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Someone has to make an Edition

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>Someone has to make an Edition

OP a best edition

Slow thread today.
So, what's everybody working on? Played any fun games recently?

>that Ork FAQ
Ok everyone, all together now
>They're really fired up!

Played against a Space Wolves army with my Dark Angels I'm slowly building up, it was fun, but nothing major happened. My Guard got wreckt by some Grey Knights tho, Draigo deathstar couldn't be killed.

There should be a Gaunt's Ghosts-esque series of novels set entirely on an Imperium Battleship, y/y?

I'm having problems making my dark eldar.
I need another blaster for my true born...
which I can get from the scourge box I want...
if I buy the talos I want I can only convert a total of 3 haywire blasters but I need 4.

What do I do?

Working on making my SkitMech less WAAC: I started off with six grav Destroyers, six haywire Breachers and four robots, but I've realised that it's not a fun army to play against, so I'm adding more Skitarii troops and general variety to it.

OP forgot the discord edition


Had Ahriman shriek a squad of broadsides in ruins off the board last night, rolled a 16. That turn Kharn also swept a Riptide from his personal land raider. Won the game too, CSM v. Tau (only 3 riptides) @2kpts

search bitz sites?
you can make a blaster by cutting a shredder top off and attach the blastpistol top

make one scourge with breakable arms to be replaced later. 3 haywire are not bad either

People snatch up haywire blaster bitz like crazy, trust me I searched all the sites I know and trust.

>So, what's everybody working on?
Finally motivated again with a bit of time so putting the finishing touches on three DA fliers.
>Played any fun games recently?
Nah my last two matches were pretty uneventful and I felt bad. Do have a 2v2 (DA/SW) v (Multigod Daemon and Nurgle Daemons with CSM allies) with 2000 points per player.

We are trying to decide if we should add two 2x2 tiles since we will have such large armies.

>Space Wolves army with my Dark Angels
On eof the favorite matchups for my Ravenwing. It helps the two SW players at my shop are total bros.

here's what on my desk to work on

>seeker chariot; chariot done, based, seekers need to be primed, rider primed
>exalted; chariot done, based, seekers base coat, riders primed, 2 more seekers need priming
>keeper; based, layer and highlight

i know son, I know.
Do you know how lucky I was I got 3 heatlances?
You might want to search for talos-parts, or harli-car haywire.

>I'm having problems making my dark eldar.
I'm having trouble getting them to work on the Table Top. IG blew me apart.
Scourges are cool but my Incubi and Succubus a shit . When I posted yesterday someone suggested I try an archon.
I am considering Harlequin allies now as I don't want regular Eldar and am too new to understand Corsairs.

I2 I could understand.

When I found out they were actually S3 I laughed my ass off.

thousand sons work in progress

2 chaos rhino

3 chaos bikes

chaos lord with terminator armor

5 chaos terminators

10 chaos space marines

20 space marines to finish

6 dark angels bikes to finish

3 obliterators

Dark talon


chaos vindicator

Tech priest dominus

3 kataphron destroyers

Kastelan robots

Onager dunecrawler

3 kataphron destroyers

10 skitarii vanguard

Herald of nurgle

10 plaguebearers

3 nurglings

3 plague drones

Where do i start all of them need paint...

post list
seek help
maybe you made errors. (solo DE is like wet cardboard. Not good against steel, i admit)

$9 on eBay

eldar are s3

what do you want to play with? otherwise you can do the nurgle models with some washes quite easily, gives them a nice gross wet look

Multilasers are s6

I will try to finish the thousand sons and the work in progress of marines and bikes then move on to chaos rhino i guess..

It's not even that, it's the "They're really fired up!" line from the FAQ that kills it.

Oh yeah, that was fucking gold.

It's like they're intentionally abusing Ork players.

Reading through the rules, then the codex so i can plan out my first army.

Primed up my squad of deathwing knights this morning. I'vd got two more scouts to finish before I start on the knights.

Last game i played against KdK/chaos. Was down to my last squad of termi's then called the game cause it was getting late. Would have been fun to see how much damage they could do. They were sitting in the back field with rockets. My friends was left with a demon Prince, two hellbrutes, a immobile defiler. All with a wound/HP left

>post list
On mobile so don't have my text document with all the points.
I have a Succubus that I will be swapping to an Archon that will still run with 3 Incubi and Klaivex in a Venom.
All Venoms have Splinter Cannons with Flickerfields.
I have 2 units of 5 warrios and 2 units of 10 warriors in Raiders (only with Shock Prows but Ive been told that is wrong).
My three fast attacks are a Razorwing Jetfighter with 4 shatter missiles and darklance then two units of 5 scourges 4/5 of each have Dark Lances.

