So, Godbound is out. Anyone else picked it up? I mean, why the hell not they got a free edition. Anyone else playing it? What's it like? What are you guys planning to run?
I feel the same about this as I felt about this guy's last rpg, Stars Without Number. It's better than the alternatives, but isn't flawless. It's just that, instead of the alternative being Traveller, it's Scion and Exalted. It's also nice having a fantasy setting where the globe-spanning monotheistic faith ISN'T evil for once.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll get the chance to run any of it in the near future, as my group already cycles through ~4 games.
Also, I love the character sheet.
There is absolutely no mechanical reason to *not* place Strength as your lowest attribute score in Godbound, is there? It is practically worthless.
After all, while a two-handed weapon might deal 1d10 damage and use Strength, Dexterity offers 1d10 damage dual-wielding with light weapons as well as ranged attacks and AC.
Also, do Rebel Exemplars have too powerful a benefit? Outright immunity to all mind-reading and mind-influencing effects is an excellent defense considering what Words like Deception and Passion can do.
>It's better than the alternatives, but isn't flawless
To be fair I've never seen a flawless RPG, in part because that's a very subjective thing (How do you define perfection?).
So does it work to run Exalted in that system? Just curious since EX3 is a total and utter fucking mess.
>There is absolutely no mechanical reason to *not* place Strength as your lowest attribute score in Godbound, is there?
That's fairly standard, especially since there's no encumbrance system. At least it can bump you hardiness save up, and it's the only stat you can get to 19.
>Also, do Rebel Exemplars have too powerful a benefit?
Not finding them in the book, but if their power is low magic or mundane, then gifts would ignore that defense.
I think the Godbound types are only in the paid version of the book.
It's closer to Scion in terms of what sort of character you play (powers based around concepts like Fertility or Fire, rather than skills), but the setting is pretty familiar: world that's mostly a shithole, there's abominations sneaking in at the edges, and Hell is open for business. Now suddenly people with divine power 'n' shit are popping up at random, and everyone's trying to figure out what's happening.
It also has the magitech that made me even consider looking at Exalted, and whose loss made me immediately drop 3e.
If you have it, post it in the PDF share thread.
I don't, sadly: I'm basing this from the comparison between the Deluxe Beta, which is incomplete, compared to the complete-but-slimmed-down Free Version.
>Not finding them in the book, but if their power is low magic or mundane, then gifts would ignore that defense.
Rebel Exemplars are a type of themed Godbound in the deluxe edition.
As far as I am aware, they have an unbreakable, perfect defense against any and all mental influence and mind-reading, which seems like a bit much for a "free" benefit at character creation.
Well, granted: aren't Themed Godbound a REALLY optional thing?
If you have it, throw up a download link. I want to take a look at the options and see if it's that much better than them.
Here is Godbound: Deluxe Edition:
Link doesn't work.
Forget that it works, my bad.
Dude holy shit you are awesome.
Reading through the Exemplars, it looks like they all have an innate ability roughly equal to a lesser gift that would otherwise cost effort. So, Rebels are only as overpowered as the gifts they emulate are in comparison to the other types.
Also, this makes running Exalted using the system so much easier.
I've been running it and trying to think what Godbound DOESN'T cover and so far 'Bureaucracy' and 'Linguistic' come to mind as things not really covered with the Words and their effects.
Bless ye user.
Is there like a tl;dr of the system pros and cons?
Gracias, my good cunt.
What gift replicates the Rebel benefit?
Is anyone planning on running it anytime soon? Seems like it could be really fun and not as confusing as Exalted.
The ones my group never used anyway. Bodes well.
I read the beta months ago, now I'm most of the way through this here Deluxe Edition (thank you, user), and I can't help but wonder why Exalted exists anymore. Godbound uses d20, sure; d20 is a garbage system, I don't think anyone is prepared to argue otherwise. But Storyteller is also a garbage system, and it seriously looks like Godbound managed to do everything Exalted does, nouns filed off, with still some bad stuff, but much less bad stuff, plus a hell of a lot more, in about 1/3 of the words.
Turns out you can fit a lot into a book when you don't have ~75 abilities that are "9s count as double successes". Like magitech. And guidelines for homebrewing.
