No force of will thread? Also this is going on rn twitch tv/ fowtcgjapan
Force of Will
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Why does this game have such silly terms for creature and stuff?
>Unique character
>Quote is by a different character
Because MtG has a copyright on usage of certain terms.
There is literally no way that MtG has copyrighted the word "creature" and "sorcery".
Maybe when it comes to Trading cards they do.
You do realize that regardless of WotC/Hasbro actually having copyright over the terms... they will still do their best to sue another that uses said terms? The company has history of attempting to sue small TCGs for bullshit reasons. They even sue'd Yugioh for using the term "magic card" for their spell cards.
When did Tomoko turn blonde?
>played 4 seperate constructed events over the weekend
>played bs decks
>got 2nd every one losing to the guy who got 1st in the 2nd round each game
Well at least I can choose decks well. Gonna stick playing Shion since that deck is bonkers with down the drain and can get its win con out by t3 easily
How expensive is this game? Let's say i want to build a top tier competitive deck, how much would it end up costing me?
Anywhere from 10 dollars to low-100 dollars, depending on what you build. It's cheap to get into and the pack distributions are generally pro-player.
What's the best resource for finding top decks and buying singles. I want to get in while it's still cheap but it can be kind of annoying trying to find the best lists to buy into.
I want to fuck Piruruk.
What's a good top tier deck?
Anything that has R/R as a ruler
What are some good starter decks worth buying?
pricia just for teh lulz
and of course you need to include more cards to improve them
Considering AGP LA had sacred beasts in first and second place, not entirely sure I agree with "for the lulz". Solid start, at the very least.
R/R burn, r/r control r/r sacred beasts control, r/r stealth control, shion comBo, machina otk green are the best decks atm, all have gotten top 8 in major events.
I need a new Ruler to replace my Gill Rabus, but I can't figure out what to do since I still need ways to produce Fire and Light will and the new dual stones won't be out till the end of next week.
R//R Sacred Beasts is nothing like Pricia Sacred Beasts. Pricia is only any good in NF with Gretel and dual stone spam. Vomitting out a Huanglong turn 3 is pure sex.
>Vomitting out a Huanglong turn 3 is pure sex.
How do you do that?
Any resources for getting into this game?
I mean, the main FoW website is a good place to start along with the FoW Database to look up what cards can do and the overall rulings on some of them and such. There's also some tutorials on Youtube you can find, just don't bother with the official one for that.
Not him but it happened to me and I vividly remember that pain
>T1: stone, dork
>T2: stone, dork
>Opponent's T2: quickcast in Fiethsing if they try to fight dork
>T3: stone, huanglong.
I don't get it.
I think he means gretel
Creature that taps for mana. Nicknamed mana dork because of their normally shit stats, but the tempo boost you get is intense.
Is she in the Grimm cluster?
Yep she's in crimson moon
Ah, my local shop basically just moved to Alice only stuff, so I can't really use that set up unless I play legacy before out tournaments.
So what should i buy to build a decent sacred beast control? Also will a ramp deck be viable? What cards should i look for a ramp?
Also are fairies decks good? What should i buy if i want to build that instead?
With Titania and some of the other cards added in BoA, they can be pretty horrible to play against.
For fun flavor and to avoid vague legal threats from Hasbro/WotC who very much enjoys doing so.
If you want to play ramp machina or sacred beasts control are decent choices. Check around for recent top 8 lists from major events on the fow Facebook page and library of will has lists also.
I said the deck was a solid start, not that it was tournament good. It has a close to half the r//r deck.
The AGP decks use Blessing of Yggdrasil instead to ramp.
I'm so tired of seeing R/R.
This was prior to BFA release
This guy has gotten top 4 at a few ARG/AGP events with sacred beasts control, its a good starting point
As a fairies player, its fun as hell unless you're playing necrolance or red rush. Its pure balls to the wall aggro. Cheap as hell to build too if you forgo Moonbreeze Fairy and Moonbreezes Memoria, but its worth the extra 20 bucks to get the moon support.
