i want to play Dorf Fort but im afraid
I want to play Dorf Fort but im afraid
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Losing is fun
Do you need Aya-senpai to hold your hand, kiddo? She can do that for you.
Good don't play it, done whining about your "problem," dick head? Children are starving in Africa and you need emotional support to at a video game?
I sincerely hope you die of cancer at your earliest convenience.
The quickstart guide exists for a reason you idiot. How about just not playing since you clearly are incapable of such a feat.
i'm afraid f losing my time, as in, have all the effort to install and shit just so i give up after not being able to play the complex thing.
fuck off bullies, bet y'all virgin
Are you a complete fucking faggot or what
It's a fucking videogame. Are you so afraid of wasting your own time realising you're bad at a videogame that you instead waste your own time crying about it on an anonymous imageboard?
Look up a youtube guide and do it you prancing lala homo man.
You literally just download it and click the exe, there's no big 'installation process'
>Children are starving in Africa
Jeez mom, chill out
>you're bad at a videogame
No, i'm afraid of wasting energy discovering that the game is trash and its all just neckbeard maymays
what about the mods? heard i should download a Starter Pack or somesuch
I'm kind of in the same boat. It's big and confusing and I don't know where to start. I get as far as generating a world. At that point I have absolutely no idea what to do.
is that way
Fuck off, mate.
Usually I'm all for DF threads on Veeky Forums, but this fucking cunt just had to start the thread with absolutely nothing of worth.
>b-but it's a complex game, I dunno where to start!
Do you need a fucking tutorial in every single fucking game? "Press A to jump and B to shoot" - you want that? You want your personal fucking Navi who would shout "Hey, listen!" every fucking five seconds?
This is what current gamers are like - unable to figure out shit on their own unless they are being spoonfed by the game.
God bless games like Dwarf Fortress, Paradox strategies, classic roguelikes etc. At least these games don't assume the player is a retard.
not OP, but what I want is another steel battalion, a proper one not the kinect abortion.
>absolutely nothing of worth.
Why don't you contribut them fuckface? OPs ain't gonna do everything for you.
>Do you need a fucking tutorial in every single fucking game?
no cunt, only for very complex shit with no visual aid like this, why you so fucking mad? DF ain't you avarage flash game you know that.
Do you even know how to make a militia, cunt? How did you learned?
bet you think having a barely formed fotress killed is hilarious.
And rogue games are trash. and those games assume (and rightfully so) that the player is a fucking neckbeard
>rogue games are trash
I'll cut ya m8, right in ya cunt.
2/10, got me to respond
Play adventure mode with the wiki open, it's much less stressful than Fort mode, at least to me.
That didn't convince us to eat our vegtables, it won't convince us not to shitpost.
Okay why does the trip I used once not go away. Is it because I'm on a phone posting on the webpag
Use an older version before vampires and shit, back when goblin sieges happened regularly. And stop being a faggot.
Don't be, OP. You'll waste less time getting it set up and seeing if you like it than you will if you just worry and procrastinate about it.
Do it faggot
It'll be the best mistake of your life. Play it. You'll have loads of Fun. Bookmark the wiki. Watch some video tutorials. Find whatever strategy guide you can. Just make sure you play it.
Don't abandon your fort if things get tough. See it through to the bitter end. Even with the knowledge that it will die, do your best to keep your fort alive.
And when all hope is truly lost, make sure you go out with a bang and a flash!
Oh look it's yet another attention whore faggot acts like an anime girl thread yet again.
the game has a steep learning curve, you will die to things beyond your control, the controls are unintuitive. this is the tax you pay for the complex game
you'll need the wiki for starters, failing that a geology textbook. the game isnt THAT hard once you get a good grasp on basic mechanics, the biggest problem is not starving/thirsting/ambushed, if you can do that, then you can focus on making your fort self sustaining, everything after that you don't have to worry about yet
losing is inevitable, and fun. you will lose many forts will trying to perfect the perfect fort, this is natural and mostly unavoidable, as long as you don't make the same mistake twice you are learning.
be patient, don't give up when you accidentally open up a river and drown all your miners, and you will will get good at a Veeky Forums approved game
pay no mind to people who dont answer your question
Oh look it's yet another newfag cunt trying to be a bully.
This is just a df thread, animu girls are just for fun
!!FUN!! is definitely a key concept
Thank you.
Here is the objective truth about DF. It is not a hard game. The only difficult thing to learn is menu navigation, which after grasping the basics of using 'q' is pretty intuitive. The wiki exists and is very helpful. You will most likely lose to boredom unless you are completely inept or dig too deep. Also the mindset of enjoying chaos and accepting it makes for the most pleasurable DF experience.
Basically what said.
>stopped playing because my computer couldn't process Toady's monster of a game.
