>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
what's the stupidest, jankiest secret tech land in your deck.
Lincoln Mitchell
Zachary Roberts
>Bolas is reintroduced in the new storyline during some new Kamigawa block >Tetsuo Umezawa aids Jace who is trying to find answers or some shit like he always does >something tragic happens and Nico Bolas finds his spark to begin a new reign of terror >Tetsuo has a spark that ignites too >Storyline begins where occasionally we see Tetsuo trying to hunt Nico Bolas across different planes (we only see him occasionally though during blocks)
Also yeah yeah two grixis planeswalkers, but w/e it's my headcannon
Zachary Stewart
>complaining about hexproof
Ian Gray
It is the distinct combination of hexproof and edict resilience.
Austin Bailey
How does one build a deck for Marchesa for free-for-all multiplayer? What works, what's fun and what sucks? I got interested in her thanks to her commander's ability to keep creatures alive and abuse ETB effects. But that doesn't seem like what most decks are taking advantage of.
I see crazy level of variation when browsing netdecks and I have no idea how to play her in a viable way. I'm most interested in a controlly-aggro kinda deck since that's my preferred playstyle in general.
I'm looking at this highly rated "control Marchesa" deck and I don't understand what it really does besides take control of dudes and sac them, and that's about it.
Seems like the commander does next to nothing in it and the level of synergy seems very low. I'm not saying that it looks weak but it just seems... lame.
Then there's this budget 30 dollar deck that seems really straightforward and powerful for EDH. Steal targets, sac them. Put counters on guys and never have them die with a couple of ETB effects to abuse. I briefly tested it out in a 1v1, and besides the lack of mana ramp, it seemed really good/fun. Even the shitty arcbound creatures were pretty powerful as infinite sac targets thanks to the free +1/+1 counters they get when ETB.
Anyway this post is kind of vague and all over the place, but maybe someone who's played a lot of Marchesa in different ways knows what's up.
Brody Ortiz
>Immune to Song of the Dryads and Darksteel Mutation Suck it, Selesnya.
Julian Cooper
>>Then there's this budget 30 dollar deck that seems really straightforward and powerful for EDH. Steal targets, sac them. Put counters on guys and never have them die with a couple of ETB effects to abuse. I briefly tested it out in a 1v1, and besides the lack of mana ramp, it seemed really good/fun. Even the shitty arcbound creatures were pretty powerful as infinite sac targets thanks to the free +1/+1 counters they get when ETB.
>Immune to Imprisoned in the Moon as well Bant? More like BTFO
Ayden Baker
Edict is a poor answer for hexproof creatures.
Jayden Edwards
How about running GOOD removal instead of shit one?
Ryan Ortiz
sac is very good at killing voltron monsters dead. Or against decks that will only have one or two creatures anyways
It's not the only kind type to run of course but it's a useful silver bullet.
Connor Garcia
>what is glaring spotlight >what is arcane lighthouse >what is bonds of mortality >hell what is even archtype of endurance People not mainboarding hate against common game mechanics when considering deck condtruction, instead complaining about it Wew lad
Dominic Anderson
It's not unwinnable and I am not claiming it was. it is just a frustrating combination.
Caleb Thompson
Does anyone have an example of a good budget deck for Karador or Grimgrin?
Angel Smith
Wrathing the board to get rid of one creature doesn't feel right either.
And Arcane Lighthouse sucks. No one can convince me otherwise.
I'm not the original guy complaining about Siggy, but Gravepacts and whatnot were my usual answer to these sorts of things.
Matthew Cooper
It's not frustrating at all and it's really easy to deal with.
Liam Collins
All you need is a fucking spider with deathtouch.
Parker Jones
>he doesn't have answers to hexproof can't be sacced Shit, even my fuckin red deck has blasphemous act, oblivion stone, and chain reaction
Wyatt Lee
>Arcane Lighthouse sucks >I make my opponents sac creatures until he sacs the one I want to remove! No, you suck.
Cooper Williams
Take this!
Logan Scott
>a land that can randomly blow people out sucks
Samuel Watson
Is this in 1v1 context? Because in multiplayer sigarda tron is going to be trash unless everyone is playing deck full of craw wurms.