>dark lances
You need sum haywire.
Also deep striking trueborn with blaster rifles, Ravagers are good as you can deepstrike them if you don't win deployment.
Lots of minimum sized squads of jetbikes with heat lances are great.

To be honest, guard is a very hard match up because he has easy access to ignores cover.

>he has easy access to ignores cover.
Yeah he had Veterans in Chimeras, 3 Leman Russ and an Artillery piece with the big circle template.
I was thinking about using half my scourges as Haywire instead of 8 DarkLance Scourges.
Trueborn look pretty cool. Would I put my HQ with them instead of the Incubi?
Which HQ do you use? How would you load out an Archon.

If you're going to use an archon over a succubus you give him a blaster, a webway portal and nothing else, maybe a shadow field if you're feeling lucky.

Drop him and squad of 4 blaster trueborn from deepstrike in a raider and destroy one vehicle squadron, if any of them survive the inevitable destruction of their raider and are not pinned they can destroy another one.

mmh consider nightshields on some of the raiders/Razorwing cost 15pts but gives them stealth.
an archon has the advantage of being able to take a 2+ invul field.

unortunatly ig is very bad news for de, not at last because they a ignore cover order. If that has been a problem, only the Company command squad (HQ-choice!) can issue that. So mark as target.

The problem with incubi is that they are only good in cutting good armor infantry like space marines. Against IG their AP2 @ initiative attacks are wasted. That is why people often suggest grotesques instead, who are more versatile.

Thanks, I think Trueborn and the archon will certainly be my next purchase.

I do use one on my Razorwing I think, definitely not on the Raiders.
I think I may drop one of my troops to make room for some of the changes. Which would you drop?
Do you ever have your Warriors bring Heavy Weapons? I havent.

>I think I may drop one of my troops to make room for some of the changes. Which would you drop?
maybe split all into 5 man squads for more transports
>Do you ever have your Warriors bring Heavy Weapons? I havent.
there was a reason to bring a splinter cannon with the splinter rack raider, but with the faq, nope. min size for more targets

How do challenges work? I'm trying to parse this section of the rules. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week, so I'm having trouble understanding it.

Is a challenge basically a sub fight in an assault? You issue the challenge, and the two characters chosen for challenge fight it out while the other models in the units fight it out, but no wounds from either subfight in the assault can be allocated to the other until one of the subfights is won?

yes. if the other player accepts with a character, that is

The only caveat is if a model in a challenge is the only one left in a unit, wounds can then be allocated to him by models outside of the challenge.

Check out The Dart City. It's the dark Eldar forum and every dark Eldar player should be a frequent visitor. It'll probably answer every question you ever had about the DE.

2 plasma rifles, shield generator, stimulant injector

2 burst cannons, shield generator, xv84 suit

Stealth team-200
6 suits, 2 fusion blasters, 2 target locks
Stealth team-90
fusion blasters, ion raker, counterfire defence system

Fire warriors-101
9 models, shas'ui, turret
Fire warriors-58
8 models, shas'ui


Tiny Tau army from all the models I've got painted. Is it worth playing with or should I just focus on painting everything else?

I agree with the other guy, more or less. Archon should go with the Trueborn. Give him a WWP, Blaster, maybe Haywire Grenades if you have 5 extra points. I give mine a Clone Field as well.

The problem with this is that the Archon will be 100 - 130 pts depending on the load out. You could almost afford another deepstriking Venom squad for the same cost.

The most effective HQ is a 10 point Lhamaean. She's not a character so you'd have to buy a sergeant of some kind (imo the only one that's not a total fucking waste is the Arena Champion if he's in a unit of 5 Reavers + him) to make your Warlord.

Scourge "should" have Haywire according to the entire internet. I stopped running them because they always fucking die and other things can neutralize or actually blow up vehicles as well.

Your list sounds mostly fine. DE are just in a completely shitty place right now. Every single thing we can do is done 100% better by Corsairs, with the sole exception being Covens units (which are basically like Craftworld Wraith units but shittier).

