Round 2 edition
With EMN coming soon, what cards are you most hype for? What strategies/decks do you hope to create in the near future for Game Day and events?
Pic related
Round 2 edition
With EMN coming soon, what cards are you most hype for? What strategies/decks do you hope to create in the near future for Game Day and events?
Pic related
I'm hyped delirium strats
I think it's gonna be a pretty competitive deck. Curving Grim Flayer into Lili into Demon into spider seems crazy and you get hardcore power in the late by being able to Transverse into whatever creature you need but probably using it to get a discounted Emrakul.
I think the problem the deck will have is trying to balance out it's card types so it's easy to turn on delirium by turn 3 or 4
first for viability
hangarback walker my dude
>mfw I just preordered a booster box of EMN
I just want the Hanweir Blob. Anything else is bonus.
Deploy the Gatewatch
send me ur spirits
how many planeswalkers you plan on playing?
I'm gonna make a RW human/Eldrazi deck. That archetype is being pushed hard core. I'm also gonna make either BU or mono B zombie tribal.
I'm pretty sure we're mostly going to be seeing RW human decks and other variations.
I decided to sell out of standard because it has become a slow bore of a format and WOTC has been purposefully make each new set less and less powerful than the last. Both to slow the format down, and to stop support of older formats by not introducing playable cards to them.
naw fuk u I need as many UW spirits as I can nab for my Geist EDH deck
I would say Eldritch Moon is one of the most powerful sets we've gotten recently but alright buddy
Yeah... for standard. Still slow, still shit.
I wonder if a Superfriends EDH deck is viable now.
>Progenitus for colors and damage in case shit hits the fan
>Literally all PWers (except Tibalt, fuck Tibalt)
>Tutors, draw engines, mana ramps
I'm currently testin pic related in my Thing in the Ice deck, so far it's kinda neat.
What kind of prize structures does your LGS have?
Do you do based on position or record? I'm helping out a first time TO and want to get an idea of what a decent consensus on what prize structures people like.
>Khans of Tarkir
>Some of the most powerful Blue spells since Urza Block
>First time new creatures have made it to Vintage since Innistrad
>Eldritch Moon
>Fucking red Ancestral Recall on a stick if Hellbent
The cards they're printing are fine, you rarely expect more than 1-2 cards from a set to make it into Legacy, even less so into Vintage. Then there's Modern, but no one cares about Modern.
Standard itself as a format sucks, I agree. But that has more to do with how such things as Burn and Blue Permission are considered no-go archetypes for Standard.
3x Abandon Reason
4x Abbot of Keral Keep
4x Borrowed Hostility
4x Fiery Temper
4x Furyblade Vampire
4x Insolent Neonate
4x Magmatic Chasm
21x Mountain
4x Stromkirk Occultist
4x Uncaged Fury
4x Zurgo Bellstriker
RDW I made, under $25 reminds me of atarka red
Mostly by record, except occasional things like gpts. Used to be by position, but tiebreakers are major feelbads for pretty much everyone, and the top two drawing the final game every time is pretty dull. Plus, by record is very easy to understand, instead of having to figure out where you'll end up in standings and if you'll squeak into prizing, you know exactly where you stand. At 1-1 in a four round tournament in position, 1 win = maybe prize if lucky, 2 wins = definitely prize, maybe more prize if lucky, while at 1-1 in record, you know 1 win = prize, 2 wins = bigger prize. I'd say by record is vastly, vastly superior, especially for more casual events like fnm (I'd also argue it would probably work for GPs and other major events too, but that's another rant).
All I want to do this standard season is emerge one of these guys, then sac it to emerge a second one. Then Macabre Waltz and do it again. Don't care if it's an awful deck, if I end the game this way even once, I'll have gotten all I want out of standard.
Record. 1 win equals 3 points, a draw is 1 point, a loss is 0 points. You need at least 1 win or 3 draws for a pack, and winning 4 matches nets you about 6 packs
>mfw I kept on emerging Mindbender with Emissary during prerelease then smashing away at my opponent's health
Netted me 3 boosters thanks to WBG face smashy
I want to make a hyper agressive deck with these babies real bad. anyone have any ideas?
