Couldn't find a a WIP thread so here's a new one.
WIP: painting and sculpting general
Other urls found in this thread:!Wl5DAbCb!TYxZG4CgX_x-NJu7JBwbZQ
What is happening to my fulgurite copper.
I transferred it to a dropper bottle, 30 minutes later after giving it a good shaking this is what came out.
Other than undergoing mitosis I mean.
First attempt at airbrushing, definite wip, but im really happy with how well the citadel air paints perform. The purple was regular paint thinned with water and it really didnt agree with my airbrush. Forgive the images, posting from my phone while working.
Did you tranfer it by adding water/flowaid/medium to help get it all out of the bottle and into the drop?
>Citadel Painting Guides:
>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:!Wl5DAbCb!TYxZG4CgX_x-NJu7JBwbZQ
>Painting Videos only
>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
[YouTube] How to Magnetize a Tyranid Carnifex
>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>Stripping Paint
>Ventilate, motherfucker
Previous Thread:
I believe you are not to thin those with water when using an airbrush. I believe some sort of flow aid is required instead.
No, just an old brush and wiping the contents into the new bottle.
yeah i need to invest in more cleaner anyway so i plan on ordering some flow improver and some genestealer purple air paint.
This card is really cool
No, YOU'RE really cool!
Those icicles look daunting yet fun to paint.
finished my spirit of durthu
Looks great champ!
Is this your table? Probably the LFGS, but if it is yours, consider changing the leave on the trees to match the season of your Durthu
Also, for your Durthu itself, you can get small autumn leaves to scatter around your base. I think that would look great.
How would you make this color scheme with the citadel paints? It looks a bit more interesting than the usual Iron Warriors colors.
yeah, it's the table from my lgs
where can I find some basing leaves?
>tfw you realize the "image quality" option in GIMP doesn't do shit beyond 75 and you made the everything 33% bigger than needed.
Reconfiguring and cropping original scans is hell...
Oh well, at least 40% of the pages are done now. Fucking scanning the book was less of a hassle.
After just a quick search of "28mm leaves"
You will see most of my images are 50% (as denoted by "50pct" in all my filenames.
Also, when you export (ctrl+shift+e - press ctrl+w after changing the image quality scale to see the file size that the image will be exported at.
>Shit Tier OP Can't Into Archives for the Links Edition
I am the one that provided the links, but I wouldn't say the only NON lazy tg'er that actually took the minimal amount of effort to at least make the post after no one else bothered for over 6 hours after the old one archived. All you managed to do was complain about something already resolved.
That my friend, is the definition of shit tier shit lord shit posting. Flattery gets you no where. Praise me as you should, but I will still call you out.
That's a nice tip, thanks!
But I've pinned down img.q. 75 as pretty much the same as the original scans, so all I have to do now is continue cropping the damn pages to make them identical (and remove shitty edges) so the pdf will become a presentable read. :3
I mean, the links aren't REQUIRED to share your WIP images (where are yours?) and people usually ask for that information later regardless of it being in the OP. And it hardly covers everything, so it's hardly REQUIRED. I just copied and pasted it because I knew someone would complain. *But then you complained anyway.*
well, try to resize images (ctrl+i, s) consistently and crop (shift+c) utilizing the "aspect ration" and size dimensions below that to keep things the same.
Learn short cuts too, that speeds things up considerably. I hardly touch the mouse when editing my images to post here.
[AND HOLY FUCK they are pushing the Store Front captchas more than ever - I refuse, I will always refresh that one - something just seems off about it, especially that they push it SO HARD. Sometimes I have to refresh over 3 times to get something different).
>I am the one that provided the links,
and I am sure you did it out of the kindness of your heart and definitely didn't judge the quality of the OP by it.
Anywho how would I make a curved ramp (like from the highway?
I figured I would make a skeleton of some sort and just kind of build up on it with some sort of epoxy.
Any tips on what a good epoxy would be in the US?
First undertaking of a sizeable terrain piece.
Did you wash the new bottle? Sometimes nee bottles have manufacturing oils in them which may spoil the paint.
>HOLY FUCK they are pushing the Store Front captchas
I thought it was just me who has been getting them time and time again.
I did. I also literally SAID why I did it. To curtail people like you. Learn to read. Don't project your own shitty attitude on to other people.
OP here, sorry for being a shut and not having the proper links or image, just wanted a new thread.
Also, I'm finally making progress on my army and it's making me moist.
Size is already done, 50% worked pretty well and is readable (fucking originals are 7-12mg lol).
And I mostly throw the 50% pics into the 1170x1700 frame with "snap to canvas edge". Would love for there to even be a shortcut to turn "snap to" on and off, since nudging the pages a few pixles left or right is basically all I do. :(
Is there a keyboard command to "move tool" shit? It's hard not changing the horisontal positioning using a mouse. I've never used GIMP before, pretty much...
