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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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What was your most memorable experience as a Jumper?
Because the last thread archived just after posting this
Other than breaking Deadlight, how, through various charisma, biosculpting, crafting, etc perks do I MAKE Cultist chan, with ensuring she was raised to be as close to original without me being there? (Making false memories also possible but I'd prefer for there to be some real ones she estabilish with the world.)
How many charisma and FEAR ME perks I need to get a group of chaos marines and cultists and such that would attempt to raise her as I asked, without disobeying me due to fear?
Fuck off, leave it in the last thread to rot.
Brain damage. Kinda like has.
Kilowog can terraforming planets, hold upwards of 16 billion beings in his ring, fly around a planet in less than a second, tank exploding planets, pull ships out of black holes, and stomp on Superman. And with a Blue Lantern ring from GLtaS, you can double that power.
What other 1000 CP item can match that?
That one time I forgot.
I dunno, I have a number of them.
Most likely Persona though, and meeting my Shadow.
My innermost Darkness brought to life? The things I'm terrified of becoming made manifest?
And having to deal with them, and having to accept they are part of me?
Really helped me grow as a person.
I'd like to also add:
If possible, I want to either later, after having her on my "party" for a bit, replicate the Chaos Gods gifts.
Either Jumpchan told me what would be the results of me breaking the Deadlight and what I missed, or I just decided to create a girl that would have free-of-Chaos God influence versions of powers that their devotees have. JUST TO SPITE THEM FOR WRATH OF THE FOUR IN LIGHT OF TERRA
Kilowag is pretty damned strong, that being said all the options in the jump are weak sauce for anyone wanting to jump comics DC. They won't let you survive so if you want to actually go to comics you have to be so powerful that the in jump options are worthless to you. Keep in mind DC is so full of world ending threats that not being competitive power wise in that setting is a death sentence.
Reminder to treat your AI right.
>These people are not companions, they are tenants.
Rule's already there? They don't get CP, they don't get perks, your own perks that apply to companions don't apply to them, they don't respawn, they can't enter your Warehouse any more than any other non-Companion could, etc.
Wow captcha you really love store fronts today.
Furies are nature spirits, Great Furies are naturally occurring super-powered Furies tied to things like mountains, large rivers, volcanoes, tornadoes, storms, and other massive natural phenomenons.
Piss them off enough, and they'll literally stand up and beat you down.
Alera is a Fury that was manifested by gathering material from all corners and locations in the continent Alera, which were them made into a massive and complex mosaic. She was used to pacify the natural Furies of the continent, who naturally roam and mess with stuff. She begins to dissipate once the First Lord turns the capitol into magma.
In general, the more willpower/strength of character you have, the more powerful a fury you can bind. The thing is, the more powerful the Fury, the more it will fight you.
Another thing, Furies don't have to be humanoid. The form a Fury takes is up to you. There's a Wind Fury that's a horse, an Earth Fury that's a snake, and even a Fire Fury that's a Hummingbird (it took out an Ultralisk analogue!)
Furies also have minor personalities, the more powerful the Fury, the stronger/more complex the personality. All are capable of some autonomy too, you can give one an order and it will continue to follow it, even if you pass out.
You can also harness multiple Furies of the same type.
Overall, Furies are a great option with tons of versatility.
Doesn't that item....kinda make everything else in the jump look pathetically weak if you compare CP prices?
Why? AIs aren't real people. They're really alive, they don't have souls. They're just simple objects, no different from a log or a jar of urine.
Is there such thing as too much deterrance
Because if you don't, you'll end up like that guy last thread with the creepy yandere one.
To be fair, it doee let you become a mix of Batman and Lex Luthor. You can probably scrape by with that and a Ring.
I already know all this, transparently so. The reasons behind why these things are so don't make sense, and are what I'm asking about.
And yet you can bring them along with you, something you need to make people companions to do. It's like having 72 pods that don't let you import someone or have them respawn.
It also comes with mandatory "will be sent by the Guardians into places where the things that can kill Green Lanterns hang out and don't like you being there".
You'd get along great with Saint. I personally found the lack of compassion to AI's unnerving in a weird way, there is stuff like Biological Programming, being able to create a program that evolves itself. Technically an AI wouldn't be so Artificial once it starts learning to be human.
It's a weird thing, humans aren't much different then machines, aren't we sorta the same? We're just pure wetware, all biological, if I had a robotic hand am I less of a man? If you took all my memories and brainwaves and directly transfered my conciousness to a robot or a program, am I not human anymore?
