Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Would you play a Small blinkling PC with a Medium decataur cohort and mount?

N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest:

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Tell me about the greatest character you've ever played with.

Tell me, /pfg/, tell me of your knightly orders! I wanna hear the dark knights, the white knights, the bands dedicated to wiping out non-human ilk, and the those that want to bring peace to the lands.

>gib me cliches!!!

Okay, play with the blinkling shitposting then.

>tfw no discipline with Fly as associated skill

>OP is a faggot again with their furry bullshit

I dream one day we will get rid of the 2hu fags and bloodforgetards.

>I don't want one kind of shitposting
Kill yourself.

These days I just hope the mods ban /pfg/ outright. It's legitimately the worst general on the board.

What are your most and least favorite veils, /dsp/ general?

>worst general

But we have plenty of knowledge of just how bad our system is. And we hate Pathfinder for it.

And we get 3pp writers posting here for feedback and playtests!

>It's legitimately the worst general on the board.
Go look at the 5E general, I fucking dare you.

There was this one cavalier-loud, mildly racist, extremely classist, and prone to turning simple engagements into terrifying fuckfests.

His military acumen is best summed up thusly:

My players are rebuilding the Knights of Surraz, an order devoted to the extermination of goblinoids, orcs, and trolls , because the crown couldn't/wouldn't adequately protect the outlying farming villages where the greenskins are known to regularly show up. The Order collapsed during a few hundred years in which goblins & co. literally just stopped existing, but now they're back and the existing infrastructure just can't repel them. Yeah, it's cliche, but my players are new and still in the "THIS IS JUST LIKE ! I LOVE ! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GET TO PLAY !" phase.

They're also warlocks, drawing power from the Death Knights that each previous Grand Commander became.

>It's legitimately the worst general on the board.

Even worse than /Planescape General/?

Fuck off. I got legit help both here and in a 5e one.

>we used to get 3pp writers posting here for feedback and playtests
>before we fashioned our weaponized autism into torches and pitchforks and drove them out

I think that mathposting has some merit...

Sure, why not. Trips and everything, will report back in a while.

The Hellknight order of the Axe, an order of interrogators. Their obedience involves putting their left arm in close contact with a spinning grinding wheel for multiple instants over the course of an hour.

That looks like SotC fanart.


It is, of the 'implying the main character fucks horses' variety.

The Lumenaires are a knightly brotherhood of the highest caliber, an order sworn to defend the crown and her interests throughout the world. Their leader is the Solaire, the crown prince of the kingdom and wielder of the fated blade Lightbringer, forged of the blood of Soleil and the heart of a fallen star.

There are more in my setting, but those are the ones I can write up on short notice with a phone.

Shadow of the Colossus.

The Order of the Plaintive Toad, a group of knights dedicated to defending the populace from the mightiest beasts through the use of strong arms, thick armor, and copious amounts of black powder. The name comes from a supposedly prophetic dream the founder had after drinking heavily one night. Its silly name and backstory aside, it is a well-respected (if not especially popular) order, particularly in its native region of Hoban.

Say I want to buy the books so I can play at the table with some lads from my campus.

What books would be absolutely essential?

The Order of the Blistering Light, a knightly order created by a fallen paladin dedicated to the absolute cleansing of the mortal world of fiendish taint. They hunt demons and devils and such, but teiflings, witches, and abyssal/infernal sorcerers are also on the chopping block regardless of alignment. The public opinion of them ranges from hero worship to total dread depending on where you live.

A lot of the material can be found online at d20pfsrd. Ignoring that the Core rule book, the ultimate books, the advanced player's guide.

Ultimate Psionics, Path of War, Path of War: Expanded, Akashic Mysteries.

5e general seems pretty decent so far, first 100 or so posts were constructive and foxused around mechanics.

>foxused around mechanics.
Your opinions can't be trusted, you're obviously a furry in disguise.

>N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest
I didn't look too closely, but is there a Dynamic Duo archetype? One that gets a half-level protege or something that shares Teamwork feats?

Yeah, I scrolled down and saw that guy. One angry closet furry can't ruin the whole thread, right?

Weebs out

I've played myself but these guys haven't, can we get a basic game going with just the Core rule book?

I have an entire sort-of-modern country where they're obsessed with Knightly Motifs and a philosophy they call "the New Chivalry".

Named Camlann, it's a constitutional republic with about 48 million people within its walls. Very western/central European in terms of language and appearance (think Germany, France, and Poland).

Always seeking to remove humans from the battlefield, their military (in association with Caliburn Combined Arms) have developed several lines of construct to ensure the safety and victory of their soldiers. The simplest is the Armiger, a dumb, humanoid construct designed for ease of manufacturing; there are roughly 10 of them for every human in the Camlann Armed Forces. The next step up is the more expensive Landsknecht - heavily armed and armored at almost 10 feet tall of humanoid steel and adamantine, but still not very bright. Human soldiers command these two models from within the Hussar, a construct armor slightly bulkier than the Landsknecht at 12 feet, but every bit as durable.