The exact play was t1 dork, t2 gretel into another gretel into a dork. I had to topdeck a huanglong on turn 3 as I was on the play and my other two cards were horns. Me and a friend were just playtesting some jank and I had haphazardly thrown that one together. He scooped the moment huanglong came out. Had to topdeck the deep wood on t3 too to get all the value
Anyone have any deck lists for a Yggdrasil/beasts deck?
>Force of Will TCG States tournament on Sunday
>game 1, match 1
>OTK opponent
>game 1, match 2
>OTK him again
>opponent cries, drops from tournament, and has his mom pick him up
What a way to spend a $25 entry fee.
Thanks for the made up story, Greg.
Machines or fae ?
Machines are so damn fun now.
Fairies should never be an OTK main wincon. You should be pinging them throughout and wiping board with flame sprites. It only feels OTK because you swing for game on t4 most of the time. Machines are a strictly OTK engine
ACC or NF? NF all you need is 4 of each of the following. Morgiana, Whispers, Apollo, Call to Action, and Doge. Nothing else matters in that deck.
>ACC or NF? NF all you need is 4 of each of the following. Morgiana, Whispers, Apollo, Call to Action, and Doge. Nothing else matters in that deck.
Not too sure what that means. I pulled a Yggdrasil from a booster packs, so I wanted to make a deck around him
This card game really shot itself in the foot by having weeb art
I'm not following.
ACC=Alice Cluster Constructed, like limited in MTG, you can only play cards from Alice Cluster, its the format of AGPs right now
NF=New Frontiers, just like Standard, includes the two most recent blocks/clusters, was the format of AGPs until June, still used in NGPs outside of the US, most notably Australia.
The combo I posted took 5 of the top 8 at the Aussie NGP the day after BFA released.
Morg=1 drop resonator that lats you see the top 3 cards of your deck, keep one, and put the rest on the bottom whenever you would draw a card outside of draw phase
Whispers=2 drop spell, pay X life, draw X/500 cards.
Apollo=0 drop regalia you can tap and sac to bounce a resonator back to your hand
Call to Action=1 drop instant, gives swiftness and target attack and draws a card, costs 1 less if it targets a beast
Doge aka Doggo aka Yggdor= 10 drop 1400/1400 beast, can multiblock, and costs 10 less to cast if your life total is 100
The play is T1 Morg and an apollo if you've got it. T2 Whispers for 3900 or 100 less than your current lofe total. By this point you have seen 27 or 28 cards in your deck, depending if you were on the go or draw, and kept 13 or 14. Play Doggo for free, play call to action for free, draw 3, keep 1, swing 1400, and either bounce doggo to hand with apollo or play another and repeat until opponent is dead turn 2
I don't play FoW, but the ACC format you describe doesn't sound like limited, but sounds more like block constructed.
Yeah sorry, sort of the same thing but not at the same time. Forgot the word for it and Limited is a little more easily understood. And arent prereleases considered Limited tournaments? Because if so then they're block constructed as in the new 2 set rotation the second set is a 4+2 sealed environment
Prereleases are considered limited tournaments because they're played via the Sealed format. But in MtG vernacular, there is a huge difference between "limited" and "constructed."
"Limited" includes all the formats where you crack packs at the event and build a deck out of those cards. (Draft, Sealed, Cube are examples)
"Constructed" includes all the formats where you build a deck from your existing collection. (Standard, Legacy, Block Constructed, EDH are examples)
Ask anyone in Kentucky that went ;^)
Machina all the way.
Turn 5 flip, spit 3 free heavy hitting machines (combination of Insane Marybell or Machine Golem), March of machine lords for free for game.
You must play in a slow meta. You're lucky to get to turn 5 in mine with any sort of a board state. Hence why I run fairies, t4 kill is pretty easy if I'm on the go, a little harder on the draw. Granted my meta is pretty fucking brutal. Anyone going to AGP, if you get paired with R//R Hatebears, have fun. Thats what I've been dealing with the past three weeks. These asshats go to time every single match and may get 2 games in if lucky. Its the dumbest thing. I'm somehow undefeated against it, but had to have turns save my ass once. Queen's Envoy was MVP that game. Got the last block I needed to live on turn 3 after tapping to get a titania out.
