What would you do with a timestop spell Veeky Forums?
What would you do with a timestop spell Veeky Forums?
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I would vigorously hug the cutest girl I could find.
Get to work on time, and maybe steal a meal every now and again
forever if possible
Petty bullshit. Like swapping two people's left shoes mid-step. Or flipping someone 's dog upside down.
Or wait for someone to try to go upstairs, and keeping moving them back down to the bottom step. Then wait till they get exasperated and just take the elevator, then hit every button right before it closes.
Or put a flock of seagulls in front of someone.
Melt with you.
Acquire currency
Offensive actions break the time stop.
If I don't age during time stop:
Read every single book I can access.
If I do:
Fuck with some world leaders to gain power.
walk around naked
Sell it for a Wish spell and bring back Harambe
>Or put a flock of seagulls in front of someone.
You monster
Redraw the pentagram on the demon's own stomach.
Steal a bunch of valuable, but nondescript goods.
honestly? Probably take lewd pictures of my cute friends.
Get dubs
Assuming I don't age any faster, I would travel the world and help people in desperate need, like Kenshiro. You know, people with kids who owe loan sharks money or things like that. I'd have to figure out how to make money though. I'd like to do it in the most honest way possible.
Probably just use it to never miss deadlines.
Also some petty shit like spilling drinks and untying shoelaces.
I might start a collection of large bills stolen from celebrities, just because I could.
But OP has trips user?
I'd put purple 2x4 lego bricks under every bare foot in the world.
See I thought you would just rape kids or something, but this is way over the line.
Depends how long it lasts for I guess.
>Go to Casino
>Play Roulette
>Stop time just before the ball stops
>Place small bet on number
>Unfreeze time
>Win $36
Why wouldn't you just steal cards out of a poker deck or look at other people's hands?
Roulette would be super easy to tell if someone was winning a lot, considering the odds are so small of actually getting it.
Don't win too many times in a row user, lest the Casino Cops awaken.
When shit hits the fan, I'd stop time to take a drink.
I mean I guess I could fuck up the enemy or solve the issue, but I need the me time more.
Just play blackjack and timestop to look at the next few cards in the deck.
Given electronics probably don't work during stopped time, probably do petty work I can do by hand or sleep, depending on how long the time stopping 'lasted'.
Also fuck with people by yelling ZA WARUDO and then use the spell once or twice, just to say I did.
I'm petty like that.
Disregard women
Jokes on you, I'm immune to the purple ones
At first whole lot of basic fuckboy gags. Like taking someones beer and shaking it vigorously right before they open it.
I assume that would get old rather fast.
I'd try to find some way to use it to help people, but in a way that wouldn't be super noticeable. Like moving an incapacitated person closer to a door so the firemen can find them. Or pushing a person just enough out of the way that a car misses them barely.
Fill out Job Apps, Work on pell, get Necessities from the grocery store since that's a good chunk of my budget.
I'd yell Za Warudo, say I stopped time, but won't really do it. I'll then stop time without saying anything.
You are the most boring person who has ever lived.
I really am and I'm not even that bothered by it.
If it lasts for as long as we want? Sleep. I would get all the rest I have been neglecting because life takes time.
I'd gather some supplies, and then kidnap Trump, Clinton, Obama, Putin, Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Anita Sarkeesian simultaneously.
Then, I'd make ominous threats on the internet or something. I don't really have a plan afterwards. I might even let some go.But not Anita.
I would keep it a total secret at first. You know why?
When you can literally stop time, you no longer have an excuse to get shit in late. Any time you fail to do do something, it's because you either didn't care at all or were 100% negligent. "I was busy" or "something came up" are no longer options.
>user doesn't care about me. He could have stopped time to get a gift today, but he didn't even bother
>user, I asked for that report two hours ago. Time literally is not an issue for you anymore, so I don't want to hear it.
>user you can sleep during stopped-time. You can put in a few extra hours.
>user you never visit. You can visit literally whenever you want instantly, so fuck you for not wasting the equivalent of 10 hours of stopped-time to walk all the way over to my town.
People would constantly want me to do shit for them, and I'd be working all the time because people expect me to put in huge amounts of stopped-time for them. It would fucking suck. Yeah maybe I could save people from burning buildings or sleep more, but that would just create an expectation that I have to constantly be ready to drop everything and help people.
fallback: lie about limits of your power.
Say you can only stop it for so long in such a period of time and that you still age while time is stopped.
Alternatively, these things may in fact still be an issue for you.
OP really should have been more specific.
I mean, fuck, you know with a true time stop, you would NOT be able to move. You wouldn't be able to breathe. You can't do shit if everything is stopped. It gets worse if you're not stopped too.