R/UB force discard.
alternatively, Madness aggro, but then you won't be able to card advantage as easily
It's not that big of a deal. You have Hangarback Walker to double up and still be a useful card(as of course do not have more than one on the field against W based decks), Vessel of Nascency and Noose Constricter to fuel the graveyard. So many of the early drop delirium creatures have deathtouch meaning you can swing/trade into Sylvan Advocates with impunity.
>First time new creatures have made it to Vintage since Innistrad
Wait, doesn't Monastery Mentor see play in Vintage?
... We don't speak of Him.
We just Engineered Plague in Vintage instead right?
Nah man, we have Sulfur Elemental.
So what ever happened to this? Has it had any real impact in standard?
that's not a green or a white card user.
Red and blue got steam rolled by the aggro. Now that we have a second early game shock in galvanic bombardment and incendiary flow to kill early game sylvan advocates, the deck might come together.
>turn 6, bedlam reveler and thing in the ice out
>play 2 spells, flip thing in the ice and swing in for 12
I think there might be just enough new cards to support the archetype.
ascendancy pingers didn't a try(due to lack of pingers) make it happen.
I think the eldrazi pinger was each opponent instead of regular ping as well.
That's because that eldrazi pinger got killed by literally anything. Thermo-alchemist works by staying alive and working with all of your non-creature spells (besides enchantments, but nobody plays those besides white).
My shop during the prerelease did a prize booster for every match you won.
What's the point of running Incendiary Flow when you can run Fiery Temper for 1 off the madness? Madness is super easy to get right now.
I'm hoping to get a play set of both hanweir garrison and hanweir battlements for a sweet R/W control deck I'm picking up. The tokens are just gonna be killer for the long twen game as chump blockers and baiting into blocks for various white removals to be able to destroy key creatures. Also I'm not very competitive, just a play group that likes to play standard without throwing hundreds down the toilet because we only play with each other.
Early standard, but blue players aparently need things like aetherling to able to use creatures. Declaration in Stone hated it out of the format. Maybe now with Take Inventory, Bedlam Reveler and all this insane support it had and now has more.
First SCG had Goggles Deck that used it.
You still have to devote slots to Fiery temper and the madness cards. Incendiary flow can come down turn 2, every time, no need to worry about madness, and the incidental exile can be a big deal in keeping an Avacyn from flipping for a turn or removing a Kalitas from the unending BG value train. That said, its probably at most going to be a 1 or 2 of, because I'd prefer roast for dealing with fucking sylvan advocates when they're at 6 lands.
>Reveler Titi deck
>No Fiery Temper because muh slots
Are you testing that shit, user? Because I got pretty salty when I lost to this deck after having a Reveler discard 2 Fiery Tempers for Madness upon cast, draw 3, then Take Inventory to draw 4.
Include extricator of sin in that list, literal eldrazi lord at uncommon
How exactly does that combo work? Not being argumentative as I'm not that guy, I'm just curious on how the 2 fiery temper draw 4 combo plays off.
Yes, and that deck is fun.
Planning on building a jeskai eldrazi emerge deck with some madness burn
Asylum Visitor?
I can confirm that Vampires gets decent card advantage. Not stunning, but the faster board presence and constant 2-for-1s are worth it. Dies to wraths though.
I too am a fan of RoboDoggo. To start, run 4 of him and 4 of pic related.
Is there a site that lets me quickly look through sets by things like legendary creature or CMC and is visual? Seems every site is extremely clunky
>that card
Fuck yes I will!
I have a list for Jeskai Humans, what should I put in for lands?
Thalia's Lieutenant
Anafenza Kin-Tree
Thraben Inspector
Reflector Mage
Ojutai's Command
Hanweir Garrison
Town Gossipmonger
Gryff's Boon
Declaration in Stone
Always Watching
What should I make the quantity of these cards? How should I design the landbase? Do I have enough removal?