Brody Lewis
Having put together Saffi again, it occurred to me that as if SOI, GW can win straight off of a TNN. Before, I needed a sac outlet, but the closest thing GW had to a free sac outlet creature was Mirror Entity. Now, I get Reaper of Flight Moonsilver.
>Get RoFM + Boonweaver >Boonweaver gets Pattern of Rebirth >Sac BW >Get Karmic Spirit Guide >Bring Back BW and Pattern >Sac again and get Revielark >sac Revielark and Guide >get Saffi and Guide >get Revielark with Guide >proceed to get every creature in your deck
Ryder Flores
>green doomblade Green Doomblade
Lucas Morgan
I love the recluse, but Silklash Spider is my favorite answer to flying.
Carson Thompson
So I'm building 50 Creature Mimeoplasm What's your spiciest Graveyard tech?
Christopher Price
It's mostly just the feelbad of using a boardwipe to deal with one dude
Answers are packed. There is just something that bothers me about needing a much more narrow silver bullet than normal.
Jordan Baker
>german nazi slime go
Tyler Sanders
Phage the untouchable
Anthony Clark
German copies of cards are really funny
Christian Long
>feelbad to use a boardwipe to save your ass If your only answer is a boardwipe or you're dead, it isn't a feel bad, it's the right play.
Leo King
>yfw Tetsuo doesn't have hexproof, but protection from Auras Yeah no, still btfo
>implying no english speaking nation ever has never caused any sort of total genocide on another race/country purely for the fact that they were not white/english #notallgermans
Kayden Robinson
you a funny guy
Ian Walker
well no one else was systematically using gas chambers
Isaiah Thomas
French can be funny, too
Brody Richardson
Spanish white knights have protection from negro
Ryder Sullivan
True This guy is a french delay
Zachary Cooper
>a 3/3 is super tricky to deal with
Typical tripfag, thinks he's smart when in reality he is dumb
Nolan Martin
It would never happen because of WotC, but holy shit I want that so much. So god dam much.
Jace Fisher
Ay ay ay
Julian Green
Jodah's Avenger makes the Mimeoplasm an unblockable OHKO with a 10+ power creature. Dreamscape Artist is surprisingly good ramp + discard. Voidslime is flavorfully fitting and can counter a Bojuka Bog trigger.
Henry Garcia
dumb tripfag >you'll never play with this literal faggot
William Martinez
I've never seen a good list but the strongest Marchesa multiplayer deck would probably just go massive with Sneak Attack and blow people out that way. The commander doesn't offer any form of inevitability so you also need late game potential - thankfully, you've got access to counterspells and some good ways to shut down opposing combos.
I'll see if I can come up with a list and let you know if I do, though it'll probably be not-budget-semi-competitive for the sake of experiment.
Hunter Collins
I've been playing her for a few months, I think in a way that's close to what you want. I started out with a focus on chaos-inducing spells as all my games are middle-power 3/4-player FFA, but I'm moving towards a stronger deck capable of closing out games. Here's my current list, hope it helps: deckstats.net/decks/54826/525327-marchesa-2-0/en
Luis Scott
Thawing glaciers in mld
James Baker
thanks i'll take a look at it
how accurate is this list for casual play, by the way? or does this just show which decks are good for mega autismo level of play?
thawing glaciers & stone-seeder hierophant & amulet of vigor
Ian White
If the user that posted the sweet full art island at the end of the last thread is here, that shit was cool.
Lincoln Butler
Glaciers is one of the best feeling lands in the game
Easton Stewart
tips for kaseto?
Anthony Parker
Coat of arms for all the sneks
Jason Richardson
the snake synergy should be incidental. Don't just cram in a pile of snakes
Kayden Mitchell
This list is for high-end autismo play, but I've played a lot of these decks as a casual player and it's fine as long as they're not playing like a Spike ignore this advice, play only snakes or kill yourself
Jacob Clark
If my opponent has lots of dudes, I can wrath. If my opponent has one hexproof dude, I can easily make him sac. The idea of turning your spot removal on in very very niche circumstances at the cost of a colorless doesn't seem good. 3 color decks can only afford so many colorless utility lands.
Sure, Sigarda Tron may only be able to kill one person, but it sucks when that person is you. Unless of course, your playgroup wraths every 2 turns.
