Mark 4 "Maximums" Edition
Cataphractii Sub-Edition
What are you going to stuff in your Stormlord? A newbie asked what sort of trouble he was in for being a footsloger, RoWs were discussed along with special units, the IWfags have gone mad, one user wanted to know the loyalties of the Alpha Legion, Napoleon Dynamite hates the Macharius and much more in the last bread Red Book Links:
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First for the best legion.
IW's UNITE!!!!
Macharius MegaDakka, for when the StormDakka is just a bit too much!
Since the Dangles are getting a Grav-Land Raider it's time to cheek off what the Custodes will be getting. Jetbikes, axes(big ones), tech priests, flamers, combi-bolters, power fists/swords, flamers, heavy flamers, bolters, Cataphractii, and personalized armor.
Dorn has the best armor, proving this wrong is heresy!.
>not first legion best legion
confirmed pleb
>dangles getting land raider
Instead of T5 they might be T4 with the Auric Armour rule that Dorn has.
I meant grav land raider, ignore my retardation I'm aware they did have regular land raiders
Difference being like pic related. If it floats it ain't no ordinary boat.
I can see that.
You did write grav-Land Raider, the other guy can't read.
No both posts were me, I was saying ignore the fact I forgot the "grav" part of grav land raider in my first post
Where does it say they're getting grav-raiders? That shit's pretty cash
Hopefully they can take grav guns for bonus grav-ception
Alan Bligh.
Holy shit man, thats pretty cool
>Plastic Tartaros
Give me ten.
I'd like to run a Marauder-heavy Blackshields army, but I'm having trouble deciding between Outlanders and Option 1 Chimyrae.
Chimyrae would be S6 (if armed w/ chainaxes) and T5, and now that you can put Apothecaries in their squads the I3 thing isn't too big an issue.
Yet Outlanders get rad grenades for relatively cheap, making them effectively S6 against non-vehicles, plus have the usual marine Init value. Are rad grenades and free (if dangerous) deepstriking worth it?
What are some strong builds for Blackshields?
Forgot to add Dreadnoughts. Custodes also are getting Dreadnoughts.
Will they be the size of a knight?
No. Saying they would be Knight sized would be like saying that it's not cold on a witch boat with 16 witches witching. Also check the size of Custonought wailing on those SoHs.
Dorn has the best legion period
Is custodes-naught more badass?
Or simply badass.
We need a statline at least Anonbros.
Probably marine statline with artificer armor, halberd which is assumingly an ap3 assault 2-3 bolter.
Special rules?
Legiones Astartes Custodes?
or maybe more like Legiones Custodes special rule.
Some LD regrouping shit, presumably something that enables them to be close combat monsters.
>Since the Dangles are getting a Grav-Land Raider it's time to cheek off what the Custodes will be getting.
I'm no help since I would either run option 2 and do an insane outflanking sniper vets + mass landraider/dreadclaw chainaxe marauder/WS 6 veteran army or do option 3 and just play shittier world eaters with armoured support
I know this doesn't help, but I just wanted to share
>Is custodes-naught more badass?
>Or simply badass.
A Custonought is what every marine dread trains to be so they can bring home the gold for the Dreadnought Special Olympics. I imagine them being more reliable than normal Contemptors.
>Special rules?
Chosen Warriors and make them fearless on close combat.
Now ignore my retardation, it's 3AM and I'm at work.
and by ap 3, I mean the ccw part is ap 3
So I was told that Fist Exemplars were going to take the Imperial Fist title after the beast arises series but I finished the last book and there isn't anything mentioned about it. Just the the IF took a few captina from other successors.
I'm also pissed we didn't see The Phalanx in action
It's not like FW's sticking to old shit when they got new shit to do. They could make Custodians the size of dreadnoughts if they wanted.
Would they be MCs or walkers?
>They could make Custodians the size of dreadnoughts if they wanted.
Too big for me.
Walkers. Their dreadnought will be an MC.
It's ok, my next message wasn't very clear either, it's 2:30 here and I have heavy heat stroke
What should i get for AL?
So far i have 10 headhunters (seeker stand in) and 10 veterans
What's a good legion to play if I don't want to be mechanized? I'm all tonked out after finishing my guard.
EC or WE
EC can footslog very effectively, and WE dont give a shit about losses
If plastic tartaros is true, my elite choices are more fucked than ever before.
Even when I sold off the cataphractii from BaC, I have apothecaries and a contemptor-mortis, I'm gonna get phoenix guard and palatine blades, I'd like to use rylanor every now and then, the improved apothecary rules makes me consider using two slots for apothecaries, and now tartaros.
Make yourself an Autilon Skorr count as, pick a RoW and base your army around that.
I hope this eases your heat stroke.
I want them to make a Storm Shield bodyguard for Dorn, I got like 2 years to build that unit before Dorn arrives in resin.
Hey, I like terminators and I like dreads. Guess how many elite slots I got left. Lucky me, I don't like the tartaros much, so I don't have to worry about plastic ones.
