All over the world, heavy users of Veeky Forums suddenly receive superpowers, with each one receiving a specific power based on the board they frequent most (so heavy Veeky Forums users get a certain power, heavy /pol/ users get another, etc.)
What would be each board's power, and how would the new superheroes come to interact in this new world?
Robert Hernandez
It's all terrible and the world is fucked.
Oliver Smith
> superheroes More like superfaggots.
Jaxon Flores
Only on /r9k/!
Michael Gonzalez
I'm gonna state the obvious and say that fa/tg/uys become wizards. I guess /b/tards would turn into something like Chaos You-know-whats too
Evan Sanchez
This isn't without precedent. Everyone knows that being in contact with toxic waste gives you superpowers.
Juan Lee
Robots become literal robots, made of metal with lots of tech, but incapable of feels
Andrew Baker
>incapable of feels Isn't it the opposite?
Ryan Lewis
From their perspective it's a superpower
Hunter Morales
/d/ becomes the villain faction
Austin Gray
Almost 50% of my Veeky Forums time is Veeky Forums, with the same amount of time on /co/, and the rest by small bits of Veeky Forums and /x/. What do I become? >inb4 "a guy with too much free time"
Jose Young
I'd say /pol/, given how universally hated they appear to be. Most of Veeky Forums considers /d/ harmless eccentrics.
Carson Nguyen
/x/enophiles finally get the ability to create tulpas.
Michael Cruz
On the contrary, save for the recent /aco/ split which was kind of a mini clusterfuck with a lot of autistic bickering about rules and splitting the community, /d/ is generally one of the chiller boards.
Jeremiah Cooper
>What do I become? A faggot.
Aaron Powell
Veeky Forumstists can all go fast, regardless of what car they drive. Their powers get stronger in the presence of eurobeat.
Jacob Bailey
People only hate /pol/ because it challenges their assumptions with arguments they can't dismantle without appeals to emotion.
Nolan Thomas
>same shit different tomato
Dominic Torres
[s4s] becomes..? >kinda friendly and polite >pretending to be retarded 25 hours a day >repeating the same shit all over >admiring the beaty of dubs and other repeating digits
Ryder Cox
Juan Moore
/pol/iticians become paladins of vengeance
Camden Parker
>hurdurr you're angry because I'm right! Nay, you're just constantly driving threads off topic with shit, deal with it, party-poopers
Nolan Barnes
Blackguards /s4s/ become Paladins/Clerics
Wyatt Hall
Veeky Forums becomes shape-shifters. Everything here is role-play, from RPGs to our chosen CCGs (IMMA PLANESWALKER) to, arguably, our war games.
Matthew Baker
> implying /pol/ is evil
Connor Nguyen
/pol/ sure feeds from its own spite. And - eh - you are what you eat!
Andrew Evans
Nonsense. They talk about hating Jews, too!
Blake Walker
Jews are a species of sandniggers, so... /k/: picrelated
Kayden Gray
I wonder who was behind those posts.
Nolan Russell
Way to go about proving the fucking point.
Jordan Flores
79 (me) is a slav, hur hur
Jack White
Well how do fuck do you dismantle "Shill! REEEEEEEEEEEE!"
Hunter Brown
Anndd this thread is a classic example of why everyone hates /pol/
James Bennett
>heavy users of Veeky Forums
How how heavy is the cutoff point? Like 300 pounds?
Matthew Jackson
Supposedly, the average Veeky Forums user is actually noodle thin.
It'll be like Akire, except with entire army of Tetusuos.
Aaron Brown
>implying 99% of heavy Veeky Forums users are so proactive that, if given powers, they would use them to affect the world rather than just quietly returning to the internet and spending the rest of their lives whining about why they didn't get better ones
Robert Evans
I browse Veeky Forums and /an/ equally. What do I get? How big are the powers? Is it something lame like talking to the animals or can I command weather?
Sebastian Wilson
You're an animorph.
Brandon Mitchell
That's a curse, not a superpower. Enjoy suffering.
Christian Russell
>tfw no more no gf feels Sign me up
Noah Rogers
But without feels, how can you truly be a robot?
John Howard
Hey bud. Everyone else there is joking. Sorry to have to tell you this. But you'll probably call me a jewshill anyway.
