME PROCLAIM MY PROUD VIKING HERITAGE EVEN THOUGH THE VIKINGS ALL FUCKED OFF TO OTHER COUNTRIES AND SETTLED DOWN IN BRITAIN, FRANCE, RUSSIA AND SICILY.
They look like british hooligans.
>in Russia
>inb4 muh Rus
Rurik was finnish
Literally they only people who mentioned Vikings was this fag and you.
You are literally only raging at yourself right now, and it is hilarious.
well they raided innocents for 200 years and mostly ran away at the sight of an organised force yet modern media and pop culture portrays them as noble honorable tolerant warriors
Oy vey! We can't admire strength and adventurous spirit in 2016! Those vikings were racist, misogynistic warmongers oppressing the poor POC of Europe.
The mongols did the same thing more succesfully, but I feel pretty confident that your posture would be different if the thread was about them
>implying vikings were specially competent soldiers
>implying they aren't on the same tier as Somali pirates and scum like that
>Tfw the golden age of Somali piracy has been and gone
>Tfw there was never a Somalian Samuel Bellamy who made off with an astronomical haul and buried it all in "one piece".
>Tfw the dream is dead
I read that as
>le horned helmets and axes and so tall and they strong and they maid xD
Now I want to run a game about a bunch of Norse berserkers in French maid dresses, singing their war songs as they clean some rich guy's house.
Because the Norse were a bunch of hyped up failures whose only true achievement was the creation of Normandy by Rollo, with basically every other campaign amounting to nothing. The main thing that happened to Vikings was getting their asses kicked, as they were shit at fighting organized armies and their entire legend is based upon beating up largely defenseless villagers in decentralized post-Rome Europe.
It's like a retarded kid boasting that he's a big fucking deal because he beats up preschoolers. No shit you won- it'd be embarrassing if you didn't. But fighting somebody equal or greater than them leads to Viking ass getting kicked.
Now what the Norse actually achieved was impressive trading missions that went all the way down to Greece and Persia, but does anybody ever talk about the far more exciting and impressive Norse trade missions that spread across the western hemisphere? Noooo. It's just Le viking raider man when in reality the "viking" aspect of Norse history is fucking pathetic.
You want real roving barbarians that BTFO civilization? Sea Peoples. Huns. Goths. Etc.
>Halfdan cleared the breakfast table; helmless and shieldless; dishes and cups and spoons fell before his wildly scything tray and jam was spilt in such great profusion that the tablecloth ran red.
Aztec themed Halflings were a thing. Lived in Lustria had a boner for canibalism.
OG warhammer they were wee black Pygmies with exaggerated jigaboo lips.
Did they retcon them into halflings to save face?
user, you do not take 1d4chan serious. You just don't.
>Sea People
It's a shame we know so little about them. Roving Sea Raiders that raided so hard they sent civilization into a dark age? That's fucking metal.
Where's a drawfag when you need one?
Sea Peoples are how you know that somebody was a real barbarian threat. Because they sacked civilization so hard that civilization didn't leave behind records of its existence besides some pictograms.
>adventurous spirit
>just attacking defenceless targets and avoiding combat
woah such adventurers
>discovered 3 landmasses
>traveled to the middle east
The mongols were pretty boss.
No, all Americans are the same caricature, dude. Don't lie
literally everyone did that, and far better than them