/cyoag/ CYOA General
>this CYOA is 3+ years old
just kill me
Did I dream it or was one user making a cyoa with an alpha male, women, and submissive traps caste system?
Hey Ordion user I got something for you about the marriage options that I didn't manage to post in time for the last thread. Here
Although the others are a bit difficult to see getting along with. There are almost no options that wouldn't get them to not be thieving and conniving skanks for power. They are either entirely in it for the political aspect or are crazy hippies with the protectiveness of a damn grizzly bear. The elf that looks down on others but starved from emotional contact is the easiest to bring along for A)being a excellent waifu, the Amazon not withstanding as it is pretty apparent in her culture she would be despised at the get go by everyone but masochists, and B)that the only normalish woman their that has excellent plans to help the people is a grudge holding bitch at the slightest opportunity. Also sand nigger insult is required for posterity sake. Hell the Angels don't have a female and the Valkyries are just as shallow with an extreme reverse in the bedroom. To be honest you could have thought them out a bit better or let us take a companion as a wife instead. Gonna post this in the thread Acheld made just in case you don't see it.
>implying I'm going to uncover treasures for some old jew for a mere 10 000$ a year on top of having to keep mysefl alive against supernatural enemies
How about you find some other goy to trick.
Fool! The jews are after you!
The old man was Hitler all along!
Oridion is a chink, chinks fucking love political intrigue and conniving skanks thirsting for power are the hallmarks of the genre.
Requesting the hero academy CYOA
No, I just don't have good experience with girls.
Fair, though I would think Indian would be more appropriate.
Dude no one here does, hell my first crush hates my guts and stabbed me with a pencil. I just hate everyone equally.
I know there's a hell of a lot of it, but would someone please dump the Branching Heart CYOA? Whenever I try to get it off Beri's drive, my fucking moron of a computer miniaturizes it.
Not going to post it because I haven't saved it myself, but what you have to do from the drive is use the built in download button in google drive's image viewing; rightclick-save definitely won't work.
Every time I see this I'm struck by the desire to make a points-based cyoa where all the choices are are terrible, such as "for whatever reason, you are now and forever homeless" and "permanent tinnitus".
My ex stole my watch.
Why do idiots still pick A when C can give you whatever you want by default?
Is the experiment page part of the Other Opening? Anyway tried making a build for this one (ripoff of a character but meh).
Shadow Stalker
Disposal Team
Natural Combatant
Flesh Link
Will make a hunter now, I prefer that one.
Well Ordion, you apparently hit something off with Softris, because out of all the girls she's the only one I've seen that anons have been defending.
So in essence, everyone but Softris are kind of too bitchy for people's tastes. Hm okay.
Also what does, "sand nigger insult is required for posterity sake" mean?
A, always.
Required racist joke, and I didn't notice one last thread.
My two cents: it seems most female waifus (didn't read males) think they're better than the man who reunited a fragmented empire. See Helena, she think she knows better than you while she couldn't even keep the number of her female only race in check. They're arrogant, I'd rather marry one of my female companions that is 1) loyal and respectful and 2) actually helped you while you were in trouble.
It means user didn't realize that she's actually a gross blacky and not Middle Eastern.
I'd like her better if she was desu
>800$ per month
I don't care who my enemies are, they're not going to get me.
this is also relevant.
If it helps, I do really like Queen Vivelda, but you should probably change the "will never admit that she deeply loves you" part. Imply that you can break her down somehow through repeated displays of kindness/tenderness.
For the darky, I think people mainly don't want her to remember every slight and nurse grudges.
For Helena they don't like her being a shrew and undermining your power no matter what.
Marilla's whole 'queen in the bedroom' schtick nakes her sound like some domme mistress and not a wife.
Willona's problem isn't being sexually aggressive, it's that she manifests it as absolute dominance and raping you.
The amazon I don't have any problems with, she's just not for me.
>tfw living in a shithole where 10000$ per year is emperor-tier money
Super Soldier is relevant.
Not to mention that Softris is the only option that could be a truly political marriage. Every other marriage choice for a male character makes love a necessity – it seems to be implied that they all will be utterly heartbroken if you don't worship them. The only exceptions are Softris and Helena, and it sounds like the valkyrie is bound to end up loving you unless you literally never interact with her.