The pinnacle of Camlann construct technology, though, is the Chevalier. Unlike the Armiger and the Landsknecht, the Chevalier possesses a verifiable soul, allowing it to interface with the Red Dream, Luminous Song, and Sacred Void, the three sources of magic in the world. The Chevalier come in two forms: the Warframe, which is basically a Landsknecht with a slot to insert a Soulform, and the Homiform, which looks and moves almost identically to the humanoid species it is based on.

If a Chevalier's body is destroyed beyond repair, their Soulform can be extracted and inserted into a new body, though this process gives them up to 2 negative levels that last for a week as they adjust to the new body (Chevaliers with less than 3 levels take different penalties, but those are few and far between).

You can, but it's really unbalanced. The monk is going to be very sad, the rogue and fighter will have issues too. Y'all might still be able to have fun, but a druid is likely to make people feel out classed.

Yeah, sure. Though if you're worried about money, we do have a tradition of unrepentant piracy-you can download anything you need for free and send it to your boys.!vIJn1Y6Q!MbyyqQK6u0tWWSAimsIjiw!qNY1gAbY

Though again, the SRD has quite a bit of stuff on it already and requires no questionable ethics.

Alright, thanks lads.

I might use my leftover printing funds from the past few semesters to print off the books.

Why does /pfg/ get angry when 2hu comes in talking about mechanics then?

Wow, I take back what I said about 5eg. New thread started and it degenerated into /pfg/.

Just get a tablet or something and download the pdfs. You can even do a search through them, and it doesn't kill trees or require you to print out a 300 page book.

Problem is that Veeky Forums is more worried about being autistic with fetishes and bashing the game mechanics instead of discussing mechanics and trying to figure out the best way to deal with cheese retards.

>best way to deal with cheese retards.
That's because the best way to deal with people is to talk to them.

Oh boy sometimes works, sometimes you need to say its a fucking House Rule and explain little by little why the guy is trying to achieve bullshit and ruin the encounter.

/pfg/ usually gets butthurt whenever people discuss mechanics. know...
just talk to him?

Is this why no one here can find any good games? Are YOU the ones making the games not good?

Or posts with a name. I tried to start an argument/discussion on how people way-over-value power attack but no one cared it seemed.

I mean, if you're only using house rules that were never said they have a reason to be peeved.

Very true. I feel like Veeky Forums in general gets a lot of "this player is being a bastard, what can I do in-game to ruin his life?"-type stuff, when having a friendly private chat with the guy can probably settle everything with minimal fuss and hurt feelings.

I just told you that of course we try to talk with the person, but some people are retarded enough to say ITS IN THE RULES AND NO ONE CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE tier of bullshit.

How would I build each WoW class in Pathfinder? why do you invite that sort of person?


Druid > Druid, Warrior > Fighter, Paladin > Paladin, Priest > Cleric, Mage > Wizard, Druid > Druid, Shaman > Shaman, Hunter > Hunter, Death Knight > Antipaladin, Monk > Monk, Warlock > Summoner

So /pfg/, I want to run something by you, let me know if this works or if there's something I'm missing.

Step 0: Be a Fighter that keeps Armor Specialization. I know it's a stretch for some people, but stay with me here.

Step 1: Wear Piecemeal armor.
>As long as she is wearing a single armor piece, she is considered to be wearing armor for any effects that rely on wearing armor (such as the fighter class’s armor training and armor mastery)
So put three different Heavy armor pieces on, Tatami-do Arms (+1 AC), O-yoroi Legs (+1 AC), Stone Coat Torso (+8 AC), for a total of 11 AC (extra +1 from wearing a full suit)

Step 2: Take Armor Focus three times, selecting Tatami-do, O-yoroi, and Stone Plate. AC is now 14 since each armor type has been increased by 1.

Step 3: Take the Armor Specialization Advanced Armor Training option three times, selecting Tatami-do, O-yoroi, and Stone Plate. Each type of armor now gains 1/4 your Fighter level to a maximum of +5 for heavy at level 20.

So with all that your armor would be granting a +29 before any kind of enhancement bonus. Does this work?

Even if it does that's way too many resources spent for AC.

Well because depending you have to deal with a relative, DM gf, close friend, retarded cousin and you can't simply say hey fuck off.

My setting has a group of knights known as the Comrades of the Sun, so named in recognition of their patron deity, The Sun's Lost Brother (now dead). They have a thing of wandering from place to place righting wrongs and defending the weak, but oddly enough, rarely actually find their way to where they were trying to get to.

They are also known as Beggar Knights by some because they tend to be penniless and only able to pay for food/lodgings by helping out.

Basically, they are a compulsively helpful knightly order entirely composed of Ryoga Hibiki.

Step 2 and 3 don't work. You can't get the bonus from the same feat multiple times.

A laptop or tablet with pirated PDFs.

If you really must give Paizo money, I'd go with the Core Book, Bestiary and Advanced Player's Guide. Everything later has too high of a miss-to-hit ratio.

Ether way it is a social problem, and not a pathfinder/rule problem.

