Loot edition.
Seller sent me some extra stuff because she was delayed in sending the Edicts.
Loot edition.
Seller sent me some extra stuff because she was delayed in sending the Edicts.
Other urls found in this thread:
And more pauper loot.
Unsurprisingly, i'm building Elves.
That's pretty cancerous desu.
I want to build a pauper deck but I don't want to build aggro or combo. And I don't want to have to play Teachings. Is it possible to play control in this format? At the moment I'm just thinking of brewing a grindy BW goodstuff deck. Tithe Drinker, Battle Screech, Edge of the Divinity, shit like that.
>Is it possible to play control in this format?
I mean incremental advantage, not just 1 for 1ing your opponent and hoping you draw a big dumb spell at the right time.
UR Control is a thing but you're better off just jamming in the drake combo until the bans to close games out and get free wins against decks without counterspells. MonoB Control despite the name isn't really control, just kill spells and goodstuff midrange creatures and Gary. Murasa Tron is viable but again just another Drake variant at the moment. There's zero reason to play RUG Tron right now since it's unfavored against Drake and all the decks that go under or toe-to-toe with it (Affinity if you don't draw Marauder, Bogles, Izzet Blitz, Stompy, MonoU Delver). Teachings is your best bet but it's soul crushingly boring as shit for all parties involved.
Try BW prison with extort, pillory of the sleepless, stab wound etc, make their creatures useless and slowly damage themselves while you extort them to death then gary for the win
Extort is one of the ways I've considered for gaining incremental advantage. The more extort you build up on board, the harder and harder your triggers hit. It also gives you a mana dump for later in the game. I'd want to run 4x Quicksand too though.
Looks like if you purchased potato chips, sure they are curvy
Some foils tend to curve when left out of sleeves/folders.
I've sleeved them up now, so hopefully they'll balance out.
Tortured Existence with Crypt Rats and Auger of Skulls feels very controlling in most matchups, but like monoB you pretty much stall the game until you can safely resolve one of your bombs.
You could play a Reality Acid deck. I dont know how good they are, but it's a form of control.
Unfortunately, there arent many good control decks because there arent many good sweepers in pauper. You can take out one-toughness creatures with most colors, but if you want to clear the board with more damage you need to jump through some hoops. You can play Krark Clan Shaman, Crypt Rats, or Swirling Sandstorm but those have their own issues.
How much did that entire list cost?
I brewed this up and I think it could be good, though I haven't tested it. It's an aristocrats deck that uses lots of artifact synergies. What do you all think of it? Any suggestions?
Land (20)
4x Bloodfell Caves
2x Crumbling Vestige
4x Darksteel Citadel
4x Great Furnace
2x Rakdos Carnarium
4x Vault of Whispers
Creature (20)
4x Atog
4x Carrion Feeder
4x Hissing Iguanar
4x Myr Sire
4x Perilous Myr
Instant (7)
3x Brimstone Volley
4x Galvanic Blast
Sorcery (6)
4x Kuldotha Rebirth
2x Unearth
Artifact (7)
4x Chromatic Star
3x Panic Spellbomb
more than I was expecting.
Forgot the link:
Bought monou control
Spend all my tix on it
Now i'm bored of it
Nobody wants to buy that junk commons
i don't have any more tix to buy other deck
MTGO is shit
Needs Fling.
Fucking foils, piece of shit.
Some older foils were at least a better quality as they stayed flat, but rest are garbage tier.
Yeah, I never remember my older foils curving, at least not as bad as newer cards.
Is a ur drake deck worth it are any of it's cards getting banned?
Could someone link to the rules?
I thought only common were allowed but I see a lot of uncoms in your pictures.
Only commons are allowed a lot of old sets have cards that were printed common and reprinted uncommon that could be the reason also rules for pauper are pretty simple if it was printed common on paper but it's uncommon on mtgo you can't use it.
I would be rather suprised if Drake got banned.
I'm on UW tron and tortured existence over here. Debating throwing the drake combo in UW
Certain eras seem to be particularly bad, with the new card design of 8th/Mirrodin the foiling process changed and warping got worse. This was supposed to have been remedied some time after the Alara block.
Only card that really can be banned is Drake (trust me, it will) since there are duplicates for every other piece of the combo.
>trust me, it will
Generally, no.
Some midrange decks lean on the control side (Acid Trip, etc.), they tend to be on the worse side.
