Shan'do Illidan edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft setting and its relation to tabletop gaming, and plan Warcraft based games
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Shan'do Illidan edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft setting and its relation to tabletop gaming, and plan Warcraft based games
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Of all the playable races, which has done the least in the lore?
Which one would you play in a crossover campaign, where each party member is from a different setting?
the Darkspear trolls are literally irrelevant until MoP
At least they get their island homes back. Gnomes still irrelevant.
>Of all the playable races
They're all playable.
On the matter of Jaina going through with the Culling of Stratholme, weknow what would've happened.
Lich Queen.
Yes, but some have done more than others.
Like how Orcs have done a lot more than Goblins.
So, Azeroth is confirmed Female, and Magni's proud of his daughter.
>they go through with the purge and finish much sooner because Jaina's magic
>Mal'ganis cant taunt and goad Arthas alone into going north
>maybe they dont even go to Northrend but keep purging scourge
>or they go to northrend
>Mal'ganis cant taunt Arthas again
>they easily manage to fight off the scourge and never burn their ships, knowing Jaina can always just mass teleport them home
>Arthas considers picking up Frostmourne but eventually decides aganist it, trusting his old armsmaster and ex-lover who never abandoned him more
>Uther calls them back instead of the emissary
>they accept, realizing the fight there is hopeless... for now
>Arthas never becomes LK but some of his more hardline stuff rubs off to Jaina who acts more like her cataclysm counterpart
>they rekindle their relationship and return home, Arthas forces Terenas to abdicate learning about the orcish breakout and escape
>it breaks his heart but he does it willingly
>meanwhile, Calia Menethil does what MU Jaina did and takes some forces to Kalimdor and eventually founds Theramore
>Lordaeron lives on fighting a desperate fight aganist the undead as a fanatical human supremacist nation
>Garithos gets namedropped somewhere as King Arthas' trusted advisor
>maybe namedrop some scarlet crusaders and forsaken as trusted lordaeronian soldiers
>Kelly stays dead
>someone eventually summons the burning legion anyway
>the fuck knows who
>the plot thickens
>muh equal representation
>Ironforge belongs to everyone, not just who the ones who built it
I'm triggered. I get the gist what are they trying to convey but wow writers are so comically incept when they try to write political stuff. Every single time its just "muh peace, muh people, why hate" and kindergartner level platitudes. It has the subtlety of a badly written pamphlet.
Race with fewest achievements?
Tauren. At least gnomes create something useful from time to time, tauren are content to live their traditional life and ignore the rest of the world.
What would I play in a crossover campaign?
Draenei. They are not my favorite race, but almost every setting have humans, elves, dwarves and orcs. Draenei are pretty unique (or at least were until 4e D&D turned tieflings into red draenei) and I kinda liked what I saw of their culture in WoD
And they make the best waifus
>knowing Jaina can always just mass teleport them home
can't mass tele to other maps
>>Ironforge belongs to everyone, not just who the ones who built it
>I'm triggered. I get the gist what are they trying to convey but wow writers are so comically incept when they try to write political stuff. Every single time its just "muh peace, muh people, why hate" and kindergartner level platitudes. It has the subtlety of a badly written pamphlet.
Do you not know the actual history of Ironforge?
It was built by all three clans.
>Lich Queen.
That's what Sylvanas is trying to become. Now that Bolvar and the Scourge are being buddy buddy with the living factions, she's going to make a play for his crown.
The One True Lich Queen.
Why are the old gods so into bug armies?
They're all subterranean, and thus easier to get to.
Not to mention they lend themselves to the whole hive mind concept rather well..
because bugs are cool and so are the Old Gods
t. definitely not N'zoth
I think at first it was literally a case of they were already there and C'thunn thought "I can work with these things."
The Mantid ect are off shoots of the original race that the Trolls wrecked from what I know, so initally I don't think there was too much variation between them all.
what this guy said.
The bugs were there, old gods used em. After the continents shattered they grew in different directions. mantid frozen in amber thing means theyre the original strand/species/ w/e.
>The bugs were there, old gods used em. After the continents shattered they grew in different directions. mantid frozen in amber thing means theyre the original strand/species/ w/e.
Even the mantid didn't start freezing right away.
Also according to the Chronicles they actually emerged from the bodies of the Old Gods when they landed, most serving as physical labor or cannonfodder for the faceless ones.
Havn't read chronicle yet, just remember the C'Thunn thing from when I was looking up the Nerubians for a fanfiction attempt .
Does that mean the Faceless one's also grew out of the Old God's flesh?
Hope you nerds are ready for a preorder so "pre" that it's 8 months in advance:
If you want to get technical, the other two clans used to live there until the war.
