I'd like to point something out about the Tarrasque.
Look at the tough hide , the spikes, the horns.
Those are prey animal adaptations.
This creature is clearly not at the top of the food chain in its ecosystem.
What should we look out for instead?
I'd like to point something out about the Tarrasque.
Look at the tough hide , the spikes, the horns.
Those are prey animal adaptations.
This creature is clearly not at the top of the food chain in its ecosystem.
What should we look out for instead?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Look at the tough hide , the spikes, the horns.
I'm sure certain Tyrannosaur-like dinosaurs were apex predators yet still had tough hides, spikes, and horns. Dragons also have this shit.
High level PCs.
It's not a natural evolution, natural selection and prey adaptions don't figure into it.
It was created by the gods or some shit so it looks big and scary.
Other, bigger, Tarrasques.
>High level PCs.
>killing tarra
>not knowing shit about rex
>tarras predators are others tarras huehue im so witty
I'm gonna say incomprehensible colossi from the Far Realm.
Flying pc's.
It's also got no specified gender (assuming it even has one), is biologically immune to mundane things like time and all natural form of harms found in our terrestrial environment, and is immune to a couple of things that otherwise are explicitly magical in nature too.
The Tarrasque is almost certainly something that was created, not evolved; for something to evolve it needs to BREED first, and there aren't any more then one. Perhaps it was something that was mutated due to magical exposure, perhaps it was created deliberately by some fool who wanted a living WMD of sorts, perhaps the gods created it to punish some poor-ass kingdom long ago, or perhaps it isn't even actually native to a D&D campaign world at all and it's some sort of monstrous stranded alien being akin to King Gidorah, but it sure as shit didn't go through anything resembling evolution.
>he doesn't know
eathbind aura and superleaps, fag
Atmospheric pressure
I don't play 5e, fag.
That shit was in 4e, user
Don't play that either.
Do you play CoD? mobile games?
how so?
>Do you play CoD? mobile games?
>Video games
No user, I play pathfinder.
I'm sorry user, does your family know?
The 5e tarrasque has absolutely no options against fliers.
It can't leap high enough for shit, and its improvised weapons suck dick.
>ah, so you're a faggot
>horns and spikes are prey animal adaptations
You know, reading ahead in your bio 101 textbook doesn't really get you anything if you're so bad at frameworking you come to silly conclusions like this.
Save the readings until they are assigned by your professor this fall semester. Otherwise, you're going to screw up a lot more freshman year.
>had tough hides, spikes, and horns
the dinosaurs that had spikes and horns were prey dinosaurs, so you just proved his point.
>Unironically stop liking what I don't like
Sad to see this place fall so far.
Do you even Locate City Nuke, peasant?
>thick natural armor is a prey adaptation
See last post.
Tarrasque was probably created
>tarras predators are others tarras huehue im so witty
Animals develop weapons to compete with same species males all the fucking time.
It's easy to find exceptions of just about any casually conceivable rule in nature. Narwhal horns developed for an extremely specific purpose - they communicate by rubbing their horns on each others horns to create a rather musical commotion much like that of a Latin Guiro (pic related). Through this they maintain a language so complex it can express past and future tense, and the music is so beautiful that the Inuit had a historical tendency of drowning because of how entranced they were upon submerging themselves to hear the sounds. Unfortunately it only sounds good if you're in the water and the effect is lost upon trying to digitally record it.
But I digress... Whether it's prey or predator is irrelevant, as the function of a Narwhal horn could not possibly apply to a Tarrasque. Because there can be only one Tarrasque, you know?
>Through this they maintain a language so complex it can express past and future tense, and the music is so beautiful that the Inuit had a historical tendency of drowning because of how entranced they were upon submerging themselves to hear the sounds. Unfortunately it only sounds good if you're in the water and the effect is lost upon trying to digitally record it.
That's bullshit, but even if it was true, it doesn't disprove my point: Adaptations don't have to be merely combat adaptations, and a horn can have multiple purposes. Perhaps the tarrasque horns account for one of it's many magical abilities.
By the way freshman, digressions won't score you points on your papers. Always answer only the question given, and don't try to demonstrate knowledge irrelevant to that question. Common rookie mistake.
>Look at the tough hide , the spikes, the horns.
> Those are prey animal adaptations.
Because no predator has ever had defensive/protective adaptations. coughcrocodilianscough
But the real answer this that a Maleficus Ex Machina needs no explanation, because wizards did it. Like this skeletoot.
I'm so sorry.
> Tarra is basically Cthulhu Munchies
Another Tarrasque
This guy gets it.
OP is nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is
Asexual organisms can evolve. Sexual reproduction isn't necessary for evolution (otherwise our planet never would have had life more advanced than the asexual bacteria from which all life sprang). All sexual reproduction does is speed up the process significantly.
But they still need to reproduce and the tarrasque doesn't in any form
Anyone have the original motivational this idea came from?
With a giant over-designed DA creature? Thought I had it in my archive, but can't find it.
>OP is nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is
OP just posted some copypasta.
How do we know it doesn't?
dude, there have always been a few people on this board smart enoungh to realize that pathfinder is flaming garbage to be avoided at all costs.
Godzi- er Mogaru.
being so big maybe wyverns and dragons try to snag a bit off it so that why it need thick skin horn could be for smashing castle walls
You're dumb, user. Stop posting, pretty please.
Along with any other incorporeal creature capable of no-save stat damage.
Because there is only ever one. It's the same one, deep within the planet, forever and always. Terrasque's are more of a force of nature than a creature. They are there, waiting to awaken and fuck shit up.
Obviously, it is a living magical weapon rather then a naturally evolved organism. However, creating a new lifeform and havin it thrive means it has to apply to many of the same rules as any evolved creature, i.e. it needs to fill a niche that is not yet occupied, be able to deal with natural enemies is some way,ad do it efficiently without being weiged down by too much useless baggage.
Big T's niche is pretty obvious, he is the ultimate apex predator. But that title has consequences, since that brings it into conflict with the other apex predators in the world. And whereas other predators rarely carry defensive adaptations since they only prey on creatures that cannot effectively hurt them whenever possible (and these adaptations would weigh themm down and make them less effective hunters), the tarrasque has to compete with some really nasty beings, and he needs some armour to do it. I'm thinking of high level adventurers and very old dragons here, But i'm sure you could come up with other creatures.
The point is that the Tarrasque has to be able to fight anything in the world to fit his purpose, and considering the danger some of those things pose, it needs it's defensive features (spell resistance, armoured hide, spikes) to protect himself while he is killling them.
Obviously Yog Sothoth
How does he stack up to the PF Tarrasque, actually?
I have always wanted to run a kaiju battles game, but never figured out a way to do so satisfactorily.
Isn't it commonly accepted that T Rex is more a scavenger than a predator?