>that Genevieve
Which Macharius variant do you think is best? Also are the Heavy stubbers good or no?
I hope FW does something similar to this, it would make sense for Alpharius to be as outlandish as possible when he shows himself so as to draw the attention of the enemy.
Somehow him having a Mohawk makes sense to me.
So are Alpharius and Dorn models going to be duelling like fulgrim and ferrous?
Nah. Alpharius is probably going to get wrecked by his older brother.
I love me a good macharius vanquisher. I think it's super underrated just like the leman Russ vanquisher.
Why don't the primarchs have wives or love interests?
I understand why Astartes aren't able to but primarchs are another thing entirely. I know they probably just didn't care about stuff other than conquest but is it ever actually addressed?
Go user. GO
Sanguinias actually had a wife in the old fluff, iirc.
Yeah, I was thinking either a Vanquisher or a MegaDakka, both with a Space Marine crew for 15 points. Both are minimum AP3 Primary weapon, and the AP shells for the Vanquisher are AP2, iirc.
Beep boop?! Beep? Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Boop bleep! Boop boop.
The benefits for Coils of the Hydra should just be built into the LA rules for AL
>"Forward my steed, Ironfire! Let's see what that faggot Dorne has to say we he sees this!"
That's just one out of twenty.
Well, I guess Roboute was always more into books than women.
I've seen this claim a few times but never a source
Hey /hhg/!
Convince me why I should be buying a 30k army.
Been itching for something to paint and I was considering buying another 40k army, but I haven't check out 30k all that much.
How much does the rules differ?
Does anyone here buy less-than-great units statwise just because you like the aesthetic? I really like breachers but they suck when compared to tacticals and assault marines...
They used to be better than Assault marines, but now they're the worst generic troop choice. They're still the coolest choice though. Medusan immortals for life
I do. No point playing if I have to use models I don't like.
Does AL sieze the initiative shenannigans work in a multi army apocalypse scenario?
They use the same general 7th edition rules, though the army lists are a lot different, with all the Space Marine legions using one book plus the Age of Darkness Legions book for Legion rules and unique units. It's a lot more balanced as D is a lot less prevalent, there's a lack of Eldar/Tau, and since most of the time it's Marine versus Marine, you end up with stuff that's balanced against eachother, though there is Mechanicum for the cog-heads, Solar Auxilia for those who want an Elite Army feel, and Imperial Militia/Warp Cults for those who just want to play their Imperial Guard in 30k. There's also Chaos Daemons as well. In the future by the end of the year at least, the Custodes will have their own army list, as well as the Sisters of Silence.
Fluff-wise, forget what you know about the traitor legions in the 41st millenium, as none of them are warp-tainted yet, with the exception of the Word Bearers.
TLDR, it's more balanced and in my opinion, more interesting.
since the armies are all so similar, i believe it allows for more interesting tactics
Thank you very much for the information!
This general seems alot nicer than 40ks general.
30k isn't something you just start on a lark. I would advise doing a some research to see if it's worth investing in. Most people who pick up 30k do it because they play marines or CSM in 40k or have the Betrayal at Calth starter box, making it easy to get into the game.
If you're a xenos 40k only player and end up not liking 30k, you won't have much use for the models you buy, unless you want to start a small marine force in 40k. On the other hand, 30k veterans can pretty much use their entire army in 40k or count it as a 40k army.
>Best character for my legion
>Event exclusive from years ago
It's because there's no Taufags to rile everyone up. Though we do have IWfags, Dornfags, Scoriafags, recast arguments, and chainaxes.
Gotta get some Chinese friends then
Ive tried chinaman before, the quality has always been terrible
I wish they could have just made him part of the range after a while
I currently own 3 diffrent armies in 40k.
Tzeentch and Nurgle Daemons
I mostly enjoy the painting, I was otherwise looking at buying the Zone Mortalis board.
Daemons can be used in 30k FYI. They even made some 30k specific named greater daemons.
No problem user! I'm always happy to help where I can, though I'm afraid that I don't know as much as I should.
Currently looking to start an Iron Warriors army with some Mechanicum on the side. Also want to get a Macharius, but I'm not sure which to get. MegaDakka will slay blobs, light vehicles, and can act as AA just for the sheer volume of fire, but it's pretty expensive. The Vanquisher is cheaper and can slay dragons as well as blobs with it's massive blast. Both have HStubbers that can be replaced with HBolters.
The FW ZM board is the pinnacle of ZM tables but it's really expensive. I don't think it's worth it unless you had a thousand dollars lying around that you weren't going to use anyway.
ZM is actually a 40k game mode so it's not just 30k exclusive. It's also much better than normal 40k. It just requires a lot of wall terrain or a dedicated table.
My experience has been hit and miss - I got some AL shoulderpads that are sweet but a little rough on the inside, but on the other hand I'm waiting on a new side piece for my Sicaran because the one they sent had a huge mould slip that pretty much wrecked it.