Colton Price
>/co/ gets based toon powers >Veeky Forums gets minor probability manipulation but not to the point of being mary sues (rolling the dice on fate, after all) >/g/ gets technomancy >/d/ gets mind control but only for lewds >/k/ gets the power of being /k/ and we all have to bow down to them >/a/ and /v/ get the power to inflict cancer and become supervillains >/r9k/ - the mysterious frog people! >/m/ gets a mecha >Veeky Forums gets cooking themed powers and they're totally great >Veeky Forums gets hulk powers >/x/ becomes the magicians
Christian Allen
/pol/ gets meme magic, fits their whole "ebin master manipulator" character to a t.
Jason Robinson
I love /aco/ so much. I used to browse /d/ every day for the rare Western toons, but now that /aco/ exists I haven't been on /d/ once.
Apparently there's some drama because I'm not the only one who feels like this?
Landon Ross
I didn't know /pol/ considered themselves manipulators. Don't they always complain about how the Jews are manipulative?
Grayson Nguyen
I came here to post something similar to this
David Sullivan
>I didn't know /pol/ considered themselves manipulators. Don't they always complain about how the Jews are manipulative? /pol/ has a very high opinion of their board's ability to influence world politics.
Nathan Harris
/h/ and /d/ What the fuck do I get? >/pol/fag detected
Benjamin Hughes
Veeky Forums
Chase Carter
>Obama: I'm sorry, Mr. Putin. I would sign the peace treaty, but... The Secret Service here, they say that on this website, those faggots have been saying you're "a Jewish shill".
Aaron Thompson
I wonder who's behind that post...
Joshua Lee
/int/ gets to speak in tongues and have diplomancy Veeky Forums is hyper intelligence /vp/ gets their own pokemon of choice, barring legendaries. But they also get the pokeball technology /a/ is able to do anything if they train hard enough at it /k/ can seemigly spawn any weapon out of nowhere if it can reasonably fit in their clothing/closets/bags. This includes ammo for said weapons /h/ has the power of not living alone with their new sexy waifu /y/ is the same as above, but with husbando /e/ you turn into a girl yourself, and THEN get the waifu /out/ you become a druid Veeky Forums become batman /news/ become floridaman /v/ can learn to do anything, provided they murder enough people to get the exp first
/mlp/ gets magic
Robert Williams
Oh man, imagine superhumans flocking to Donald Trump's banner. Like at the convention, a guy with immense geokinetic abilities shows up and goes:
Or people laying waste to ISIS and teleporting refugees back to their homeland en masse. Shit would be bananas.
Charles Carter
I'm from /jp/. what superpower do I get?
Xavier Anderson
I have constant Veeky Forums and /u/ tabs open, hmm...
Wizard with a specialisation in reality warping or creation of what wasn't there?
Heavy /u/sers would be able to manifest their delusions or something to do with having their dreams affect or tell the future.
Grayson Taylor
You turn into an Internet kami and are charged with protecting the web.
That or you become hyper-competent at mastering hobbies, trivia and languages.
Nathan Cooper
I tought I could get danmaku
Brandon Flores
>Pt2 /an/ also become druids, obviously these are the more common animal/shifter druids with /out/ being terrain/elemental /asp/ learn a legendary martial art thats powered by being overly-dramatic /i/ and /ic/ both can create real matter from their art. /ic/ is more detailed and stonger, but requires more effort. While /i/ is quicker but more crude /trv/ gains teleportation /sp/ can summon each other at any moment to make a riot at any given time, yet dissipate at will and not be charged with legal penalties /hist/ become time travelers, but no one is sure if they can actually "change" anything Veeky Forums can take in information at a hyper accelerated rate. This is actually a curse. /soc/ becomes attractive /mu/ manipulates sound waves /diy/ can build literally anything out of anything else regardless of physics or reason. The strength of it is a function of how much time, money, and ducktape they are given beforehand. /po/, paper ninjas /r/ cannot be said "no" to
John Butler
/vr/ - the ability to transform tech into older versions, with a mere touch they can turn LCD displays into CRTs, BluRays into VHS tapes (with the same storage capacity, somehow) and so on. Though that's a nice ability for a retro connoisseur on its own, they are also capable of using old gaming accessories in the physical dimension - the Zapper actually shoots lightning, the Power Glove gives them super strength and they can use the Gameboy Camera to briefly freeze time. Their weakness is modern videogames, being in the vicinity of anything newer than 2000 saps away their magical powers.
