Your next campaign takes place so far in the future that baseline humanity seems extremely alien.
Your next campaign takes place so far in the future that baseline humanity seems extremely alien
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Good, I was getting bored of humans anyway.
After centuries, millennia even, of genetic engineering and natural evolution, we have achieved our truest form.
What? Permabound to a body? No personality forking? Behavior heavily influenced by uncontrollable hormone dispensers?
So.. Eclipse Phase? It already is.
that will change the future when we get to it.
>What's this? Only four limbs? Only two eyes? A cranium unprotected by ceramic-bone ridged plates? A disgusting pink flesh covering instead of an energy-absorbent slime coating? No monomolecular claw-tendrils? And such a pathetically tiny brain. How disgusting.
I start doing some early quests, get surprisingly creeped out by a solitary mission against not-zerg, then start grinding and lose to boredom
When your friend invites you to this cool Space Ninja Simulator he's been playing.
It can't come soon enough.
Yes it does. What's your point?
What about weaponry?
familiar in shape, if not function.
Fuck that
Frames being controlled by kids was the biggest copout I was hoping for fucking for actual living armor taking over the host but both the armor and human are unified since space ninjas
>The futures come back to undo the mistakes that they made and you will make
Question: Does that research also support being turned into a Gentically engineered catgirl?
>The PC's awake from their hibernation to find that they've far overshot their goal time and humanity has evolved on.
>The PC's are studied, and generally mocked and reviled for their low intelligence and large, muscular bodies.
>However, when an electromagnetic pulse is fired at Earth and XYZ invade, only the PC's have the physical power to hold off the invaders.
>Man is enslaved by giraffes.
But Tenno are just drones operated by autistic children in VR rigs.
>Tenno are just drones operated by autistic children in VR rigs
Y-You guys are joking and they didn't actually say this, right
Assuming you live in the US there is actually a law prohibiting the creation of cat girls. It is called the Human Chimera Prohibition Act of 2005.
It's true. Just google it bro
It's canon senpai.
They don't just say it, you literally go to the moon and pull yourself out of a VR rig to transfer yourself to the one in your spessship.
You're unimaginative if that's the case.
Cept the Frames can act on their own a little bit. whether this will come into play later or not is yet to be seen.
Regardless, its nice to know there's an Eclipse Phase game out there.
Yeah. They're retard cripple kids shoved in stasis pods that control the warframe suits using their dream powered telekinesis. They fucked up a lot of the lore including the origins of Lotus but then again it had shit writing to begin with and they only managed to cover it up by being vague.
Well they're not crippled, they just had a shit ton of muscle atrophy from being in a cryo pod the better part of a millennium.
Newer trailers show them walking.
Oh. Last i checked lore said they suffered some warping effect that "twisted and changed them" during their weird subdimensional trip. I just figured that to mean they actually became physically warped and twisted.
I sure hope so
MInd you this is them struggling to get through a blizzard after their ship fucking crashed. So its not really indicative of physical ability.
I ran a campaign where in the future, humanity had become purely digital. Earth had become a giant server with several colonial backup servers placed here and there. Most stuck around the home network doing whatever but some built giant ship bodies with self repair and manufacturing capabilities to explore while others generated temporary biological/cybernetic bodies to interact with the outside world on a more personal level. Different generations had different outlooks. The first ones, who were the original, biological born still remembered being controlled by their chemically fueled emotions and instincts while later digital born generations, slightly jealous of an experience they'll never have, try and simulate it via motions of neutrons and other random shit with poetically written instincts of their own. Reproduction consisted of two more more getting together and adding pieces of their own code plus crafting everything else in between to make something new and interesting that could still be considered digital human.
The game itself revolved around the PC's, who were in exploration ship bodies and having to deal with stumbling into an all consuming interstellar war and using their manufacturing abilities and resource finding to put a stop to it.
Wait what about that berserker warframe? The one who was tortured is the kid just as fucked up aswell?
All frames are controlled via dream telekinesis by kids who USED to be in the moon inside a void dimension but now exist in their warframes orbiters which sort of defeats the point of it all.
The way i see it is that the frames have at least some sort of influence over the emotions of the one piloting it. As you adopt specific mannerisms and body language related to the frame.
The Valkyr orginal frame was tortured and and is very very angry. So Tenno who use Valkyr frames get a sort of "Contact High" effect from that.
The operator that owned the original valkyr is probably a fucking mess too now because before the Tenno "woke up" they couldn't tell the difference between themselves, and the frames they used.
That and the fact while they're in the pods and stasis they were under a strict regiment of hormone treatment to keep them pliable and "in character". It's why the female frames might not have female pilots but they still act feminine.
The players have been cryogenically frozen for a crime they didn't commit. When they are awoken society has become a peaceful utopia where crime has been extinguushed. The players are feared for their crass behaviour and mocked for being unsble to use everyday technology until another violent criminal is thawed who goes on a rampage the pacifist cops are unable to stop.
Also, as a sidequest, they must unlock the mystery of the three little seashells on the counters in bathrooms.
So all tomorrows?
I swear that Demolition Man is a metaphor for the internet.
You've got the ultra PC safeplaces like Tumblr.
Then you've got the dirty and free undercity of Veeky Forums.
I see you there, demolition man.
I see the conflict of ideals between tumblr and Veeky Forums more as a microcosm of the conflict between censorship and free speech in society.
Probably. The Tenno didn't know they were children, after all. The spent god knows how long in those pods, under the impression that they were their Warframes. They're basically only adolescents biologically, since they've had centuries, if not more, to develop a culture as Warframes.
The Valkyr that was tortured genuinely believed it was their body being sliced to pieces, which would have been actually painful.
