Requesting some space/scifi adventurer pics. Something along the lines of pic related (as in kinda low scifi)
Scifi character art thread
I'll post a couple more evolve characters in the meantime
Atleast post the assaults
>Clearly heavy support.
Requesting pics of Sci-Fi cowboys and Space Western stuff.
Are these Star Wars? They look vaguely Star Wars, and I am seriously digging the style
anyone got robot stuff?
Maybe an engineer robot?
Anybody have stuff with pilots clad in their futuristic jumpsuits?
Damn, if my computer wasn't in the shop then I'd be all over this thread. As it is, I only have what's on my phone
Don't you die on me, thread!
I have some Star Wars stuff, if that's okay with you guys
Not Actually Star Wars, but clearly inspired by it.
I have plenty 'bots, let's see if I can find some that says "engineering" in particular.
Fuck, why are the Temple Guards so cool?
Fuck my terribad internet connection
Anyone got aliens?
I have some
This man is obviously just a man on vacation. Why is he in this thread?
We need more pilots
Bet she has a fun time taking a drink
Does anybody have any spaceship captains? I'm looking for inspiration for my new character.
Preferably male, and adult.
Anyone has scientists? preferibly ones that don't look evil
>No lennox.
Here have Abe
Great EP character inspiration art here.
a shitload, here.
most of these look like monsters, can we get some aliens in clothes?
>tfw your head is a bong.