>slow meta
>Turn 5
If that's slow, I really don't want to know what mine is. T10+ is super common here.
Even in ACC, Negrolance can kill fucking fast.
And fairies have a routine t4 kill if you dont interact with board state. Sometimes can make it t3 if true balls to the walls happens. I have absolutely no plans for getting around machines. Why? Because they are dead before they can go off. And if you think t5 is fast, wait till you see the stupidity in NF. T2 is not even a problem. Shit 2700 T1 is still a thing thanks to Bahamut
need critique on my machina green list
6 wind
4 first flght
4 moonbreeze
3 wind sprite
4 clockwork
4 mechanical sprite
3 ro-box
4 dark machina
4 remote control beast
2 insane self aware machine
3 marybell
4 rewritting laws
4 march of the machine lord
1 Laevateinn
1 horn of sacred beasts
1 inter-dimensional escape
1 artificial moon
1 leginus
3 barrier of shadow
4 wall of wind
4 keen sense
Liking the new look of the cards
Note that this one is a super rare and has a gold border around its name and Will Cost
Where did you get these?
the new card format is cool but I wish they would just stick with something already.
Also I really need these promos
I'm hoping once the game gets a decent following (or "if" it ever does), that they will standardize the aesthetics of the cards. While I appreciate them continuously improving the look, it does make it a bit odd to use the newer cards in a deck with older ones.
Not a major gripe, but it is something that annoys me a bit at times.
That croco-shark looks awfully like a bunny girl.
New attack/defense location is dumb, but other than that it looks good.
Resonator (29)
4x Black Moon Fairy
4x Elaine, the Fairy
4x Flame Sprite
3x Moonbreeze Fairy
2x Titania, Prideful Queen
4x Viviane, Lady of the Lake
4x Water Sprite
4x Wind Sprite
Magic Stone (10)
4x Fairy's Memoria
2x Light Magic Stone
4x Moonbreeze's Memoria
Addition (4)
2x Heavenly Garden of Armalla
2x Protection of the Fairies
Regalia (3)
3x Change the World, Orb of Illusion
Ruler (2)
Spell (2)
2x Song of the Fairy King
First deck i made, what should i change?
>removing the three-part flavor text
Why? Perfection was so close.
>Llanowar Elves
Why are you including song when you cant even cast it? Ita not a fairy spell so your entire manabase is white. I would pick a secondary color to white and swap the two light stones for stones of that color and pull the elaines for something else as she is weaker than she seems. Getting rid of the armallas doesn't hurt either. Again not as strong as you would think. Profairies is not as good as proseraph desu, though all you are really looking for is spot protection, which can be taken care of with Escort of the Fairy King while also giving you Viv fodder. Change the world does nothing to really help you since you cant take advantage of its best ability without green and flipping r//r in fairies almost never happens. Also get some goddamn Circle of Trust in there, the strongest fucking card for fairies period. Lets you tutor for 2 if you get a bit mana screwed, or just pump for 4 if you need a bit more for the kill. Ill post my list later, but it always gets me a top 8 in ARGs, and thats without running r//r as I cant stand his ass.
Should i run Alice instead? I saw a lot of fairy decks using r/r, i thought they were the best choice
I personally run Fairy Alice, but I just hate using r//r enough and refuse to use him. Fairy Alice is nice because her flipping is an alt wincon and you dont have to ever worry about Black Moonbeam. R//r will make things strictly better though just from filtering alone as he gets you the cards you need when you need them
I think the idea is that is more clear to read from the opposite side of the table, as you then just read from top to bottom (if you have a 400/500) 4-0-0/5-0-0,
rather than when there on the bottom side of the card that you have to read 005\004 and have to mentally flip it.
I guess it also moves it closer to the opponent, not hiding it behind the rules text.
Another thing that might be why help is that you can see the cost and stats in one glance when fanning it out in you hand.
I find Kaguya to be the best ruler for fairies, due to the mana fixing.
Fairy Alice's flip and God's Art are both really nice though, no doubt about that.
