Are there any settings with actual strength-based casters?
Are there any settings with actual strength-based casters?
In L5R spell rolls are based on "Rings" which, except for Void, are made up of two traits. The Water ring, focused on healing and... something else (I don't play mages), is based on Strength and Perception.
4e, where everything does 1W damage plus a spell effect or is on a cooldown just like my ult in WoW
Well for starters there's the cancermage build in ye deande.
Then you can have whateverthefuckyouwant in superhero games.
And gurpsfags will chime in any second now.
In Exalted 3e you gather energy for spells by special actions defined by your sorcerous initiation and you can make it be something strength based easily.
>4e, where everything does 1W damage plus a spell effect
reasonably true
>or is on a cooldown just like my ult in WoW
There's literally no difference between 4e's encounter/daily and 5e's shortrest/longrest (except that shortrests by default come less often, but class balance actually improves if you change them to be per encounter).
Ebin meme, friend! XD
Spells are bound inside ancient rocks. You need to break the rock to release them.
How would this work? Ok, maybe you can "cast Fist" to cause damage, or punch so hard that the air catches on fire. But what about the rest?
>divination by headbutting stuff
>throw people/stuff so hard that they/it teleports
>stomp the ground so hard that a magic shield is formed
I want to play a game like this
Basically how being a non-Saiyan in Dragon Ball and similar anime works. Train hard enough, manipulate the flow of your body's energy, and you can do damn near anything.
At the start of the series Goku couldn't even fly, just leap or ride a cloud. Midway through DBZ, Gohan was teaching Videl (much weaker than any Goku iteration) how to channel ki and fly pretty easily. It's just that kind of world.
Or as I try to semi-seriously fluff it in any game where it comes up -
'Energy', or 'ki' is all around us.
Some great people learn how to manipulate this energy. We call them heroes/PCs.
Ki manipulated within oneself - to increase strength, speed, and charm - is called spirit.
Ki manipulated externally is what we consider 'magic'.
Someone can learn to do either, though learning to do both is just as difficult as someone trying to simultaneously become a world-class chessmaster and an Olympic pole-vaulter.
The above is basically true in any semi-generic game I run.
>stomp the ground so hard that a magic shield is formed
Makes me think of earth benders in Avatar.
>Divination, character headbutts reality so hard it forces information into their brain.
>Conjuration, character gets into a deadlift stance, clutches at the air, and slowly reveals a doorway into another dimension like the were lifting a garage door. Then out walks the summon
>Buffing/Debuffing, character flexes with such manliness and finesse that it disrupts local magic fields to buff allies or hinder enemies.
>Druid and Shaman shit, character punches the ground and or sky and yells at nature to get its shit together, stop being a pussy, and fight back.
>Bardic stuff, character poses rapidly and the sinewy susurrus of their muscles and the clicking of their bones creates effects. Or they could just make instruments out of their own muscle fibers and say they resonate with the character strength.
>Beast Mastery. Punch Them In The Face! (not much of a change honestly
>Healing, character helps another stretch it out and gives them a clap on the back?
That's all I got.
>>Buffing/Debuffing, character flexes with such manliness and finesse that it disrupts local magic fields to buff allies or hinder enemies.
>Flexing your ripped physique so well others get more ripped.
>He doesn't summon by awakening his masters
These are all fucking great though
I've been wondering this for a while now; What's the muscle-Wizard equivilent of a Lich? Can one even BE a Lich? If you got, like, 200+ demi-Lich MWs and assembled them together woulld they be the ultimate being?
A muscle wizard lich would look something like the Pillar Men out of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Those are clearly musclewizard vampires tho.
I was thinking more like a regular Lich that still has muscles and no skin.
You can always tweak with classes and make on yourself user, it's not that hard.
What about muscle warlock?
Someone who used to be ripped but now clearly lacks muscles here and there. There are scars suggestion muscles wereremoved physycaly from the body. They are now in the fey\fel\demonrealm whiping spirits and imps to do warlocks bidding.
>Muscle Necromancer
>Flexes/Punches the ground in such a manly way that it awakens the dead to fight for him
In 3.0 d&d psions focused in psychometabolism based their powers off strength.
4e has cosmic sorcerers that are STR based. The logic is that they metaphorically manipulate and turn the celestial spheres, which are unsurprisingly not very easy to lift.
I mean yeah, default magic is based on FT, which is more or less stamina. Cardio might kill gains, but it gives you magic juice.
Can vampires even get diseases?
Most supernatural types in the Chronicles of Darkness (and probably World of Darkness too, not too familiar with that) have at least some magic powers that put Strength in the dice pool to use it. For example, Demons have can exploit their strength and knowledge of the occult to rip open a gate to another dimension.
As Undead it's immune. No cancermageing unless your convince your GM to john wick your ass a little.
I beta'd a game called Paragon where spells are grouped up into "Planets" (those of our solar system, minus Earth, plus Sun, Moon, and Pluto). Each Planet has a set of themes, and each is based on a different stat. Stronk mages will be good at Mars, which deals with Fire and Battle. Including the disgustingly awesome Battering Dragon, which conjures and controls a fiery, Dragon shaped battering ram.