And that was before you climbing trees, dorfs writing novels, and w/e incredible shit he's putting into that thing
>What is Google? Come on guys why can't you act as my IT!?!
as long as this is a newbie thread for DF
why the fuck doesn't the 'gather plants' designation cover fruits laying around on the ground outside. There are tons of peaches and hazel nuts but I don't know how to effectively harvest them. I made a zone for picking fruit but that can only cover a given area and my plant gatherers will sit around with no job while there are still fruit laying in the zone.
They wouldn't be starving if we killed them all.
>No, i'm afraid of wasting energy discovering that the game is trash and its all just neckbeard maymays
nah, not even close
adventure mode is fun, and one of the hardest rouge-likes around
fort mode is autism: the game. it's easy to build some farms, build a well, and wall yourself off from any threat, anything beyond that is optional fluff and self given challenge. the game gets fun with those
>Do you even know how to make a militia, cunt? How did you learned?
I learned by reading the fucking words/keybinding on the screen and using the in game manual accessible by pressing [?]
is your stockpile full? build some barrels/bins
otherwise they're probably just idling for some random reason like most dwarves do 23 hours of the day
one good way to practice building industry is to aim for a megaproject like building a pyramid out of soap
this needs a soapmaking industry, which needs a meat industry. it also needs tons of haulers, so if you can do this without destroying your fortress it usually means that you are doing pretty well
>losing is fun
It's the whole fucking point of the game, it's the motto of the entire thing, you can't win, you just have a fun ending
Alright, this clearly isn't the game for you
Fuck off
>heard i should download a Starter Pack or somesuch
That's for scrubs
Take that .pdf guide (by the dev's brother I believe), link is on the Veeky Forums general. Keep the wiki close at hand. You can always ask questions on the general too
Once you get the idea and you get a fort with like 25+ pop it is time to consider getting Dwarf Therapist for easier management.
Using all kinds of mods before knowing the game is like using a crutch to walk before crippled
But then again, refer to and realise this game ain't for you
You can try the Lazy Newb Pack, I only use it for the dwarf labor screen and the texture pack I'm too used to it to stop now But if you're lame you can use it to cheat to learn and stuff.
I learned the game with vanilla DF and the videos of quill18 I think.
Was pretty easymode getting the hang of the basics that way.
Guise I think that's supposed to be the joke.
I learned by watching Joel play, but I don't know if I recommend that. He doesn't really explain things well because he wasn't trying to make a tutorial.
There's no shame in keeping the wiki open the entire time while playing, I'm kind of good at it, and I still need it sometimes.
>Children are starving in Africa
This is the oldest appeal to emotion in the book. Fuck those niggers, they have nothing to do with this and are completely unrelated to the topic.
You could equally make a soap industry through a farming industry, using rock nuts. At which point you need a cooking industry, to make use of the paste, and you might as well throw in some dimple cups and pig tails to get a cloth industry and avoid having fallow fields.
What have you got to lose? I mean, you're already a massive disappointment to your family.
>but im afraid
You should be.
It's a shit joke
>Children are starving in Africa
Fuck you OP, fuck you deep and hard. I have work to do and I've already downloaded the new DF and DFhack, made a world and remembered that aquifers are a thing.
Dwarf Fortress isn't even hard once you learn how to get past the ass backwards UI
Yeah, it's not difficult to play or learn, just waaaaaay overly complex in it's menu.
>Children are starving in Africa
Yeah, we should do something about people breeding when they have no means of sustaining the offspring.
You are a shit joke
let them starve
What about the micromanagement?
I understand where this "it's just the h̶u̶m̶i̶d̶i̶t̶i̶y̶ UI" meme is coming from, but even once you get past the UI, Dwarf Fortress isn't exactly a walk in the park. There are a million things that can go wrong in a fort. The longer you want your fort to last, the more of those possibilities you need to be prepared to face.
It's true that the primary barrier to entry in DF is the interface. However, the story doesn't end there. Once you master the UI, the game is relatively easy to play. Playing it well is another matter entirely.
I suppose another part of the idea is the fact that the people who perpetuate it are neckbeards to whom micromanagement comes naturally, but it doesn't to everyone. It's like someone with frighteningly good reflexes and coordination saying that fighting games are easy once you know all the inputs.
But that's just some of the fun when stuff goes wrong
also I use a mod that makes labor management for all dwarves on one screen, so I personally don't deal with as much micromanagement stuff.
D w a r f T h e r a p i s t.
The real pain in the ass is setting up your military, followed by keeping your stockpiles and workshops efficient.
I'm gonna do it guys! if you could send me a list of what and where to download that would be great, i'm dowloading this dffd.bay12games.com
Which mod?
It comes with the thing you're downloading anyway.
Dwarf Therapist helps with ONE aspect of micromanagemet: micromanaging your dwarves.
You also have to micromanage your farms, micromanage your military (as ) mentioned, and your architectural work, workshops, and stockpiles too. If you want to plan complex, multi-step projects, the amount of micromanagement increases even further.
Most of the micromanagement is avoided with Dwarf Therapist.
Can't really think of any other major micromanagement other than doing some complex stockpile/workshop linking
>There are a million things that can go wrong in a fort.