Grayson Richardson
You don't need to wrath constantly if you're being focused in general by multiple players because you are the biggest threat.
Liam Ramirez
That's really only a list for turbo-Spikes. A lot of the T3 and T4 generals are quite good, and fun to play
Adrian Morris
Eon Hub negates her downside, so you could maybe have an subtheme based around the hub (Glistening Oil, Comntamination, the Contamination with Cumulative Upkeep, etc)? Necromantic Selection and Thornbite Staff ensure that she's alone on the battlefield. Maybe Nim Deathmantle for when your opponents try and kill her? Seems like she could lead a pretty strong MBC deck with her doubling as removal and a wincon.
Evan Rodriguez
>tfw Eon Hub and Hokori out together Eon Hub is expensive for a stax dex but god damn is that combo ever tasty
Jason Lee
Your opponent only having 1 single hexproof guy that you must remove, but you don't have enough mana for Lighthouse+removal, and you have mana for a sac is even more niche.
Isaac Allen
Anyone here run Ezuri? Any tips? Need help with my cutthroat playgroup. I figured shoving combos in would be the best way to wreck pubs. Did i miss anything?
Lincoln Edwards
What? I don't quite follow that. If you are considered the biggest threat (mistaken or otherwise), wouldn't you be more likely to need to wrath, since it is more likely that the three other players will aim all their board at you?
Kayden Moore
It isn't about not having the mana. Gravepact effects hit all players and allow your creatures to serve two purposes. That means even in games where no hexproof creatures are played, it will generate value.
This is not true of Spotlight or Lighthouse. I know the cost of a colorless land isn't considered high, but most decks are fairly color intensive and things like Homeward Path and Maze of Ith seem infinitely more useful.
Anyway, if Lighthouse is doing work for you, great. But I don't regularly face situations where I am stonewalled by hexproof.
Jace Gomez
You said that a playgroup needs wrath every two turns. You don't need wrath to clear Sigarda if you're just getting hit by 3+ players constantly.
David Torres
okay i looked this over. it looks pretty powerful but it's kind of different from how i wanted to play her. was it just your personal preference to go so heavy on the spell stuff, or did you just figure that to be the best way to play her?
i'd prefer to play her with an aggressive control deck that focuses mostly on enchantments and creatures with a lot of free saccing and mind control. i was gonna put in stuff like grave pact, vicious shadows and mark of mutiny, but i see you don't have them. instead you picked up stuff like niv-mizzet, dualcaster mage and hive mind. did you pick them out of your own personal preference or did you just figure them to be the best cards for the commander? do you think it would be just as viable to run her with a greater focus on red/black removal, mind control and creature reanimation/etb/saccing shenanigans?
i just sort of dislike the blue playstyle of sitting around and fiddling with cards but maybe i'm just stupid
Nicholas Brown
I didn't say a playgroup needs a wrath every two turns, I'm saying Sigarda isn't a big deal if a playgroup plays a wrath every two turns.
I'm not proposing it as a solution.
Michael Robinson
I don't even understand what your argument is, the original point was that the general isn't "annoying to deal with" or anything because it's very simple to deal with and you don't need to wrath every two turns for that to be true.
Jack Flores
I am missing the "it is very simple to deal with" part.
Wraths do the trick, but otherwise you need these niche cards that don't work on Hexproof or Protection or loads of other effects.
Kevin Rivera
Shroud. Don't work on shroud. Durrr.
Cooper Lewis
put it on tapped out
Jonathan Green
Alright chums, I've decided on Sydri as my next deck
Should I pick up the C13 precon and modify it, or just go from scratch with her?
Chase Ortiz
Counterspell, BLOCK, destroy enchantments/artifacts, effects that affect the whole board, and all those specific hexproof counters work. Add to that the fact that you're getting beat down by multiple players it means you're in a world of shit and we come back to the conclusion that it's not amazing at all. Personally I think tron is bad in multiplayer unless your playgroup is really casual where you can get easily out of control.
Hunter Jackson
...are you saying that Shroud stops wraths?