Show people how USELESS they are.
Wouldn't moving while time is stopped fuck everything up? You're accelerating air molecules to literally infinite speed. Also, you shouldn't be able to see without moving, because the light doesn't even reach your eyes anymore.
Get ripped. Throw knives. Pose. Drop steamrollers on people. Exactly what you would expect.
Are you honestly assuming that if people met a guy who can actually stop time the first thing they'd do is hold it against him?
He can literally get away with anything and nobody could ever stop him. He'd not only become instantly famous, but he'd also probably have most people be afraid of him.
To go "Hey buddy why are you taking so long to get that report done" to the man who can STOP TIME is just so extremely absurd.
thats not how you do that
Cause blackjack is rigged at casinoes and they'd instantly tell if you started winning more than they wanted you to.
Employers can be asses. Old company i worked at actually gutted the accounting department in favor if throwing what previously took 5 people to get done at a comptroller who was a numbers wiz. They gave him a shitty $5 raise for it and everything.
Suddenly this poor guy is pulling 4 hour overtime on average and the company is willing to pay that cause its still cheaper than 5 peoples worth of pay and insurance. They still chewed him out for late shit in both jobs as well. That guy could have crippled that company by quitting (in my state you can quit or be fired at anytime and not have to provide a reason unless one party calls it discriminatory) just as a HUGE contract came in or something and just walked out middle fingers still high. All that power and might in one man and you bet your ass he still wasn't paid what he was worth and still got his ass chewed out for not meeting his new expectations and occasionally for no reason "just to keep him on his toes.".
Tl;Dr employers are asses an their main job is to squeeze you so hard you don't even have pulp left.
>Also, you shouldn't be able to see without moving, because the light doesn't even reach your eyes anymore.
Interestingly, this actually isn't that big of a problem. If you are moving at 99.999999% the speed of light, then the time dilation factor essentially makes the world around you stand still. But light will STILL move at the speed of light relative to you.
Moving through the air would feel like moving through incredibly thick soup. You'd also heat the air to extreme temperatures for anyone around you.
I dunno, he try making a few "token losses" and then win it big, another token loss, then 'cut his losses' then head to another casino and start roughly the same process over. This would probably be easier to do at Indian Casinos scattered around different states than in Las Vegas.
you'd be amazed how irrational some people might be. some might even outright try to blackmail you and think they can exploit your powers for their gain.
but as for me, if we a assume a no-limits, maximum bullshit time-stop power, I'd probably do a lot of the usual stuff: make sure I'm always on time for everything, always have anything and everything I need prepared, freeze time after being insulted to think up a perfect comeback to every insult, etc.
what do you think
>yfw you meet another time-stopper
Go on a killing spree. Combined with a sightseeing tour, because if you're going to purge the world of undesirables, you might as well enjoy the trip.
>Read every single book I can access.
This is good. Tab in and out of the time stop to socialize as normal, and it's great.
Nah. Blackjacks different than roullete. If you started winning when they wanted you to lose or vice versa they'd know somethings up.
Best case: you get out with your winnings but they probably won't like it if you came back and the casino fires the croupier.
Worst case: you leave without your winnings cause they know you're cheating and you're blacklisted from the local casinoes.
Going with indian ones might not be a good idea either. Any one you stop at that won't pick up your shit or won't oust you for it is a place you won't win shit at and any place, like mystic lake, where you could win big you'd have the same issue as any vegas run casino.
Best bet would be shit like poker or something thats more random or chancey and still you'd have to not get too lucky.
>Killing them
>Not utterly humiliating them
>Not heading to the middle east, heading to the heart of ISIS territory, waiting until the Caliphate is giving a broadcasted speech then stuffing his mouth and hands with pork, putting a pig on his dick, and soaking him in pig's blood.
>Not catching time in a bottle
When did they make The Flash so slow?
Eh, I might do that for select individuals, but coming up with utter humiliation for millions of people is too much trouble.
To meet the required screen time for the actor.
They could just show him casually strolling through the cabine whistling a bit as he just grabs people one by one by the belts or shit before waltzing them to the lawn. Might even make the scene longer and you get the nice effect of all the previous victims to be watching the train tumble in its entirety.
It's lazy is what it is.
>Or wait for someone to try to go upstairs, and keeping moving them back down to the bottom step.
Go home Dio, you're drunk.
Also the various train car victims would he on that much longer as well if thats the case.
In a tabletop sense, I usually cast three spells in rapid succession and pointing at targets.