DC comics has events that would end your chain on a regular basis even if you aren't involved with them at all, in DC people die and have their deaths retconned constantly. As a jumper you don't get to benefit from such fuckery and the in jump options do nothing to let you survive the setting.
Isn't DC also filled with street level heroes and villains that survive just fine on a daily basis?
Huntress, Question, Harley Quinn, Jason Tood, Joker, Firefly, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, etc. Being as strong as Superman or as smart as Luthor is definitely fun but you don't need to at their level to survive if you keep your head down.
They got out through castle Oblivion...somehow. And not too long after Sora got there. [Roughly around the time Sora got to and beaten the final boss Riku was halfway done with his run.]
It seems they get out wherever it's plot relevant. That's my only reasonable explanation for it.
So what jumps that haven't been made yet that could conceivably have a Final Form perk?
I ask because right now it seems... really odd that only SAO and Blame! have them, when a few existing jumps seem like they would've been pretty good for them. It's like there's a monopoly right now.
>72 prospective waifus/husbandos, all seeing that they're basically second-class citizens to Jumper who didn't make them Real Companions or give them a Real Pod.
Yeah, I'll just be on the _other_ side of the multiverse from the shitstorm that Jumper will find themselves in...
I just assume that type of shit is like in TT where if you get revived/recreated it doesn't count. Otherwise it's unjumpable and I highly doubt CCDT will actually fix it, so.
What are the best methods to replicate the blessing of Chaos Cultist chan gets in hard mode of LoT?
Also, when you dig or mine in Minecraft jump, do you literally dig meter by meter by meter cubes, or do you dig in real world way and if you have the inventory, once you chip enough of stone it becomes one cube in meter by meter by meter minecraft fashion?
All this is basic knowledge you can find on the wiki.
Why do Great Furies naturally occur? How?
Given that 'microfuries' are a thing, and that willpower draws them together into a collective fury, or binds preexisting ones then what the hell even is Alera?
What I don't get is why Ben 10 DOESN'T have one. Kevin's mutant form is just an uglier, hybrid version of Final Form, combining all the powers of Ben's alien forms.
>It's a weird thing, humans aren't much different then machines, aren't we sorta the same? We're just pure wetware, all biological, if I had a robotic hand am I less of a man? If you took all my memories and brainwaves and directly transfered my conciousness to a robot or a program, am I not human anymore?
Humans were created by God. End of story.
I'd use it as a refugee transport device for getting people from a really shitty jump to a less shitty one. Like from Berserk to someplace reasonable.
Actually they all die and then get revived in the larger scale conflicts that involve erasing and recreating the local universe. DC is a cosmic horror story where death doesn't matter because the universe is destroyed an rebuilt all the damned time, unless you are a jumper who gets shafted the first time it happens.
>What are the best methods to replicate the blessing of Chaos Cultist chan gets in hard mode of LoT?
Sell your soul to chaos.
Cortex Command has a specific tech perk, what do I import?
Well, your mum was sure shouting his name a lot at the time, but I've got news for you kid...
I can build 5km Eezo modded Enchanted Super MACs.
I can build man-portable weapons that aren't safe to use on the surface of a planet.
My flagship can fire shells that delete sections of reality.
If I'm in charge of a deterrence option?
>Pic Related
Can't you do it as Osmonian by absorbing powers, more than one at a time?
That is why you can jump other DC continuities in it, but it also means that DC comics is off limits period and any DC jumps in the future all need Cool Cat's approval since his jump covers ALL of them.
>in the larger scale conflicts that involve erasing and recreating the local universe
It was ruled that these don't happen, as part of the no retcons happening during your stay.
What's a good way to get the powers similar to those Chaos gods grant to their devotees without doing a terrible thing?
I don't want to get these powers for me, I want to give them to a companion. And show the Chaos Gods I can "STEAL" their blessings without them wanting me to have em.
One Punch Man, Sword & Sorcery, Hyperdimensional Neptunia and Undertale also have final form perks.
Anyway I guess...Transistor (but you really wouldn't want it), Lisa the Joyful (ditto), Leviathan the Tempest (where your final form would be more a funciton of what you are than a perk per se), that Earth's Mightiest Heroes jump I vaguely remember someone (YJanon?) was making, maybe one of the Final Fantasy games yet to be jumpified
Sentient tech.
Didn't ASA take Worm Entity tech for that?
>Implying having a soul is a prerequisite for sapience.
Don't bother talking to him. He's ~Religious~.
Or a troll.
You're better off trying to talk sense in bancho and having it stick than debate someone like that.
