Surprised that no one is talking about this, but what does Veeky Forums think of Eternal cardgame? Lots of MTG pros working on it including LSV and Chapin. I've been playing the beta for a few months and it's basically replaced Magic for me. Any one else in the beta?
Surprised that no one is talking about this, but what does Veeky Forums think of Eternal cardgame...
I saw lsv promote this on YouTube and it looks good. I wish it all the best. However I'm an overbearing snob who's unbearably stubborn and having only recently gotten into Hearthstone after finding out I couldn't play mtg at the airport, I think I've filled up my quota for the decade.
at a glance it looks more like Heartstone so a /v/ thing rather than Veeky Forums thing
What gimmicks does this one have?
It's magic but fast and actually pretty great.
Power level feels like Shards/Zen standard.
But magic is shit so why would anyone want to play this?
>the premiere card of the game is some tumbrl "badass" chick
>it has FIVE fucking keywords
>Lots of MTG pros working on it
So it's made by gamers instead of game designers?
Does... does that seem like a good idea to you?
WotC scouted their R&D employees from their pro scene for the longest time.
Pretty sure they still do that, actually.
I like it, it's great. Nobody is talking about it online outside the dev forums because of NDA.
>it has FIVE fucking keywords
What environment do you play this in?
Is it a web game, or an Android game, or a pc game?
How do they make money if it's totally free to play?
If you were to print the cards (say, using, could you play it with physical cards, or does it rely on the computer for stuff you couldn't easily do with dice and cards?
Lots of computer tracking since stats persist across zones and there's ways to lower casting costs and permanently buff cards on top of your deck.
Looks like a cheap Hearthstone knockoff
Ah. So not so much a replacement for MTG as a replacement for mtgo
>after finding out I couldn't play mtg at the airport
Sounds like quitter talk.
Forgot to mention:
There's a stigma against Hearthstone in the MTG crowd derived from the fact that MTG players spent far too much for their collections and don't want to see their cards lose value as MTG fades into irrelevancy. That, and an irrational fear of random effects in an already-random game, even though MTG actually has far, far higher variance due to the broken system of needing to draw lands and spells in the right proportion and because a 4x card limit is higher than it ideally should be thanks to all the lands padding the deck. In truth, Hearthstone is the better game.
So if you think Elements is good, try Hearthstone, it's probably better.
Low-quality bait. No one is this bad at understanding game design
Got into beta and I must say art and card design are far below average.
But at least it has some chance unlike that abortion that is Hex
How exactly hex is an abortion? So far i kinda don't see the differences between this and hex
So you've played both for extended periods of time and know what you're talking about, user?
Hex is pure MTGO rip straigh down to the stupid idea of card having value, but unlike mtg Hex has nothing to offer outside it's service
We can do better
it's interesting, though it seems like it'll be a grind to play because of how many strong legendary cards there are and and how expensive crafting is
draft is fun though
NDA though, so that's why no one is talking, once some streamers get to play it'll grow some
Hearthstone is a pretty shit game
It's a cool idea and allows for some fun design because it's a card game made to be digital but honestly it has a lot of problems. Balance is a big one, RNG is another problem but not to the extent it was in GvG. In addition in general there is just no real skill in the game honestly. You play out your hand on curve and make reasonable decisions.
It's good if you want a mediocre game to play while you shit
Is this game available for android? As a former mtg player I came to like hearthstone and wouldn't quit now. Especially since it runs rather smooth on my phone.
Played Hearthstone at the end of the beta, quit and got back in again 2 months ago. Got to admit it got a lot better and is really fun now. A nice weekly quest and several budget decks that are actual fun to play. I don't like the PVE mode though.
We must go deeper
I don't know if it's available yet, but they said it was coming a while back
Hearthstone is simpler than magic with only NWO commons which is why its destined to forever remain mediocre
This and also not being to interact with your opponent on their turn is boring
Not that user, but he's completely right. Having played MTG for years and 'competitive' HS, it's not even close in the levels of variance.
If you aren't a retard and have a reasonable manabase with reasonable costs for the mana-base, you really do not get screwed very often. It's nothing compared to an astounding amount of HS games coming down to a Ragnaros roulette, Dr.Boom bomb roulette, or the mockery of card games that is Yogg-Saron.
HS is a terrible game to play seriously, it's only redeeming factor is the sheer memes factor.
