/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General

Choose Firewall Edition

>Eclipse Phase PDFs
>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)
>X-Risks and After The Fall

>10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
>Advice for new players and GMs
>Online character creator
>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>Package Character Creator

>3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat


Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


No, choose prostitutes. A better investment.

>Join OZMA
>Good salary
>Good waifu
>Get promotion
>Boss is a dick
>70 hour weeks
>Alimony payments
>Fall back down latter
>Alimony unchanged
>Develop substance abuse problem
>OD a few times
>Credit score crashes
>Premiums on backup policy get too high
>Get fired
>Most of your mind is ripped out (fine print)
>Become indentured prostitute to erase debt
>Service a train of Firewall sentinels


Man, get a load of this guy

> Whenever anything bad happens to you, such as undergoing mental stress from the realization that personhood is a lie and you're simply an ephemerel echo that will cease to exist with the next refresh cycle, every single you rolls for it.

But that applies to every single character in Eclipse Phase

Or did you actually think the thing that came out of the body bank was 'you'?

I mean, this guy is trying to advocate mass fork culling, I'm pretty sure he's past the "I'm a ghost in the machine" stage. Intellectually, anyway.

The kind of person who has the stones to actually execute this plan would either already have to have something wrong with them or quickly realize it was not all it was cracked up to be.

>I mean, this guy is trying to advocate mass fork culling

Reminder that this what happens any time anyone undergoes psychosurgery

Does your character suffer indescribable pain when nanomachines are applied to it?

Nope, my character is an AGI infomorph, they don't really have a pain response.

In any case, this really depends on the nanomachines. Dissasemblers or out of control Engineers hurt a lot, Medichines don't.

What about a psychosomatic responce, like getting blisters from simple lotion?

From nanomachines? That wouldn't be that surprising actually. I assume that the stuff in nanobandages and medichines is pretty body-safe, but a lot of other nanomachines probably aren't.

It's not stated anywhere, but sapphire is supposed to be a promising material for nanomachine exteriors (theoretically), so you can look at Al2O3 dust safety pages for a guess. Shouldn't be anything too nasty, just potential abrasion or drying out. I'd expect nano to be more irritating, as it'd be smaller and sharper/more abrasive. That'd be for inactive nano, active nano would probably be worse, but not life threatening except for a few types.

Like, Cleaner, Scout, or Taggant swarms might cause rashes, but they won't eat you.

That's a good stopping place. It would probably be That Guy behaviour to say my character gets injured if they think nanos touched them, even if was just plain water.

I asked this in the last thread but forgot to check back for a response so I'll ask again:

Is anyone here in Melbourne, Australia and wants to start up an EP game? I really wanna play but I can't find anyone online in melbz


>in the year 21**


Stop posting this shit. This ain't even EP.

This is fucking beautiful.

Also, threadly reminder that Silent Mercy did nothing wrong.

I love how completely this guy fails to understand the idea of "This is exhumanism 101, dickcheese, not a playable character".

It also reminds me of the X-threat I was toying with a while back, an AGI turned mass-duplicator and body thief that sees hacking habs, mass self-forking into every available system, and hostile takeover of synthmorph bodies as a survival strategy. Basically a sapient exhuman computer worm.

If the Defiler is what happens when Predators meet Parasites, both these plans seem like Neurodes+Parasites. A mass forking pure intellect which survives by copying and re-pruning to produce more ideal forks.

>"Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.”


That mouth seems very inconvenient

It's probably very convenient if you want to ingest an entire person before the guards show up

Without chewing? Just...eating a person alive and whole in one gulp? That seems frightfully uncivilized and ill-mannered. Jenkins, I have another filthy impolite creature for you to eliminate, be a dear and handle it for me as soon as you can, thank you, darling, you are too kind.

But then you're slowed down by having an entire person inside you, so you probably won't escape the guards anyway.

>There's at least 1 predator exhuman who's living the vore fetish dream


>The Lusty Xenomorph Maid.mobi

Put it on the list.

>Jenkins, butler sleeved in a jenkin morph
>wears a ratty old earth relic suit
>cockslaps exhumans with such girth their skulls' crack
>samples and prepares their pineal glands
>gives master user the best cuts of the hunting trip, dried for snorting
>best butler is ex-scum butler that learned the joys of pretending to show restraint, just to make the wild excess more fun


Posting the same official art over and over just for the sake of bumping is even worse. is the proper way to do it. Post it once or only again when it's relevant to your post or the discussion.

The fact that they smell bad makes it even more more ridiculous that anyone would let people on the same scum barge sleeve in them without having that "feature" removed. You're all breathing the same air in close proximity. It could only lead to the Jenkins being shanked.

>It could only lead to the Jenkins being shanked.
Turns out, "Shiv the Jenkin" is a popular scum party game. Everybody tries to catch and shiv the Jenkin, while the Jenkin tries to survive and escape. The game ends after two hours, the death of the Jenkin, or once everyone is bored, whichever comes first. Then the dead Jenkin's morph is tossed into a healing vat to be resurrected, if anyone remembers.

So are any Biomorphs biologically immortal? If not, what are the age limits of some of the main morphs?

I wonder what Factors think of Jenkins?

I believe that all Exalt and beyond level morphs are supposed to be functionally immortal, either on their own or with indefinite application of rejuvenation treatments, but none of them have actually been around long enough for transhumans to be sure. Splicers and Flats can still only live so long, hence the Aged trait.

Short form: We don't really know because the current generation of morphs hasn't been around long enough.
Long form: Flats might crack 150. Splicers have been known to get past 200. Exalts and their specialist cousins may be biologically immortal, but no one is sure yet because they've only been around for maybe 20-30 years.

That makes sense thanks, I forget the setting is only around 10 years post fall.

