Is there a system that adequately portrays the Ghostbusters?
Is there a system that adequately portrays the Ghostbusters?
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There was also an official Ghostbusters RPG that was okay
How did they get Garfield dude to do a gender swapped photo?
Here have a correct OP image , nice cosplay OP image tho
There's a GURPS Ghostbusters fan book. It's actually pretty good.
Fuck that's good bait
Try the official Ghostbusters RPG
It's been many years since I played it, but I remember this working fine (though Ghostbusters isn't really what I want to be playing as a campaign setting).
I found PDFs here:
Here's a link to a pretty good podcast of this game. The site also has an updated rules that streamline a lot of issues with the older versions.
Real talk? Paul Fieg would make a pretty hilarious BBEG. The guy already looks like a wannabe Bond villain. Think a modern-day, living version of Ivo Shandor, but replace all his cool, collected chessmastering with smug elitism and childish tantrums when he inevitably fails.
Very good bait there, almost bit it. Seriously though, I didn't like the movie.
I ran a year-long Ghostbusters campaign using a Savage Worlds conversion. We didn't use the conversion exclusively (as our campaign was redneck-Ghostbuster themed), but it did help.
Savage Ghostbusters:
>Paul Feig as BBEG
I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks that. He'd probably ineffectually hit a soldier who failed him, who would play dead until they had to do something that mattered. Heck, he already has a villain backstory.
I don't understand why they didn't just re-use the crew from the cartoon.
It had a black guy and even a cripple.
>fan book
It's an official one.
Alright, I'm obviously gonna take some flack for this but: Fate. In fact, I think it's one of the few things Gate actually does well. The thing is, Fate isn't a generic system. They wish it was, but it's not. Fate is good at exactly one thing: making competent characters who would in other games be the same "class" different and cool by focusing on their personalities over stuff like gear or skill sets. The ghostbusters are, by and large, the same "class". Three nerdy science guys, maybe Winston isn't but close enough. They have the same access to gear, the same jumpsuits, the same everything. What makes them different is exactly what Fate is about: aspects. Spengler "Collects Spores, Molds, and Fungi". Venkman Isn't Phased By Anything. Winston is a Bluecollar Badass. Ray is Filled With Childlike Wonder. And so on. Stress tracks work perfect for ghost busting, and even better for injuring players, since it's less physical harm and more...stress. Some combination of being scared shitless and getting covered in horrible slime until you're taken out. Honestly, Fate was designed for a Ghostbusters game (I'd use the Atomic Robo version because modes are great and brainstorming is perfect, but Core is fine too.)
(this is also all true of Men in Black, the only OTHER game I think Fate is perfect for.)
How many of them were women?
Also she was a witch and did cool stuff.
What they actually ACTUALLY should have done is the expanded universe from the comics. Yeah, I know that sounds retarded, but they were actually awesome. For a while they had a fantastic ghostbuster back up team that was: The goth chick who ran Egons occult books store, Janine, Scully from the X-Files, and a snarky d-bag who used to lead a failed ghostbuster ripoff called the...Ghostblasters, i think?
Irrelevant. Not enough.
We need all of the Ghost Busters to be women and all of the men to be portrayed as stupid or assholes and we need to defeat the Final Boss by shooting it in the dick.
Bonus point's for making the black woman a Shaniqua "Aw Hell Naw!" stereotype.
Because Grrrrrll Pawah!!
What? Wait, it's a remake of the original Ghostbusters?
Where's the gorrilla?
FATE generally works well if you're trying to emulate any sort of movie; it's meant to try and create more of the character-focused conflicts you see in traditional books and movies.
D&D is more sword and sorcery based and thus defaults to more man-vs-environment style stories.
No user, it's fan book. It's just made to look like the official ones.
WEG invented d6 with Ghostbusters. It was great! Still is good.
It may be just another franchise product for Ghostbusters, but for roleplaying it is a milestone. It went on to become much more popular with Star Wars, but Ghostbusters was the original.
Reminder that "Brazzers" is going to make a high budget porn that addresses all these complaints.
It's going to feature 4 women (one black, well spoken one with dark skin) who become ghost busters after the male ghostbuster team tells them they can't do it because they're women (for extra, actual Girl Power and a nod to "If you want more women in (x) then go do (x) instead of just bitching about it).
And they're all going to be sexy and in shape, like people you SHOULD look up to.
