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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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So, Jumpers: What is your most used Alt-Form?
Ever since ben 10, anodite. I love the energy being look.
Not counting the human one... probably the cat from Nintendogs. Being small, cute and fluffy has its advantages.
Derp. I thought the Kaitos and Kairos jumps in the last thread were the same jump. DOH.
>universe record-skips
>suddenly DRAGONS everywhere.
>Jumper: _wut_?
As long as you don't mix it up with Kalos
But they look bald.
Jumpers, what's your favorite drink?
The other one has the wrong number though.
Then who was phone?
Water. After spending so many decades in medieval / warzone / post-apocalypse jumps, I have really come to appreciate a drink of fresh clean water.
And this one was made second. It must be deleted.
But didn't most people back then drink mildly alcoholic beer and wine because it was less contaminated than the water?
With reference to what is and is not setting relevant for GUP, I present this image. Do remember, the Canon extends beyond just the TV show. There are four different mangas (not counting the World of Tanks one) that spawned from it and some of them get a little... over the top.
SJ, people really don't like old conversations being brought up in new threads. The person you were discussing this with even said, at the top of the other one, that if there was an accord the conversation was basically through.
no because this thread was made the right way and the other thread was made by the people actually do this kind of thing, rather than the shitposter who does the editionless additions.
They didn't even filter the beer so it was a nasty mush.
Yes. Which I why appreciate being able to drink uncontaminated water. Also, a lot of medieval beer and wine was pretty awful too. Sort of a "this is crap, but at least you can't actually see actual crap floating in it". Not many people grokked sanitation in the middle ages.
Wrong quote.
They have flaming energy hair.
What's a grok?
No one ever suspects the cat, purrfect for spying and peeping.
Ethereal hair is hot, user.
yeswas meant forand pic related is for
>Pay CP to be male
>Ah yiss, gonna get all the pussy to myself
>Turns out they're all lesians
Fetching Fizz from Bastion
>Started as a bar room prank but evolved to become popular with miners and scrap workers."Fetching Fizz is like a mouthful of nails, but the benefits are worth it." Metallic aftertaste.
I actually like the taste of metal, and the Spirited perk is great for making pseudo magic alcohol.
No one is innocent in this you sperg
But it's poor form, worse form to make a second thread just to spite the op.
Oh my! /takei.
When I first saw GUP, I thought it was GEP, and was wondering why you were talking about the gun from Deus Ex.
I remember someone made a chart just for fun showing which ones were and were not lesbians. There actually are a few who are into guys, but it's only like a seventh of the total cast.
But it's see-through enough you can see their scalp
Good job faggots, you shitposted until you got what you wanted.
Eh, just fiddle with glamours and final form until you get it where you'd like it.
The old, wise, hateful cat
There's something for that in dodgeball
It's not a matter of spiting the OP ,especially when the OP is trying to spite Jumpchain,it's a matter of doing things the right way
>I actually like the taste of metal
Best kind of cats.
>verb, to understand something intuitively
Originally appeared in a novel by Robert A Heinlein. Grok (in the novel) also had many other meanings, including "to drink".
You could probably take the unknowns and maybes.
>it's a matter of doing things the right way
So what's your excuse you cluster fuck of a human being?
... what breed of cat is that and where I can avoid tripping over it in the dark?
I'm Bad at stuff but I haven'tgiven up trying to be better?
> what breed of cat is that
It's a Siberian Cat.
I just like metal, and as distinct elements they have their own completely unique taste. I also worked in a scrapyard for while and learned to tell metal apart by how it smells. Warm copper or brass is quite relaxing, but aluminum smells kinda sour. I also like the smell of embalming fluid and other chemical stuff, but I know my preferences are unusual. I don't really think there are "good" or "bad" tastes or smell. Those senses exist to give information and I enjoy them all.
>hateful cat is Russian cat
Of course.
Liquid chaos.
Yeah, no, this is the shitter thread, made out of spite and after the other one, that fuckers like you shitposted to push until the other one was pruned, there is no defense.
Fuck off.
I think sometimes you have changed and gotten better. But then you say some stupid shit like and I decided that you deserve every bit of shit you get.
It's completely ignorant to the space that we inhabit, that being Veeky Forums, to run two fucking threads you fucking sperg. Over a fucking thread number?
Oh no, some space that would have been taken up by shitposting is instead temporarily taken up by a second thread before it gets pruned. What a nightmare.
Seriously, it's annoying to have this situation, but it's nothing to get worked up about.
Its that trip man
It triggers me something fierce
I don't know what it is
Send help
For the benefit of your shitposting and spite.
This thread should be deleted too. Spite must be paid back wit spite, and faggots like you don't deserve to be catered to.
Filter him. Do you know how to use the Veeky Forums filter feature?
I love the smell of hot metal but that may be because of all the welding Ive done. I do not like hot zinc though. Not sure why.
I am now imagining Trigglypuff screaming at a dork with a pompadour. Thanks for that.
Paying back spite with spite is counterproductive. Best to pay back spite with indifference. That's what gets spite really mad.
Consolidate your threads, assclowns.
You are being trolled, stop replying to him.
This thread is a troll. Anyone defending it is shitposting.
Mine was to old to delete by the time I went to delete it, so a janitor will just have to prune this one.
Doesn't fucking matter, bitch-tits.
Consolidate your threads.
Where does one get this liquid chaos?
I...don't expect anyone to understand why, but after a while I started to find the concept of altforms disgusting. Disquieting, even.