Is Bant going to be good without dromoka and CoCo? I just want to play some sweet trackers and shit but dont want to invest cash if its gonna be a bust come september.
Yes, but it'll smash even harder with CoCo, there are a few tutors, but not so much "to the battlefield" unless you're flicking in Bruna, and then it's coming from the GY to the battlefield
>Play Bedlam Reveler, probably for 1RR because you've already got instants and sorceries in your graveyard
>Discard your hand + draw 3 trigger goes on stack
>Discard your hand + draw 3 trigger resolves
>You discard two fiery tempers and enough Take Inventory to bring the Take Inventory count in your graveyard up to 3
>Then you draw three cards, one of them is another Take Inventory
>Fiery Tempers are discarded into exile because of the madness, their madness triggers go on stack
>Pay R for each of the Fiery Tempers to cast them, that's six damage worth of burn
>Cast one of the Take Inventories you've drawn, draw a card for Take Inventory then 3 more cards for 3 Take Inventories in your graveyard
CoCo won't be a bust since it's a modern staple, Dromoka's is also played in some modern decks I think
>no company
its shit
a playset of Commands is fucking $12 and CoCos are super heavily played in modern
just get em you cheap shit.
Think of it this way, you're wasting a lot more money going to FNM every Friday just to lose because your deck is shit
So I whipped up a quick BG Delirum deck and so far the deck has been consistent in not only achieving delirium but curving out well into most attacks. Whispers of Emrakul is the real deal, welcome to Hymn to Tourach part deux electric boogaloo.
Heres the list I whipped up as per .
NAME:BG Delirium Aggro-midrange test
3 Mournwillow
2 Mindwrack Demon
3 Deathcap Cultivator
4 Grim Flayer
3 Noose Constrictor
4 Gnarlwood Dryad
Artifact Creatures:
4 Hangarback Walker
2 Autumnal Gloom
3 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
3 Whispers of Emrakul
4 Traverse the Ulvenwald
3 To the Slaughter
1 Westvale Abbey
5 Swamp
7 Forest
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Hissing Quagmire
1 Geier Reach Sanitarium
1 Infinite Obliteration
1 Virulent Plague
2 Ainok Survivalist
2 Ruinous Path
1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet(Good card but not sure if necessarily needed to bring in, just a hedge against Zombies and the odd random reanimator decks if they do start being played more.)
2 Crop Sigil
2 Liliana, the Last Hope
2 Pick the Brain
1 Duress(This could probably change but if in doubt on what to do then Duress is still fine)
1 The Gitrog Monster
This is not the be all end all definitive delirium list, you could probably even tinker with Eldritch Evolution, Emerge cards or even New'mrakul. You can consider a more grindy shell using Deathmist Raptor/Den protectors, another one running more walkers like Ob nix and more Lili's main, another using more aggressive 2 drops and more pump spells to fuel delirum even faster, some playing a more value longer end game trying to abuse Gitrog and Groundskeeper into a bit more of a ramp deck into big stuff.
I feel like it's completely incorrect not to be playing new Liliana in BG delirium
As well I feel like most delirium decks should be maxxing out their Mindwrack demons and playing at least a few of the Spider legend. I'd also highly recommend putting 1 emrakul just to tutor up with transverse
If you want to play a bigger end curve with the Spider then go nuts. There's nothing wrong with the card but i'm just not running it in that list because the top end cmc is 4.
Traverse is mainly there to get you a finisher later on(e.g Mournwillow letting you swing past a bunch of chump blocking tokens and having haste), give you something to cast turn 1 or allow you to keep hands that would have been unkeepable due to one land hands. There's been a few times when i've had an opening hand of just one forest but due to Traverse I was able to curve straight into the Grim Flayer on turn 2. I could probably up the Mindwrack Demon count but the bulk of that particular list is casting stuff on cmc 2.
That list in particular is notable in being able to go straight through a Sylvan Advocate early on. You have quite a few deathtouch dudes or stuff that can get bigger than the Sylvan Advocate fast. Like I said earlier it's just a very quick and dirty shell thrown up.
