GW should have pushed the history inspired fantasy setting more but instead we just ended up with a wannabe Warcraft(ironic as Warcraft was inspired by Warhammer) thus dooming it to obsecurity(why mess with Warhammer when you can just play the more popular Warcraft games)
Where Warhammer Fantasy fucked up
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I think where they fucked up is the scale of the game and the amount of money required to play it.
New players and younger players had no way of breaking in to the game. Small scale games didn't work and to even field a single block of infantry required buying multiples of fairly expensive boxes.
very much so,
With Warlord, you can get 30-40 infantry per box for like $30
With Geedubya, its for 10 GUYS
But why play a fantasy historical, when you can actually play a Historical game? And at the moment, im pretty sure Warcraft doesnt have a Wargame, and WoW isnt a turn based wargame.
in terms of interest in the setting
Is this about Age of Sigmar or Warhammer on a whole? Because I personally liked WHFB just fine prior to AoS. I'm not sure how it could have gotten more historic though.
Look up "warhammer armies project" and the fandexes in there. It's literally real life history with a couple of names changed and maybe a mention of some faction unique units. And it's terrible for it. Only 2 playable races actually have a strong basis on real world human cultures. The rest may have some aesthetic from certain cultures but the races don't and shouldn't conform to our history at all.
The success of the licensed Warhammer Fantasy vidya proves the setting was viable and interesting enough to sustain itself across multiple properties. This guy has it right: It just got too big and expensive for a tabletop game. The model count between the average 40k game and the average WHF game is staggering. You'd often have double the minis for the same points cost/scale fight as the 40k equivalent.
Exactly. Having WHFB be a historical with a few name changes would be terrible. But im still trying to figure out what op means though.
They could have gone something more like Game of Thrones in which, we still know its a Fantasy setting, but we can see where history inspired it
Also as for the warhammer armies fandex, I'd say they're well done, they take a lot from history, but put into a Fantasy context
the point is is that, Warhammer just seemed so well researched and respected the material it took inspiration from, unlike say, 99% of the Fantasy settings we see today, created and designed by a bunch of 3rd authors, who just slapped together a bunch of vaguely medieval shit, then add some steampunk elements so the plebs would go OMG SO UNIQUE
> Charge skirmish-prices for a massed battle game
> Always add models rather than replace the Core section
Seriously it's the Core models that get me most of all. Too many races are stuck drawing the bulk of their models from fucking 6th edition.
>the point is is that, the Empire and Bretonnia just seemed so well researched and respected the material it took inspiration from, unlike say, 99% of the Fantasy settings we see today and the rest of warhammer fantasy, created and designed by a bunch of 3rd authors, who just slapped together a bunch of vaguely medieval shit, then add some steampunk elements so the plebs would go OMG SO UNIQUE
Fixed that for you, because really the empire and bretonia were really the only parts of warhammer fantasy based in history, the rest of the setting was just as outrageous an random elements slapped together and tolkien ripoff that makes you fantasy fags say your beloved setting was so OMG SO UNIQUE
I do seem to recall a shift for the Empire from late medieval/renaissance Germany with fantasy elements to CRAZY RELIGIOUS FANATIC MAGIC ARMY towards the end there. Crying shame. The thing I enjoyed about WFB was that it was about the scum bags in op's pic going up against fucking Sauron. That was the charm of it for me really: the humans were very gross, dirty and... well, *human*. Cats like Vulten and Karl Franz were rare, most of the protagonists I imagined were lunatics or skeevy mercenaries who find themselves up against something much nastier than they ever imagined.
Also, does anyone have scans of that comic about the Brettonian knight facing a whole Chaos army?
Eh, Kislev is pretty good too, and Warhammer didn't rest on 'Tolkien ripoff', they added and subtracted elements from the 'classic' races. Like orcs being sentient fungi with the mentality and mannerisms of football hooligans, or dwarfs being grim to the point of having death cults and books in which they list every single slight against them and their people no matter how minor. The elves (High and Dark) have a suitable injection of 80s power metal to give them their own flavour too, and I can't think of another setting that has notAztecs or lizardfolk, least of all a faction that is both, being relative good guys.
Skaven are also pretty unique to Warhammer Fantasy.
Well, I think that while a wargame set in GoT universe could be entertaining, I think its simply just too different fron WHFB lore wise. History does take a huge roll in the creation of all the factions, and I would have loved to see more, but sadly, it didnt end too well for anyone. I agree though, Wargames nowadays should really try to build up the background, characters and world while makig a sort of history to fit it all in.
They "fucked up" insofar as 40k overshadowed it and miniature games in general are dying. This steady decrease in popularity caused GW to ignore WHFB, which only worsened the problem
When they started making "busy" models it was all over.
Really, do you want to go through the hassle of painting this thing? It's a gallery piece, not a game token.
>miniature games in general are dying
Miniature games are thriving more than ever. Things like Malifaux, Infinity, and especially X-Wing are taking off.
they take jackshit from history.
>Coven Throne
Um. Yes, I would, seeing as I have one. It is probably my favorite vampire mount in general. Its simply bsd ass.
Yeah, Infinity playerbase has doubled in last year at my store. 16 people at last meeting.
>corpse cart drifting on mt. fuji
>miniature games in general are dying.
This is really only something you can believe if you only play gw games.
Historicals are as strong (if not stronger) than ever, along with all the previously mentioned games that aren't touched by GW.
>models keep getting bigger
>game becomes much more focused on more of (bigger) models
>storage becomes a hassle
When I started wargaming, a normal GW army fit in a very thin briefcase-style container. The upper barrier of things you could conceivably want to carry were Land Raiders and dragons (they were smaller back then). Then I needed more and more space to fit a normal army in. Then the rules fell off a cliff. Then so many different games were at my LGS that I had to make hard choices about what would fit in my car to take on an average weekend. I looked at what the most popular games were, how much space was used and how fun it was. The twin GW games were the least popular, most space intensive and least fun to me. So I dumped them.
I think what OP meant was, rather than more historical, lower in fantasy content. focusing on more "mundane" aspects of the lore and having them reflected in the game.
So more rank and files grunts and less demigryph and 2-headed giant gryphons
Wait, WHFB was even WORSE than 40k on that front?
that's almost impressively bad
Reminder that this used to be a really big game in Warhammer.
But aren't those two playable races humans and most of the warhammer armies project fandexes consist of humans which is why it follows that the Warhammer Armies Project takes the most influence from Real Life.
I miss dogs of war being a thing. Was a great way to give a bit more of all those human groups without needing to do full armies.
Or if you wanted to do full armies, you could loot a bunch of historicals stuff and use them as generic dogs of war and use the regiments of renown for theme. But the damn thing was dropped before a full and proper development of them for 6th edition was done. Despite them being not just a thing in 5th edition but also important character things in the first few editions too.