Jose Torres
>/v/ can learn to do anything, provided it has nothing to do with videogames fixed
Levi Davis
I figured /hist/ would gain post-cognition (seeing things that have happened) and /r/ would gain targeted omniscience (ask them where to find something and they'll tell you)
Gavin Cook
>Ctrl+f+/toy/ >No results
It ain't easy.
I guess the only thing I can think of is animating the inanimate?
Cooper Rogers
/a/ becomes little magical girls Veeky Forums becomes wizards /tv/ becomes respected kino reviewers
I frequent all three of these boards equally (I sometimes ironically parse /pol/ too ), so what superpower do I get
Juan Miller
You become a... little magical wizard girl kino reviewer with a hint of racism?
Andrew Martinez
>/pol/ Ability to detect the ethnicity of an individual by hearing or reading about them >Veeky Forums Ability to strangle the authors of poorly written craigslist ads Vader style >/k/ Ability to survive without any source of sustenance so long as they have an SKS with them and are within a wooded area >/r9k/ Gain an immunity to suicide as well as a compulsion to commit suicide >/b/ Explosive diarrhea. Literally.
Ryder Diaz
>Veeky Forums becomes wizards >not r9k
Bentley Phillips
/h/:power of tentacles and turns into a 14 year old girl.
/d/ is the same but with more weirder fetish
Daniel Wright
found the /pol/ack
Luke Price
>/r9k/ >wizards They obviously become what they desire the most
Xavier Ross
Henry Miller
/int/ know all languages including dead ones and are experts in all cultures /pol/ become the ideal image of an Aryan man as imagined by the nazis and are able to hold amazing speeches Veeky Forums become wizards /b/ become that chaos creature which I'd rather not name /r9k/ become actual depressive robots
Eli Adams
r9k becomes comfy
Elijah Lee
r9k all turn into pepes, establish a community and chase out any normies while crying REEEEEEE
Aiden Ross
All of which are fatasses.
Brandon Sanders
So I'm a female chaos creature wizard thing, neat.
Blake Wood
Isaiah Flores
Henry Thompson
That argument can be applied to literally every meme ever
your using meme X, I don't like X, therefore that's why no one likes you
Ian Brown
/k/ > finally gets PTSD with out the glory and respect of people who got it from a war. >but their nuggets and sks's never need to be reloaded if they praise the /k/ube hard enough
Jaxon Richardson
You're a druid or a ranger
Luke Scott
/a/ disappears. People theorize that /a/ finally was able to go to the 2D world. The sudden Increase in Isekai anime and manga its a indirect clue to this.
/jp/ disappears. Is in gensokyo being food for youkai
Tyler Thompson
>implying that his point is wrong
Bentley Hall
>Ability to detect the ethnicity of an individual by hearing or reading about them You can already kind of do that for the most part, unless you mean have an innate understanding of their precise genealogy.
Nathan Sullivan
See, you think that, but you'll be shocked by the amount of posts you disagree with which weren't, in fact, made by Jews.
Bentley Ortiz
No, no, meme magic is [s4s] territory
Jack Brooks
>/tv/ >not Big Guys/CIA
Easton Baker
>not delusional elitist morons
Isaac Ross
Guess I can finally make /po/wer armor now AND be a ninja.
Nicholas Scott
Yeah, but your /po/wer armor will be flimsy as shit.
Caleb Barnes
Haha good joke
Gabriel Richardson
Not exactly surprising, given that heightened self-importance is at the core of paranoia. A paranoid is fundamentally someone who believes that they matter so much that entire conspiracies exist for the sole purpose of interfering with their lives. /pol/ has a boardwide case of this, thinking that everyone from the NSA to the Jews to the lizardmen have nothing better to do than to follow their meme threads and send countless "shills" to deceive them. Going from there to believing that their stupid uneducated opinions can decide the fate of nations (because otherwise, why would everyone want to follow them?) is a very short road.
Aiden Lewis
/a/ would finally get what they want and become magical little girls
/v/ would have the ability to suck the fun out of anything