Neat af!
M for move
Ctrl+a to select the entire image. Crtl+shift+a deselects. Ctrl+i inverts the selection.
Moving an item, and THEN holding control works for snap to (if I am correct about what you are asking).
Keep in mind that hovering over a tool option will usually show it's shortcut ;)
Feel free to ask more questions, though.
Oh, command shortcuts are no probs. :) It's rather using only keyboard to move stuff with the move tool I'm looking for. Like using the arrow keys or something? Mouse is too fiddly.
Modeling newby needs advice. In X-Wing you can field a TIE Bomber as a TIE Shuttle. In Star Wars canon, TIE shuttles look identical to bombers excepting the bomb chute.
I want to remove the bomb chute so the shuttle looks authentic, but I want it to be re-attachable so I can go back-and-forth between bomber and shuttle. How would I go about doing this?
Don't know if this'll work, but I'd do a base coat of Runelord Brass, drybrush it with Leadbelcher, wash with Agrax, then highlight with Runefang Steel.
Idk I'm not that good, but hopefully this helps.
When you press M, then select the thing (by clicking it once with the mouse) you should then be able to move the selection with the keyboard.
And of course, ctrl+wheel will zoom in and out so you can see to the pixel where your selection is moving.
>How would I go about doing this?
Wuh- Wha- Holy shit!
...I never thought of trying it. Damn if this isn't a real egg-on-muh-face moment!
Thanks! This should speed shit up considerably!
I should have a release finished within two weeks or so. I wanna get it out there because this thing is old enough to drink and doesn't even have a mention on the internets! Which is a shame, it had pretty damn high production values for a 90's indie product.
i don't think you diserved that praise.
Nor do I. It was a joke as if his (your?) praise wasn't poorly veiled as an opportunity to express the opposite for the OP.
I don't see your point either, but I don't think you know your point either.
The fact remains that you are still harping on a resolved "issue" resolved well before you even showed up. Good work!
Nah that isnt me. I gave up when I realized I could care less.
Hey guys.
Got my shapeways order yesterday.
Pretty nice overall. I'm especially happy with the chapter standard and the two bare heads.
The shoulderpad prototype is decent. Needs to be about a millimeter shorter and half a millimeter wider.
I also plan to update the chaplain helm because the teeth didn't come out clear enough and neither did his crozius wings or the detail on his banner.
I'll also be making heads for a librarian and five scouts and five scout legs.
>I could care less.
You certainly could
oh hey, I remember you working on those. Will be interesting to see them with a coat of paint. Kind of hard to make out the detail on the translucent resin.
Nice casts. Now you need to do a squad of Tau Stealth Suits ;)
they look pretty good(fromwhat i can tell) how much did they cost you?
What kind of respiratory protection should be used when painting? I'm serious about getting into miniatures but I don't want to inhale any fumes if I can avoid it. Surely there's something easier than a gas mask? ...right?
There realy is none needed in normal brush painting. If you prime, airbrush with certain paints, or sand resin (ESPECIALLY chinacast) then a paint respirator is pretty safe.
pic related is what I have and it was only $20. just make sure it's rated for paint fumes and not just sanding
Are you talking about while you are priming or actually painting?
If its the first just do it outside ideally and if you are really paranoid hold your breath as you dance around your mini or use a bandana.
If its the latter then what the fuck do you think we use to paint minis? Lead Paint? They are acrylics, nothing special or hazardous as long as you aren't drinking them or something.
You really should wear at least a bandanna when spray painting outside.
When I don't, and blow my nose after, there are flecks of colour in the mucous. Good indication that at least something should still be worn outside.
>If its the latter then what the fuck do you think we use to paint minis? Lead Paint? They are acrylics, nothing special or hazardous as long as you aren't drinking them or something.
LoL, okay there. Inhaling any of it at all is simply bad for you. Sure, you can say "it's just a little bit" but that shit isn't supposed to be in your lungs at all.
or you could just hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
Yeah I just use a bandana over my nose and mouth and try not to inhale much while spraying.
>LoL, okay there. Inhaling any of it at all is simply bad for you. Sure, you can say "it's just a little bit" but that shit isn't supposed to be in your lungs at all.
I said that for the latter which means actual painting, ya know like with a brush... Do you sit there with a mask while you paint at your desk?
Probably would need one for airbrushing.
Or you could take those same couple seconds to cover your breathing holes. Do what you like, not my lung.
Really fun to paint, and really easy too. Since there are several, changing bluish colors as background, I don't have to worry about perfect color matching.
Volkite power!