I'm Googling Reality Acid lists and this seems like a pretty fun deck. I'll brew around it. Thanks guys.
global warming desu, higher temperatures warp the plastic
MBC is actually a midrange deck, though.
Há! you're poor.
And you non-white
Why does everyone hate Delver so much? Delver is cute!
Cuteness is not a factor in competitive magic, desu.
is pauper infect good?
currently playing mono green infect and meh, pauper seems funnier.
I played the monogreen version.
Its a nice deck that wins a lot of free wins. But thats the problem: you either win quick or lose. The deck has absolutely no mid or late game. Sooo many times I had my opponents at 8 or 9 infect and just couldnt close the deal.
It IS a fun deck, though.
You can go balls deep with monoG or play GB so you have the option to grind people out with removal and Night's Whisper etc.
Mystical Teachings decks do this. You can also include Accumulated Knowledge and also the 2-for-1 off of Teachings
>GB Infect
Don't have one since it rarely if ever goes 5-0 in a league but it can snipe some wins vs other creature decks or if the control party doesn't draw enough removal.
Hi guys new to the format. Ordered izzet blitz to play against my new pauper group, am I an asshole or no?
As long as you don't play creatureless teachings or Drake, no.
Just buy more tix then. The majority of cards in an ordinary Pauper deck goes for under one ticket, and the few cards that cost more than that usually go into more than a single deck anyway, so once you have them you're already more than halfway there to build another one.
The exception is Elves which contains a number of rather expensive commons that don't see play in any other deck.
From the Vaults are the worst foils. Leave them out of a binder and sleeves for a day or two and they look like pipes.
UB Teachings is real old school draw go control. Just remember to play creatureless.
Not playing Mulldrifter, which is a 2-for-1 at worst and a win condition at best is strictly worse than playing, say AK, in its place though. Sea Gate Oracle and Angler are debatable.
I'm trying to find ways to utilize wretched gryff. I do think it's got potential. Think I got a better bet sticking him into an existing midrange or control deck so that it eats high cmc creatures with shitty bodies like Seagate, archeomancer, and mulldrifter? Or a whole new deck built around it using high cmc but easy to cast creatures like frogmite?
Blue getting a 3/2 flier for 1 is a bit wrong.
Egotist rises!
If you can't answer it t1, for many decks (read: any deck that doesn't run more than 8 kill spells so the majority) chances are they never will. It's the best 1drop in the game legal in a format where every other color except blue (granted no Force but without Belcher and co you don't want to run it) is working with maybe 1/3 of the tools when compared to Legacy. If BG had abrupt decay and white had swords there'd be no problems, you just don't have bolt in your opener every time or slip an Edict under a counterspell.
Except the deck doesn't need any more win conditions and gets severly worse by having to tap mana on its own turn.
No one's forcing you to evoke it t3 or cast it t5, bluffing a counter or a kill does nothing if you don't actually have one since the best play for your opponent is to put you to the test.
Forgot to mention that is also blocks vs more aggressive decks.
Yes, and enables their removal spells.
In that case it's still a 2-for-1 and 1-3 mana they aren't spending on another creature or burn to your face.
Burn to the face isn't a problem for the deck. You're already playing Talismans.
Playing creatures is a very real cost, however.
1x Archaeomancer
4x Dream Stalker
3x Heliod's Pilgrim
4x Kor Skyfisher
3x Lone Missionary
2x Mulldrifter
1x Sea Gate Oracle
2x Spellstutter Sprite
2x Cloudshift
1x Ghostly Flicker
4x Momentary Blink
2x Pacifism
4x Ponder
3x Reality Acid
1x Sisay's Ingenuity
1x Spreading Seas
4 Tranquil Grove
10 Island
8 Plains
any EMN speculation?
Just went through the set and the only cards I highlighted were Cemetery Recruitment because Gurmag Angler is a zombie, and Succumb to Temptation.
Desperate Sentry is very good on Soldiers against MBC. Grapple with the Past seems playable as well.
Finally got around to picking up the last few mainboard cards for and have been playing Burn last two days. Still missing some more expensive sideboard stuff like flaring pains and pyroblasts and land destruction.
So far played against from what I remember 1 Naya Metalcraft, a few UrzaTrons, 1 Burn.
Having a lot of trouble with shit that runs Pulse of Murasa. Got memed by Circle of Prot Red because no flaring pains.Waiting on EMN release on MTGO for thermo-alchemist, think I might drop Curse for them, I'm really not too impressed with it.