How do you guys feel about players choosing to play non human races?
How do you guys feel about players choosing to play non human races?
I allow the classics, be they what they are for the settting.
Nothing which makes the party look like a fucking circus though.
Well, unless I'm running another circus game.
Dont really mind. Had one player do an amazing roleplay of a hilariously camp minotaur, kept getting into all sorts of shenanigans
I seriously want to play a cute catgirl one of these days. But completely ironically! I want to make her every annoying anime stereotype, complete with "nya~" and being incredibly strong despite not looking like a force to be reckoned with and have a large following of devoted servants purely because of how cute she is and hypersensitive ears and tail that double as erogenous zones.
>mfw the one confirmed furry at our table always plays humans
I'm cool with it either way. Our group doesn't have any magical realm problems so anthro races tend to be played more for comedy than fetishbait.
have her being super jaded and cynical about it during downtime, like "I can't believe how gullible these suckers are!" etc
At work on phone so cant really tell a story. I will be on break soon, so i will tell it then.
Until then however i can give a short description.
Was doing 4th edition with some mates, wrote up a pretty standard campaign. Vety little curveballs. One player presented his character to me and i knew this campaign was going to go off track.
His character was "Moo Moo Milk" the minotaur fighter, later taking a dual class in bard
Why would it be a problem ?
So my standard rules apply:
- Anything in the core rulebook is allowed if they meet the requirements, unless that thing is specifically mentioned as needing GM approval.*
- Anything from a supplementary book I had access to at campaign start needs my permission. I'll say yes unless I have a good reason to say no.
- Anything in supplementary material released after campaign start gets discussed by the whole group. If they are happy with one player getting an option that wasn't allowed to them, we go back up to the previous point.
- Anything 3rd party or houseruled needs my permission. I'll say no unless I have a good reason to say yes.
This does mean that playing as humans is probably not going to be allowed in systems that don't have rules for them.
*If I want to ban even a single thing in the core rulebook, that means I'm not going to run any games in that system.
I'll be waiting then.
As long as it's not fur fag shit like OP pic. I'd never allow that /zoo/ crap in my games.
Why would I care? I use custom settings, so if a player has chosen a race it intrinsically means that I have allowed them to choose that race, so it's automatically fine.
What does annoy me, however, is when people pick a race purely for stats and don't bother to learn the background of that race and their cultural nuances, thus reducing them to 'human with slight mechanical differences.'
Thankfully I have mostly beaten that habit out of my players at this point.
Campaign started off with a party of four.
Gnome wizard who enjoyed pranks and fucking with people
Human cleric with an obsession for cleansing, had occasional blood rages
Elf ranger. Was boring since the guy playing him was new to dnd
And Moo Moo Milk, the minotaur fighter who used to work in a fantasy brothel and flirted with every single thing he came across
Party started off in a small coastal town, all on the run from the local authorities for one reason or another.
They only barely have enough to pay for passage to the newly discovered continent. Ship captain begrudgingly accepts their payment and they set sail.
During the journey Moo Moo tries and fails to sell himself to every single person on board, none of them being interested in a 7ft tall furry bullman.
Sine he is a fighter, Moo Moo has very little in the way of charisma or persuasion. Half way through the journey, Moo Moo realized he hadnt tried with the ship captain. And so attempts to whore himself out once more
Cant write story for a little while. Ask amy questions though and i will do my best to answer them.
Will continue storytime later
Well if I allowed that race in the first place then I probably don't give a shit, right?
If what you meant is "players *wanting* to play non-human races" then I'm usually still ambivalent. I don't play non-humans often but I totally understand the appeal to playing an orc or a wookie or some shit.
That said, there are certain races I think are totally weird. If i'm the GM, I don't allow them. If I'm a player, then you can bet I'll judge a guy if he's playing a catgirl.
nothing? am i supposed to feel something?
I just want an all-Durulz Rune Quest game.
It'd be like Duck Tales went off it's lithium.
How about making each player control both a human character and a monster character? That's always fun.
If they give a good reason then anything goes. Even had one guy go full anthro wolf and he played it off as a fluffy barbarian with a soft spot for kids. I did have to adjust part of the setting for it but he worked with me and didn't do anything sexual (unless you think being a big love-able lug is fetish material).
>And Moo Moo Milk, the minotaur fighter who used to work in a fantasy brothel and flirted with every single thing he came across
I note that the problems you have with Moo Moo have nothing to do with being a minotaur.
I actually didnt have a problem with it. He was roleplaying it pretty well. Like a big furry Maximilian Pegasus
I'm okay with it.
It's never really been a problem.
Reminds me of an idea someone mentioned to make a game that played like the Crank movies
>hearts replaced with monster hearts
>have to keep charged with evil/some other shit or else they turn into those monsters while they figure out how to fix it
No big deal. It really depends on what the group wants to do.
it absolutely disgusts me and any attempt to play a non-human character is met with harsh penalties, the party will suffer massive diplomacy issues for associating themselves with sub-human scum, and I do everything in my power to make the faggot's gaming experience as miserable as possible.
That's what you wanted to hear, right OP?