Far left.
And they're going to get dicks in all their holes.
Spoiler tags dude
Fuck it must be nice to be able to make high budget banter and make loads of money off it.
Am I wrong?
I never implied you were
but am I WRONG!?!
Also - Aubrey Plaza as Kylie Griffin.
You just made your money back on Ghostbusters.
I'm sadden that it will probably be better than the thing that it is being a parody of.
We have hit the low point, people. We have reached the point where the porn parody might be of better quality than the source material.
Weep for civilization is dead.
You can read the lady ghostbusters arc while it's still up on /co/
I've never seen more damning evidence that this new Ghostbusters is just a cash-grab by people that couldn't be arsed to even do the most cursory google search of the setting.
No wonder it's an abortion.
The Haunted America arc from the comic is not only rad, but also great setup for a Ghostbusters campaign.
>Also she was a witch and did cool stuff.
If by "did cool stuff" you mean "was fucking awesome" and "gave lots of young boys their first boner", then yeah, she "did cool stuff".
But will it have Kylie?
She's the whole reason i have a soft spot for troubled or goth chicks.
It damn well better. They'd get every kid who ever saw that show's money and all the goth lovers to boot. If they didn't they'd be making a huge mistake.
She'll come in at the end and provide a tie-in to the sequel.
Wow. It was so shit it actually gave a kid cancer.
Nah the kid already had cancer. Just the sheer dissapointment actually made him flatline and required resuscitation.
Holy shit.
Just holy fucking shit.
I thought the "So bad it gave him cancer" was pushing shit into stupid territory.
But now I can, without fear of hyping anything up, say that the New Ghostbusters is so shit it almost killed a kid from sheer fucking disappointment.
Truth is stupider that reality.
But then someone in reality gave this film the green light so maybe not.
>Truth is stupider that reality.
Well great, now you've given me cancer, too.
Kim jon un actually announced that they discovered unicorn fossils in his country and that since its the only country with that claim to fame it shall be their national animal. Namely the fact no other unicorn LAIR has been found to exist elsewhere.
To question it has been stated to question North Korea's very honor and the honor of it's citizens which is to invite War.
Sorry. I meant to put quotation marks around either truth or reality.
What exactly could his shitty little nation do?
Refuse to trade with anyone?
send a couple of hundred half starved "soldiers" with out dated equipment on foot?
Threaten to send no-range nukes that half the time don't go off?
Show us another video of the Whitehouse getting nuked in PS1 era graphics?
Or my all time favourite continue to make empty boasts and threats about how this time they really mean it srsly U guiz!
Actually, they could cause some rather nasty global economic effects if they launched a first strike.
North Korea could never WIN against South Korea. But Seoul is within artillery range of the border, and the South is a major global economic player.
Probably get pissed, ask if russia is in or out, then throw functional briefcase nukes several places.
I honestly don't care about best korea but a war with russia is gonna get messy even if they'd ultimately lose.
World of Darkness.
You know, if the porn studio makes the investment, it could be a LOT better, become an instant must-have classic, and change the public's entire perception of porn.
The thing is, the porn parody doesnt uavr to be all that good. Just not terrible. The reboot is so shitty that even a crappy porn parody will be well received.
And yeah Western civilization is going away. That happened 8 years ago. Now it's just a matter of riding the decline.
>Heck, he already has a villain backstory.
I was going to write off this thread as mostly people bitching about their precious childhoods being ruined (and let's be real here, even if you like Ghostbusters and hate the new movie, Ghostbusters is actually a pretty big franchise and only, like, the original movie was at all any good)...
... but go on.
I'm curious how a guy who makes "Girls are gross and dumb too!" comedies has a villain backstory.
You know, if they wanted to, they could still make the reboot a sequel. Just do what Ghostbusters 2 and all the cartoons did.
>Giant marshmallow man attacks New York
>No one remembers
>Statue of Liberty comes to life
>Just a prank
>Entire cartoon series
>Only four losers in Egon's class
Ghostbusters' world is populated by goldfish.
How did pirates do? Wasn't that a "big budget" porn?
Hunter the Vigil?
Lol never heard of it. I'm just spit balling.
