Space Ships Tabletop Games

To talk about the ones you play, or want to play.
Feel free to post about anything spaaace too.
Why are space bricks so cool edition.

Sadly this game, like all other games not X-Wing, 40K and Warmahordes, is simply impossible to play near me.

Such a pity, gamers should be willing to play more things, at least isn't such a monolithic block as 10 years ago were only GW games were played. I don't play it but the models are cool as fuck.

those space ships sure do look bad.

Looking forward to receiving my dropfleet commander pledge

>not loving space bricks.
Not everyone can have a patrician taste.

there is a homeworld tabletop game???

Nope, but you can find minis for the higaran, and a few Taidan look alike or other races if you know were to look. Then you only need to adapt a generic like Full Thrust or starmada and have some fun.

I'd like this game more if the company would focus on it. Spartan needs to stop making new games, right this instant and support their old ones.

There's so much stuff for Firestorm though. "Supporting" stuff for the sake of it is GW cancer.

Yup, that's one of the biggest weakness of spartan, at least they make cool minis...

Yeah, practically every major and minor race has their entire roster made, the only ones missing are the 'fuck you nobody plays that' factions like Pathogen.

In terms of scenarios there's even enough there to write campaigns, it has roughly as many scenarios as BFG did.
might as well give these guys a little bump. Nice ships and promising rules. Didn't try them yet, but they are free. They also have more pulpy starfighters that look more like star wars stuff. Really great designs overall imo.

The human ships seem nice.

I like the EEF and Astivar designs and the page makes me wish more wargame KSs included 3D previews of their minis.

Anyone have experiences on rules and mini quality from their previous project?

We all know that feeling.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean they have to forget about the game. There has to be other things they can do to keep the game going.

The quality on their previous project was pretty good especially the 15mm infantry the fiddler mech almost always came with bent barrels but could easily be fixed, overall they are a pretty decent company. The previous kickstarter had no game rules it was just random 15mm miniatures

Yes there are rules for it.

Yes you can get the Yamato and fire the Wave Motion Gun.


ships end of july, so august some time?

What's the best space rpg for fun low level games? Traveller universe is fun but I heard the system is shit.

In the realm of a corvette/Freighter and a few fighters, I really enjoy space truckers/cowboy bebop style games.

the german brueckenkopf reviewed the models and was quite positive avout them. Don't know about the rules though.

What was the best wargame with Babylon 5 space ships?

Isn't X-Wing a spaceship game though?

And not a bad one, is a good introduction to wargames I would say. Pre painted is a big plus for a noob, not everyone has that kind of talent.

It's also a big plus for anyone looking for a secondary game. Really the money and time you have to invest and most of the games itt is probably the reason why they are so niche.
What makes it worse is that you probably have to get 2 armies, if you want to play frequently...

Avoiding traveller, I'd say swrpg edge of the empire on the simpler end, although you'd need to refluff and fighters are accurately fragile, or gurps on the complicated end. I've greatly enjoyed the gurps travelller interstellar wars book but I know the system isn't for everyone.

Otherwise I would still suggest you check out traveller, there are several systems for it, some of which suck, some of which are good. My understanding is most play classic traveller or mongoose traveller.

GURPS seems the best option then, there are too many traveller versions to stick to one, and GURPS has a fuckton of manuals for whatever you want. Traveller ships are cool as fuck too, some very retro.

So, anyone has tried the new traveller from Mongoose?

Mang, Veeky Forums doesn't care much about space ships for what I see. Nearly all space ship thread thend to die pretty fast.

Proto taidan? Those classic space ships are pretty cool.

I wish space ship hames were more main stream to gamers. People just assume you're a weirdo and the system shit since they've never heard about it and refuse to try a game or two.
At least I can get a game of gothic in every two months or so.