Not just that, but Marilla will demand governance and "openly despise you" if you're not obsessed with her beauty, Willonia seems paranoid enough to "unleash a black rage" if you even talk to another woman, Zoloza will "never forget any slight" including a refusal to govern by her whim, Helena is a "shrew" who will undermine you for power, and Vivelda comes across as emotionless and physically abusive.
Granted, Softris will be an arrogant bitch that sees you as an animal, but her motivations are calculated and purely political. She'll contribute to the kingdom and will not be a threat, and there is no impetus to love her. And if you give her some degree of affection, it looks like she won't necessarily love you, but wouldn't look down on you as much.
What I'm saying is she's basically the only queen you can, as kings are wont to do, be unfaithful to and pursue your own life without breaking her heart and turning her actively antagonistic toward you. In fact, she'd probably prefer that outcome.
Which also makes her the only acceptable option if you intend to be a royal faggot.
Xejis best husbando
Purple eyes like Dany, magic, part dragon. Yes pls.
Blessed with Beauty and Grace.
Persuade them. If can't persuade, intimidate. If can't intimidate, kill.
Fight'n and magic'n.
>Blocking Mastery
>Static Cloud (trade 2 fight skills)
>Mastery (Fire)
>Mastery (Water)
>Mastery (Lightning)
Be hard to hit. Kill lots of things in gruesome splattery ways.
>Wolfheart Choker
People better be afraid of my wrath, or else I'll give them reason to be.....
>Rooting Out Corruption
Got good skills for this.
>Lunester Academy
That's where I went to school! Everyone should know me!
>The Issfor Civil War
Me and my party can handle this.
>Clash of Clans
Green spaces in the cities.
>The Bastard Queen
Kill her. Whatever.
>Moth Dealers
I hate drugs! Time for real intimidation!
>The Priests of Runa
Try and be nice. If doesn't work, intimdation and violence on peaceful priests.
>The College of Styr
I like College! We have to protect it!
>Dragon's Helm
Dungeon crawl adventure!
>The Rogue Necromancer
I have friend who'se better necromancer
>The Two Lovers
I love Much Ado About Nothing!
>Treaty of Love
More love games. I sure somebody out there likes Gorgons.
>Brynjolf the Pirate King
Good fighty quest.
>Snake in the Grass
Tough one, but we'll find a way!
>Shamila Flower-Hair
>Diosna Arvangati
>The Breakbones Knight
>The Iron Centurion
Companions who know how to kick butt and stay calm and not get hung up on "morals" and "ethics". Tough body guards to get in between me and bad guys while I cast spells.
I like new version Ordion. Thanks for update!
Same idea as my old build even though my skills are kinda different. Goal is to become infamous warrior Que- King and live life of adventure and conquest. Use magic, violence, and trickery to defeat enemies and keep peasants under control. Use resources of the Kingdom to support the magical college of my homeland and increase my own magical abilities and raw power. Don't go out of my way to be cruel or evil, but have moral qualms either.
I don't think Vivelda is emotionless but just very hardened by the surrounding. Her people comes from a very hostile environment and spent the recent years in ships as landless warriors unwelcome on most places.
I think with time she will soften and as long as you give her kids and treat her people as any other citizen of the empire, she won't make a fuss of you having extramarital lovers and will stand on your side loyally.
Version 1.7
I'm promised myself a few days ago that I wouldn't let this exceed 20 pages (before a version with more images, which I'd like to do at some point), and it's pretty much at that limit. There's room for maybe one more quest, another drawback or two, and one or two small powers, IF any really great ideas come along. But I'm pretty dry at this point.
Altering History 1.7
* Instead of requiring it, More Space 1 was folded into the Home Luxury Pack.
* Temperature limitations for pocket dimension added.
* Clarified language on completing quests early.
* New: Bag of Holding. Hopefully this will satisfy one user who wanted to keep items with him/her forever.
* New: 'Slow Rise' drawback +20
* New: 7x +5 Drawbacks: Rage, Sleepy, Deaf, Weak, Dust in My Mouth, Unpleasant Visage, Clouded Vision
Thanks to many anons who contributed thoughts.
Unpleasant Visage doesn't stop you from taking Beauty as well. I assume it's supposed to?