Too bad you get deckstats instead
That is also fine. Thank you.
After previously having a top-heavy prize pool, my LGS decided to run FNMs at pack-per-win, which everyone was happy for.
Tell your TO to download Wizards Event Reporter and use it to handle player seating and matchups.
Run nahiris wrath and use graveyard tricks
Play Affinity (the Modern deck)
I don't know user, that seems really christmas land esque. I could see that paying off with bedlam reveler, but are we running lightning axes as well to make fiery temper do work? should we add in just the wind to make sure we have more chances for flips?
It could work but I think just using the homunculus to get better value out of slightly more expensive spells normally seems like a better call. I think it could be good, and its definitely worth testing though.
Superfriend decks have been in edh for fucking ages. I'm guessing you don't play the format. Unless you're asking if the superfriend deck is competitive now in which case hahaha fuck no.
>that new Thalia
>tree of perdition
>eldritch evolution
>gissa and geralf
>mirrorwing dragon
It's got a lot of powerful things playable in other formats. Way more things than gatewatch.
Well It may seem Christmaslandesque, but I got that to the face and I wasen't happy about it.
You should be using Lightning Axe and Tormenting Voice. With it, you won't have to worry about card advantage or 2 for 1 against a big creature or Walker, not that you need to because blue now has Oblivion Ring :^)
>Way more than gatewatch
>2 drop format breaker Eldrazi
>3 drop replace itself Eldrazi
>4 drop Nazi Eldrazi
>5 drop rough anal sex Eldrazi
>7 drop land breaker Eldrazi
>Dank Dwellers
You mentioned Gisa & Geralf so EDH as well.
You also forgot most of the Emerge creatures that could get broken with Delve Creatures
And the new Demon card and maybe splendid reclamation, harmless offering
I threw this together last night, any ideas on how to improve it?
>tfw when I got 4x Call the Gatewatch instead of any of those
Kill me
Duels Origins had the new cards yesterday. Chaining emerge creatures is fun as heck (everyone gets gryff, flashcrab and 4/4 with insects for free)
Ive been been working on an evolution deck in my head for the past few days and finally decided to make a tappedout account so I can get it in a list/playtest it.
Let me know what you think.
People should already migrate to deckstats because tapped out guys are too stubborn to get on with current web dev standards
my LGS for this summer in SF has shit prize support
my LGS in chicago has 2 packs if you go 0-3, then like 9 for 3-0
What are good answers against Bant CoCo? Especially against this card and Sylvan Advocate?
Bant CoCo
or spirits tbqh
>until your next turn
RU Horror dosen't give a shit about both.
Or if you are a true nigga, have nothing they can bounce or counterspell their dumb asses
Brain in a Jar
Can't wait for this dumpster midrange grindfest to finally end, so that I can finally play draw-go control again.
t. Autist
Heartless Summoning & Myr Superion for spicy tech.
Okay, so I am trying to make a deck that will sit in standard for a long while and still be relevant. Monoblack eldrazi.
Thoughts and comments? I've not messed with standard much so I'm not too sure of a lot of terms. I just want to smash face with eldrazi and hold off on the opponent building up too fast against it. With EMN out, I'm also curious of any suggestions for this from the set since I've not gone through the whole thing.
Shits on Jace pretty nicely, too.
So we have 3 tri colour planeswalkers now (grixis, temur and bant) , what so you guys hink of them so far and what would you like the orther ones to do , i cant think of a good esper one myself
Found another gimmick for the emerge jerks. Surge creatures still have their full mana cost if you want to pop out of them.
oath of nissa and play all 3
Putting this along with the insect scientist into my Bu brains tides ormendahl deck. It's pretty fucking annoying to play against. Scientist is in there just to provide another sac outlet to get ormendahl flipped out. Dilation isn't exactly needed but a 2 of in the deck just for gravy.
Is there any life gain artifacts that are standard legal that let you gain life for each spell cast of a color?
Any way to see a card list of everything currently standard legal?
what is up with that hitoshi chin on her