What would a Space Marine chapter be like with Guts as their Primarch?
What would a Space Marine chapter be like with Guts as their Primarch?
The World Eaters, probably.
Very poorly animated.
Cursed founding, with little helpers like the DA only they're loli witches
Daemon-hunting World Eaters.
Ship based
40k ruins everything it touches.
It's Veeky Forums's MLP.
Probably something like the Lamenters, just constantly getting screwed over while trying to do the right thing.
Question is would they all cut off their hands and replace them with arm cannons to emulate Primarch like what the Iron Hands do to honor theirs?
>Lost in the Warp for eight god damned years
Angry as fuck and a lot smarter than they look.
It was 4chans MLP before MLP.
Pretty sure Veeky Forums was made to stop all the 40k posters
Is MLP even fucking around still?
We could take the conflict between him and Griffith and apply it 40k style.
!Guts and !Griffith were both either Dark Angels (it makes more sense for this) or Imperal Fists, or hell, lets say they were Emperor's Children.
they were both there during the Purge and !Guts managed to escape when !Griffith was getting on bored with the heresy which would later lead to his ascension into a Champion of Chaos and soon a minor Daemon Prince.
!Gut's chapter is of Emperor's Children Stock and maintain their ancient grudge against their founder's old friend and rival passing down the Dragon Slayer to one day kill him with it.
You called?
What's the story behind this? I see it too often.
feel no pain 2+ fearless, relentless, rage, counter attack, furious charge. It will not die. Regeneration And hatred, demons, preferred enemy demons...anything else?
Terrible CGI rabbit, and it has an inappropriate sound effect added too it.
World Eaters who don't fall to Chaos.
Actually, just realized that Guts is basically the Iron Hands Primarch. Hatred off weakness, one machine arm.
This one is easy
Space Wolves
Shit Guts subconscious/id is already a wold/dog thing.
>Not 8'888 years
Loyalist World Eaters, or maybe Blood Angels (because of the Black Rage) using mainly eviscerators.
Do power swords come in claymores or zweihanders?
Guts would just be a Chapter Master dude.
The what?
Dark Angels