Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
No changes to the banlist edition
Mourn for SFM and BBE
Also, dredge is becoming tier 3 from tier 99, are you prepared to fight the SS
MTG Modern General
Other urls found in this thread:
The overall and paper Modern Metagame.
(1 month old).
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
Modern deck primers link:
• Ancient Den
• Birthing Pod
• Blazing Shoal
• Bloodbraid Elf
• Chrome Mox
• Cloudpost
• Dark Depths
• Deathrite Shaman
• Dig Through Time
• Dread Return
• Eye of Ugin
• Glimpse of Nature
• Great Furnace
• Green Sun's Zenith
• Hypergenesis
• Jace, the Mind Sculptor
• Mental Misstep
• Ponder
• Preordain
• Punishing Fire
• Rite of Flame
• Seat of the Synod
• Second Sunrise
• Seething Song
• Sensei's Divining Top
• Skullclamp
• Splinter Twin
• Stoneforge Mystic
• Summer Bloom
• Treasure Cruise
• Tree of Tales
• Umezawa's Jitte
• Vault of Whispers
You can unban up to three. Which do you choose?
I just realized how big the ban list is holy shit.
>You can unban up to three. Which do you choose?
Honestly, I think DTT hasn't really been thoroughly tested enough.
Top is banned for bs reasons, not to power level.
Because serum vision is so shit.
>Standard card for Modern thread
>wall of text for the OP
>banlist discussion in the first posts
And you expect this thread to not be shit?
Top is banned not because of power but because it takes so fucking long. You can unban Top when you reprint Shahrazad.
DTT should be fine now witout Twin
Unban SFM or BBE
and Dread Return
It takes too long because bad players don't know how to use it. Good Miracles players almost never go to time.
Do you think eldritch invocation make an impact in modern despite being a worse birthing pod or will be forgotten?
Top is fine in legacy and vintage
If top is problematic in modern is either because:
>Modern players are idiot and cannot decide wich card they need the most
>Modern players are faggots that prefere going to time than loosing
Anyways, you could always call a judge for slow play
>I think it could see play, but it's still not CoCo/Pod
How Shit is my dredge list?
Would appreciate some constructive criticism but say what you like
Land (17)
1x Blackcleave Cliffs
1x Blood Crypt
2x Bloodstained Mire
3x Copperline Gorge
2x Dakmor Salvage
2x Mountain
1x Scalding Tarn
1x Steam Vents
1x Stomping Ground
3x Wooded Foothills
Creature (25)
4x Bloodghast
4x Golgari Grave-Troll
4x Insolent Neonate
4x Narcomoeba
4x Prized Amalgam
4x Stinkweed Imp
1x Vengeful Pharaoh
Sorcery (13)
3x Burning Inquiry
2x Conflagrate
4x Faithless Looting
1x Goblin Lore
3x Life from the Loam
Instant (5)
1x Abrupt Decay
2x Darkblast
1x Gnaw to the Bone
1x Rally the Peasants
Sideboard (15)
2x Abrupt Decay
4x Ancient Grudge
2x Back to Nature
1x Darkblast
2x Gnaw to the Bone
3x Leyline of the Void
1x Vengeful Pharaoh
I unban SFM and JTMS, and make sure that their unbanning occurs at the same time as the next Modern Masters comes out (which has multiple print runs for this sole reason), because literally everyone who plays Magic will want a playset of JTMS for Modern, even if he is shit in the format, and his current price will double because of speculators.
SFM gets unbanned and Batterskull is banned in it's place. Let's be honest, Batterskull is why SFM got banned in the first place, because living weapon is such a powerful mechanic.
>I will unban card A and ban card B
>Because, the sole reason for card A is that with card b, is broken
>So, i will take out card B and then card A would be useless, cause all the point to unban card A is to use it with card B
SFM is a lot more interesting than batterskull. It enables decks with swords, etc. Batterskull is just a beater.
Oh man, remember when SFM was everywhere in legacy? How times have changed.
Ban path to exile pls
You mean ban Goryo's Vengeance right
No. That would be stupid
they look good enough double sleeved from across the table
spellweaver helix
would this custom card shake up modern
how can anyone afford this game
get a job
storm is tier we did it boys
why no unbans
summer bloom wasn't consistent enough to get banned
Just kill yourself. Children wouldn't even find this funny
Way to kill the thread, retard
Nice, you cracked the code.
Any suggestions for some Modern decks that I could build in the 90-150 dollar range? I can't play that often so I want to be cheap.
There are no Modern decks in that range. There might be some Modern-legal decks, but none of them are Modern decks.