I put Nightshields on all of my vehicles, it can occasionally stop you from having to jink to fucking bolters or whatever dumb shit. It's admittedly a bit expensive. Also, Venoms should always have double Splinter Cannons (it's unclear if you meant that in your post, since you start off with Flickerfields and 1 Cannon - no need to list them again). Anyway, Raider Warrior squads used to be amazingly great (add 1 Splinter Cannon to a ten man squad, Nightshields and SPLINTER RACKS [capitalized because it's the most important part]) and you could rape basically anything with high toughness/medium save or worse than that in 1 turn. But now jinking makes you snapshot and all of that other shit so we are basically nerfed into the ground.

>deepstriking Venom squad for the same cost.
I've made a grave error boys.
It all starts on the field. All of my games so far. Why am I so bad. Thats 11 or 12 games...

>he has easy access to ignores cover
IG do? I admit I'm not experienced with my codex but I never thought IG had a good time pretending cover doesn't exist.

>CCS with Fire on my Target
Order doesn't pass 100% of the time, can't use on Vets in Chimeras. Disembarking Vets is suicidal for me unless I'm absolutely sure they'll make their points back that shooting phase. For big blobs sure, last time I brought 100+ models my opponent had nothing but anti infantry guns, cupping his hands with dice multiple times a turn so my infantry disappeared by the end of turn 3. My few vehicles remained invincible, but in an objective game I lost horribly.

>Primaris with Perfect Timing
Similar to above but I'll have to be lucky rolling and harnessing the power consistently.

>Leman Russ Eradicator
One S6 AP4 Large blast, maybe I have shit rolls because I scatter wildly into nothing over half the time. Even if it hits, 50% chance to hurt anything that's AV10, good for light infantry I guess but that's 55 extra points to do my Wyvern's job.

Should cost more for what it does but this isn't going to pop tanks (S4) and in a group of min squads in vehicles, it isn't worth taking more than one.

that second fire warrior team should be 82 points for 930 points total. Oops.

How one dimensional are the dark eldar?

>How one dimensional are the dark eldar?

That and cheap and easy access to multiple flamers/unit and heavy flamers on chimera/sentinel...

Compare what you have with other codices. Tau have it better, due to markerlights and SMS. But many have far less. And no. does not work all the time is no excuse. Hardly anything works all the time.

AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA you just can't make this shit up.

> "Lol ur firey flamethrower weapons aren't fire weapons lol."
> "Ur wargear ignores benefits granted by USRs."
> "We wanted to contradict one of the only good Ork formation's rules that otherwise would let you improve them from unplayability to almost decent by excluding ICs from its benefits."
> "We're such fuck-ups that we still won't let you include Looted Wagons as Auxiliary units, even after re-releasing it & acting like we're the second coming of Christ for doing it."
> "Whoops, we forgot to forbid bikes from the Council's Nobz, or to let Waaagh! benefit bikes. Better shit that up harder."

This doubling down on obvious mistakes as "lulz Orks are dumb" can get fucked. It's lazy and unprofessional, & a thinly veiled attempt to mask incompetence with (bad) "humor."

And FFS, Grabba Klawz should not be able to stop SHVs.

Whichever ignorant empty-skulled fuckmuppets shat this together ought to be run out on a rail.

I don't know what that means.

very as there is little that actually works.
-almost every infantry has to take a transport or die fast.
the whole codex is a few units for anti-tank who actually can hurt a tank relaibly without needing to melee (scourges, trueborn ravager)
a few gimmicky units that work well if they do not die (reavers, incubi grotesques mandrakes)
hqs tthat are too expensive, flimsy and too weak STR wise to hurt much.
add kabalites in transport (variety: do you want blaster? venom or raider?)
and the razorwing who can fire 4 large blast missiles and has 2 dark lances
the rest is pretty much garbage

What do you guys think an army requires before it can be referred to as a "Forge World army"?

- Having one or two Forge World models/units in it?
- Being majority composed of Forge World parts?
- Having rules that are only found in a Forge World rulebook?

I have a 40k army that uses no FW units but every model is almost entirely made from FW parts and the chapter tactics are also from Badab War. I call it a "FW army" even though it has no real FW shit in it other than chapter tactics and bits.

On the other hand, you could have a full plastic army that is full of FW units and using the FW Siege Assault Vanguard army list. Would that be a FW army despite being 100% GW parts?

This is mostly just out of random curiosity, but also because I know some places are retarded and ban FW. I never see 30k players refer to their army as a FW army but maybe that's because it's redundant to do so.

