How do I keep my group from constantly straying into ERP territory?
How do I keep my group from constantly straying into ERP territory?
Other urls found in this thread:
Drag them so close to your magical realm that they become celibate.
Just run an ERP game you pussy.
Are there any good systems for that?
Kill them, and yourself for good measure.
Fuck, what a pointless thread for an imaginary group that you're never going to have, because you're such a fuckhead.
Stop playing pathfinder for one.
Neuter them
From what I've heard, FATAL is.
Exalted, kekeke
Srsly, there are Charms for erpy stuff
Using the charms is the less interesting parts of the game.
Stunting is.
Have you asked them to tone down the ERP, because it's not fun for you and you wished to run a different kind of game?
Stop being a pussy and just tell them "no erp" in my games. Youre the GM. As in game MASTER. Act like it.
We were about to have such a nice thread full of memes, and you fags come and provide the actual solution.
Thread's over, i hope you're proud of yourselves.
Keep a spray bottle of ice water handy.
Probably FATE, so you can give yourself dice for acting like a slut.
Fuck all of them in the ass before the session
You don't need an actual system for ERP. You just play out the sex parts instead of fading to black. After all, you should only roll when success or failure is important to the plot. Sex in an ERP is just like social interactions between players in a non-porny game.
Also, you never want to have actual sex 'at the table' so to speak. Orgies are dumb complicated clusterfucks, and when two people are fucking together it leaves everyone else picking their noses (or I guess jerking off while watching).
And of course the biggest advice: Do this on F-list instead of at an actual table. I mean, unless your group is REALLY Sex+ or close, you're going to have trouble looking each other in the eyes after an ERP session.
I know you're joking, but that's actually the thing I miss the most of the old Veeky Forums. The discussions were about solutions, not necessarily wanted or even needed ones but solutions nevertheless, sometimes even to the question being asked.
And even outside of individual threads it seems like 2/3rds of the board is made up of quest threads. It was alright to me when they were every once in a blue moon but now theyre everywhere and they arent even Veeky Forumsrelated.
Stop playing with horny faggots.
I could never do anything on F-list.
The fact that it's like hundreds of guys organizing to mutually masturbate is just too odd for me.
That's right
That's what imagination is for, user. Imagining the other person is a girl.
You'll still want the charm that prevents people from treating your seduction attempts as unacceptable influence. Then stunt away.
>Actually caring
A guy shot all the porno you watch
A guy wrote that smut you read
A guy drew those hentai doujins
Eclipse Phase
DnD is best.
Why are you so angry about other people's fun?
>weeaboo c ucks
What does that even mean? Are 'true' PF players really this memetarded?
5e kitsunes when?
>A guy shot all the porno you watch
That one isn't the same at all.
>A guy wrote that smut you read
>A guy drew those hentai doujins
Non-interactive. With ERP it's two guys getting each other off simultaneously, which basically is sex. If you are a guy and ERP with another guy, that's a homosexual act. I'm not prejudiced against that, but that actually is what it is.
He was probably referring to whoever thought using a pregnant/cum inflated fox/cat eared lady as the OP pic was a good idea.
I was actually surprised at how many of the artists were women.
Make them masturbate before each session. Twice.
Oh no, how terrible. user, if you refuse to get off because "that would be gay", you're a loser.
Yeah, but most are still guys, assuming you're into the usual stuff.
>a good idea
user, they did it intentionally. Same as the furry Pathfinder module thing.
if you are the only person acting against group norms you are That Guy hth
>user, they did it intentionally. Same as the furry Pathfinder module thing.
Pathfinder confirmed for worst ttrpg with worst community.
>I mean, unless your group is REALLY Sex+ or close, you're going to have trouble looking each other in the eyes after an ERP session.
normal people aren't as repressed as you
Don't have it take up table time is the best advice, really.
You would be surprised at how many ERPers are women, too. Young cat ladies for the most part, or lesbians, but still women.
I think ERP games are a myth.
