What would be the best system for a The Purge game?

With options to play as a group of Purgers trying to do as much Purging as possible without getting Purged, or non-Purgers trying to make it through the night, either by getting to a safe space or holing up somewhere



Unisystem,if you're lazy?

I swear to god, you better run the game with a grain of intelligence. Those movies are a wasted concept and full of useless plots.

Shadowrun without the magic or augments.

>all crime is legal
>no looting in any of the movies

D&D 4E because it's about as murderhobo-oriented as an RPG can get.

Unknown Armies without any of the magic, which is easy to do and provided for in the book. Or CoC for that matter. Basically, people can be badasses but it comes at great personal cost to every other aspect of your skillset (CoC) or violence makes you brittle and callous as a human being (UA).

I imagine hackers would spend the year building up to the Purge with programs to break through and mess with bank systems, especially in response to upgrading security. They could be as unsubtle as they liked about the stealing and it would be fine, legal millions.

First one was alright, it hit the right tone and left off as an interesting concept.

Then they made the second movie and ruined everything.


The stuff I've seen of the third looks kind of interesting? The idea of "Purge tourism" drawing people in to do heinous shit consequence-free, or people using the Purge to remove political enemies.

What the fuck are you talking about? The first movie is hot garbage that literally did nothing right.

This whole concept is retarded though, so it makes sense it would bleed into the fan base.

>First one was alright, it hit the right tone and left off as an interesting concept.

It literally did everything wrong, from having the wrong focus to the wrong premise of why the family would be put into the Purge.

You know what would have been better? Following some sort of bodyguard for a thrill killer that wants a bit of extra muscle to make sure they don't run into something they can't handle. Get us into the nitty-gritty of the Purge, none of that gay-ass "hide in our house and defend it from the enemies" crap.

You kind of have that in Purge 2 and 3.

2 is about a vigilante using the Purge to take hunt down and take revenge on people who killed his son - and those guys are criminal assholes, so they're engaged in the Purge. Purge 3 is about a politician whose enemies are using the Purge to cover an assassination attempt, and her bodyguard helping her get to a safe place to wait out the night because basically everyone is an assassin during the Purge.


Mother of God.

Any system that does zombies would be my first guess, so I consider the Purge to be a great example of something that's just a shitty concept regardless of how you execute it

But in the Purge universe, there are special clauses that ensure that politicians aren't assassinated or whatever, so I assume that banks would also be included in those clauses.

Oh I imagine much more potential
>Gated community hires some private security contractors to patrol their neighborhood during the purge while they have comfy parties indoors or some shitty family game night
>Downtown becomes a literal warzone between gangs while shop keepers form militias to protect their stores shooting or lynching would be looters
>Rapes and kidnappings skyrocket
>Widespread acts of vandalism
>Dumbass kids doing dumbass things to seem cool
There are plenty of ideas for what your PCs are doing

>Teenagers drive downtown during the purge as part of a dare, shit goes south fast
>Shopkeeper militia lynching rioters
>Gang members fighting in an outright war
>Group of people attempting to outright rob the safe in a bank (bring shaped charges and shit)
>Group wants to kidnap some rich asshole's family for ransom
>PMC trying to protect a gated community from criminals
>PMC trying to protect a gated community from a highly organized attack by criminals