No, it doesn't stop you, but it overrides it. "No matter what face you take". The reason you're allowed to, is that someone might want to take Beauty in order to benefit from it once they have completed a Quest (and thereby removed drawbacks).
Cool. Unrelatedly (well, kind of relatedly, I guess), there's 130 points worth of magic systems (plus 30 points if you include the firedancer variations, and assuming you want the major but no imbuing), while we get 120 points, maxing at 150 with drawbacks (not including points for items/companions/pocket dimension). Was that intentional, or just a weird happenstance? I ask only because I think this is the first one where it's not actually possible to become an omnimage without using the DLC. Is that intentional? Just curious.
Well, also because it's off by ten, while the first couple versions gave us just enough points to become an omnimage.
Oh just realized something.
All of the people who named their characters need to give their characters a Roman name with Caesar as a surname. Because you're the heir you possess the Emperors name, and since the Emperor and Empress are Vigics they would give you a Vigic name. White parents adopting black kids don't name them Tyrone or Leshawnda or Shanaynay.
Nice catch
>White parents adopting black kids don't name them Tyrone or Leshawnda or Shanaynay.
Unless they're trying to 'preserve their original heritage'. In which case the kid is going to be saddled with Deshawnka
Not intentional, no, though I always had in mind it should be pretty impossible (or at least very unpleasant) to get all magics without giving others magics via the DLC.
and, oh:
I forgot one element for the changelog: new "Defiling" school of magic.
Aurelia Fortunata Prima Caesar
Awakened Psychic
Item: Crucifix
Sneaky-sneak ruin the monsters' lives from a distance mode engaged.
Clairvoyance is the real crux of this build. It means that once I identify Others, I can kill them from halfway across the city.
>The clouds are kinda weird and dark.
>I know. The forecast said it was supposed to be clear toni–
>Holy shit, Jimmy! Oh god, what the hell–
And I'm in a neat little cafe, sipping my coffee and getting into a good book. Between murdering Others.
Put that in the CYOA
Does that mean I can change my name to Biggus Dickus?
It would be a misnomer.
Double points mean 50. Fuck yeah.
Origin: Innate
Appearance: Athletic
Faction: The Agency
Perks: Expert, Boot Camp, Authority, Identity(free), Defector(Immortal), Charisma, Signing bonus.
Drawbacks: Valuable and Memory Loss.
Enemies: Derek Hall, Fiona Dawley, John York.
Allies: Yuito Kataoka, The Immortal, Olivia Blake.
Abilities, Total points 56: Strength 3, Agility 3, Endurance 2, Durability 3, Enhanced Senses 3, Stealth 2, Reflexes 3, Immunity 2, Mind Reading 2, Self Healing 3, Social Enhancer 2, Unarmed Mastery 3, Mental 2, Power Burst 2, Shape Shifting 3, Flight 3, Focus 3, Directed Energy Attack 3, Training 3, Overcharge 3, Inheritable 3.
Just going to have my bro immortal fix me up with Immortality, so Yuito can synthesize it. After that take out John York, talk to Fiona till she calms down from her shit, just going to ignore the fat bastard Derek until I record his fuckup and report it to Olivia.
ooh fuck
Aelius Lunus Caesar
Titus Pontius Caesar
Personally I like Sophis, let my wife thinks she's more intelligent than me when she melts fast enough to my D.
You have to pick a husband before you can become Queen, Angel.
Race: Vigics
God: The Legate-God of Wisdom. Hard mode engaged for utility bonus.
Court Training: Persuasion and Problem Solving
Martial Training Classes: Fighter and Artificer
Skills: Fighter Skills(Melee Mastery, Smithing, Reflexes), Artificer Skills(Mage Armor, Devour Magic, Runescribing), spending the 2 points I didn't use in the classes to put into Alchemist Skills(Explosive Mastery).
Diplomatic Artifact: Amulet of Courage.
Missions: Vigilgarde(Rooting out Corruption: Diplomatic), The Reach( Lunestier Academy: Diplomatic), Issofror(Clan Gold-Hand: Diplomatic), The Green Hell(The Great Hunt: Combative), Wayfren(An Emperor's Mercy: Diplomatic), Blackwood(Moth Dealers: Combative), ForgeHolm(The Balrog: Combative), Grey Haven(Tunnel Crises: Diplomatic), Ignic Spire(Dragons Helm: Combative), Dalazil's Keep(The Rouge Necromancer: Combative) fucking mages that go crazy, might get Xejis laid if possible, dem shortstacks, Raven Wind(The Two Lovers: Diplomatic) I think between me and Sharp we can get them to fuck, The Serpent Isles(Think of the Children: Combative) the people will get someone to fuck them by law later, these slavers die now, HrimGund(Industrialization: Diplomatic), The Blighted Marsh(Snake in the Grass: Diplomatic).