>inferior martian tech
>not using terran-based warp guns
Please tell me you're going to shade and highlight it
Thanks. It was about $35 plus shipping for ten heads, four banners, and two small bits. The detail is difficult to read because of the clear material but I believe the quality is somewhere between GW's current marine kits and the previous ones. Only paint will tell but I'll start exaggerating the facial features from now on just in case.
I don't play Tau and neither should you ;)
Thinking of making a sylvaneth army but I kinda want to do them in a style of a burned forest.
How would I do the burnt bark effect?
I'm slowly building a Chaos Space Marines army and I stumbled onto this auction.
Guy is selling two different piles of CSM bitz for around 18$ a pop.
Can you guys see 18 bucks of value in here or at least things that would be useful when building a army?
I kind of want to go for it but I don't want to spend money on shit I'll never end up using.
>It was about $35 plus shipping for ten heads, four banners, and two small bits
That seems to be alot for just a few bitz
there'es more than 4 marines in there so it's worth it
I can make out at least 6 metal bodies. Those alone should be worth the money.
I recognize an Emperor Children's Lord, a bunch of Raptors and a really old Khorne lord on juggernaut. A flamer PA guy, I think, and a mace wielding terminator.
brb snatching this auction
Shit might actually have to jump on it then.
Any opinions on the second pile? Dude will ship em together so I can save like 7$ if I get both.
Good luck, its a swedish auction with no option for international shipping.
Beware that the Khorne Lord looks to be without the juggernaut.
I know but it's stuff I made myself.
>I don't play Tau and neither should you ;)
That is irrelevant. You are still required to cast a clear resin Stealth team.
An old techpriest? A DA standard bearer? A metal terminator, maybe a DW one? I see the standard for the old metal Sicarius (the one with the claws), but I can't see the body.
fucking go for it. you can sell each of the bodies for at least $3. some are worth way more than that.
Somebody already did
I know, I saw some in person almost a decade ago.
However, those are not yours and do not fulfil your personal OBLIGATION to do it.
Alright, I'm convinced.
Are techpriests useful in current CSM armies?
I was planning on a Infantry heavy army with one walker, but I guess its good to have options.
only worth it if you're building a retro army
pewter marines don't mesh well with plastic marines
Weeeell, you'll have much work to do, Techpriests are loyalist, so prepare yourself for one hell of a conversion ride.
They're not useful, btw.
Starting up with some AoS. This is my take on a brute. I didn't like the official colors of bright yellow or red with yellow flames, so I made him a bit more grimdark. Will ad blood and fix the base, then I'm about done.
I'd like him better without blood
but it looks good
That's just one clan's "official" colours anyway.
There are tons of clans with different official colour schemes and you can make your own within that "official" realm anyway.
Looks boss as is. Love the scar.
I like it, looks way nicer that the bright yellow studio scheme.
I've not played AoS yet and I don't think I will but some of these new releases are really making me consider just getting a box/character to paint up.
I don't really know what to do with the lanterns here, was thinking of dark blue over the bars?
Honestly, I would probably just do them like the re3st of the metal and then *maybe* some blue highlights on the outer edges closest to the light source, but leave the raised most part of the bar the metal colour.
This is actually what made me think twice about AoS. To me it always felt as a Warmahordes - light, of some sort. But with the generals handbook, I hope I can get some games going!
Thanks! Well, I wont drown him in blood, Ill just do some on the claw I think, if you mix blood for the bloodgod with clear paper-glue you can even make threads of blood running from one edge of the claw to the other!
lanterns are yellow m8
Got my first heroforge mini a little while ago, and I just got around to painting her. Hair is pretty fucked since I'm trying to get better at that, but overall pretty happy with how she turned out. Weird purple staff is because it's a magic item from Curse of Strahd.
Lanterns are whatever you want them to be. You realize this is a FANTASY realm, right? With magic and FANTASY?
How would one go about shading and highlighting a fighter? Pipes like the F-86 and various MiGs are especially featureless and vexing.
That face has a lot of character. The eyes are well done.
Shut up, Sinestro
Thank you! I've been trying to get better at eyes since I avoided painting them for a long time. Have made several in a row now that didn't look totally fucked so that's nice.
Those skin tones are awesome. Your making my WIP mega boss jelly.
Last for today. Now all left to do is wait until morning when I will drown that base in Scenic Cement and really harden those bushes. Ill throw in some static grass tufts as well on top of everything.
I followed anons advice and didn't overdo it with the blood effects, and I also did some minor detail fixes, such as the fading on the horns on the shoulderpad. Hope you like.
Is the armor silver with a lot of washes, or is it black with drybrushed silver?
I was scared of eyes for a long time as well, but they were way easier and *fun* than I imagined.
Honestly, everything I have been afraid to attempt has always been way easier and way more enjoyable than I expected.