Then they just fucked off to Grim Batol and...Shadowforge? I can't remember the name of Dark Iron Town.
unflinching loyalty to an easily corrupted leader.
Bolvar is in the process of losing his mind, I don't expect the LK's new found benevolence to last.
The Ebon Blade fucked themselves in my opinion, they threw away their freedom at the first opportunity just because "Hey, he's not Arthas, amirite?" .
Faceless ones are unique to Yogg, he created them because the A'qir were terrible at fighting the titan legions.
I don't know how he made them though.
Also I think Yogg might have abandoned his A'qir brood (Nerubians) altogether after making his master race.
This might be why they were no longer worshiping him and even forgot about the existence of the Old Gods in time. Meanwhile the slithid and mantid were still slaves.
No, they all had Faceless ones, Yogg created the Faceless one GENERALS with the crab claws and he had a monopoly on THOSE.
No... Faceless ones are exclusively Yogg's shit.
The Nerubian's talk about their Unseen Emperor though and still had a priest caste which would indicate that they still prayed to the Old Gods.
The thing is though, were the Nerubians even aware that Yogg was even close to them? They arrived there after fleeing the Trolls and killed off the Titan creations living in the tunnels before creating the empire, so I wonder if they even knew about Yogg in the first place.
Still Anub'Arak knew about the Faceless, but that might have been because they had records left over from the Black Empire.
As much as I dislike most of the lore that came out of chronicles, the picture of the Black Empire is super good.
>Still Anub'Arak knew about the Faceless, but that might have been because they had records left over from the Black Empire.
He only knew about them beacuse of the war of the spider where the Nerubians dug too deep to escape the invading scourge from the surface and got pressed.
> Nerubian's talk about their Unseen Emperor though and still had a priest caste which would indicate that they still prayed to the Old Gods.
No they had their own faith which involved the great tapestry and their preist caste largely tended the brood. It my have originally been about worshipping the old gods but the original meaning was lost long ago and they were ignorant of Yogg and actually fought against the Faceless.
Ahh right. I didn't realise that the Facless had started turning up in the War of the Spider I thought that was later, when the living ones were trying to fight back once Ner'Zul had taken over the majority of the place.
Where abouts is the stuff about the Nerubian faith? is that more chronicle stuff?
It has some pretty awesome art in general.
Actually no, books in Northrend talked about the castes.
Preists were largely just mystics (usually diviners who watched the weave of fate) and brood keepers.
I don't think that was their original purpose but I can guess that their purpose changed in time (after they broke from the OG).
Also High Kings were established to make sure the queens would stop infighting over control. So the kings have all the political authority but still need queens to sire a brood making a unique balance of power.
Nerubians are fucking cool.
I'm a poncy blood elf faggot, but I would sacrifice all of them for a chance to be a nerubian.
Yeah it's shadowforge, and I want to be able to walk around there not as BRD so badly
Any thoughts on this theory. I would like more discussion on it please.
Personally I'd drop Jaina from it. I feel that it would work better if you ran it as S and A struggling to free themselves and what they can of the Scourge and at the same time playing with the fact that they increasingly hate the living.
Plus there's the living Jaina as Arthas' past and undead Slyvanas as his future. and Living prince to undead king too.
Also not enough KT, but that's not really the story you're going for.
hmm... interesting thought. I guess that could work, but there are so many three partner romances in fiction these days where the guy is the center.
And they're almost all universally shit.
You'd be better served by building a relationship between Arthas and Sylvanas (because there is plenty to work with once you get past the hate) and developing their characters than trying to work Jaina into something that is at its core going to be about two corpses going full REEEE!
I'd like to have seen something like an annexation of Zul"Aman by the Horde.
Say the Revantusk trolls in the Hinterlands convince some one is a position of power to sue for peace with the Horde and in turn Silvermoon.
>Shan'do Illidan
I want a High Priestess Miaev.
they clean the door and put a new doormat
I liked it.
didn't most of the C'thraxxi serve N'zoth though? IIRC you see more in Cata than you do in Wrath
>I want a High Priestess Miaev.
High Templar Zeratul has been in the game for ages
well memed
Zul'Aman deserved better than what happened to it in Cata. When the inevitable Zandalari expansion finally hits, Zul'jin better be in it
What were the worst retcons by blizzard?
wotlk arthas and illidan in terms of character.
Making Eredar and Drenai connected.
not kael'thas?
>implying that wasn't neat
The Draenei Eredar disaster for tbc.
Did Blackmoore ever have any kids? Feel like he would have at least sired a bastard at some point
he was sterile
Damn, there goes my hopes of someone going full princess bride on Thrall
Then again I guess Blackmoore wouldn't be the kind of guy you'd avenge
No, we realized SUPREME LEADER>no leaders.
