WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>Ventilate, motherfucker

>Reinforcements are en route

>Previous thread:

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Frostgrave/Mordheim WIP Marienburger warband.


WIP Middenheimers warband.



Anyone have any idea how they pulled of this textured look? This shit gets me harder than diamonds and i want to do it to my nids now.

i got some ba parts so i decided to redo my assault captain and finally finnish his squad

finishing off some terrain

>Anyone have any idea how they pulled of this textured look?

Just a wild guess here, but I've heard that's all Liquid Green Stuff is actually good for. Never tried it myself.

I used to obtain a very similar effect on my terrain in two ways: mixing sand directly into the paint, and by applying a very watered down thin layer of plaster like substance on whatever i was painting

It's just heavy rough dry brushing starting from a black base it a wash part way through followed by more dry brushing.

Looks like they applied "veins" of liquid green stuff and drybrushed it.

i'm wondering if you could get the same effect by using the texture paint citadel sells spreading really thinly and then dry brushing it after it's hardened.

Maybe, but at this point why don;t just make your own texture paint" it's literally just as easy as mixing some sand in a drop of paint

well i got the basic starter kit that comes with like 15 little paint pots, glue, a brush, and clippers, and it came with one texture paint that i thought i'd never use. i think i may have to sacrifice one of my gargoyles to test this out.

I just love old school fantasy miniatures. don't you just love his face?

your gargoyle will be glad you experimented on him. Also don't forget to post results here

So I've done the most time consuming part of the re-basing. Got the texture paint on, washed, and dry brushed. Guess the last thing to do now is to put on some clumps of grass on now.

Anyone know a fast way of painting Dark Angels without having to edge highlight? Have bad eyes and can't edge.

Base coat of pallid wych flesh finished on the faceless horror.

What is a good highlight color for Mournfang Brown?

For making 3/32" sized disc magnet holes in shit, what would you use to get it flush? I'm having difficulty magnetizing my dorito dread.

What do you guys think of my latest tacitcal marine? I have an older one on the right for comparison.

Aside from his right arm, which I freaking spilled glue on and had to re-prime and paint as if it were damaged, I think he is an improvement over the other marine.


Same size drill bit obviously

Also, any C&C on this terminator I converted from my older incorrect paint scheme?

old one: imgur.com/G0avqk3

Digging it. A nice big squad of these fellers will look great. The highlights might be a bit thick or stark, in not sure what it is. I like him though.


Thanks, I am still working on getting thin lines for highlights.

That and I have to mix the highlight blend every time from white and yellow, it may not be consistent.

I guess I should have specified that I'm using a pin vise. Guess i need a power drill

I like using bleached bone or the hexos palesun dry paint.

Your paints are quite thick, you should use medium to make them thinner without reducing their viscosity. You also got yellow wash on the metal of the right pauldron.

It's a decent paintjob overall, just needs thinner paints.

I suggeste using a wet palette to increase the lifespan of color blending and therefore increase consistency on miniatures

Great stuff. The Middenheim guy with FG body and Perry arms looks awesome.

Wish Helldorado minis were easier to get these days. They had some great stuff. I bought a flesh demon from their range for my Necromancer.

This looks waaaay better than what you had before. Well done.

I think down with water, do you recommend something else?

I do use one, but I paint one model at a time so it makes it hard for my paint to last over a day.

I might need to do assembly line style, but I am still trying to figure out which theme I like better.

sweet genie

Thanks. I found the Helldorado mini on ebay from some russian store for cheap. I suspect it's a recast for the cheap price I paid, though.

Yes, artists medium or matte varnish. It reduces the pigment per square cm but it doesn't make the paint runny, giving you much more control.

Alright cool I will look into that.

more shield obstacles

Okay I got them done now. As I said I think this looks a thousand times better than how I did it before.

does anybody have that guide to painting Alpha Legion with washes? It was like, base with silver, then two coats of blue wash, a coat of green wash and then a coat of blue wash, and it looked great

Can't you just flip the chuck and fit a larger bit in there?