Hell, can't we just use this thread and come up with our own outline for a script for a porn parody? Like the old Veeky Forums. I bet we could do better than either the reboot or the porn parody.
dicks out for harambe lads
>73% Fresh from Critics
>60 on Metacritic
>3 1/2 Stars
>Second in the box office
>"Literally the worst movie ever" -- Veeky Forums
Being someone who doesn't care about Ghostbusters is weird. Almost all the hate really does seem to fall into the camp of "they're changing my precious thing" or "they're changing my precious thing by making it all girls".
I honestly get the feeling most of you haven't seen the movie at all.
While normally I'd suggest WoD for everything, and Vigil doubly so, you'd have to basically make up the proton packs and all that for yourself. I actually did that once, but I can't find it. Something like the Stream dealing damage to ghosts and draining their Essence, with the open trap creating the Resonant Condition to encourage ghosts to go into it. And you could probably change the frequency to deal with other things, like Angels or Spirits.
>Ghostbusters' world is populated by goldfish.
They probably share a world with the MIB and Dresden.
I honestly thought it was just a shitty movie. I don't have a fanboy love for ghostbusters but i recall it being decent.
Beyond that it just sort of felt like bad SNL shit with ghostbusters as the backdrop. The shitty editing didn't help and neither did the actors. And before you go "yer jus a mysogony!" i honestly don't care that they're women they just plain weren't funny and they were chosen for being comedians. All and all it was a crap movie and i honestly believe all the hate it got merely popularized it which easily explains its "success".
>thousands of people can't be wrong and/or lying!
Look, mate - there is a lot to complain about the new Ghostbusters, but I'll be brief.
The old Ghostbusters mixed comedy with actually interesting and very eldritch action. There were smart and scary and risque moments (remember the whole scene where the girl turns into Zuul? Shit is CASH) in the old Ghostbusters, and, yes, it had its funny moments, but the comedy didn't overshadow the plot.
The cast was great, the acting was great etc. - it was an instant classic.
The new Ghostbusters is a low-brow cliche comedy. Badly written jokes and absolutely pants-on-head retarded acting absolutely destroy whatever pretense it has to be the "New!" Ghostbusters.
Ghostbusters isn't supposed to be a comedy first, even if comedy elements are essential to the Ghostbusters experience. It's about a group of mundane people fighting supernatural. It can get grim, it can get dark and it can get legitimately spooky even if the overall tone stays lighthearted.
The new movie completely fails to realize that, even though comics and the cartoons did it first and did it RIGHT.
Ah, but does it have -4 STR for female ghostbusters?
Audience scores and the box office tell a much better story than the critics.
Especially since the vast majority are damning it via faint praise because it's the best they can come up with
>>thousands of people can't be wrong and/or lying!
But can't YOU also be wrong and/or lying?
Also, I've seen the old Ghostbusters. The comedy did overshadow the plot, and as several nerdy retro reviewers will point out, the villain was actually in the right and the Ghostbusters are dicks. Also, Venkman is kind of rapey and an asshole. And, really just a bad friend.
But the original Ghostbusters also felt like an SNL movie.
57% is far from "worst movie ever", and nerds on the internet usually care more about the critics than the audience (otherwise we can talk about the 87% that Transformers has from audiences, to the 57% from critics). It doesn't help that this is a movie where a lot of the "Audience" throwing out ratings haven't seen it. Women also tend to rate the movie higher.
Hey now. In Dresden the closest thing to a supernatural reveal before Changes is the tape of Murphy taking out the Werewolf, and that keeps getting brought up even though some mysterious force managed to delete it from the internet or something. Everything else has basically been able to be treated as a terrorist attack. No one was even around for the Darkhallow. Nothing for people to forget.
Plus, that series has a minor theme of "people ignore what's right in front of them if given a 'nicer' alternative".
It is a bad movie with terrible writing that adds nothing whatsoever to the original film. Its ratings are being bolstered by shills who are absolutely terrified of the utter failure that the movie has already been because they hedged their gay identity politics on a bad horse.
This is important: The film is a failure. They set artificially low goals to try and hide this fact, but the truth is that Ghostbusters needs to make 500 million dollars in order to justify a sequel, and it isn't even going to make its budget back at the rate it's going.
This has as much to do with the fact that China doesn't like portraying ghosts in film as it does that it's flopping in the USA, but it can be attributed to their ineptitude either way.