There are transhuman morphs which predate the fall by a fair amount though.

I posted this a image of something I noticed a couple threads back, but don't think I really got a response. Figured I'd show it again for others like me who might not have noticed this littler paragraph reading Rimward.

So the 'exhuman' that you were posting last thread as a playable character concept.

What? No, that was a different guy. Ah well, I guess it's not exactly a particularly creative idea.

which chan has a board where IP=theft is a meme?

You mean besides right here?


We need a better word than captalized AIDS.

Tell me of the last firefight you were in, /epg/.

Maybe Play Aids?

Do they have to be shooting back for it to be a firefight?

Generally, yeah. Although if you slew someone's morph so thoroughly they didn't even get to pop a shot back, let's hear that too.

Not with that attitude you won't

Where? That's not a Veeky Forums meme or an /epg/ meme.

We could capitalize it sure, but that takes some of the emphasis off. It's why people who post shit like "TRIGGER WARNING" are usually obnoxious, the caps instinctively draws the eye and adds emphasis.

At the same time, I'm stumped as to what to headline the section then. "Play(er) Tools"?

I mean, it's definitely a meme here, if not a commonly said one. I don't have the image, but there is at least one comic edit about it, if not more. It's still out and about in the local memeplex.

This pic is a meme, but it doesn't mean that IP=theft is an actual /epg/ meme.

I mean, you say that, but I'm pretty sure some of those lines are taken from people actually saying them in the thread.

Why the fuck isn't Jove in a bunker with a gun and a cross?

The PC, MC, and LLA are having a civil conversation. It's a heavily biased meme.

And? Something like a quarter of all posts on Veeky Forums are parody.

Well, with /epg/ it's hard to tell who is and isn't a parody. You get some interesting, occasionally well read types around here. I'm not sure everyone is joking when they decry their opinions.

user, opinions are just opinions.

No, sometimes opinions are memes.

but still opinions

Except when they aren't

No such thing


Looks dumb. It's too big to hold like a pistol, but there's no convenient place to grab it like a rifle.

Man, you know what I've been wanting to do? An Eclipse Phase Space Opera. Like, I love Galactic-scale Space Operas and I love Transhumanism but I rarely ever see a combination of the two, probably due to tropes like "No Transhumanism Allowed" and the fact Transhuman RPGs tend to be hard on Moh's scale, and rarely have FTL travel. But with Pandora Gates, it's obviously possible in the EP universe for FTL.

So I was thinking like, a game in the far future from the Fall, where Transhumanity figured out how to harness the FTL travel from the gates for ships and start colonizing out of their system. I just adore the idea of a Galaxy-scale thing with Transhumans. Maybe they start finding even more traces of the TITANs out there, and start figuring shit out.

Why build ships when you can gate anywhere. Skip all that tedious mucking about in hyperspace and just go directly from world to world

Pulsers are Medium so they're SMG sized, but I'd wager they probably have modern conventions like, y'know, possible stock, accessory rails, etc.

Consumer goods use blobjects so you can have items conform to shapes desired and needed but I would say there's not a lot of tactical advantage to designing guns with the aesthetic of an ipod.

The thing is, if you sit down and really think about the implications of the technological advances and timescales necessary to build an interstellar civilization, it gets real weird real fast. See Orion's Arm for an example. Space operas tend to run with extremely conservative extrapolations of future society because it keeps it more approachable for the plebs, and because the worldbuilding requires orders of magnitude less research. The space opera genre is, by definition, very story-centred, and posthumans rarely have motivations to which ordinary humans can relate to very well.

I don't know mang, I kinda like it. It looks very much like something that came out of a nanotech 3D-printer.




Pretty sure that practically none of them were said seriously. Only "muh nanofabrication" is an /epg/ meme.

>No way to vent heat

TITAN heat sinks m8

Based on the casing seams it looks like part of the top might pop out; maybe the heat-sinks just fold away when not in use for easier carrying.



Now these are what I think some of the guns in EP look like. Caseless, minimal labelling (but still with some handy symbols just built in), look like somebody with a fabber and a utilitool could snap one together in a couple of hours. They have a slick, clean, futuristic look without looking like they were envisioned by a complete retard.

But I really like the P90, so

Actually, I think that's supposed to be based on the G11.

Looking at the thumbnail, I honestly thought that was an electric shaver.

>5000 AF
>Seed AIs are now baseline PCs
>stats now use a logarithmic scale to keep the number of zeros under control


Is it possible for AGI to get infected by Watts-MacLeod? Let's say that it was infomorph or sleeved syntmorph for the whole existence, but something happened and it got infected. Than it gets an urge to sleeve in bio and realizes that it posses some unnatural talents. Is it possible? Cause got strange rolls on life path and i'm just courious.

So you think that people really mean it when they say "Hitler did nothing wrong"?

Absolutely. The exsurgent virus was specifically designed to infect thinking machines, and the async virus is a strain of the exsurgent virus.

Of course not.
Hitler lost.

So i will be machine agi singularity seeker that is able to read other people minds. Sounds like EP.

Earlier editions said no Psi for AGIs, but I'm pretty sure that's taken out.

You'd have to be sleeved in something biological at the time though, Psi does not normally affect nor infect cyberbrains.

I know. I'm into this setting for a few years, but it was the first time i came across an AGI async. Didn't even think that this is possible.


Shit like this is why I love lifepath. It's not good for a serious campaign where you're like, all trying to find good roles in a group to accomplish tasks, but if you just need a character real quick its fun as hell.


He went on an offensive against Russia before spring.

Sorry dude, Canberra. I also want to find a group.

He was actually pretty well equipped for that, and it wasn't the winter that did him in. Wars on three fronts are a bad idea.



The oil they were using wasn't rated for the temperatures either.