It really does.

For your future minis, i recommend using more of the texture paint though. Like kinda alot more.

I saved this just because it gets asked so much around here lately.

Do you actually cut the plastic for battle damage? I am new and have only seen superficial painting for damage effects


I kind of want to restrain myself using the stuff because yes I did buy the GW stuff, and I got a lot of guardsmen to go through. I've made about 80 guys but I never really bothered with the bases until now and I kind of want to go back and get the lot of them. Probably just be wiser to just buy something from someone else.

Either or or both

Lucky for you i'm the same autist who saved the Black Gobbo articles as pdfs, so here you go.

That said it depends on what you are going for. You can do scratches and chipped paint with Trompe-l'œil painting, use stuff like the salt and hairspray technique or a masking product of some sort. You can get silicone in a tube that you can easily rub off once you painted over it for example.

For more extreme stuff a good selection of blades, file, and drill/engraving bits for your rotary tool go a long way.

I even used plastic cement (or an open flame) a few times to get a melted look on stuff.

Oh wow, that's crazy informative, thanks!

I take it that paint compatibility chart isn't 100% perfect.

Got Nightshade Purple from Reaper in place of Daemonette Hide, and... well, it's Nightshade alright. It's practically black, but it -is- a blackish purple, I guess.

Pic related is Daemonette Hide.

Nice color scheme - simple, appealing, and reasonably easy to mass produce since you've got a butt-load of the blighters to paint.

If you want to simplify your basing process - you can try what I do. I use less expensive craft paints like a 'Plaid' or 'AppleBarrel' green of a shade I like and I mix in some very find sand, and a bit of 'slow dry' to prevent the acrylic from drying out in my glass jar. I then use an old worn out paint brush to carefully apply the green textured mix to the base. Once it drys I can do dark washes, a bit of a light color dry brushing, and then add any desired details (small stones, skulls, weapons, skulls, static grass, and some skulls for example) and then call it a day. (Pic related - bases with and without static grass.)

hey guys, I'm working on a brass scorpion, want some opinions on whether or not I should put some 'ardcoat over the scales like pic related. Just don't want to make it look weird, but it as a bit flat as is. Also, am I supposed to thin 'ardcoat?

What kinds of music do you listen to when you paint?

HH books on tape, granted I have only painted 30k stuff

i'm the guy with the russian infantry from above. Here is what i use(d).

Its a huge pot of vallejo texture paint (i didn't use it for the russians) and the contents of an army painter set for base design. I did like 60-70 minis with that sand and little cork "rocks" and i still have like 50% of the things left. The white glue that came with that set is also still useable (i think its below 50% though)

Have you thoroughly mixed it? Nothing clumped at the bottom?


Last thread i meant obviously.

Yeah, and shaken to hell and back

if you want that kind of finish ur gonna have to spray it on, not paint it


Just buy some Vallejo Gloss Varnish and brush it on.

That's roght unfortunately. A part from vallejo you rarely get perfect matches.(army painter also looks very similar to old GW range)

Nearly finished my Rackham Wolfen. Also working on another 3 from the Predators of the Blood box.

I shall now freehand a banner for my snakebites.
If I don't post again I've died from over exsurtion and dehydration.
W-wish me luck....

Working on some X-Men. Does anywhere do a paint on matt varnish or am I just going to have to use a spray can?

How about trying it with a crayon first? So that you have a line to follow and can try it first.

Vallejo army painter and art stores.

Vallejo has brush on varnish in all sorts.

You could also use wood finish matte varnish from your local hardware store.

What the actual fuck? Is this kindergarten class?
Besides... it being the worst suggestion I have ever seen on TG, or anywhere, regarding any subject matter simply by virtue of the suggestion alone, but also because it would leave a waxy layer on the banner that would be nearly impossible to paint on.

crayon on paper user.