If they weren't, I'd probably be playing in one.
Then again, text gaming...
>Implying I'd have that problem
user, I was saying that under the assumption that OP is normal.
user, there are literally furry RPGs.
Really, that applies to a lot of things. I mean, I like social interaction, but that's hard when you've got two players taking up a scene and everyone else is just... picking their nose. This is why I like playing on IRC or F-list where you can have things go on in PM and at random times instead of taking up session time.
I know at least one thirty something woman who's married and just had a kid and she F-lists.
She can't be an edgy emo chick getting seduced by hot vampire dickgirls in real life, and while she can seduce preteen boys, it's not legally or morally advisable.
Text games are the best. You never stumble over your words and you don't have to hear someone's stupid attempt at an accent, and it's like reading and writing a book. Plus, you don't miss anything when you leave to go take a piss or get some drink.
>Text games are the best.
I don't mind text for one-on-one stuff.
But in the context of a game, I get bored to fucking death.
>Help me Veeky Forums
>My group really likes X and has fun when I include it in my games
>How do I keep X from happening?
>I don't like it when my group has fun.
>user, there are literally furry RPGs.
No shit kid. Next you'll be telling me Mouseguard is a thing.
Doesn't mean Pathfinder isn't the worst furry rpg.
Just don't let them?
"I roll to seduce the barmaid and..."
"No. Moving on."
See? Not hard. Unless you're not the GM. In that case just find a new group, I went through that shit and there's no helping it.
Put saltpeter in their Mountain Dew
I love it. If anything I find it easier to keep up with, since I don't have to write anything down or take notes.
While I'm all for ERP, you're kind of making a lot of leaps. (Although with that image they're reasonable leaps).
>My summoner's eidolon just happens to take the form of my ideal woman.
Are you suggesting that a normal, well-adjusted person isn't going to feel uncomfortable sitting at a table while people (statistically speaking both men) explicitly discuss the sex-acts their characters are doing to each other, potentially for a prolonged period of time? Even if a guy did it with his girlfriend it'd be fucking awkward to sit through it as another player.
No. Unless, as he said, your group is really close, that's fucking uncomfortable. If you don't think it is, reflect for a few moments and consider whether you might have some sort of social disorder. It's nothing to do with sexual repressions, it's standard social boundaries.
I don't want to be that guy, but can I get a title for this doujin? It looks interesting
>If you don't think it is, reflect for a few moments and consider whether you might have some sort of social disorder. It's nothing to do with sexual repressions, it's standard social boundaries
what the fuck kind of "social boundaries" do you think are "standard"
protip, it is you who has a disorder here
Hell if I know. I never actually read it, I just reverse image searched one time so I could make this. Try doing that yourself, I'm too lazy.
Are you seriously saying that normal people will be completely okay with roleplaying sexual situations with each other?
I hope you like netorare
Look Down > Master of The House >>> Do You Hear The People Sing
Much bigger problem is all the male characters being pig disgusting.
Just jerk them off before each session so they won't be so frustrated. Jeez, that is like DMing 101 right there
I respect your viewpoints but also you're terrible.
Red and Black is the best. Though I do like The Confrontation.
I respect your viewpoints but also you're terrible.
Red and Black is the best. Though I do like The Confrontation.
Enjolras is the ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶best character.
You're both wrong. Empty Chairs At Empty Tables is clearly the best song. That survivor's guilt, man
Welcome to netorare
>Empty Chairs At Empty Tables
Oh c'mon, it's almost as forgettable as Eponine
Javert's Suicide
I actually did like this song, and Russel Crowe. It's still the only version I've seen.
I know how you feel. I'd at least be a bit happier if the guy who steals the girl is at least good to look at.
Surprisingly superhero systems work as well. Mutants and masterminds has some wiggle room when sexual powers come up.
Sorry I didn't read your thread. I'm sure it's been derailed by now.