So I don't know, it seems like it would be worth it for a character you couldn't get any other way.
Daemons are literally the only army that can be used in all of GW's games. They can be allied to Word Bearers and Warp Cults, though I'm going to tell you that you should research the legions before choosing one simply for their rules, as 30k in my opinion is more about loving the fluff and having pride in your army, rather than WAAC. Not that I'm accusing you of anything, of course! Just that you should do your homework first, because 30k gets expensive, especially if you buy most of your army from FW.
I originally wanted to go with Word Bearers because I liked their rules and color scheme, as well as their fluff, but fell in love with Iron Warriors after rewading more about them and reading Angel Exterminatus as well.
Finally I can get in combat
I bought all 3 of my army for fluff reasons or "I want to paint that" reasons.
For the fluff part I've always wanted a Salamander army.
They share my SoBs love of Flamers.
I was thinking of buying the set for 450£ along with a set of extra doors.
rougly 520£ in total.
It's either that or buying a new army to paint, hence why I was abit curious about 30k.
SoB are really good in ZM. Flamers get shred and melta is no longer a "short range" weapon because everything is short range in ZM.
I'd say go with a new army. More personal that way, in my opinion. What armies are you interested in, if I may ask?
If I had the money all of them, but realisticly speaking Salamanders or Raven Guard look quite appealing.
Don't forget fucking Alpha Memers.
Oh and I really want to make a Harlequin army, but that's 40k.
Iron Warriors: 2120pts
Rite of War: Ride the Iron Fire
These are the models I want for my army, moving to 2500pts, but for now these are what I really want.
HQ [ 2 ]
Legion Praetor 205pts
Cataphracti Terminator Armor
Paragon Blade
Combi bolter
Cortex Controller
Siege Breaker 130pts
Cataphracti Terminator Armor
Power Weapon
Combi bolter
Elites [ 3 ]
Iron Circle 410pts
+1 Domitar Ferrum Battle Automata
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery 180pts
3x Quad Mortar
Apothercarion Detachement 110pts
+1 Apotheracry
+2 Artificer Armor
Troops [ 2 ]
Legion Breacher Siege Squad 310pts
+5 Breachers
Nuncio Vox
Legion Vexilla
artificer armor
Legion Breacher Siege Squad 310pts
+5 Breachers
Nuncio Vox
Legion Vexilla
artificer armor
Heavy Support [ 1 ]
Legion Artillery Tank Squadron 465pts
+3 Legion Medusas
Phosphex Shells
Yeah, both look pretty cool. My friend is interested in RG as well, though he's a completely new to the setting.
Which one do you think you'd like better? Salamanders seem like they'd be fun to paint, and you mentioned a love of flamers as well. Plus they have their own Legion Specific terminators, which I believe are in the Elites slot, which means that you could take them as troops alongside Veterans in a Pride of the Legion list.
How many boxes of BaC is too many? I have two unopened and the FLGS is selling the remainder of their stock at $150 a box (AU). I could easily pick up another two, but that would leave me with over 250 Mk IV armour sets in both plastic and resin, and there's no army that needs that many.
>Plus they have their own Legion Specific terminators, which I believe are in the Elites slot, which means that you could take them as troops alongside Veterans in a Pride of the Legion list.
Oh, and adding to this is that certain Space Marine characters have Master of the Legion, which lets them take Rites of War. Pride of the Legion is a great way to start a 30k army, as it lets you take Vets and Termis as troops so you can get games even when you have a small army.
You already have two, mate. One's perfectly fine, two's okay, any more than that and you better be doing multiple legions.
>tfw picked him up at amsterdam open
>used him for the first time this saturday
List worked well, but I'd like some feedback if people still do list tailoring here. Haven't been in /hhg/ for a while. also battle report, if anyone wants?
>How many boxes of BaC is too many?
3, with two you got enough marines for a good army, 3 is 90 marines which can be fine depending what you're building but in my opinion is too damn many of the same marine and you'll be left with a fuckton of bolters. Five is way too much unless you plan on buying breacher shields or something to convert the other 60 marines.
If the new box does come with Tartaros and MkIII then Im getting two, one for my birthday and another for christmas.
Two. Using more than 10 cataphractii becomes contrived, and 60 power armour bodies is more than enough for e.g. 2x20 tacticals and 2x10 support/heavy/seekers using upgrade kits.
Your lists are going to both look boring and be stale as fuck to play with if you have a fuckton of the same 3-4 choices, and you're not going to be able to convert good-looking despoilers, breachers, assault marines, destroyers etc. out of BaCticals.
I would buy two more if I were you and I had the cash. One day those sweet boxes are gonna get discontinued and it's smart to get as much as you can. At worse you could run a scalping business on ebay. Sell more expensive than BAC but less expensive than the new standalone kits.
The point is on top of the BaC boxes I have 120 Resin Mk IV Marines from back when they were selling 30 marines with Bolters and Command Upgrade. I plan to mix and match pieces so all the Marines are Resin/Plastic Hybrids.