I am sorry i meant pencil, i study french too and it got in the way.

lol, alright frenchie, you get a pass this time. Or should I say, le pass.

Watch out for that. You should never let the French get in your way.
Especially if you're a truck driver.

besides; if you use varnish on your banner, you will be able to clean it from anything

>le pass


alright, Ill try this first. Thanks user.

If that little joke is world crushing to you, I wish I had your easy life.

Might be able to get an impression on it if you try drawing on tracing paper first.

what a dick

Its called being a white male living in a first world country

You mean, le dick.
You people are the biggest babies in the world.
That makes absolutely no sense seeing as most French are white. Just SJW auto pilot word vomit. France is a first world country, so is Canada. And he said he is studying it which means it isn't even his first language nor does it have any indication of the colour of his skin. You are thoroughly a first class moron.
I doubt the dude you are white knighting was even offended or cared.

does anyone have instructions for king louen leoncoeur? bought one from ebay and didn't get it

I am painting the interior of a vindicator and am wondering if anyone has a good paint scheme for that.

I'd think it doesn't have the IF colors of the outside, I was thinking metal plating and gangway.

Primers I have are black, white, wolf grey, and bone. Anyone have a preferred scheme for stuff like that?

Can someone explain what is happening at this point in this video on a rhino?


Is that water? What is the dry stuff being sprinkled on next? It has a really cool effect look

It is white glue (probably mixed with water or alcohol/white spirit) and then he applies earth pigments (vallejo made according to the subtitle) with a q-tip

White glue like elementary school elmer's glue?

are "pigments" available at local stores like hobby lobby, or do I need to order online or find them at LGS?

Also, what is white spirit? He mentions that later in a wash he uses, I assume it is different than say nuln oil? He makes a wash out of white spirit and black *oil* paint.

Turns out for US people, white spirit is mineral spirits which I already have.

So, that's nice!

>tfw SM army is black so i can't add battle damage.

You could cut their heads off....

Forgive me, I just read Fulgrim.

>White glue like elementary school elmer's glue?

White glue like the white stuff you use to glue wood. No idea what stuff you used in elementary school, but it might be that stuff.

>are "pigments" available at local stores like hobby lobby

No idea brah, if they stock Vallejo paint, then there is the chance that they offer Vallejo pigments as well. A good sorted scale modellers shop should have them too. There are other brands as well, Revell for example might be commonly available.

>Also, what is white spirit?

Alcohol. IPA. isopropyl or an other mixture of what is basically rubbing alcohol. You can use it to mix your paint with if you want to achieve certain effects.
You can also use it to wash your brush in it.
You need to use it if you use with oil/enemal paints because these don't thin with water.

The wash he makes is basically how people made washes before acrylic (water based) washes like nuln oil were common. In fact, these are also just kinda strongly thinned paint. And he does exactly that. He thins down his black paint to a point where it becomes a wash.

Oil washes are still pretty popular with scale modelers and they are somewhat better than acrylic washes, but they smell like shit (oil paint) and they take way longer to dry. In most cases your standard Nuln Oil/Agrax ES is just as good.

Neato, thanks for all the info.

Pic is the elmer's glue.

Why not give them all prosthetic hands?


Hobbylobby has some vallejo pigment/weathering sets online

Oh cool, I will go by there today then.

I don't have an air brush, are they all that and a bag of chips?

Yeah, thats the stuff.


>commonly referred to as wood glue, white glue, carpenter's glue, school glue, Elmer's glue in the US, or PVA glue

Didn't knew that there is a brand that is that prominent for that stuff.

Yes, that was the glue we all used, stuck to our fingers, and in some cases ate back when we were little.

Some jackass got it in my hair when I was 7, everyone tried to say he was flirting but god was I pissed.

Seriously though, is there a way to add chips and scratches to a black paint scheme?