The azeroth will be saved.
Light's hope chapel was merely a setback it doesn't count. We'll take care of sylvy after legion.
We are not getting a zandalari expansion cuz trolls are only for buffer patches
>Say, did you guys want illidan back after we completely butchered the storyline?
>Yes please!
>okey, i'm turning him into an angel
Seriously, what the fuck is wron with Metzen, has he no understanding of what people want to see? They wanted a plotline fixed, and instead they are just turning him into another generic mary sue
Okey, rant aside, what's your current level of interaction with the warcraft setting? Still play the mmo? Replay the old games on occasion? Or do you just read the wikipedia articles as stories unfold and tear your hair out?
metzen doesn't even work on the story any more now. He wanted jim raynor to be a drunken mess in WoL, his underlings wanted the prophecy bullshit.
the time when he makes an ass of himself in front of horner is one of the few things proposed by metzen that got accepted.
What prophecy bullshit?
the entire main story of starcraft 2 was decided by committee, and metzen was the seniormost guy there. The new blood in blizzard is what made the entire story what it was.
>Still play the mmo?
Haven't since tbc.
Vanilla was disappointing, tbc was offensive.
I played through wc1(orc)-wc2(human) campaigns fairly recently, started on tft campaign, other stuff got in the way, but will go through it soon.
Wc3 is a game that I go back to every now and then beyond the campaigns.
I'm currently slowly replaying warcraft 2, mostly because i just felt like it. I'm planning on playing warcraft 1 in hte near future, might even replay warcraft 3.
I'm also considering coming back to wow for legion. I originally wasn't planning on doing so. But hanging out on this thread has made me kind of curious.
I know everybody hated Illidan's sudden face heel turn in wow. But this is the first time I've heard somebody complain about Arthas.
it has largely to do with golden's book.
>But this is the first time I've heard somebody complain about Arthas.
ICC turned him into a fucking retard
>hehe, I was just pretending to lose, now witness my ULTIMATE ATTACK
>charges for 10 minutes while Tirion sneaks up behind him and breaks Frostmourne
> tfw working on wowpedia
fuck it's so addicting
How does Veeky Forums feel about Wranduin?
The thing I hated about Arthas in Golden's book is that he felt too introspective and broody. As a paladin in WC3, he was brash and impulsive, and a DK he was this sarcastic douchebag with GoAT-tier bantz.
In Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, he feels like a poor-mans Elric. I mean he had the trappings already (white-haired pretty boy who takes up a cursed soul-stealing sword and betrays his kingdom), but he was different personality wise from Elric of Melnibone.
>Wanting to discuss Warcraft ships.
Get out.
>B-b-blizzard homogay w-when?
get meme'd on
not gonna happen.
There's been a few implied couples, like Quae and Kinelory in Arathi Highlands.
Not to mention all the angry gay sex Asric and Jadaar undoubtedly got up to.
I want this to happen in legion. I think she would be an awsome LQ. She would be proactive, I beat she would have helped fight Deathwing in Cata
hasn't she suffered enough?
She could still grow as a character, shes not dead
Imagine being tutored by kt, the witty banter, the debate ect.
nah, she should take up horticulture
What does this entail precisely? I know that when TFT introduced the Draenei they were what we now know as "The Broken", are the Draenei we have now not meant to exist? And the Eredar are just something else entirely?
the eredar were the evil demons that corrupted sargeras.
Pre-TBC right? I've only ever really paid attention to lore when WC3/WoW came out so the established setting in WC1/2 is largely lost on me sadly.
even that is a retcon in itself. Before WC3, Sargeras was the daemonlord who taught Kil'jaeden magic and the eredar didn't exist
Then what is the great hubub about making Draenei former Eredar (just a name change and not being a slut for fel magic basically). Since players in Warcraft never interact with any Demon that isn't a Mannaroth or a Doomlord, surely the machinations and intricacies of other Demons doesn't really matter?
I think originally, the people who got mad were the ones who really liked the draenei in TFT and didn't like them being associated with the bad guys
Damn, half the fun of a heavy armored female is to remove it to see the juicy delicate goods, dont spoil it!
Was the Horde vs Alliance in WoW really necessary?
Define necessary?
I think getting retarded PvP addict money may have helped Blizzard financially, but it was definitely a sacrifice in the story department that only got worse when they started HIRING those very same retarded gank-addicts like Kossak to write for them.
In short: Maybe.
Border skirmishes have their place, but Warcraft III made it feel pretty firm that open war between the Alliance and Horde was settled at Hyjal.
I don't mind them being at open war typically, but I do mind that Blizzard keeps flip-flopping it so much.
I don't think so.
kosak wrote the webcomic.