Just teach them by using a succubus at low level that sex will get them killed. Do it twice if you have to. And throw in a heavy church influence and a lot of paladins so the people in your world will have good reason to avoid sex, especially with PCs. Set a blatant mood of no ERP here boys. Don't be afraid to kill someone for being a cunt if you really have to but don't abuse that power. Try to make it a "fair fight" when you kill a ERP player
user, you sound like a shitty ST
What the fuck is a ST?
story teller.
Star Trek, obviously. You should use the context of the sentence to figure these things out.
Storyteller, the White Wolf version of a Dungeon Master.
Have a talk with them like a mature adult, they'll probably tone it down if it's really bothering you
Or you may realize the rest of them see you as a No Fun Allowed That Guy, in which case it may be best for all involved for you to find a new group
let it happen. Everybody will either get weirded out or get into it.
By informing them that you have tentacle and mpreg fetish and if they start ERPing so will you.
On a more serious note, there is no dedicatedly best ERP system, you just use your favourite system for the setting you want to run.
If you want standard high fantasy, DND has plenty of stuff to magic up your realm. Exalted has even more.
Space? Eclipse Phase got loads of it.
Cyberpunk? Shadowrun.
Modern? WoD got it.
Superheroes? Every single one has enough variety by default to get you.
And then there's the generics like GURPS, FATE, Apocalypse variants etc etc
>Displaying 1,095 expired threads from the past 7 days
>ctrl-f quest
>83 matches
>2/3rds of the board
I don't even understand why there are still so many quests. Aren't quests supposed to be on /qst/? I once posted in a quest thread to let them know they should be posting on but I got banned for that.
There is a difference between "quests can be on qst" and "quests should be on qst".
And the mods very clearly show which one is the case here.
That's stupid.
Less stupid than proclaiming 5 threads are "2/3rds" of the board.
But go ahead, keep raging and getting deleted every time to go into a quest thread to spew your retardadtion.
Young Communist's version
I'm not actually him, and quests are still a far more substantial part of the board than they should be, especially when there's a whole other board dedicated to them now. And before /qst/ there often were about 20 quests at a time.
I know. I made the Les Mis version because of that one.
>substantial part of the board
Pretty sure thread is infested with the asstarded autist from the soc erpg.
... user, can you math?
Pretty sure that means you're just as much a soc erpg autist!
Can you? There are currently five quest threads. Total board size is 150 threads.
>kill off a thread just to circlejerk your fantasies while pretending they really happened
Why not keep this cancer on /d/ and /a/?
That's 5 too many. Especially when they aren't even Veeky Forums related at all
user, I literally said "it used to be you'd find twenty of them at a time".
This happened to me twice, and yes, it is as bad as you're all imagining. Beyond awkward. Both times I was "the new player," and had no idea what was going on. Both times I simply up and left the group with no explanation. The last time it happened, the DM was a married mother of three.
And this is why our society is completely fucked. If my 10+ year RPG group dies/quits I am not gonna go looking for another one.
I wish you were my DM user.
>On a more serious note, there is no dedicatedly best ERP system, you just use your favourite system for the setting you want to run.
Which is our 1st clue that ERP doesn't work to begin with because it has to leech off another system entirely. That, and the participants in question have questionable motive for something other than a normal RPG session.
So basically make it look like an accident?
Roleplaying has as much support as ERP in some systems, frankly. Carousing and Diplomacy are both skills, GURPS has its seduction, and don't get me started about Exalted as mentioned up above.
ERP is questionable, but not because of lack of rules.
Ancient oldfag who has been playing MUSHes for years, here. Can confirm. There are a surprising number of women into this stuff.
You can tell they're women because they're terrible at making it sexy.
There is the odd exception, of course.
Something to keep in mind, however: women who frequent these spaces either are fragile snowflakes who have serious mental issues (like most of us, to be honest), or actual sociopaths. You'll learn to identify the sociopaths from experience. Sociopaths LOVE adult RP spaces, because they're filled with fragile victims who are easily manipulated. It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them.