Replace blood moons with molten rain if you must
Has Wizards shown us any tokens for the EMN? I'm really hoping the 1/1 Wizard tokens for Docent look like Delvers.
got all the shitposting out of the way early
you forgot
help me build a tier deck for 10$
my obscure deck has the powerlevel of tier decks but just isn't as popular
most of the base of Infect is commons and hella cheap. Take a basic RG or UG infect list, shred out all the expensive cards like land or whatever. it won't be an optimal list by far but you'll take freebie t2 games off people at your LGS, and that seems like what you're looking for.
The post in the last thread got me thinking, why hasn't Goryo's Vengeance been banned yet?
>UU draw 7 cards is ok
Yea OK guy
Pod, Twin, Deathrite. Is this even a question?
Both your conditions are fulfilled, user.
Modern is the worst format with the worst players.
Predictions time:
>(Bant) Eldrazi Tier 1
>Dredge Tier 2
>Shadow Tier 2
>(Grixis) Delver Tier 2
>Living End Tier 2
>Ad Nauseam Tier 2
>Abzan Tier 3
>Death and Taxes Tier 3
So. When do you guys get bored of your current deck? I imagine it isn't always fun playing with the same deck over and over and over and over again.
Living end is fucking awful. Shouldn't even be recognized anymore
Thanks, looks pretty good
But it still wins and people play it. Tiers are usage-based.
>But it still wins
Great results here.
You are objectively wrong. Will you really defend that Living End hasn't been successful ANYWHERE in the past 2 months?
Will you not be such a literal cunt? I can feel the tipping over the net
I've brewed a Tainted Remedy deck. It looks decent on paper. I'm going to test it on Xmage, but I can't patch it properly. Anyone else having problems with Xmage?
I could use some suggestions for what to put in my sideboard. Mainboarding thoughtseizes and duresses leaves me confused what other hate cards I would need.
>Still wins
Literally any counterspell says hello.
Good thing the deck has weaknesses. Last time we had a super deck was WU Eldrazi and that wasn't exactly fun,
Lol, this post.
Birthing Pod
Treasure Cruise
Eye of Ugin
Fuck everything.
You joke, but think about it. What other equipments are Modern viable? They have to have low equip costs and impact the field once they hit the opponent.
The most obvious ones are the Mirrodin Swords of X and Y and Batterskull. Other than that, you start looking at the rest of the Living Weapon equipments from New Phyrexia (Bonehoard, Lashwrithe, Mortarpod, Necropouncer), maybe the Kaldra equipment from Fifth Dawn, possibly Basilisk Collar. And for the moment, let's assume people just stick to the Swords of X and Y. Know what they all have in common?
They're all below 3 CMC, so they get hit by Abrupt Decay. Not to mention K-Command, or any of a dozen other artifact removal cards in every color that has low CMCs and can be cast at instant speed.
SFM (with Batterskull banned) would lead to an improvement of the 'Death & Taxes' mono-white decks in Modern and make people want to brew with the card, diversifying the Modern pool even more.
Does it restrict creative from printing future equipments? Yes, it does. But R&D should try to have in mind the eternal formats (or at least Modern) when they design new cards.
But time and again they've said they give 0 thought to how Standard cards will play in Modern.
Bloodbraid Elf
Umezawas Jitte
This makes Modern good
Punishing fire never belonged on the ban list
>let's buff jund
Splendid Reclamation makes it too powerful! Imagine, 4 Groves of the Burnwillow on the battlefield at once!
>literally afraid of casting 2 ponders
Wew Lad
I dunno man , the jund list is pretty tight at this point and the only changes I ever see tend to be big doods , like huntmaster and olivia , some tireless trackers too but they don't seem to do too well. Sure it could be a sideboard card but i don't think sideboard cards should be on the ban list
summer bloom wasn't consistent enough to get banned
>Bloodbraid Elf
user, Jund is the top deck in the meta.
>deathrite shaman
So, there are 2 decks. There's abzan pod and twin, maybe with a sprinkle of burn.
That's a real good meta you got there user.
Why are people hating on the current meta? It's bretty gude. The amulet bloom ban is retarded, sure, but while twin wasn't OP, it's absence opens up the table to a lot of different strategies.
>dig through time
didn't do nuffin' wrong
>summer bloom
HARDCORE didn't do nuffin' wrong
>stoneforge mystic
Turn 3 batterskull is not overpowered, and it opens up a new archetype that I highly doubt will cause problems.
that they weren't legal before and modern wasn't great when they were unbanned
>if these decks are good/exist, they're gonna be the only decks in the meta
Can this meme end, please?