This coupled with the spiteful, bitter attitude that the film itself takes against the original films' fanbase makes it basically the most evil and hypocritical product of Hollywood since John Lennon's Imagine. Though, unlike that loathsome, Godless communist Lennon, Feig is probably not going to be shot and die like a bitch, crying for his mother.
This is unfortunate, but we will have to settle for the end of his career instead.
>Its ratings are being bolstered by shills
But the ratings are also being brought down by shills.
>This is important: The film is a failure.
user, it opened second in the box office. Although, yeah, the China thing is likely to be a problem.
The movie doesn't seem to be spiteful to the original film's fanbase, just people like you, who argue that it's all about identity politics.
Which, again: even if what you're saying was true, that still doesn't make this the war crime that the internet makes it out to be. There have been more bad entries in the Ghostbusters franchise than good ones. No one complained about X-Treem Ghostbusters (although I'll concede that despite as RADICAL and 90s as that was, it had some good bits, too).
Have another reply.
Congrats on being the first troll to almost get me in 6 months.
It opened second in the box offices to a children's cartoon that had come out three weeks prior. It isn't a successful movie.
It's politically motivated garbage and it is selling like politically motivated garbage. I don't care about the other ghostbusters, because nobody told me than I had to like Ghostbusters II or be sexist.
Now this liberal shit is selling like a lead balloon. It fills me with untold joy to imagine the Jews behind this weeping over their enormous deficit of gentile gold.
Different user. Main issue is they predicted the minimum for opening would be $60m. It's sitting just above $46m and isn't making any headway in overseas markets. Thats not even a third of its production costs let alone coming close to what it needs for actual profit.
Beyond that all that have seen it and been questioned about it rate it from Eh to Bad. The only people who actually praise it are sadly social justice types which isn't helping its image or critics who all seem to have copypasted responses about it that don't actually say anything beyond "go see it yourself". By all accounts its terrible from the comedy to the acting right down to how it was edited. It's just plain not a good movie and that was before comparing it to the original ghostbuster which in all things was damn good for the time it played.
Saw it once on my own and was forced to watch it a second time and both times i just wanted to go do something else as it was completely unengaging. I'm not saying its an absolute disaster either just that it felt more like a shitty indie film with poor writing rather than what was supposed to be this series starting reboot blockbuster.
>as several nerdy retro reviewers will point out
In a desperate attempt to get a laugh by aping the Death Star contractor scene from Clerks. Because most of them are the kind of dipshits who forget the part of that scene where the roofer shoots the whole concept down.
>the villain was actually in the right
Yes, pulling the plug on a complex machine you don't understand because of bureaucratic bullshit while the guy who built it DIRECTLY TELLS YOU a sudden loss of power could be very, very bad, is totally "in the right".
>Venkman is kind of rapey
Oh, right, 21st century definitions, if you flirt with someone it makes you "rapey".
>and an asshole
Dude's SUPPOSED to be an asshole. That's his entire character.
>No one complained about X-Treem Ghostbusters
There also wasn't this rigged narrative of "If you don't like our work then you're just a sexist!" there.
Remember kids, if you didn't like that shitty film then you are a sexist misogynistic retard.
I love this idea.
OK so the mundane villain has to be a womyn's studies professor and activist. She can be a typical twiggy big red crybully type, trying to use protests and picketing to close down the ghostbusters. She identifies as being a woman of color despite being 100% white. She replaces the EPA guy in the first film. Since this is porn, we can have a scene where she's using her position to coerce her hottest students into sex. Maybe have a past where she flunked Winston for not being willing to do some weird-sounding sex act that we never get around to describing, and also keeps saying racist things while accusing everyone else of racism.
The supernatural plot can be almost the same, but let's replace the marshmellow man with a giant dildo or something. Rewatch the scene in the original movie and imagine the substitution and you'll see where I'm going. Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weavers's characters don't change much, but their sex scene at the climax will be longer, much more explicit, and include doggy style and/or anal.
The main four ghostbusters:
Egon will be a nerdy lesbian, kind of a masculine kind of hot. Basically the same.
Ray will be more of a bisexual hippie chick, kind of a manic pixie dream girl. She'll be spouting sciencey stuff as everyone gets into her pants. I picture her spouting exposition excitedly in an extreme closeup, and then zooming out and someone's fucking her.
Venkman will be the sexy, cynical, manipulative charlatan. Basically the standard sleazy porn chick you see in every movie. Also bi, and gets off on seducing basically everybody.