No, i don't actually do that.
Our minotaur, for all his bullshit, is probably a better roleplayer than any of the human/human-like players in the group sans the bard.
I allow beastfolk if they fit the setting and are more bestial in appearance than human. They also have to be appropriately sized. I'm not having any kajiits or kitsune or anything, fuck that furbait shit.
I want to play one like that far less ironically than I'd like to admit
Drakengard campaign?
Drakengard campaign.
Don't "HMMM" too much at one of the rare socially acceptable furry, you'll scare them away.
I wish our group furry were like that. Ponyfucker.
Each player controlling two very different characters could be interesting.
On way home. Post story soon
It's only weird if everyone plays a different non-human race in a setting that is predominately human.
Like imagine you saw a black guy, a middle eastern dude and two different types of Asian walking around wearing plate carriers and carrying rifles wandering around in Maine.
"Not a militant deusvulting racist Human Male Fighter/Paladin? Thank god"
It's their fucking choice.
Why it bothers you? What? Is it your character? No. Then why the fuck you care at all? As long as setting allows for it, player may decide to even play as anthropomorphic chair as far as I'm concerned and the only person that can say "no" is GM, and ONLY based on the fact if the setting supports such character or not
They tend to be casuals.
I hate them, I only allow Human Male Fighters at my table. Anyone who plays anything but HMF is obviously shooting for magical realm, and I can't allow that. The international furry conspiracy must be stopped at all costs.
... but what about Human Female Sorceresses?
>Why it bothers you?
hurr durr durr furry boogymen ruin my hobby hurr durr reeee durr hurr
The only weird part would be "plate carriers" - everything else is just your bog-standard hunting group from Maine, but hey, I don't blame you for making wild assumptions about racial structure of New England
Blatant magical realm
blatant sissy shit
Blatant samefaggotry, ruining the joke
We all know MS Paint, brother. No need to show off your skills
No, admire them, I have achieved perfection with MS paint and deserve recognition
There is a reason I included those races in the setting, to be played.
If we can work the character comfortably into the setting and party, as well as stat it reasonably in the system, I will allow damn near anything.
Except kender samurai.
And actually, samurai would be fine in setting with established samurai.
No problem
Word of caution from experience here dude: intentionally annoying is still annoying. The joke might also get kind of stale over the course of an entire adventure. I mean hey, if your group consists of people that thought Claptrap from Borderlands was literary genius, then go for it. Otherwise, you might want to rethink that character concept.
If the race is in the setting already, then what's the problem?
And if it's not, but GM allowed it - what's the problem?
>Non-human race
>Implying non-human = furry
Which pretty much cements my my own stance toward elves, dorfs and other Tolkien shit being just humanity+
>So you want to play a catpeople race?
>Do you watch cartoons, user?
Uh, s-sure
>What kind of cartoons, user?
I r-really l-like M...M- .. MLP
>No you can not play catpeople
>Do you watch cartoons, user?
Yeah [enter mainstream shit here]
>So what do you like about catpeople?
T-their f-fur is r-really s-s-soft--HNNGGHH
>No you may not play catpeople
>So what do you like about catpeople user?
Well.. [cultural / unique reason] [tired of human fighter]
>Cool, Do you have a background for how this race is in my setting?
Y-yeah, i-it's r-really s-sad sp-special--- sn-snowfl-flake
>No user you may not play catpeople
>Cool. Do you have a background for how this race is in my setting?
Well ..[no good reason / want to work with you on this] or [funny / well thought out]
>Nice, man. So what sex are you?
S-s-sex l-l-less o-or f-f-female f-futa
>No user, you may not play catpeople
>Nice man, so what sex are you?
[same sex as player] or [want to try female, but it won't really be relevant unless it is in your setting]
>Cool, there's nothing wrong with roleplaying a female if you don't bring your sick fetishes into it.
The fucking decrepit degenerate shit I have seen in Roll20 campaigns.
That'd probably mean a national guard unit on maneuvers. Not that unusual.
PC = player choice.
As long as the setting supports it, players have every right to pick the race they want from possible roster. If that means non-humans, no matter if elves, beastfolk or of some sort of humanoid cabbagges, it's still players choice
>S-s-sex l-l-less o-or f-f-female f-futa
Does this mean male futa is acceptable?
Then... just male?
I think he means extra dongs.
I think it means a hermaphroditic male
Ionno man. "Female futa" seems to mean "female, but with a penis". From that I would infer that "male futa" would mean, "male, but with (another) penis".
>sexless is problem
Would [same sex as player] chem-gelded be acceptable? Note that system has rules for chem-gelding and it's common practice in the setting (for some factions at least).
We call those "cuntboys"
"futanari" is literally the Japanese word for hermaphroditism
maybe the people are talking about the difference between hermaphrodite that identifies as male or female
I stand corrected.
I personally love going with something other then a human because I'm playing these games to escape reality for the 3-4 hours a week we do it. Either a non-human, cybernetic fucker or even a mage is perfect for me
I don't know. I like fantasy races, but I really dislike if the whole party is a million different races and classes.