Tell me. Why doesn't games workshop allow people to update the lore if they win a tournament?

Tell me. Why doesn't games workshop allow people to update the lore if they win a tournament?

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Because that's a terrible idea and it continually buttfucks the shit out of lore in the few things that do it similar to that.

"congratulations, you win the tournament!"

It would become an even greater clusterfuck. See: L5R.


They did. And then they retconned it. They had a worldwide campaign for the 13th Black Crusade and used the results to progress the story.

At firsr I thought..
>wait... It takes skill to win a tournament...

The I remembered this is Games Workshop, and you're absolutely correct...

I fucking know right? I have to start all my campaigns Pre-Coup and fix the retardations that tournie wins caused.

Oh thank god I'm not the only one who does this.

AEG did that with Legend of the Five Rings and it got retarded super-fast because it was invariably "[Clan I don't like] is totally corrupted by the Shadowlands!" even when it made no sense.

Because if people win using a weird faction shit would get jankey. What would happen if during a tourney meant to REALLY advance the story, the orks won? Or the 'Nids? All people would get would be "Orks fucked shit up" or "Nids ate people"

Pretty much this

If you're going to have things reflected in the lore it should be small stuff and not huge drastic things.

I think they've learned that in AoS where if something besides Order wins, it doesn't throw a wrench in everything.

But that's not how it worked at all.

The AEG tournaments always had a scenario with either a binary outcome or an outcome with very limited freedom. Example: "the emperor really wants to find his uncle's lost sword. winner of the tournament decides what clan finds it and possibly a specific character"

The problem is that AEG was just shit at writing.

Because that would mean advancing the plot.

Rumor is that 8th Edition is going to advance the plot to the 13th Black Crusade happening.

I can buy it after how long they've managed to make the Horus Heresy last.

Scorpion Coup happens as per norm. I have Toturi assume mantle of Shogun and Regent rather than Emperor. Ostensibly the same effect but less ambitious and annoying. Kisada NEVER allies with the Shadowlands, thats all on Kuni Yori, who also launches a civil war, thus allowing some Shadowlands forces to get through the wall. Mantis never ascend to Great Clan status

It's not balanced enough to merit lore changes. Infinity does it, though even then it's in very limited theaters like a single island with a half-dozen points of interest/control points on it.

They tried that before. They're not good enough at writing rules to make an actual hobson's choice and it backfired both times

I only know of one time, what was the other? Is it the WHFB thing?

Terrible business move. That idea alone would've preempted the introduction of the tau afterall.

>SM capture ethereal
>tau lead a counter boarding action and rescue him

Instead of giving the winner free reign, I would love it if they instead advanced the lore themselves based off the tournament results.

Think of it, they tell the story of what these battles in the finals (even maybe the semi-finals) are over.
It's not just about which player wins, it's about which side wins.
A choose you own adventure setting, where the best players compete to decide which page to turn to.

Then I remember that it's games workshop ;)

And when I become king fuhrer all women will be forced to wear miniskirts.

I'll follow you to the ends of the earth!

>All Eldar are girls that need to reproduce with human men to have offspring
>Humanity is 99.9% female and the Imperial Guard is almost exclusively female
>Space marines are fully fertile and have their own harems of Eldar and human females

Honestly I would just like to see what kind of shit would become canon after a few years, assume new fluff replaces old fluff when they contradict.

The "Storm/light drizzle of chaos" for WHFB and There was somethin' similar for 40k

One would think they'd welcome the chance to have to print new books

No thanks. I don't need lore that does nothing but legitimize the most WAAC lists people could find.

The story doesn't really need to advance for them to do that, there are plenty of little squabbles they could focus on.

I am certain that this would result in trolls bringing in the most lore unfriendly but effective armies they can in hopes of winning and making them canon.

There have been many attempts to fix this. I like the fan made one attached.

There have been many attempts to fix this. I like the fan made one here.

The majority of 40k players know barely anything about the lore, so they'd just shove in whatever ebin meemays daddy alfabusa has been feeding them

And I double posted again....

It wouldn't be too bad if GW did it in a structured manner that didn't give any one individual the power to be completely retarded.

I'd like to see a campaign where people sign up for skirmishes.

So a Dawn of War Soulstorm esque scenario happens on a much larger scale. All the factions are represented, and have something to gain. GW then has 10,000 or so battles people can sign up for in pairs, structured according to faction. So 500 battles might be nids versus eldar, and from the results of those battles (honor system reporting), GW advances the campaigns of each race. In the next round, there might be only 5000 battles to sign up for, and in the next, 1250, and in the next, 625, etc, etc. Once you got below a thousand battles in a round, you'd probably have to give priority signups to people who had good records in previous battles.

They could repeat this each season, and advance the metaplot based on the successful campaigns of the players.

I can't remember the nude cheat for this game