I was going to contest that, but the blanket protection the jump has for that type of stuff seems to be intended to cover the large-scale continuity resets, rather than run of the mill cri-
Oh, thank fuck.
I never actually watched the show and know nothing about it, but I suddenly remembered that Galidor exists. Apparently, there was something in it called "Glinching" the involved chaning your own limbs into other things or swapping limbs with other creatures. Some super-charged version of that could conceivably work.
The DC jump says that reboots and retcons will not occur during your time there, but if you really want to be safe you could just pick the DCAU setting.
ID4 suggestion drawback for staying the whole time (both movies), or possibly even starting at the time of the Roswell crash
Seriously? That would make DC the easiest meta power grab setting ever if the big "we are remaking the whole universe so go nuts" events never happen.
I suppose, I just don't get why there isn't a Final Form esque perk for that. I mean, absorbing your own powers would be weird enough as is, but doing it that way would probably be a bad idea in the first place. So, I mean, why not have a stand alone perk that does that for your alt forms?
I thought my mention of SAO and Blame! would've been indicative, but I mean Final Form perks that allow for form merges & manipulations. Not a generic 'FINAL FORM' thing.
Oh. Huh. Well, there's proof of my excellent reading comprehension.
>Without doing a terrible thing?
Does Rei only have Lilith's soul and that's it?
Because if so, what are methods to copy souls and also memories? I want to keep Rei and Kaworu as they are and give them a good ending and life, but I also want to Waifu Rei-Lilith-Adam hybrid and I need Adam and Lilith souls for it to enter that GNR state
Terrible thing means "Something that will fuck me up in an unrecoverable way or that will bind me to someone's will".
I am okay with comitting atrocities as long as I am not dependant on will of Chaos Gods to get and grant these blessings.
How do I replicate them
Well, except the ones I made that one time?
Though because the diminished tech level thing, the blueprints would probably be a broad slew of mid-tier Tinker tech rather than "how to make a Shard/Endbringer/do the multiversal planetbusting mix of reproduction, consciousness cloning and travel that kickstarts a new cycle" thing.
Also, whatever seems coolest to you I guess?
This is generally the kind of statement that precedes someone being ganked by daemons.
However, Warp powers are psychic in nature so Synchronicity Event from FEAR is a "good" start, I suppose?
Yeah, I just stepped away from the whole thing when I saw it, I'll let em be.
The only reason I said anything was because ny first companion was a little ROB unit from Starfox who I overtime upgraded to sapience and sentience. He's more human and compassionate then most humans I actually meet.
You might want Forerunner tech. I want to say Endless tech, but I really can't justify it without an Endless Space jump.
Going God Tier in Sburb.
Yes, when it starts causing civilian casualties. Anything short of that is fine.
Your imaginary friend has nothing to do with AI.
Rolled 449, 160 = 609 (2d605)
Blame! is pretty crazy on tech level. Whether you get Silicon or Safeguard tech or both, you'll be well off on tech, considering the Dyson Sphere in Blame! can reinforce it's own reality via time space fuckery.
The jump states that at least one Earth-shaking event is going to happen while you're there, and you'll be somehow involved. It's possible for those to happen without retcons or the universe being destroyed.
Good, Good ASA. Keep going.
What else lets me, if not steal Chaos God's blessings, then replicate them through other means. More specifically, the blessings that Cultist Chan receives upon completing Hard mode.
Which, funnily enough, is just immunity to disease, sorcerous training of warhammer 40k variety, Hellbrass armor, fangs of Juggernaut and Daemonblade along with that magic immunity collar... And Slaneesh thing is super easy.
I think that the warhammer 40k sorcery, if that's what it's called, and Hell Brass, are the important thing.
Sort of. Rei's not Lilith, she's her reincarnation. So, I mean, technically all you'd have to do is split the part that's Rei and the part that's Lilith apart.
They ARE separate, as seen in End of Evangelion where they briefly speak to each other. "Welcome home." "I'm home." Kaworu/Tabris and ADAM are also separate, as he speaks to her(or what he thinks is her) as if she is separate from him.
Define Earth Shaking, because knowing DC that might put it right back to an auto lose jump for anyone who isn't so powerful that the jump options are worthless.
Ah, good ol' user, you helped me by saying it. It's just soul separation and then I must just steal the Adam's embryo and put them all into Lilith...