>Game give tools to make something retarded

Its just a social problem

>Where on this doll did the player's character build touch you?

That's what I wasn't sure about, since all those bonuses increase the AC granted by the armor, so I was iffy on if they would stack or not.

>Player refuses to abide by houserules announced before game
>Not a social problem.

Maybe, although this IS a Fighter.

Problem easily avoided if the system didn't had this gap.

Its just a social problem, don't worry mate.

Well, yeah. Basically every game gives you ways to make something retarded. The problem is the people who do so and then act like bitches when called out on it.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with making something retarded for the sake of it, but there is a problem when you try to force it on other people.

We call this being a GM

Nah, problem players are going to be problem players. Here's your (you)

A laptop, and the ability to look in the pastebin in the OP.

Wasn't it 2hu who drove away Forrest?

No, it was all of us being baited by 2hu that drove Forrest away.

No, it wasn't, this has been explained multiple times in multiple threads. You wanna witch hunt go do it somewhere else.

Even if it was, which it probably wasn't, it was user that shooed Gareth away

These generals are starting to go the way of Kawata shijo General and Those pitiful bioshock Generals, what's the point anymore?

Because 2hu does theoretical optimization builds and tries to pass them off as builds that should be put into actual games. He steps across the unspoken line where you cross from being reasonable, though powerful, and jumps right into the territory of "No. Remake your character."

During the few times that he doesn't do that, his posts are stiff, robotic, and devoid of any feeling. He writes excessively long explanations, and he's an avatarfag. If he at least adopted a trip so he could be filtered, it'd be at least marginally less shit, but he doesn't. And he doesn't do it because he's such an autistic little fagburger that he forces himself on his, like his father probably did on him when he was little.

Tl;dr: He's a worthless sack of shit that needs to die, and nobody wants him.

It's just a social problem user, nothing is wrong.

pfg, how do you min-max a bard? i want to know just how good these fucks can be if my group of friends tried to cheese my campaigns. just lay it on me.

That's what they said about /v/ too, now look at it.

Still shit?

Eh, 2hu is indeed an autist, but he is very good at what he does. I still remember the days where he was on 4e generals and he was always rather welcome there other than by a certain shitheaded mod who banned him for ages for keeping 4e going during the height of the edition wars.

I feel like he is worse than then because it is clear he doesn't really like PF, but is nervous about going back to 4e because he is scared of invoking the banhappy mods again.
New AP incoming.
The BBEG is a hobgoblins swasbuckler.
The iconics are druid, hunter, witch, and swashbuckler.

Stop this meme already, it was everyone's collective autism that drove Forrest out.

>The AP begins with your lovely, quiet, peaceful home town where nothing ever goes wrong until a massive hundreds of hobgoblins descend on you, taking your neighbors slaves, putting everybody you don't like to the sword and you have to run around, gathering as many supplies and survivors as you can before hightailing it into the woods.

The spellblade page on pfsrd is pretty sparse, is that all the material about the class or are their fc and favoured race bonuses set out for the class?

Shit yes, but without the humorous undertones, it knew it was shit, but there was still something there that made it if not good, at least bearable, after tortanic, that died, that or I just grew up.

One or the other, maybe that's what's happening to us?

>very good at what he does

>always ALWAYS gets rules dead fucking wrong

>can't even understand basic Pathfinder paradigms

How's it feel to be a retard?

Might be cool. I always thought hobgoblins can be good villains, it's a shame pathfinder rarely does anything with them.

hobbos can be, swashbucklers can't.

Written by Crystal Frasier, so it's going to be terrible.

We are focusing the wrong things in the discussion and mods are not doing anything to cull the autism in these threads.

Like last days its been 2hufag, Forrest, Garreth and how we yet managed to kick another writer from our thread because we are too autistic to have civilized conversation.

THAT'S a hobgoblin in golarion? It looks like someone cut off a normal goblin's head and stapled it to an orc.

Pft, as if most of the ones not written by her weren't? Are there any good adventure paths at all? Even by 3pp?

So is this the first martial BBEG. A fucking swashbuckler?

Looks like they intend to rectify that with this AP. Hopefully the super-special new AP mechanics aren't too bad, it might actually be fun.

Curse of the Crimson Throne was pretty good, I thought.

The look varies.

I bet the AP ends at like lvl 5

Giantslayer is decent, Crimson Throne is amazing with the occasional hiccup, Jade Regent is great if you remove the Caravan mechanics and just turn those segments into roleplay, etc.

>All of the villains are thinly veiled Republicans.
>The Hobgoblin boss wants to make Molthun great again.
>Every "good" character is trans.
>Every villain is a male sexist pig.
>Yet somehow, the villains wind up be right from any sensible perspective.

Skulls and Shackles 1 is pretty good.
Reign of Winter has been fun so far.
I had probably the best RP moment our group has ever seen in Iron Gods with my pacifistic android lawyer-monk.

The look varies like said

What 3pp adventure paths are there even.

Throne of the Night? Way of the Wicked? DSP's third dawn thing.