Colton Scott
No one is stonewalled by hexproof(not even the first guy complaining about sigarda), because of board wipes. Also, you are not taking out Maze of Ith for Arcane Lighthouse, you take out a basic land, because the advantage of an Arcane Lighthouse is higher than your 1Xth basic land.
Ryan Roberts
I'll admit, proper enchantment and artifact destruction work. That's fair. Blocking works fine, but as Voltron commanders like Siggy tend to be very big, isn't much of a long term solution as she doesn't usually trade.
Tron IS bad in multiplayer, as you usually aren't gonna be able to deal enough damage to all three opponents. But unless your opponent is one of those silly beans who spreads the love, they'll likely take one person out and it is annoying when that person is you.
Brayden Jones
Okay, so we're in three colors. Suppose we are playing bant. We run 38 lands.
3 shocks, 3 fetches, Command Tower, Reliquary Tower, Maze of Ith, etc. etc.
How many basics do we run? You don't want to have to scoop to a Ruination or Back to Basics. I used to run fucktons of colorless utility lands, but getting your only second blue source Fulminator Maged fucking sucks.
But otherwise. I'm saying Arcane Lighthouse, the cantrip enchantment and the shitty artifact.
Behold and mock. The landbase is just a filler for how many lands I'd actually like, I'll tweak it to be the appropriate landbase once I have a build locked in. This was just a first pass, feel free to critique terrible theme choices and offer spicy tech.
Jordan Cooper
>Wraths do the trick, but otherwise you need these niche cards that don't work on ...
I see you clearly are assuming I am an idiot just because I said Sigarda can be annoying.
No, I don't assume you're an idiot. Your wording just had me worried and I wanted to alleviate a possible misunderstanding.
Michael Bailey
Hi tg/, need your opinion on something:
today a guy looking to sell all his bulk, mostly commons and uncommons showed up at our lgs.
Ppl quickly told him about me since I use to receive or buy everyone's jank since I'm a edh pleb.
Dude has commons, uncommons and 4 rares among 300 plus cards. One of the rares of pic related, the next most valuable card being a skullclamp.
The Time Warp is Mint, but the thing is the card is also "plastified" thus being tournament ilegal. It passed the light test with flying colors and looks normal when in a sleeve... but still I dont know if I should buy it even though I am not into tournaments much since I could get a M10 edition time warp for a lil extra money. (the deal was 6 euros, the lowest for that edition in our market is 9)
What would you do?
Also do ya mystic confluence worth it? I never resolved a cryptic command and allways wondered if I should get the blue confluence
Thanks in advance
Jaxon Richardson
forgot pic!! I'm also an idiot, do not mention it, I know
Tyler Jenkins
What do you mean by "plastified"?
Michael Harris
Silly question: Can I Imprint a Rift on an Isochron Scepter and cast it for its Overload cost when I tap the Scepter?
Owen Gutierrez
Kinda cool I guess, you need delirium but that works
Is there not another sac outlet creature in GW though?
Isaac Williams
it has a thing layer of plastic envolving all the card. The card has no corners though, it's only a lil thicker than a normal card which when sleeved iis not noticed at all.
Also it shines and reflect light more than a paper card would as it has the plastic layer and touching you fell the plastic (duh)
it i also the reason that thing is Mint and the white border is all white without being yellowish or blackened by moister
Julian Russell
>can I imprint a Rift on Scepter Yes
>and cast it for Overload No. Overload is an alternate cost, and you're already paying an alternate cost: free. You can't pay two alternate costs.
David Hughes
>laminating a card Jesus Christ
Camden Watson
Cool, thanks boss
Leo Hill
thin layer
fuck the auto correct
see I approve this response, the info is correct
Nathan Kelly
They LAMINATED a Magic card?
Josiah Cruz
guess it is a problem then
I would have never done it if it were me though
looks like it. I had trouble evaluating the card.
we guessed it'd be lower than the tournament legal one and we had even compared to the gold bordered cards to see the price change since they're also not tournament legal
Jeremiah Young
Yeah man, don't buy it. The lamination process involves later in superheated plastic on top of paper, the card is likely ruined.
Jeremiah Thompson
Not only the chances of the card being ruined is high, you would need to put the card on a sleeve to play with it, since he would need to cut the borders by himself, and that could easily count as a marked card.