Fuck bittrex

This shithole site let me deposit money, trade, but won't let me withdraw. I even did the shitty verification stuff and they didn't find me so now I have a support ticket... fuck this shit!

Seriously, this is bullshit. I can't be the only one with this problem

How can't you withdraw?

>He fell for a meme website

The only thing left to do now is find the CEO and fuck his wife

>Can't cash out
>Not a meme

Gonna be really funny when people start finding this out all at once and panic ensues.


You can withdraw up to 2BTC per 24 hours without verificaiton.

Normally use Binance, figured I'd give Bittrex a shot. Sent two confirmed test amounts of ETH days ago and still nothing. I feel your pain user.

Whats the actual problem? From what i understand, you can withdraw 0.4 btc per day on a basic account? just shoot it over to GDAX or something


Yes you can retardo

>using bittrex
user why

Welcome to the club, OP.
Bittrex is a scam. But what can you do? Twitter is full of complaints but they just don't care.

Binance will let you withdraw 2 BTC a day on basic verification. My withdraws in LTC always go extremely fast.

Nah there are a ton of us. Look at twitter, their page is blown up with complaints about this issue. Ive personally been waiting over a month for my ticket to get answered. Just got an email yesterday saying yo keep waiting and that they weremt doing anything illegal and are just catching up on tickets. Its bs imo theyre probably investing the money themselves then cashing out whatever our balance is whenever they gey around to unlocming avcounts. Ive heard people waiting 2 months, but ya it sucks.

are you stupid?

2 MONTSH!?!?!?!?!?!/

Bittrex is probably the worst crypto-related website to ever be created

Can you trade as many shitcoins with Binance?
also I heard a lot of bad stuff about them too

Just transfer all of your shit into BTC and then back to coinbase and withdraw.

Binance has tons of shit coins, make an account and check it out senpai

The ride never ends
Don't trust the (((exchanges)))

feeling pretty good that Bittrex and their stupid fucking verification process led me to just use binance instead

Pending deposit since 19 hours fuck this shit