Companions: Xejis(Demonborn Darkhand/Deceiver) bro kills shit out of sight, Sharp-Like-Sword(Lizardfolk Fighter/Alchemist) Diplomancer when I cant pull it off, Grozikh Hotkettle(Orc Invoker/Alchemist) nothing like a cook that can cook with explosives, and turning the enemies into giblits.
Body Guards: Balanar(Shade) he is gonna help Xejis with spying and assassinating enemies, Loyal Family Pet.
Marriage: Queen Softris. Making her addicted to the Mon Key dick is the dream. Also smart kids and increased knowledge for the people.
softris, my bad.
Presumably so that there are still interesting decisions to be made, instead of writing "oh, and then I get everything I want"
>Dwarf Male
>Persuasion, Problem-solving
>Fighter, Artificier
>Blocking Master, Juggernaut, Smithing, Acclimation, Mage Armour, Arcane Blast, Healing Staff, Runescribing
>Ring of the Kindhearted
>Reforged Steel, Lunestier Academy, The Issfror Civil War, Clash of Claims, The Bastard Queen, Lumber Mills, The Priests of Runa, The College of Styr, Dragon's Helm, The Rogue Necromancer, The Duke of Dreadrock, Treaty of Love, Industrialization, Trial by Combat
>Laurien Serphine, Sharp-Like-Sword, Xejis
>Caius Maro, Loyal Family Pet
>Princess Zoloza
Most of the female options are not my cup of tea. Marilla is too vain, Willonia is too yandere, Softris is tempting, but Zoloza's economics and charity is better, Helena is too underhanded in gaining power, and Vivelda doesn't suit my fetishes.
Pretty good CYOA, but it takes a long while to actually read the choices before choosing.
But that user is complaining that people are picking A, the "oh, and then I get everything I want" option over C.
No, he's saying that "C" gives you everything you want, if you read the comment. And, in one interpretation, user is correct, because C literally lets you design a setting with ANY properties you like; presumably one of those properties could be to give you a bunch of powers. I don't think that's within the spirit of C, but it's certainly within the letter of it.
A, on the other hand, for most CYOAs, still isn't enough to give you everything you might want, so there are still plenty of hard decisions to make in most cases.
How does Temporally Lost work if you chose the Ancient World demerit in the DLC? I mean if you choose like the early Mesozoic then the geography will presumably blunt the effect.
If you say so.
Dorf Caesar
Ancient World changes the geography and non-sentient life to an earlier period, but keeps the human population and technological development what it is.
The reason Temporally Lost is a drawback, is because by going back to 20,000BC, you have a very low human population to work with, and have a time limit in terms of your immortality.
So, to answer your question directly. Suppose you used Ancient World to put us in the Jurassic, with dinosaurs and whatnot, and further combined it with Temporally Lost. Then, you would have the tiny human population and non-technology level of 20,000BC, in the setting of dinosaurs.
Does that answer the question, user?
Did Highlander post a new ranks?
Essentially yes, still think that 5 million or so BC would be a better time for humanity then 20000 BC. No global cooling for a good 2 million years or so.
I was looking trough the Veeky Forums archive out of nostalgia, on 2013 there was barely any activity, the threads would die quickly and no one cared if they were gone, there were people that said that these thread didn't even had any future and they would die, until 2014 came.
Beauty Sleep
Club Occult
Gold Bars
I work in Club Occult giving dreams of whatever the members most desire. I use the bars to buy silvered throwing daggers. I don't seek out fights as I enjoy being rather laid back, but I've trained myself with using throwing knives and telekinesis. In my normal life I was a surgeon but the stress gave me an aneurism. I woke up in a hospital bed after "dying" with a succubus dressed in scrubs who explained to me my new life.
Trying to gauge how much people would like the new route I'm going.
how is the new Marilla?
CYOA Threads i mean