Couldn't find a Yu-Gi-Oh thread, so here's one. Let's chat about everyone's favourite dumb broken game.
I'm new to the game myself, the only decks I own in real life are inspired by ones I used in the Tag Force 5 game, these being Frogs and Gladiator Beasts. I know that Substitoad is banned, but outside of that how viable are these decks in the current format?
Also, what are you playing? What are you building? Favourite archetype ever?
/YGO/ Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Toads are still fun to play but cannot usually hold up to anything past Nekroz. I usually play an Odd-eyes Magician deck (main tourney deck), an Exodia Underdog deck (giggles), and have started building Blue Eyes with the new support (hopefully going meta).
The Odd-eyes deck is fun to play and doesn't really brick out anymore now that I run 3 Call and 2 Terraforming. Planning on picking up any new structure decks or boxes?
I don't know a single thing about the release structure of Yu-Gi-Oh. How does it work? Are structure decks the only that get released? Or are there expansion sets like MtG?
The booster sets lately have been support for some of the original cards as well as more recent archetypes. Structure decks have become the staple for a good basis. An example of this is Master of Pendulum. You can pretty much cram e together and have a decently competitive deck for 30 bucks. The current top meta is Monarchs which can be built for under 70 (Domain monarchs) by using 3 Emperor of Darkness structures and a few other cards for support. In fact, Domain just won Nationals and it made a lot of people mad.
Really where the most of the money is going these days, at least in my case, is my extra deck as it can help you counter most other strategies. XYZs really work well even if you don't have anything really powerful monster wise as can synchros and both have sped up the game.
Your best bet these days unless you are building a collection is to buy singles that you need and watch some profile videos. Otherwise, buy a couple booster boxes of your favorite archetype and roll with it.
So what are some rank 4 XYZs worth including in a Gladiator Beast deck? I love playing the deck, it's so much fun. If I understand correctly you need monsters of certain levels to combine together into the XYZ monsters, right? What are some staples I could use?
I've got some good news for you then. Check out Treatoad
I saw that guy actually, he looks amazing. Are frogs viable now even without Substitoad? I was planning on picking a couple of copies when it comes out here for my casual frog deck but will the deck be playable in the real TCG?
Dark rebellion XYZ Dragon, Evils warm cards, 39 Utopia, gagaga cowboy, and trap trip rafflasia are all solid choices. And even then, some XYZs can overlay onto a lower lever xyz for some real fun (see cyber dragon nova and cyber dragon infinity). With the inclusion of a couple tuners, you could sync 9 regularly. Pendulums can help bring in a ton of fodder as well but no real frog archetype pendulums.
Would it be possible for you to post your Gladiator Beast deck?
Okay, here you go. It's a PrismaGlads build, my local game store owner helped me polish it up from my in-game version I was using.
Monsters -
Test Tiger x3
Laquari x3
Bestiari x3
Darius x3
Equeste x3
Murmillo x1
Retiari x1
Elemental Hero PRISMA x3
Spells -
E- Emergency Call x3
Gladiator Proving Ground x3
MST x3
Book of Moon x1
Forbidden Lance x1
Gladiator Beast's Respite x1
Traps -
Waboku x3
Gladiator Beast War Chariot x3
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Solemn Warning x1
Forgot the extra deck.
Extra deck -
Gyzarus x2
Heraklinos x2
Nerokius x1
Essedarii x1
26 monsters it too much. Emergency Call and Proving Ground count as monsters. Drew a few hands, most of them were unplayable because I drew too many monsters. I would consider dropping some monsters.
Replace Emergency Call with A Hero Lives. AHL doesn't use your Normal Summon, so you have more plays.
Add more Traps.
For the Extra
1 Castel
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Utopia
1 Utopia the Lightning
1 Traptrix Rafflesia if you run Trap Holes.
What do you recommended dropping? And what traps could I add?
I'd drop 1 of each Gladiator Beast that's at 3.
Traps depend on your budget. You could run Solemn Strikes and Quaking Mirror Force.
Can I really afford to strip that much out? I guess tagging out for anything I want reduces the necessary monster numbers but I didn't think not running 3 of the key monsters was even an option. Why Quaking Mirror Force over mirror force? I would guess because putting stuff in the graveyard would be helpful to a lot of opponents but is there anything else to it?
Most monsters have lower DEF than ATK, so you can attack over them. You could use Storming Mirror Force instead.
Still waiting for melodious support. i really like that deck cus is full of waifus
Should i put together nobleknights?
Okay. I really appreciate the help.
So if I drop one each of the 3-of Glads that'll free up 4 slots. Should I use all that for traps?
Not all. Run at least 1 bottomless if you get rafflasia. Quaking swaps them face down to negate effects and possibly make them easier to drop. You could also drop 2 MSTs for a couple twin twisters to throw out junk cards from hand. Storming mirror force is a solid option as well against Red Eyes Flare Metal as he cannot be popped by effects at all.
How does this sound.
-1 Laquari
-1 Bestiari
-1 Equeste
-1 Darius
-1 MST
-3 E Emergency Call
+3 A Hero Lives
+1 Bottomless Trap Hole
+2 Quaking Mirror Force
+1 Twin Twisters
+1 Solemn Strike
In regards to Solemn strike, is it really worth including it when I have 3 war chariot? Or is the summon negation worth it?
>Toads are still fun to play but cannot usually hold up to anything past Nekroz
where the fuck have you been? once treatoad comes out frogs are tier 1
>Jam a Frog is over 100 dollars
>Some faggot literally bought out every copy of this card in every country
Toad speculation too real.
Also playing:
>Pendulum Performapals
>Shiranui Zombies
>/a/ is making fun of us AGAIN
>Jam a Frog is over 100 dollars
what? no it isnt
its at like $15 now, and at its highest it was $30 per card.
Kind of hard not to.
at least on /a/ the worst is half hearted bitching about the show even though most people admit they still like it
here its faggots complaining about the game and how its gotten too complicated despite not actually understanding how the mechanics works, and new fags who call the old fags dumb then turn around and ask what does the thread think of their 60 card roid deck that they think can take on the meta no sweat.
seriously, Veeky Forums's yugioh threads suck.
If a pendulum is monster+spell how should a monster+trap be called?
Yeah it dropped now, but look at the comments:
And the video proof:
Video also explains why the buy-out.
Bought pic related to replace my years old Chaos Dragons deck that got destroyed earlier this year. Did I do okay?
You can do some good stuff with Felgrand.dek. It's chaos dragons brought into the modern day.
Yeah I noticed a lot of similarities with the Chaos Dragons.
That deck is a beast nigga
what deck should I be running if my favorite cards are Papa Corn and Jerry Beans Man?
Already existing.
Kind of funny, I haven't actually played Yu-Gi-Oh in like 10 years. My buddy was talking about it today and so I bought a pack for nostalgia and pulled a Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon card. Figured it might be worth a couple bucks.
Wasn't really expecting $25-30
jerry beans is the highlight of my deck, but unfortunately the deck itself is a 3-star and below monster deck and papa corn doesn't cut it
he looks fucking incredible though. thank you for letting me know of his existence
sell it yesterday if you want the full value
plant warriors are legit the most comfy yugibros.
Post cardfus