Which coin and why.
50k USD
When is the best time to dump?
You know why
Monero because it's not a theoretical white paper and actually has real world uses.
ETH. It's like investing in Lyft instead of Uber. Steady gains and tons of upside once big brother dies.
midnight i think, maybe earlier
With that amount of money you can and should diversify beyond holding one coin.
60% btc
40% eth
Hold for a few weeks.
You're welcome.
>tfw if you had just left your initial investment in btc instead of trying to play daytrader you would actually have more money
ETC because i think its safe from btc cash and has more room for 10X then most
Fifteen minutes I would've said REQ.
Put it in XLM tomorrow
fifteen minutes ago*
>Implying I day trade with Schlomos
Wew lad
What are you talking about? Why 15min ago
How do you even acquire that much money
Just buy Aurora Cannabis stock and wait a year or two. At the very worst you'll have plenty of time to get out and break even, as opposed to the 'this could blow up over the course of 12 hours at all time' crypto scenario. If Aurora grows how I expect it will, you're looking at about 3x return.
Every other coin is just a shitty pump and dump scheme by pajeets to fuck over gullible little shits. The only shitcoin that has actually made anyone money outside of BTC is IOTA.
Lightning network is coming which will make many of the shitcoins obsolete.
bumping bc mutual Veeky Forums newfag. is eth as doomed as claimed? is ltc a good idea? is Shoney's really as Shoney's as they claim?
pls explain
20% Bitcoin - BTC
30% Ethereum - ETH
50% Monero - XMR
thank you based baller
its risky, but if you're going for the sky and you have a bit of time, RCN is going to go off this month. Its new and is as cheap right now as it will be.
>hold for a few weeks
I'd be careful holding BTC on and shortly after the 18th. Be ready for mayhem on that day.
$150MM Heist-thereum?
What's on the 18th?
cme futures trading. Gonna be ballin with the big boys.
someone's new
stellar lumens (XLM) cause we are going to the fucking moon
Everything else is a certified shitcoin
Dragonchain. Read up on it
Only buy coins that have totally shit the bed and hit rock bottom like BTG right now. The only direction after that is up. Zero risk of fomoing at ATH.