Orks are the NPC race. They're for kiddies with no friends who want to set up basement games that they play by themselves so they can test out Space Marine lists for the real game. Little do they realize that they'll never have anybody else to play with because the game's most appealing and iconic faction has been nerfed out of the game.

>Having rules that are only found in a Forge World rulebook?
Personally only that. So you can have a FW army without any FW models, but having MK5 power armor for your ultramarine successor chapter make them.... an ultramarine successor chapter.
Be aware it means, even one model with a rule, or chapter tactics from a FW book.

It is my personal view, to my knowledge it is not defined to mean one thing.

>Venom spam
>Raider/Ravager spam (the former is now dead, thx FAQ)
>Coven deathstars

Those are basically the only 3 lists you would ever see anyone playing, although there are a lot of variations within those categories (from "how many razorwings do I include?" to "should I into ObSec or 6 FA slots with some command bonuses?"). There's also a reason why every single post everywhere recommends the exact same weapons loadouts on every unit (the only exceptions being certain melee guys and the whole "pick from 1 of 2 possible loadouts" HQ guys)

Not actually that 1 dimensional though, I have had some success fielding units that you almost never see mentioned anywhere in 7th edition (namely Mandrakes and Beast packs). It's more mono-build than a lot of armies but not completely stuck in one build. And with the supplement you get an entirely different play style.

Also remember screening/intervening saves and all of that. Consider taking a Realspace Raiders Detachment for 6 FA slots (add 3 squads of Reavers or Beasts imo, use them to tie shit up and as mobile cover) + 1st turn benefits.

If you're not running a close combat beast for your Warlord then you should at least consider rolling on the Strategic Traits table instead of the Codex table. All of them except Conqueror of Cities are basically better than anything on our table, except Labyrinth Cunning or whatever it's called. Even if you're running RRD, because rerolling on a shitty table is going to be worse than rolling once on one with 5 options that can completely save your ass.

A forge world army is an army that uses a forge world ruleset entirely. If you use FW models for an army using rules from a 40K codex, it's just a 40k army with proxies. If you use GW plastic models for an army from a FW rulebook, it's a forgeworld army with proxies. What your store allows is up to them. Many stores like to ban minis that they don't sell, because they only allow gaming in order to advertise the products they do sell. That's their prerogative. What models and rules are allowed is a question for the venue, tournament organizer, and/or players to decide.

> game's most appealing and iconic factionS
Ask any BA, DE, CSM, Tyranid player if they feel different. And there are a few others that barely function against eldar-tau-SM-necron

So a Tau army with a single FW suit would be a FW army. I don't disagree with that, but it seems kind of weird to say that since it'd be like calling a marine army with a single grav gun a grav army.

>> "Ur wargear ignores benefits granted by USRs."
Wait, which answer ruled that?

Corsairs and anyone else who only exist in FW books.

>If you use FW models for an army using rules from a 40K codex, it's just a 40k army with proxies

Some FW models don't have FW rules and are meant to be fancier alternatives to 40k units.

So BaC armies used in 30k would be proxies? Or would they count as FW? This shit is confusing.


As for hybrid armies, like a 40K army that uses a couple of FW tanks, that's a houserule army. GW can demand that everyone allow FW models and rules in 40K until they're blue in the face, but in the end it's up to the players or the venue to decide what's allowed. Therefore any hybrid of GW and FW is a de facto houserule list.

yes. Mostly because there are many people who will not play against FW and a army with a single FW-rules model is a no-go for them. I think its stupid but it is their choice so I respect that.

That's a proxy, then.

lol no. The makers and owners of the IP say something, that word is therefore the word of god. If you're playing 40k, any model made by GW or FW is legal unless you're a salty cunt.

That'd be the other way around, banning forgeworld is a houserule.

No perils for pelvic sorcery

No it's not, because it's an official model being used for the official rules that go with the model. A Mk IV Venerable Dreadnought being used as a Venerable Dreadnought is not a proxy. It's not even a different mark, the GW plastic Venerable is also a Mk IV.

is 'legal' is a weird thing. A triple riptide list at 1250 can be legal, but I would decline every time someone asks me to play against it.


You need to do some reading on the concept of a "game". Some of GW's own stores don't allow FW. That's fine, because your roof = your rules regardless of what some cunt in England thinks.