>It also has the magitech that made me even consider looking at Exalted, and whose loss made me immediately drop 3e.
But 3E still has magitech. It just dropped the name (now it's 'First Age Artifice') and doesn't focus on it making EVERYTHING magitech. The first book after Core is supposed to have rules for Warstriders, giant magical mechas.
Found this. Seems like an Exalted conversion is totally something doable.
Fell asleep. It's about on par with the Beast gift Untamed Will, or a slightly-weaker version of Sun's Illumine That Which Is.
>only half of the post
The big advantage is working against other Godbound or divine enemies, but that's not huge enough to tip the scales all the way to "broken," just "very good."
Rebel doesn't cost Effort.
Which puts it in line with the other Exemplars, like how Conquerors get to use Thirsting Razor without committing Effort.
Again, the Exemplars are good, and Rebel might be a step above the others, but it's not a massive gap, and it won't break the game probably.
>spoilers still don't work
Damn you, Hiroshimoot.
u wot m8
They work sometimes. If there's a pattern to it, I still haven't found it.
What would be the Dominion cost of making Veeky Forums never break again?
I've seen the Deluxe Version a few weeks back here and skimmed over it. Seems like a very cool system all in all. I'd definitely play it.
I think I would take Earth/Fire/Crafting as the words and be a bit like a stoneforge, drawing my weapon from the ground.
At first maybe only stone, but as I progress through the words I'd like to be able to gather metal from the surrounding ground and make a metal weapon, using all words together.
Not even a god can fix Veeky Forums.
>Infernals are examplars with more freedom and the abyssal twist. The behavior should reflect their evilness
Why would we ever listen to this person?
The only thing that bugs me, and it's minor, is that there's no real "Wood" or "Plant" type words, so Wood Aspected Dragonbloods are hard to represent.
Because Infernals have always been Spawn clones, I mean, their whole thing is prepping Creation for Hell's forces. The Yozi punish them if they don't follow their urge and usually those fell into murder, conquer, or just be generally a huge dick. You can play them as more sympathetic, but the book points out that the Yozi tend to Exalt those that will do all this on their own. Hell, all the limit removing actions are classic villain tricks like deathtraps, monologuing, and leaving clues for your crimes. Yeah, they are the evil exalts, probably even more so than Abyssals.
Anyway back to topic, Artifice/Command/Wealth, yeah, I don't get so much in the way of massive stats, but I have the best superpower of all, Loads of Money and underlings.
I prefer Artifice/Knowledge/Wealth, personally. Use miracles to know who to pay, what contraption you need, and just how to put them together. Yes, it is basically Batman.
Yeah, the 2nd edition infernals were like that. Let's face it though, the 2e Infernals book was cringey as fuck.
Well, I'm sure homebrewing a Wood/Plant Word wouldn't be that hard. Heck, its a glaring omission if you ask me given the amount of forest deities which exist in mythology.
Fertility is technically the plant Word, it's just that it gives you power over the other type of wood as well. It's pretty fitting considering the associations, but if you want a custom word just for plants, that'd be a good start.
True, true. Any Word concept so far people think is missing or is the current lineup good enough?
It's good, its everything I like about exalted but in an understandable and uncluttered way.
D20 is garbage but when you're making a high fantasy game about demigods it seems to be the system to use.
Not to mention it's written in a way to make it interesting (Using HD over HP, abstract abilities rather than mechanical, some funky Not-THAC0 system)
Oddly enough, Godbound has none of the things which make me want to throw most d20 systems out the window, then go outside and stomp on them just to be sure. It help every character is intended to be overpowered, as opposed to any d20 system which use the class/level system and ivory tower design of monte cook where some classes are just objectively worse.
>It help every character is intended to be overpowered
Unless you pick common mortal. But if you pick common mortal, you've probably already made peace with your death.
Yknow I wouldnt mind playing a godbound game where:
-some players are mortals with access to the vancian magic
-they have god bound assistants
-and the game is set in modern times
Forgot my image.
There's a Time word, a complimentary Space word might be cool.
I could see that, yes.