Twin and Pod were never unstoppable or unfair decks, and I would kill for a meta where competitive decks are as affordable as Pod or Twin were.
DRS, Dread Return, Preordain. Would probably unban more stuff given more chances (Pod and Twin going to the top of the list).
>Glimpse of Nature
>Treasure Cruise
I'm glad none of you are in charge of the ban list
Half of you have no idea how strong some cards are and the other half don't understand modern as a format. Go play legacy or something if you want a higher level of power or certain play styles to be more prominent.
That sounds like an absolutely dreadful meta, but a meta I want to live it.
Or, at least visit for a bit.
Honestly, this. People asking for these crazy unbans should probably play Legacy instead. Legacy is my favorite format for how many decks are viable.
Deathrite was a little silly when it was legal. Pod and Twin were both fine. Deathrite WOULD be fine if people just learned to fucking adapt and played less fetch lands but apparently that's too hard.
Because bolting a sfm is something extremely hard that only a super niche deck could do
Enough about unbans. If you had the choice, what would you ban?
ONS/ZEN fetchlands.
They don't add enough to the game to warrant the amount of shuffling time they add to matches.
>Also, dredge is becoming tier 3 from tier 99, are you prepared to fight the SS
Can somebody fill me in on this? Has it somehow gotten more resistant to grave hate?
Lol I didn't draw my colours, guess I lose
>what would you ban?
The Reserved List
>the only fixing is fetchlands
You can build a great manabase without fetches. Fetches just bring it over the top. People played 3 colour decks before they existed.
Go play kitchen table
Go play legacy
1)Deathrite shaman
3)treasure cruise or dtt
Deathrite would balance out the decks that can benefit from the delve draw spells too much. Top literally should not be banned. People just suck at playing miracles as stated before.
Plus deathrite shaman is my favorite card. Playing jund or any deck with scooze just feels bad without my sha-MAN.
Notable others....dark depths or seething song/rite of flame, because well, combo keks.
I wonder what would happen if they unbanned Depths... is ThopterDepths even like, good anymore? I guess being able to now run 12 cards to unleash the Lage would make some sort of Depths deck at least T2.
Cage is the only hate card seeing a lot of play. And while harsh, we have outs to it (opening hand answers, drawing Grudge/Decay normally, huge Grave-Trolls after dredging for ages...).
Aside from the tons of creature removal in modern that hit lage, you also have plenty of land hate so dark depths could potentially be unbanned and not be the worst thing ever.
Nigga, Cage is not harsh. Rest in Peace is harsh. Even Containment Priest is harsher than Cage.
Why not unban depths and ban vesuva. You still have thespian stage. Land tutors in modern are numerous but none are as powerful as crop rotation.
Yeah the more I'm thinking about this, the more I'm convinced Depths is actually the least sensible card to be banned.
It might have even been wrong to ban it back then since almost the entire rest of the deck was eventually banned out of the format. I really can't think of any super stupid shit that could occur. The absolute fastest it could kill is turn 3 and that's with two SSGs, even then you still allow the opponent to Untap.
Are you a retard?
Yes you are
I made restore balance for around that much. It's not a tier whatever deck, but it does a strong thing and beats most decks that doesn't have counterspells or thoughtseize effects.
>will restrict new equipment cards
When was the last time an equipment card without living weapon was worth using? As living weapon technically makes it a creature.
Bogles is cheap if you go for the budget version.
Goblin Dark Dwellers/Stone Rain is a new budget deck that isn't that bad.
Elves is cheap if you skimp on the land and wait for CoCo to drop in price when it rotates.
Mono Blue tron has a budget version in your range as well.
How good is green stompy doing these days? I don't have a limit on my budget so I can go nuts with spending
If you can go nuts with spending then don't buy green stompy. Splash red and go Gruul Zoo.
Thoughts on modern spirits? I've been messing around with them on xmage and they seem like they could have a good thing going for them with the new additions. Spell Queller in particular is pretty sweet
>Cage is the only hate card seeing a lot of play.
What happened to Relic?
Link a decklist? I've been hearing a bit about Standard spirits, but not much about spirits in Modern
>Gruul Zoo
>its just Naya Zoo but totally not because path is in the sideboard
Maybe I'll look at other options
Jesus Christ.
Vesuva doesn't combo with Depths.
Vesuva doesn't work w depths
I'm running almost the same as this list, however I'm personally running
3x Spell Queller
2x Kira Glass-Spinner
1x Colonnade (should prob be 2 though)
No Ojutai, no castle , and more basics