>As for hybrid armies, like a 40K army that uses a couple of FW tanks

The vast majority of FW tanks are 40k units. They all existed before 30k was even a thing. Fuck, some plastic GW things were FW units to begin with, like the Baneblade, Vendetta, Trygon, and even the Drop Pod.

Why Forgewirld have such a hard-on for the Horus Heresy, I'd like to see some War in Heaven with more C'tan models

You are legally allowed to decline playing against legal lists. There is no rule forcing you to play this game.

Proxy means substitute. If you use an FW model as a nicer-looking alternative to a GW model, it's called a proxy.

Because it sells well. It's that simple. Corsairs did not sell well but Knights and Riptides did, that's why FW also has a hardon for Riptide and Knight variants but doesn't spam Eldar stuff even though Eldar is popular in 40k.

Noob question:

Do I need the regular Space Marines codex to play Dark Angels?

The FW Venerable Dreadnought is not a substitute, it is a Venerable Dreadnought. It's not some plastic Ironclad or regular Dreadnought or Contemptor counts-as a Venerable, and it's not a soda can proxy. It's a fucking Venerable Dreadnought made by GW.

Doesn't matter. If it isn't part of your store's inventory, they have the right to ban you from using it. You don't like it, go play somewhere else.


No Dark Angels use their own codex. Any units they share with other marines will have its rules printed in Codex: Dark Angels so there is no need to buy the regular codex.

I responded to someone else's question. If you aren't going to read the actual question, then we aren't talking about the same thing. The user explicitly said "Some FW models don't have FW rules and are meant to be fancier alternatives to 40k units." That's called a proxy.

People know what proxy in 40k means, you just simply don't know yourself, or you are misapplying it to things that aren't proxies. A FW tac marine isn't a proxy if it's being used as a tac marine. A FW bolter isn't a proxy if it's being used as a bolter.

BaC is part of GW store inventory you dipshit. GW will also order FW shit for you in store.

I agree with the Flamers, what also doesn't make sense is why IG infantry has so much access to Flamers (even heavy). So is the ignore cover ease IG have an issue for armies with open-topped transports and other exposed infantry?

As for inconsistency it raises another question. If it isn't 2+ cover, why shoot once just to ignore cover when I can just shoot more (doesn't ignore cover) to compensate? I'd rather shoot with an Exterminator at a jinking Vyper/Serpent than an Eradicator.

I also hardly use orders/psykers since usually my infantry are in a Chimera in some ruins/cover, maybe I play IG the wrong way trying to focus on my survival/objectives than just killing my opponent.

A sports car with the factory installed sports package spoiler is not a proxy for the basic version of that sports car you moron. So no, you're just fucking wrong. Everyone read the original question, you're the only moron who thinks FW units without FW rules are proxies.

>this FW kit that's literally the GW plastic one with some fancy resin stuff glued to the top is a proxy


I'm not saying that GW stores are intelligent or sane. I'm just telling you that some GW stores will ban FW. It's just the way things are.

If you use FW models in a 40K army using non-FW rules, that's proxying. Doesn't matter if GW owns FW or the associated IP. A game is a game, and if you don't agree with the other player on what models to allow then you aren't going to have a game. Scream and cry and act like a baby as much as you want. Games don't happen without consent.


Why doesn't GW just sell bits on its own? I'd buy a lot more from my local GW if I could just get the stuff I wanted rather than going to ebay. Doesn't that hurt their overall sales?

What do sports cars have to do with gaming? You're just being retarded. Games require an agreement between two players. No agreement, no game. Cars don't work like games because they don't involve a mutual decision between two people.

>Doesn't that hurt their overall sales?
Oh user, please sit down. We need to have a talk about GW...

People have to buy kits to get bits to sell, so GW profits regardless.

They used to but they stopped in favor of making you buy 5 boxes to get the weapons you want. When they sold bits you could just buy 1 box and 5 bits.

>>Butthurt forgeworld fans
>>Still think that FW is "real" 40k
>>enjoy your optional expansion rules and substitute models, dipshits. I'm busy finding real gamers to play with while you waste money collecting toys.

>mfw I have only one model left in my backlog

I know this is a shitpost, but GW has stated that literally all of their own rules are optional.


you have beaten the beast that plagues many of us, carry on!

Any rules in any game are technically optional.

>You're just being retarded

Says the guy who claims using a FW 40K model for its intended use is proxying.

What do mutual decisions have to do with definitions of words?