Winston will be their barista. Maybe she got fired after refusing to provide social justice counseling to her coffee shop patrons per company policy. She majored in womyn's studies and so basically has no marketable skills but makes really good coffee. It'll turn out that she's very smart and competent once she learns something real. Discovers she's straight at the end.
Coming out second is still coming out second.
And "its a cast of women" isn't some "politically motivated garbage" any more than the rest of Paul Feig's girls farting comedies. Wasn't it Bill Murray's idea to do a female lead Ghostbusters in the first place?
I've seen several people praise it who aren't SJW types. Hell, people on my Facebook have said its a good movie. And, yeah, I honestly do think that if it was a male cast it would probably get the same crowd as all the other dumb comedies. It's not like all the reviews have been glowing and perfect anyway. Even the best reviews I've seen have been pointing out that it could have been a lot better. Hell, even the SJWs complaining about the internet's misogyny (which you're stupid if you think isn't a major factor in people's hate for it) often say that it's mediocre.
I'm not trying to convince you that it's the best thing ever.
I'm just pointing out that if you think it's the WORST thing ever, you're a whiny pissbaby.
user, he does a lot more than flirt. And several of the people hating on the movie are clearly sexist.
Also, the dickless villain is right in that the Ghostbusters are fucking around with shit they barely understand.
>the villain was actually in the right and the Ghostbusters are dicks.
The whole point of the movie is that these small businessmen are doing the right thing and that the stupid self-important government bully was wrong. That what the GBs and their customers do is between them, especially since later it turned out that they were right.
Oh, and back in the 80's you could ask someone out and it wasn't "rapey", it was called flirting. By all means tell me where anybody raped anyone in the original ghostbusters. Hell, there wasn't even rape in the NYC prison. Maybe the demons possessing dana and rick moranis's characters.... who Venkman was defending them from until the EPA showed up.
>It is a bad movie with terrible writing that adds nothing whatsoever to the original film. Its ratings are being bolstered by shills who are absolutely terrified of the utter failure that the movie has already been because they hedged their gay identity politics on a bad horse.
It says a lot about how even its supporters know it sucks that even before the film opened they were playing the blame game about why audiences are so sexist that the movie failed. It's just a flat-out bad movie and they're playing damage control.
>implying female ghostbusters are canon
The very next post basically starts out with "DAE hate SJWs?"
Whether all the hate for the movie is based on sexism or not, arguing that no one who hates the movie is hating it out of sexism is fucking blind as fuck.
>The whole point of the movie is that these small businessmen are doing the right thing and that the stupid self-important government bully was wrong.
Goddamned environmental regulations keeping down those JOB CREATORS!
>ask someone out
Did you even watch the movie? Venkman does some pretty unethical shit. Like try to sleep with his students, which I'm pretty sure was not kosher even in the 80s.
>It says a lot about how even its supporters know it sucks that even before the film opened they were playing the blame game about why audiences are so sexist that the movie failed
user, they're probably already making a sequel and there IS a ridiculous amount of hate for the movie based entirely on sexism.
I think one of the problems is that the original Ghostbusters boasted an incredible cast with incredible writing behind it, and trying to live up to that is going to be insane no matter how good your film is.
I haven't seen the movie, and didn't even know it came out, so I've got no dog in the fight.
>if I just phrase my response correctly, the trolls will HAVE to agree with me!
Just close the thread, user.
I haven't had a chance to see it, since I've been busy with some medical shit
From what I've been told there's a significant amount of bodily humor, at least at the start. I've also heard that the actors break charaxter regularly, almost as if they were being forced to improv or something. On the upside I heard the black woman is actually the best character of the four, and outside of the commercial scenes isn't the shitty stereotype she was made out to be
>By all means tell me where anybody raped anyone in the original ghostbusters.
Lots of people miss that Venkmen just apparently had enough downer medications on-hand for his date that he could sedate Weaver's character while she was possessed by a demon. He was probably a little too far, but on the other hand it's the subtle details like that that made his character legitimately interesting, too.
>user, they're probably already making a sequel and there IS a ridiculous amount of hate for the movie based entirely on sexism.
Eh, they're getting a sequel before the movie even came out. Sony's been talking franchise since the first trailers came out.
