>if it hits 14k I get liquidated and the shotgun goes off
If it hits 14k I get liquidated and the shotgun goes off
whale here with 5k btc.. dont do it ill send you 5 btc
Lol 13856
Been in this situation man, quantum immortality is pretty fucking sick, never lose money.
I get liquidated at 13.97k, and mine is hooked up to a shaped charge.
Yes pls
post it
dont need it, Im quantum suicide
I was liquidated long ago.
They can print infinite tether. This is going to 1million.
What exchanges boys? I need to set alerts, kek.
Thank you senpai, you are a miracle.
check your wallet ;)
>shorting a bull market
you deserve it
can you sleezballs stop posting that address shit on here? Im not checking blockchain, I know the secret
Im gonna kms too if i dont get .1 btc
Please give bitcoin
sent ;)
That's what you get for going against Monika!
Time to hang out with Sayori!
This is the bull trap, it has to be
i lost 11btc in 2011 on a dead drive user
spare a satoshi?
dont check he installed a trojan virus backdoor in there.
thanks for derailing my thread asshole. now I wish this shotgun would actually kill me
did he deliver?
Got some coins to spare?
Overrated undertale vn
Yup, I donate to every account posted ;)
I never got it but its only been like 10 minutes user, BTC transactions take like an hour or more.
Somebody be so kind and help me out? :(
I didnt post my address dumbass he will install a keylogger
please OP contemplate suicide daily
Do people really do this or is it just a meme
I've seen several mentions of quantum suicide machines to rig gains
i went from 1.9btc last month to 0.4btc now. care to share a few satoshi for poorfag?
Thankful for you user!
lol relax i sent the btc.. might take a long time cause i sent a bunch
it's real and it works
how is that possible?
>falling for the daytrading jew
you deserve it you greedy fuck
make a believer out of me user. is there any good in this world left?
Newbie here. Been lurking on /pol/ and noticed bitcoin threads along with seeing it on cnbc before shark tank, so decided to finally come around here.
Is it truly unsafe to accept bitcoins from random strangers? Like they can add viruses in the blockchain? I was going to do this on an exchange but wanted to know if I should watch out with ever accepting it from others
give me pl0x even 0.1 is good
Since that asshole didn't actually send any bitcoins I will gladly give you some of mine for the Christmas spirit.
Fuck I'm going to do it
Dogecoin will be the new world currency in my universe
no bitcoin no life
im done at 14.5k
no just dont check the blockchain website to see if the dude delivered or not
Shotgun about to blow my brains out
for the rest of you, FUCK YOU
no i was kidding, you're safe giving out your public key that is the whole point of having a public key.
post pic of sharpie on pooper b4 you anhero user, it'll help the pain go away
Low iq poltard everyone
RIP user
How do I find out my public key on coinbase
I dont get it, did you short bitcoin? Going the Mad Money Kramer way, eh? I was thinking of doing that too but idk
Also not sure how to use the blockchain website so wont have to worry about that lol
Then what is the point of an Alt market if you can't fucking trade?
i wonder how much of the rise can be attributed to rookie ((day traders))) trying to time the market. oh well, thanks for the money OP.
If you don't give me a reason then I'm not gonna believe you
i got banned from reddit for rigging the US election and moving 6+million votes to trump.
hook me up
I feel like my spirit cooking memes deserved something.
Only in our timeline. In his he is now making bank. Godspeed quantum user.
You don't think anyone was actually smart enough to buy bitcoin for pennies do you? Everyone with over 1k in BTC has done so via satoshi dice with a Q.S. machine. I'm currently about to go from 2k to 3k just tonight. They say if you suicide enough eventually you hit the timeline where you are satoshi. That's why in every timeline satoshi doesnt exist because satoshi is a paradox, the person who created bitcoin in every reality is just a person who suicided into this reality from another one. It's also why the original 1MM coins are never touched, because they're meant for you, once you Q.S. yourself into that reality.
>Tfw I'm about to leave this reality into the next one, one step closer to being satoshi, meanwhile someone else is going to phase into this one.
I can't believe you didn't know this.
Alright, thanks for the heads up user. All of these letters with the blocks that it seems like theres no telling what can be in the underlying blockcode when you get it though. Going to play it safe til I get my feet wet
This has to be a false flag y'all can't be this stupid
Obvious falseflag. Probably a buttmad plebbitor.
i once watched an orca mother swimming with her baby on the equator...on television. I love you guys
plz dad
And it hit 14k
Why the fuck are you shorting this?
click on the qr code to 'copy' it. then paste it somewhere.
youre dead user
Please merciful whale, spare me some krill
please dont leave me out mr.whale
Dude don't fuckign do this
poorfag here, only have .04 btc, would be much appreciated :)
You can have my soul for some bitcoin senpai
Please user
If youre seriously suicidal though, just take some breaths and call a hotline... Theres always ways to move back and nadirs are a thing of life
kek post pics before u go
>not knowing the difference between suicide and quantum suicide
get with the program.
You didn't 'rig' a rigged game. If anything you helped the illusion.
man, that would be nice, even just 1BTC
im really struggling to make it
Please spare some coin for a nocoiner, I want to play the game so bad
This is the first time i've done this; i fucking hate begging but i am literally homeless. I've sold my 2k dollar car which i used to live in for 600 dollars; the last thing i have. Currently posting and browsing Veeky Forums from a library. I have no idea where i'm going to sleep. I've bought a strong plastic bag and a duct tape, trying to do pic related, hopefully it works.
pls father whatever you can spare
Holy shit someone screenshot this
Captcha career ashbye. Ouch bye user
please user
>working, at all
2 hours and no more posts, the madman he actually did it
good for him
plz user I will be good friend! pic related is my cat
Im happy with just .5 btc..
Bout to kill myself cuz i missed the crypto hype
Help a poorfag out brethren
>just dont check the blockchain website
I'm going to try my luck in the next reality.
Dubs I become satoshi in that reality.
Good luck everyone.
user i beg you