I really want to like Kaguya Fairies, but even the fixing isn't fantastic. She forces you into more of a midrange build that just doesn't do anything it sets out to accomplish.
Sorry for the wait on the list
>Fairy Alice
>2x Titania
>3x Escort of the Fairy King
>3x Excalibur, the Spirit God's Sword
>4x Vivianne
>4x Light Sprite
>4x Moonbreeze Fairy
>4x Circle of Trust
>4x Flame Sprite
>4x Black Moon Fairy
>4x Water Sprite
>4x Queen's Envoy
>4x Fairy's Memoria
>4x Moonbreeze's Memoria
>2x Water Stone
>3x Guardian Angel, Raphael
>3x Fairy of Sacred Vision
>3x Wind Sprite
>1x Escort of the Fairy King
>3x Prison in the Lunar Lake
>2x Separation of Body and Soul
My sideboard is 100% hate. Raphael to slow r//r a turn, which is all you need for Fairies. Separation as Arthur, Avatar Alice, Necrolance, and assorted others hate. Sacred Vision for more Viv triggers and Blood Covered War Axe hate. Wind Sprite for mana stabilization if I need it and for the long game if needed, plus Viv triggers. Extra Escort to give the extra protection if needed. And then my favorite sideboard card that is infinitely useful and has outright won multiple games for me, no one expects it. Fucks up Celestial and Lucy plays, Fucks up Necrolance, Lets me chump block a Blood Boil'd Pricia and take nothing, Ruins Rezzard and other stealth/standby's day. Came from brewing in the car on our way back from an ARG event looking for spicy sideboard tech for our decks and wasn't even thought of for mine.
Mainboard is just pure balls to the wall aggro to smash face and take game 1, which can sit back a little game 2 and 3 with the sideboard if I see annoying shit. No song because its honestly not that good unless you've got a Viv on board and 4 Flame Sprites coming back from grave, plus BMF does enough work for me in that department anyways. Water Sprite and Circle give me more draw power than I'd ever need. Light Sprite can win games if you get enough on board at once. Just lifegain yourself out of danger and swing for game next turn.
Thursday FoW night tonight, boys.
And the uncensored ASS Zero promo is up for grabs.
I want it, but I don't want to have a boring turn 4 win shit.
Should I run Rezzard 1.0 for fun or Machina rush for win?
We have a house rule on soft banning R/R since that cards sucks the fun out of casual nights.
And I believe we're doing Alice Cluster only tonight.
Otherwise I'd be doing Yggdrasil Turn 3 win shenanigans.
>Ygg turn 3 win
But why? The better turn 2 win exists. Just jam some laevs if you're worried about being wall'd.
And good on your LGS for getting Booty Zeros and actually giving them out as promos. I've been lucky with my LGS as they don't keep any of the promos and all are up for grabs each week, save for the Booty Zeros which were given to all the first week they got them in and are now available for only those making the payout(top 2 or 3, depending on turnout). Rezzard is actually pretty damn strong right now, especially if r//r is off the table, though expect to see all the Shion Angels decks in the world. Celestial into Lucy off a flip turn 4 is gross.
Also whats with the recent buyouts ?
Saw a guy playing faeres with a list similar to this last Monday for locals, really fun to play
Its amazing how little IDE hurts the deck too. Presumably you have a BMF or two out at the time and just get to pull your flame sprites or value fairies back to hand and recast next turn for swing for game. The only card that really hurts is Flame Trap. 800 is hard to live through.
Flame trap is nonsense for just about everyone, I find.
Kaguya fairies can bluff some nasty things with an open moonbreeze memoria. You've got moonbreeze fairy pump, escort quick cast, and even wall of wind in 1 open will (if you run it). If you have wind sprite out you also threaten to drop Oberon before untap. The shenanigans get better once you have Oberon on the field.
Best answer for flame trap is to read your opponent's tells. If he's running red and not grinding down the field, don't go wide til you have something like fairy of sacred visions or a counterspell at the ready. Or get Oberon and Vivianne out and ensure your hand has a otk loaded.