All in all, there have definitely been worse plots, and anybody going 'hurr they're just kids' doesn't really understand that they're only children physically.
Plus the scars they allow you to have make it pretty clear how fucked up living in there is.
Laws can be overturned, user.
I wouldn't trust any operator. They existed in a pseudo-hell dimension for a good bit of life then came out only to be experimented on which resulted in several of their deaths and then them trying to use their powers killed a few more before being shoved in robo-bodies for centuries. All while being controlled through various hormone treatments.
I would honestly actively avoid them or their frames just to maintain my own life assurance.
Not if they never passed in the first place. That one didn't.
Isn't that what's happening in-universe? There's a reason Tenno barely interact with actual humans.
I've heard that it's more a cry against the emasculation of men and the loss of the modern definition of manhood combined with societies over-reliance on censorship and desire to protect and validate the feelings of others.
Lore says that the moment the first Valkyr got fucked by Alad, it changed every piece of Valkyr out there: blueprint, component, actual suit, and Specter.Something about the torture "too brutal it changed the void imprint"
One can only imagine that this change in the void also changed Valkyr's abilities.
They don't interact because Lotus. She has agents do the socializing part. After all, all the Tenno do are slice and dice, they can't afford any down time to socialize when they could be using their time to wipe out the space nazis, the space jews, and the space zombies
Nah they got human types helping lotus that you see during rescues. You just only ever get sent places already being attacked or populated by enemies.
Well this is how she looked like before they sliced her up
A half-skinned cat has a fuckton of armor and health. I can only imagine a not-skinned cat has quite a lot of health and armor
I forgot, do Valkyries use shields? I want a shield-themed frame but I know that won't happen unless it works something like Captain America's shield. Damn it
Pre Alad valkyr was an Innocent sweet cinnamon roll, too pure for this sinful existence.
>sweet cinnamon roll
Well, Alad V does like to infest bread
warframe's the shit man
Now she's Doomguy's dream date.
If I recall she has the highest shields in the game
Valkyr? Far from; aside from Inaros, she has the lowest shields in the game, flat out.
I think you meant Highest armor value, for Valkyr that is
Havent played the game in forever PVE shooters bore me to death but the aesthetics and lore of warframe always interests me.
well, it's not a shooter focused game anymore
Since the melee update, I found it way more appealing
They recently added Lacross as a PVP mode...
Not even joking
the pvp is terrible
At least the game produces some mighty fine asses
Too bad they don't have any "intake ports".
This is easily my favourite piece of Warframe related shitposting.
Best warframe art are the screenshots of the genetic monstrosities we used to be able to make.
To get this back on a Veeky Forums track. Have there been any attempts at porting the Warframe Universe to the tabletop?
Thats a weird way of spelling cute.
Yes. Now lets get back to more enjoyable things.
What if stalker isn't another tenno but a rogue frame that still serves the orokin. Or was there already shit revealed about him?
There have been, but unfortunately 'OP characters slaughtering trash mobs' doesn't translate to anything enjoyable on the tabletop, and we don't have enough setting information otherwise.
I think a Syndicates game could be fun if we had more than half a line about 'em
No it doesn't.
Reminder that warframe is literally wasted potential: the vidya that has gotten worse with every update and that you should not play it. RIP fast.
Setting's kinda nifty though.
Wait so answer me this. Are the frames mechanical or biological I understand the whole "linking consciousness" thing making the tenno think they are the frames. But how can the frames themselves be effected by bleeding?
>still being salty about coptering
Get a load of this loser
>the vidya that has gotten worse with every update
Name three game series where that was not a case. I will wait.
The frames, as we understand it, They've got equal parts metal and meat in them, and are probably semi sentient. They don't function on their own normally. Except during rare instances when they do.
So like I asked before stalker could just be a rogue frame that is still loyal to the orokin?
They're bio-tech. Equally both. Think of it this way. If nanomachines replace every cell in your body are you robot or organic?
Stalker is an operator who got swole and started beating up on frames because he thinks they're assholes.
His codex blurb implies that he was separate from the tenno, whether that means he isn't tenno himself or just wasn't part of the group behind the orokin purge is unclear.
Assuming that hasn't been retconned.
Ok I know theres the tenno and the frame but what the hell is an operator I always thought when Ordis called me that he was referring to my tenno or even the frame itself.
No. He was there when the frames shut everything down and claims to be a lower guardian. He might be "wearing" a frame or some crazy shit or he was just a shit tenno back then.
The tenno is the operator, you are operating the warframes.
good point
Stalker probably was pissed off that Tenno turned on the Orokin, And as the centuries went by the motive became less "Avenge the Orokin" and more "kill the tenno". Looking for any excuse to kill them off.
At the time of Second Dream, he probably didn't even know he WAS Tenno as well. what with centuries of HAAATTEEE going on in his mind.
The dev team thinks of everything. Never mind, more than one ways to skin a cat.
Sucks that they changed the Tenno to nothing but drones. Would have been cooler if it had actually been linked to Dark Sector. That game was rather gun.
Jokes on you that's already the concept behind the quest I've planned out
Hopefully we're gonna get more goodies regarding the Frames themselves when War Within comes out.
I kinda like my Psychic Ninja Space Loli
Potato. It is a potato. It is impossible to make potatoes attractive, they can never be lolis.
So that would lead to believe he was sort of in a valkr type situation? where he doesn't know he's tenno and actually thinks hes the frame... then again the idea of him kind of wearing to suit debunks it wouldn't it? Maybe the low guardians he's apparently affiliated with have specialized frames that can actually be worn in some weird symbiote kind of way.