One of many reasons I became a multiverse was to be able to partially circumvent altforms as a concept by having multiple iterations of myself at any given moment, and using my soul avatars to appear as I defined myself.
The Shitstorm Special, a concoction of my own design. Two parts liquid fear, one part ambrosia, one part pure evil. Shaken, not stirred. Twist of divine Norse apple optional.
And before you ask-yes, it is named after what happens to any insufficiently cosmic being who drinks it.
Does the Seek And Ye Shell Find perk work on people-things or only object-things? Like, say I know chibi-Godzilla is hiding somewhere under New York City, can I use this perk to get a bearing?
Shit which thread we suppose post in?
Anyways I'll post it here.
Can you import your demon weapons from Soul Eater into RWBY?
James Squire Orchard Crush
I still don't understand how you became a multiverse. Could you explain it please?
Post in this thread. Shitposters are at it again and are trying to get both threads deleted by posting in both threads screaming about legitimacy. At this point this thread is further on enough, and has the correct numbering, so we're using this one.
I say this one for the number of posts, I think you can, if you can import weapons why not?
Uh... Soul Eater's the one where you can transform your body into a weapon like a sword or a gun, right? NFI, that's a good question for whoever made RWBY.
Reposting question:
So I'm picking the Dresden-Verse for my King Arthur ten-year-tenure.
Exactly how fucked am I? What about if I go Half-Blood (Dragon)?
To take this shitposting to the next level, someone should create a third thread.
Oh, and-lately I've been reading The Boys on Elonanon's recommendation. And if you're out there Elonanon, I just wanted to say:
I'm almost finished and I do like it, but dang-the comic's edgier than Worm by several orders of magnitude. Garth Ennis wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna out-Preacher Preacher.
Sure thing, here it is.
Probably semi-fucked at least. We don't know much about medieval Dresden.
Webmage, be careful that stuff is caustic as fuck and it corrupts and eats reality.
>edgier than Worm
>out-Preacher Preacher
That sounds fucking awful.
Hmm. Probably about the same as going Changeling (Serious Business) or Changeling (Big Trouble) and having The Choice drawback in the actual Dresden Files jump. Dragons are supernatural heavyweights, so if you've taken a background other than Drop-In you're going to have a past that'll have people (probably your Dragon parent and possibly also some Fae) paying attention to you from the get-go...
Yes, you can. Anything you know is in an given area. It was designed to give you a sixth sense on the enemy command or flag tank.
Fae are still Fae, but the more bestial ones like Rawheads and Trolls are probably a lot more active. There's probably be a lot more monsters around in general. Also do not piss off Merlin and or DemonReach. Though if you could actually apprentice with Merlin you could probably wipe the floor with modern Dresden wizards considering how next level he was. Oh and instead of hexing electronics your magic causes milk to sour and you'll probably get a skin disease because apparently the laws of magic change slowly over time and that's what the drawback was back then.
You'd love Mistborn jump then.
Been there, ate the Lerasium bead, and never looked back.
I have a question
In these jumps you've mentioned, why can't we just shoot stuff until it dies?
I mean, sure they have magic but I have missiles, and machine guns, and lasers, and SCIENCE!
Rip and Tear seems to be a viable strategy in these universes.
You know it occurs to me that buying trade guild in spice and wolf makes reccetear super easy.
The same could be said about taking jojo (or any setting that lets you punch ghosts) before ffxiv.
What other jumps do we have that hardcounter the problems in other jumps?
Yo. Don't see why not. Has this ever come up before? Jeez, what would that even mean if you had two demon weapon partners...
THE BOYS IS A REPULSIVE READ AND A MASSIVE WASTE OF TIME AND VITRIOL! Never going to get those hours of my life back. At least in Preacher the Saint of Killers was admirable in his own way.
Apart from the boost in strength it gives you, did you also take Feruchemy for that Compounding goodness?
If you used iron core bullets you probably could.
Harry Dresden uses a gun.
>"Siberian cats are excellent parents, with the fathers helping to care for kittens if they are allowed access to the nest. Parents are often strongly bonded and some mothers will only mate with one male. Atypical for cats, juvenile male Siberians have been seen cuddling and grooming their cousins and siblings. Siberians, due to their communal nature, often do better in pairs in captivity."
I dunno, they seem pretty nice to me.
Depends on the magic and the jump. Shooting stuff often works, but sometime they've got pesky immune-to-mundane-shit magic or they're just stupid tough.
Then you get magic guns.
Lovey Dovey Panzer is not even remotely canon.
Awesome, thanks.
Go for it, jumpers are walking anachronisms even at the best of times. Shooting things like a normal person is even a thing mc of Dresden does and he thoroughly enjoys his enemies surprise when a wizard actually pulls out a gun. Some people just like to stick to the theme of the setting. Thats just what I think the world would be like.
Nah I went with Helmalurgy as a secondary. It seemed more fun and I don't have room for any more trinkets on my person.
Ducks. Alright, what would you suggest then as a replacement setting?
Forward note, I fucking refuse to go to Fate/.
>so if you've taken a background other than Drop-In you're going to have a past that'll have people (probably your Dragon parent and possibly also some Fae) paying attention to you from the get-go
>tfw Clergyman
Aight. Doing some wiki-diving but this actually sounds pretty durn helpful. Thank you, user.
No enchantments can stand against the Doom Slayer's undying rage.
No worries, make sure to look up the Rawheads though. Nasty buggers, but they're one of my favorite lesser known monsters.
>replacement setting
Dark Age of Camelot.
It will be when I'm done~
Oh god here comes the nostalgia train.