1.Pet the servo skull
2.Do not pet the servo skull
1.Pet the servo skull
2.Do not pet the servo skull
Rolled 2 (1d2)
Hypothetically speaking. If I acquired a skull, how do I turn it into a proper servo skull? I'm talking the standard sanctioned STC procedure of course, none of the radical and otherwise questionable stuff.
3. OP is a faggot.
nice dubs
Pet the skull.
Stroke the cables.
Pet and stroke.
Pet and stroke.
Does it have a fluffy tail? This is important.
Is there any real question here? You obviously you pet the servo-skull
3. Goto 1
fit with Heavy Flamer and Auspex
You firstly take it to the local temple to our glorious leader, to get it blessed and sanctified.
You then take it to the local temple to the omnissiah, to have it blessed and sanctified by our glorious leaders metallic priests.
If the skull has been deemed worthy by both institutions (and if you have sufficient gelt/influence/or equivalent), in 3-5 working days you will receive a vox message notifying you that the skull Isa now a fully working servo skull.
At this point you will return to the omnissiah's temple were if you haven't already got one a MIU will be installed into your cranium, and the servo skull will be linked to you.
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of your own icon of humanity! Go forth and cleanse the xenos, the heretic, and the witch in the Emperors name!
I chose another option. I chose...RAPTURE!
I choose lemons .
>Heavy Flamer
It's a servo skull, not a servo skelliton.
What it it's a carnifex skull?
In terms of required materials the stock standard servo skull requires:
1 frontal lobe.
1 servitor board (tiny)
1 grav disc (small)
1 sensor array (includes picter and voxcatcher)
1 fusion reactor (tiny)
Added extras can be added at the discretion of your local tech priest.
It's xeno and xenos are heresy...
You might get away with using Ogryn skull. If the Ogryn was particularly memorable.
What if he wants a flying reminder that humanity fuck yeah is the slaughter or carnifexs? I would rule while an aberration it isn't heresy.
Could a servo skull be steampunk powered?
Or could we just list it to another bullshit thing ADAM can do.
I'm going to go with no. Steam power is really not that great at being light or compact.
I take that back there you go, thanks to the user for his tech heresy
I wonder how many balloons would it take to keep a human skull full of hardware off the ground?
I don't think it's heresy if it's from mars
1 litre of helium can pick up 0.45kgs.
A human's skull is 5kgs.
The weight of a Raspberri Pi is 31 g.
So about a dozen or more.
A human skull with no jaw and a camera and electronics inside is probably gonna be 4ish pounds. So, 370 or so balloons.
why do you know these things so suddenly
Someone didn't carry a zero somewhere.
>A human's skull is 5kgs.
Where are you getting that number from? At my leanest I used to weight 45kg, as a 175cm person. I refuse to believe 11% of that weight was for my skull alone.
He just googled the weight of a human head.
Which happens to be full of brains and coated in a layer of meat. The skull alone is probably closer to 1kg.
ADAM keeps the brain working. It's essentially constantly using a "stay alive" plasmid.
Meanwhile in Columbia, one -or two or both and neither- develop locked particles that can raise and lower entire city blocks.
Coincidentally tearing a rather interesting hole between possibilities.
Boom. Bioshock Servo Skulls.