Is it weird I want to run a game actually set DURING the fall of what would be called the Former Empires? The PC would be Arrayed (the first type of known Godbound to exist, before even Godbound as we know them in the current age of the setting) crafted and modified to serve as champions and priests of these great political powers as the Made Gods are being phased out of production (officially they are too costly/long to make, unofficially they don't want more competition inside their own faction). Shit is falling apart, the world is breaking at coming loose at the seams and the Shattering is happening. I'd kinda base the countless factions fighting for God's Throne akin to the ideological lines found in, say, Alpha Centauri with a theological magitek bent.
Adding to this: the PC are kinda expected to be more of a 'State Servant' type of being (much like how the Alchemicals are in Exalted) but obviously in such a messy era, its easy for them to think that maybe JUST MAYBE they might be better off striking on their own, either for their own gain or to protect the innocent people dying from the Made God's ideological battles.
I had a similair idea. After playing apotheon and remembering that one story of a guy playing in a game where they were demigods trying to overthrow the real gods. Pic related
The idea is: Players start out as normal mortals (or heroic mortals) and have to hunt down godbounds to gain their powers. After each player has his three words that campaign might continue to them trying to get archgoddom.
Let's create Words Veeky Forums!
>Nine powers, three greater, six lesser
>Don't worry about overlapping other powers
>Don't make the word too universal
Let's say Desert
>Owner need not to drink, and isn't bothered by the heat. (direct fire is a different matter)
>The Owner can sprout an Oasis on any point of a desert, just for a day.
>Greater The Owner can change climate to the drier for a certain degree. Permanently unless some other divine power is involved.
Environmental words are an interesting concept and I think a 'City' Word would be cool as I could also see that reusable with Infernals of Malfeas and Alchemicals for those people who want to use Godbound for Exalted.
I think there was some marvel hero who had "Urban" powers. As in he could communicate with buildings, move them at will, et cetera.
Well, its more about the idea that there are gods of cities/civilization. Still, its a good inspiration I suppose.
The Nasuverse is not Vancian in any sense. It's really just a clone of Mage the Ascension and its consensual reality. Paradox = counter force
Does anyone have experience with mid to high level combat in this game? I haven't played it myself, but reading through the rules, the difference in damage between Godbound and everything else (that's not cannon fodder) seems like it could be a problem.
It seems there's, like, one whole way to hit anything really hard before high level Smites (Loosening God's Teeth + Alacrity for multiple actions). Most everything else (including your high priest) spits out multiple straight damage dice every turn like some kind of nuclear machine gun. I get that they're supposed to be boss monsters capable of challenging the whole party, but pumping up their damage seems like a bad way to do that in a system where PC resurrection is restricted to plot devices. I'd have trouble taking a god of war seriously when they hit like a wet noodle compared to their enemies, too.
But maybe it works out better in play, I dunno. Or am I missing something?
I'd say it would be Nation scope and Impossible difficulty, so that's 32 points right there. Plus you would need to go on a quest or three just to make it possible. A bit out of the reach of young demigods, I think, but maybe it would work as a longer term goal.
Thinking about PC death, Godbound being OSR-like, should punish rash decisions and reward planning.
Making use of overlapping invincible defenses (so, "tag-team" combats)
One of the Time greater gifts is a contingency-like effect. Undying, Lifegiver, No Release, Withholding the Mercy could all be effective.
Godbound who know Sorcerery could get a time stop effect out of Delay The Coming Dawn (invocation of the way). Having a Godbound team mate with the Time word would make this even more effective.
Looking at it, a character with the Health Word could be pretty tough. 18 Constitution plus Intrinsic Health equals 8 HP per level, and then you can use Vital Furnace on top of that to recover if something hits you particularly hard.
Are there any good offensive abilities outside of Might? Most Gifts seem geared towards slaughtering mobs and mortals.
there's been several different heroes at both Marvel and DC with powers directly tied to the concept of "City"(not to mention a member of the Doom Patrol who is literally a Street)
I don't have it planned out, but Commerce or something like that could be cool. Something for a god of merchants, crippling or blessing a region's economy, miraculously producing whatever you need to buy someone's services, maybe. That sort of thing.
It could end up redundant with Wealth and Artifice, but maybe there's enough room there to make it work.