If a player plays a succubus character (in 3.5) and uses their level drain ability, would they gain experience from it?

If a player plays a succubus character (in 3.5) and uses their level drain ability, would they gain experience from it?

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Energy Drain does not give a succubus any benefits, it is purely an attack.


>Two tongues

One for each nut when she starts licking your balls.

Some things gain temporary HP when they use level drain, but I don't remember if succubi do.

As for XP of fucking course not. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure the only things that give exp are a few artifacts (book of vile darkness/exalted deeds and the deck of many things in particular. I wouldn't recommend any of them)

>Sharp teeth
>Anywhere near your balls
>Or any other part of your body

Oh my

live a little, ya pussy

That gif is amazing.

It's like you hate your balls.

Long story short, we need to nuke the moon

Rules-wise, no. And thematically, it doesn't make much sense either: the succubus is not literally sucking experience out of you, it's devouring your soul or life-force, making you weaker (which is represented by loss of xp).

Also, succubus thread? Succubus thread. Post succubi.

B-But A-user, just b-because I w-want to p-play [Obvious Fetish Race] th-that doesn't m-mean I a-am a [Sick Degenerate About to Fap under my Table]


Surely you mean post succubae. Or are you a faggot?

Succubi, succubae, succubutts...Whatever.

You have a severe case of repression and sexual neurosis. I assume you are probably American, where the prevailing morality is a puritanical Christian one that has created a self perpetuating cycle of fear of sex, and the idea that joking and being open about sex is sinful.

You have a severe case of degeneracy. I assume you are probably African, where the prevailing morality is a muh dik one that has created a self perpetuating cycle of rape and furry fetishism, and the idea that not playing a semen demon is prudish.

Haven't you got kids to tell that tugging their weewees or fondling their dirty pillows is a one way ticket to damnation?

You don't really understand Christianity, nor American, views on sex.

More importantly, jokes need to be funny in order to be jokes, and "SEX" does not satisfy as a punchline. Beyond that, I think it's also important to note that 99% of the time, there's no reason to discuss your fetishes, which makes it a question as to why you try to include them in half of all of your conversations.

You might be brain fucked.

Is she having a seizure?


Konosuba. Get with the times.

Around succubutts, watch your...fuck...ubutts?


welp, time to fap

please continue, or provide link

When encountering a succubus, CLEAVE AND SMITE first, fuck never.

This guy forgets that and gets himself leveldrained

So, are we going to get more of those threads made by people who know absolutely nothing about our hobbies in the future or what?

is it a hentai, or does it just tease you?

Only saved those three pages where the hero kicks succubutt. And I've forgotten the name.

Sadly, it doesn't follow with righteous smiting (with or without dick). The guy gets tricked by the succubi (there's also another one) into having sex with them under the premise that he's one of the few people who can survive it and it's the best sex ever. He does survive, but gets drained so he's too weak to fight the demons and gets taken captive by them.

There's also an out of nowhere vore scene where one of the succubi eats some random kid that walks on them having sex, pretty much to show how evil she is.

Not hentai. It's pretty damn funny though, being pretty much a parody of all the "regular guy gets transported to the past/fantasy world/inside a videogame and becomes legendary hero" stories. That's pretty much what heppens except instead of becoming a legendary hero the main character proceeds to fail at everything, and all of his party member are equally useless.

[Akazawa Red] Okinodoku desu ga, Bouken no Sho wa Kiete Shimaimashita

>Not posting the WebM

By RAW, I'd say it depends on the CR. Suck them dry enough to "defeat" then - get the XP for defeating them.

>You don't really understand Christianity, nor American, views on sex

lmao remind me again what country screams blue murder if a child should learn women have breasts and actively censors video games for being too sexy

Report, filter and hide /pol/shit.





Experience in bed maybe

I've always kinda considered it "It's Always Sunny in "

By Raw, no, but it might make a nice twist on them

Fearboner, best boner

No but the threat, implied, imagined, or real, is really really hot

>No but the threat, implied, imagined, or real, is really really hot
I just think pointy teeth look good. But I tend to like a lot of weird and creepy looking things in general.

Seems I don't actually have any pictures of succubi with pointy teeth, so have a chubby succubutt instead.

>chubby succubutt

What was the name of that doujin again? I need a good dose of creepy-to-cute.

Well that only served to piss me off

[Nakamura Regura] Kuu Ai

Many thanks, user.

my memory is rusty, and i get sadpandas
isnt that the mothgirl one?

No, but he did also do a moth and a stick bug girl doujin.

The one in is a whip spider girl.

Thanks mate. Link is broken (yes I did it right) but the title gives me a spanish version on the site. Good enough.

Hmm, you must not be a member of the super secret club then, works fine on my end.

I can access the site. I don't get sadpanda'd, just redirected to the main page. Is there an even secreter club?

>Chubby succubutt
Hot if it's implied it's from "feeding" excessively

Supposedly there are some restrictions on accessible content based on attributes of accounts that I've yet to see a clear explanation of.

How do you feel about succubus (male)?

Hey man, I just wanted to play something with a lot of damage reduction and teleportation at will.
Succubi get a LOT of cool abilities.

Is his name Selim?

The same way I feel about trans people making up new genders for themselves; annoyed.
You're an incubus! You can take it up the ass all you want to just stop being gay about it.

I'm not convinced of the benefits of specializing to cater to such niche tastes, but I'm no succubus expert.

Also good


As long as you continue to try to be "inclusive" instead of chasing the normies out with pitchforks, yes.

>chasing the normies out
This is our board now. Get out, nerd.

Pay it forward, you dumb faggot
And enjoy all the waifus

Is there such a thing as a snuggubus?

Probably, a succubus who drained you by snuggling would be diabolical

Remember that a succubus can change shape at will, and incubus is not a separate entry in the monster manual.

>These normies want to use the hobby as an excuse to have normal social interaction!

>What, no of course we can't avoid the community and just play the hobby ourselves, this is our only form of social interaction

I'd be willing to houserule this, with the caveat that the succubus cannot gain experience through normal combat means. Additionally, you'd only get a portion of the experience drained, though perhaps with a temporary buff based on what you were draining.

I still don't understand why that guy was so scared of the mothchick.

Yeah she had funky eyes but she never really seemed to do anything.

nice comic did your buddy /r9k/ make it or did you manage it yourself

I did an edit of this, too bad my computer crashed.

What? That is actually a pretty good interpretation of what would happen if you actually encountered a Succubus. They are not waifus you fucking idiot they want to kill you and life drain you. The poor sod that was a national hero and got thrown out due to politics or whatever forgot that and paid the price for it.

TL;DR Its a fucking demon, NOT YOUR WAIFU.

Found the AoS hater.

There was time fuckery and repressed memories from being a child.