True, both most big problems usually have very simple solutions.
Indestructible bridges can keep any danger out of your fort
Food is rarely a problem considering how much a simple 3x3 farm plot yields
Drinks can be a problem but your fort can temporarily sin by drawing water from one of the caverns below
The only things that can really mess you up is a loyalty cascade (arguably a bug and seems to rarely happen in the last few versions) and FPS death
You have to micromanage your stockpiles? How? Or do you mean just queuing up product? And how is choosing what to build micromanagement, would that just be... playing the game?
sorry, not stockpiles, I meant workshops, but still, you micromanage stockpiles?
>using neckbeard and virgin as insults on Veeky Forums
>while posting moe
McFucking kill yourself, my dude.
>falling for bait
At least you could TRY to turn this into a productive thread.
Post Dwarf Fortress.
Well done, guaranteed replies.
Not Dorf Fort in form, but in spirit.
>GP error
>GP unable to accomodate graphics etc
wat do
What about the dreaded Tantrum Spiral? Vampires? Insanity? These are problems that have solutions, but if not properly handled those solutions can create more problems.
Ok gays, i'm starting! set most stuff for low.
so far so gud
How do i farm again?
I tried playing DF again recently and by far the biggest fort killers were werebeasts. They heralded the collapse of my fort more often than not.
>But that's just some of the fun when stuff goes wrong
I never said it wasn't. Just that the game was hard.
I watched Joel (vinesauce ) play it for around 6 hours, then decided I'd learn. Opened the wiki and booted it up.
I'm bad, but it's very fun.
Just play the game, who cares how hard you lose man! The best part is when shit hits the fan
>Tantrum Spiral? Vampires? Insanity
Memes all of them, talk to me when your fresh water reservoir overflows and a dorf gets sucked down the well to his death. Never getting that pick back or getting rid of the ghost in your well.
>Tantrum Spiral
I'm rather sure that's not even a thing any more.
Dwarves are easily satisfied nowadays.
A problem, but not a fortress-ending one.
A single death every now and then is hardly a problem.
You get to know what dwarf is at risk of it beforehand as they slip into a pre-insanity condition, so it is announced.
3 of the forms of insanity are entirely harmless to anything other than the dwarf itself. The 4th one is only a problem if the dwarf is strong and armed.
Any of these things are minor setbacks and can only become a problem if you let it.
>getting rid of the ghost in your well.
Just engrave a memorial. The real problem you have on your hands is the contaminated well.
How do i look what's below me?
how the fuck i set jobs? where is that thing?
no one is channeling, how do set jobs without losing an hour reading all that shit?
Fuck this game it manage to be far more autistic than minecraft, truly only a virgin neckbeard could play this trash, literally feels like working on a job
>"bwaaa I don't want to read"
Then don't play it.
press u - unit list
press l - manage labors
OP is a baiting faggot, but DF really is intimidating as hell, whether you're a complete newb or just picking the game back up after a couple years.
And are you sure you're setting the channeling right? How are you trying to?
is incorrect. It's actually
>"u" for "unit list"
>"z" for "view unit" (counterintuitive, I know)
>"p" for preferences. +/- to navigate skills menu and "enter" to enable labors that must be enabled. Once you get to this point you can press c/l/m to show or hide combat, labor, or miscellaneous skills.
but... I opened up the game to get to the menu where I pressed u and l. I just tested that because I wasn't sure what it was before.
Does it have a quadratic tileset as standard now?
That the standard tileset is rectangular annoys me. And using graphics packs some other stuff almost always looks weird
press 'k' that spawns a cursor in the form of a yellow x that you can move around with the arrow keys. And on the right side of the screen you have a list of what is lying on the tile the x is on.
>Once you get to this point you can press c/l/m to show or hide combat, labor, or miscellaneous skills.
Sorry, my mistake. The c/l/m to show/hide skills on the "General" page of the unit menu, which lists the dwarf's skills. The correct way to get to the menu where you enable/disable labors is u > z > p > l.
All fortresses eventually have to succumb to either fun, or fps death.
In my last fortress, I channeled the ocean I embarked against down into the circus resulting in both.
I need to throw a vampire into a well one day so I can make a vampire fort.
Go into /df/data/init/init.txt and change [FONT:curses_800x600.png] (or whatever is there) to [FONT:curses_square_16x16.png]. If you also do this with [FULLFONT:blahblah...] you will get the square tileset in fullscreen mode, too.
Neat. Thank you very much!
sorry mom
>GP error
>GPU can't accomodate shit, faggot
having to use ascii, the job management is complex af, can i fix that with a mod? they tld me the lazy noob would have that already
i see,
the menu part is so on the nose
What exactly do you mean? You mean the job assignment, like Dwarf X can do woodcutting carpentry and architect or something else?
For the job assignments you can use Dwarf therapist
I have 57 slate, is that normal?
do i build capenter stuff with wood or granatie? what do i do with those blue garnites i found?
guys help