In the Beta as well, NDA is the reason you don't see it talked about much but I'm loving it. It's like if MTGO had an actually good interface and it seems like the design team generally know what they're doing, while still taking risks, which is honestly really refreshing.
Obviously internet play makes it more unwieldy, assholes delaying etc, but its possible to design around. Infinity Wars made a system where you plan your turn at the same time as your opponent and then have it play out afterwards so it was a giant guessing game. Even basic combat was pretty interesting because you arranged attackers and defenders in lines where the first attacker ran into the first defender so youd have to do combat math and weigh probabilities and shit, a bad play could wipe your board where a good play would have done the reverse, it was even deeper than magic combat IMO
I've put hundreds of hours into both, hearthstone is a game you play on the toilet to kill time, it's not a real game you can take seriously, the balance is atrocious, the variance is obscene and the game itself in very simplistic.
that sounds fun to heck
Wizards gets their Development team from the pro tour. Not the Design team.
Design makes new ideas for mechanics, cards, and themes. Design makes all the new ideas. Development makes them into a balanced set.
Development with no Design would not make an interesting game.
Design without Development would make Urza's Saga all over again.
>Urzas Saga
This is my favorite set.
>Not the Design team.
Never said they did?
>Research and Development
The "D" in Magic R&D stands for Design. The Development is separate department.
Actually, R&D is design and dev.
How bad is the pack RNG? Is it f2p? Do I have to spend real money? How many deck archetypes are possible? Can I win with a creatureless deck? Does it use lands or that stupid hearthstone "you get one more mana a turn for free!" shit?
I dislike hearthstone because I dont like their mana system and I hate their draft system. I also dont like that you have to spend money on their abortion of a draft system. Game wise itself have a free always "in hand" spell based on your "class" is cheep to me. I also hate the fact that you HAVE to go big or go home. I made a merlock deck that just vomited them out and then buffed them with the merlock lords. Lost every time to some fagot throwing down ANY semi big creature. I also dont like the fact that you either attack the player or attack a creature it compleatly ruins defensive play and makes the game far to aggressive. I also dislike the fact you can only have 10? creatures on the field max. I dont like the starting hand size. I dont like the disenchanting system. I hate that you can basically draw the same card over and over again from packs with no use other than disenchanting them.
The only thing I found niffy was the coin. I just hated basically everything that Hearthstone was. I gave it a solid 4 hours to win me over and it only led to one disappointment after another.
Pack RNG: Something like 1/10 packs is a Mythic Rare/Legendary. You end up with a full Common/Uncommon playset very quickly.
F2P: Yes, no option to spend money right now, but it's definitely going to be possible to be full F2P even after release.
Archetypes: Currently there's about 5 archetypes that are viable with multiple decks each. Them being Control, Aggro, Ramp, Midrange, and Not-Boggles. There are a few other that can work but not very consistently such as a Prison deck and Reanimation shenanigans.
One of the viable Control decks runs zero creatures, so yes creatureless strategies are viable.
It uses Lands.
Then fuck I will have to try this. It definitely sounds like its worth a try out. So long as it doesn't go full Jew after it fully releases it might just be good.
Holy SHIT that card looks terrible, it's like a retarded bastard of a Hearthstone and a Magic card. Say what you will about the Big 4, but at least their cards look halfway decent. Can't believe LSV quit writing set reviews for THIS.
> we want the hearth stone audience art design
Lost me at hello
Because MtG is perfect, right?
The game is still around, it just hasnt gotten a new set for the last year so i stopped playing
There are free decks on rotation each week which are pretty okay so you could try it out I guess
The real problem is the fuckup typography and the absurd white accents
the general idea of non-square cards + skeuomorphic elements is fine
IW is a very good game... though it has some issues that make spellweaver my game of choice. Mostly you get cards really slowly, and largely dependent on a daily login. Also some annoyingly OP mythics.
It's sad actually, the main thing that drove me off was this thing were starting the game and logging in take to long. Not enough to complain... probably not even a full minute. Just long enough to really annoy me.
But as an earlier poster said, the combat and game play are really deep.
God fucking damit. You low down dirty piece of shit. I have things to do you know! Now I am going to have to play this stupid fucking game, and probably come to like it. Betting it won't replace spellweaver in my heart thou...
It is literally just Akroma.