So Veeky Forums I need some help coming up with some details for a sector Im making up. I have only just started really and in particular the sector will be for the Void Whales chapter..pic related. Next post will be four planets I need some help with..then the first map of the sector.
40k homebrew thread
Avis: Deathworld. Atmosphere: hydrogen chloride,nitrogen and xylene gasses. Seas: Ammonia/liquid methane mix. No Sentient life. Eyter: Desert World. Atmosphere: oxygen,nitrogen and argon. Seas: liquid silica and water mix. Ionia:Feral World. Atmosphere: methane and oxygen mix. human non imperial kingdoms with 1500s era tech. Cleon: Ice World. Atmosphere: hydrogen and methane mix. Aliens with early 1800s era tech. Need some help with those to start with. Also GENERAL HOMEBREW THREAD. why did i forget that part.
The shitty photo of a sector...btw how do you make a proper sector map?
You open up a piece of image editing software and make a space map. It takes like zero effort.
very informative.
I don't know how those last ones ended up in the wrong order.
Oh thank fuck someone screencapped it. I wasn't about to explain the steps again.
I saw the thread and thought "I know those pictures..."
You're a hero, user, you saved me typing and posting multiple consecutive images and from the lazy OP having to spend several minutes googling gimp tutorials.
how do you do a more 40k type sector map? as in all the planet colors and so on.
you make icons the color you want and then copy and paste them where you want.
This is like basic computer literacy broslice.
You know how you made your hand drawn map?
Like that but using a raster image editor like Photoshop/GIMP or vector image editor like Illustrator/Inkscape.
You substitute the actual physical instruments with the digital ones provided by image editing software. Obviously there's far more detail you could go into, but you seem to be totally unfamiliar with the core concept of how to edit images using a computer, which is pretty fucking strange in 2016, but whatever.