And I think that the sexism crowd might exist, bit it's smaller than the GB team wants it to be - Most of the hate for the movie came from poor trailers showcasing shitty parts of the movie and their absolutely bonkers media campaign that insulted people on twitter and tried to shame anyone who criticized the movie.
They previously stated they'd need around $500m profit to even attempt a sequel. They demanded it be a blockbuster from the beginning and its not even made back what they spent in the expected timeframe, not even by half.
Eh. Its like those "black moments" are a catch phrase. I wouldn't say she's the best out of the 4 either just that the other 3 seemed to be phoning it in, all of them seemed to be doing that.
Nor will it due to how you can't show films with Ghosts in them in China.
Frankly for that reason alone I'm fucking amazed this ever got greenlit to begin with. I mean, the chinese market is huge right now, numerous studios have inserted whole new scenes into their films just to pander to them. Who the fuck thought pitching a film that legally can't be shown there was a good idea?
Janine will be Jim, the wide-eyed office intern. He's got a crush on Egon. (Yes we'll change all the names. Later.)
The uniforms will remain the same. They have a phone app that pages them and they throw on their overalls immediately, so a running joke will be that you never know what they have underneath them. Let's have a nice zipper down the front, and a tighter fit.
So the basic plot is that they are university researchers who try to join a ghost busting team and are basically told that they can't cut it because they're girls. So far, so SJW. Then they try to open up their own business, and we segue back into the small business plotline of the original movie. Eventually, one of them says or does something that somebody considers sexist/racist/whatever, and that's when the SJW villain shows up. She'll keep protesting and picketing, trying to shut them down. Maybe peering into a window during a few sex scenes.
Basically, the SJWs are just as bad as the sexists because they ARE sexist. Plus whereas the men won't let them into their club, the sjws are actively fighting to drag the successful women down.
GB is a small business movie first, a ghost film second. So they have money problems, legal problems, permitting problems, maybe an EPA problem as a nod to the original. Plus competition from the other (original) team. So venkman's solution is to sexy themselves up. At that point, you switch to the sexier uniforms. This IS porn, after all.
>The whole point of the movie is that these small businessmen are doing the right thing and that the stupid self-important government bully was wrong.
That may be the point, but do remember that the Ghostbusters are carting around, in their own words, unlicensed nuclear accelerators. A lot of their equipment is straight up dangerous if it malfunctions and the EPA totally have a right to investigate that, particularly when they're storing both radioactive material and ghosts in the middle of New York. The storage facility was not designed to be safely shut down but had a single lever to do so and was clearly not designed for the event of massive failure powering it down, the consequence of which would be "like dropping a bomb on the city". In fact having just rewatched that scene I'm thinking from their conversation it's odds to evens they built a fucking nuclear reactor of some description down there.
Anything else aside there is NO good reason beyond convenience to build that in the middle of a city.
>Whether all the hate for the movie is based on sexism or not, arguing that no one who hates the movie is hating it out of sexism is fucking blind as fuck.
It's a weird one, I know for a fact there are some people who hate it because of sexism but I also know personally of quite a few who hated the look of it and aren't watching it because that trailer was just awful. I'm in the second group.
>Suitcase nuke
I don't think you truly appreciate just how out-of-date their nuclear tech is. I don't think you could move their current nuclear weapons in a pick-up truck, let alone a briefcase. They're barely past "Manhattan project" level sophistication.
Ghostlusters. C'mon, it's be great. Akroyd might even get on board, he's the original ghost blowjob guy anyway.
Also, to add to that, Peck originally looks in to them because he's concerned that they've done something dangerous and that's his job (and spoiler alert: they have) but has the misfortune to encounter, not reasonable Spengler or friendly Stantz, but dickhead Venkmann. Of course he takes it personally, Venkmann's taking the piss out of him whilst they do the spectral equivalent of dumping toxic waste in the middle of New York.
I can only hope someone somewhere is taking notes for the re-reboot 30-40 years from now because I would repeatedly watch this.
Certainly over the shit we got.
% Fresh from Critics
Yes, yes well done critics, well done,
Well yeah except they have actual suitcase nukes. We know they do undisputably. The issue they current have is they haven't miniaturized it safely so the force of rocket launches actually kills it.
I really don't understand this shit. If they had to make an all girl remake why did the not make at least one of those chicks hot? Why did it have to be the most unattractive women they could find?
Because all women are beautiful despite exterior looks.