Like aiming a gun with timestop
>The Sisyphus Weight Loss program
Take fatties and put them at the bottom of a 20 story stairwell with the only door at the tippytop. Once they reach the top you send them back down in timestop mode and repeat as necessary. You could even bring them caloric intake specific meals since they wouldn't be able to get food other ways.
I would become the most lazyass Superhero imaginable.
I would never tell a soul.
And I would also use it to win bets and mess with people's heads. I will steal the president's shoe at every presidential press conference.
Eventually, I will return them, all at once at the end of term. While he's in it, preferably alone, sitting at his desk.
There's a certain appeal to driving a powerful man absolutely bonkers.
Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you the first Nudist Party President!
He gets faster.
1)Make bank
2)Whatever I damn well want
>Or wait for someone to try to go upstairs, and keeping moving them back down to the bottom step.
I'd actually use the power to improve myself depending on how it works. Although I wouldn't mind if I aged during it if I end up looking like pic related.
Read a ton of fucking books while time is stopped and increase my knowledge of all studies and probably work out like crazy à la DBZ style.
Once I've got the prep work done with I become the worlds dandiest man.
And lest you think I'd just drop them in some big pile in the middle of the executive office's seat. No no. I can stop time, I can be meticulous. The shoes will be artfully, dare I say, tastefully arranged, all over the executive office's desk.
I'd also join ISIS and play merry hell with the suicide bombers, maybe arrange their scattered bodyparts in the shape of a US flag when I'm done. I'd abduct the entire civillian population of North Korea, and inform their military relatives they will be safe, provided they bring me the head of Kim Jung Un, then sit back, watch the fire works.
I'd find muggers, replace their chosen weapons with amusing props such as candy canes, dildos, bubble wands, lollipops.
The ability to stop time, with sufficient patience, allows for infinite possibilities where trolling is concerned, and I would explore every single one.
You.. I like you
Thats grade A time fuckery right there though a word of caution: dildoes make great weapons believe it or not.
Do tell, good user, how you came by this bit of information regarding the weaponisation of dildos?
>dildoes make great weapons believe it or not.
Veeky Forums
As children are wont to do i burgled my way into my parents bedchambers one autumn day and therein did i find a most peculiar toy of sorts.
I proceeded to use my new found weapon in the ensuing 3pm battle for the Crown that bears the title King of the Hill.
Many a tooth was knocked loose and many a funcussions were had by all but me.
So basically this
Yes though the acne faded with age.
Honestly, I would probably only use it when in dire need of a few hours of sleep or to complete a deadline. I assume you would still age in timestop and so overusing it would lead to you living less time in realspace if you spend time in stopspace
Read all the books, write until I actually got good at it, learn everything I want to learn.
Then spend the rest of my life fulfilled and successful.
Get ripped and practice my art.
Putin's a judoist, he may kick someone's ass after unfreeze
From what we've seen he's not great and has balance issues. He IS an older fellow though so he has an excuse.
So if you flip a switch and turn time off, you won't be able to breathe?
I guess either way, you're a casualty.
Catch Time and put it to justice for its crimes
You want to put the world's best doctor in jail? Time heals all wounds!
Well technically if you moved with time stopped you'd be accelerating yourself beyond the speed of light for any movement and thus the relative speed of air you'd inhale would also be beyond light speed. You'd basically turn yourself and the local atmosphere into pure radiation in literally no time. This would be bad.
I have a bum leg from middleschool that hasn't gotten any better and i know a former welder with arc burns on his retinas as well! We demand Time have his Doctorate and Medical License revoked and we are bringing him to trial on malpractice charges from several million people!
Look, time is just a really busy guy. He's booked out, but will probably get to your problem in about 1300 years. He just doesn't have the time right now.
I would stop time, OP.
Depends on the constraints. How long can I stop time for? What are my limitations on interacting with others in the stopped time?
There are many questions.
Then he makes false marketing claims saying he can heal all wounds when he factually can't and we'll just add that to the list of charges.
>some might even outright try to blackmail you and think they can exploit your powers for their gain.
If people found out you had time stop powers, you would be killed. Someone would see you as a threat, and if they didn't think they could control you, they would have you killed.
How are you going to carry their fat ass down the stairs?
Why not just use reverse escalators? And maybe attack dogs for motivation.
What if you die in the time stop?
It'd be really hard to determine someone's ability to stop time, and further it would be really hard to kill them if they knew they were at any risk.
Pretty much the only way would be a sniper who can somehow determine their location before they have any idea that they're threatened. And that's only if they move through public places without stopping time to begin with.
A time stopper who knows a threat to their life is after them? Is probably several thousand miles away in two realtime seconds starting a new life with a haircut.