...I now need a method of soul communication so I can have Lilith like me and listen to me before I do it. Shinji had the beauty of Rei and Kaworu both "liking" him and thus it affected the Hybrid
There's a perk in Kingdom Hearts that makes you immune to being reality warped out of existence and universal retcons as long as someone remembers you. If you and a companion both have that perk, some perk that gives you and your companion immunity to mind alteration, someway of travelling to alternate dimension, all of the perks that make the most powerful beings in a setting likely to ignore you and a lot of luck perks you could probably survive
>Endless tech
Actually, can't you do that right now?
Hey now, I'm no fedora tipper. I certainly believe God exists.
He's my dad.
And my mom.
And my other mom.
And my other, other mom.
And my business partner, as well as a big computer who's in a questionable position in the celestial hierarchy at the moment.
And a big golden asshole who didn't realise why empowering people with powers that got stronger with stress was a bad idea and because I know who people are going to think of first, I'm talking about Chakravartin not Scion
And a dork called Chuck who really, really didn't think that free will thing through.
All I ever said was-he/she/they/it didn't make ALL the humans there ever were. It's a big multiverse. Heck, there's even places where humans just kinda showed up on their own if you can believe it!
You do realize that everyone who could remember you is also wiped from existence in this scenario right? Along with the planet and everything you need to survive even if you resisted being wiped. Also this only even applies to one type of comic level cataclysm and there are a fuck load of them.
That said apparently
I think the bit about you being involved is more important than how earth shaking it is, since it's easy to assume Superman and whoever else will probably win even if you don't contribute.
I think it'd be pretty easy to say how involved you are ends up being heavily influenced by how high up on the power ranking you are, it'd be unreasonable to ask a street-tier to fight Darkseid head on. If you're a nobody, being "involved" could mean that you just end up having to face a few parademons, that's technically being "involved."
I'd suggest going for something like the aliens from Symbiote, as ridiculous as that might sound.
WOW, what a mislink Anyway, look up the modern magician perk tree in SMT 1, the Demonology perk in DMC and Guru from Chrono Trigger if you want to doom everything you hold dear that badly.
That's more or less easy. Have you been to Soul Eater yet? If I remember right, the Meister tree has a perk that allows you to form some sort of bond or connection with a soul if they allow you in, combine that with the capstone and you can actually comfort them, or something like that.
Also, just a heads up, you're going to want to intercept Kaji before he arrives in Japan, he has ADAM's embryo, and if Gendo gets it he will fuse with it. I'm not sure if it can be removed after that. Also, if you want to make it easier for Lilith, and get an actual Rei-Lilith-ADAM hybrid, have her inhabit one of Rei's clones.
I think you misquoted there, ASA.
...Although you can reply to the reply you quoted.
I don't think the underlying mechanics of Great Furies are ever fully explained or explored. Best guess? The Alera-verse is Animist, so Furies are manifestations of natural phenomenon. That means that Great Furies would take many thousands of years to form naturally as the thing they embody grows. As a hill grows into a mountain, it slowly turns into a Great Fury, etc.
Alera always existed, but she was never cognizant until a First Lord figured out a way to manifest and bind her. By combining things from all over the continent, he managed to do that.
I am by no means an expert in the series though, so a better explanation could very well exist.
How the heck would that work out?
user, you are amazing, thank you.
...Wow, replicating blessings of Chaos gods is super fuckin easy then.
Hurray for being a Jumper
I hope that you realize that your hubris and your god complex will eventually lead you to hell. It's not to late to accept Jesus Christ into your heart.
So, just dropping in to say:
Endless Space Jump is waiting for ES2 to come out.
Updating Endless Legend to include the new DLC.
Making Dungeon of the Endless Gauntlet, after I actually beat the fucking game once. Just once.
I don't want to doom everything I hold dear.
I want to spite chaos gods though.
No one trusts you here Satan.
But she's the Aleran nation? Does this mean that all Furies great and small are technically always in existence, even before they form because technically you could wrap them all together in some combination to make them exist?
There's only one JC I believe in, Satan, and his last name's Denton.
You could get the companion to stay in the warehouse for the whole jump I suppose. There are plenty of not needing to breath and survival perks as well, don't think there's anything that would let you survive the lack of the universe though.
>That post number
I'm actually laughing my ass off.
Nice try Satan, you really had us going this time.
You're positively adorable. Get some baby powder for that sore bottom, m'kay?
Contrary to your beliefs, people are allowed to think whatever they want.
Based on my own personal observations I don't believe in anything supernatural or beyond the mundane IRL. But if you want to believe in YHWH, Allah, or Nirvana, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster That Lives Behind the Moon, bully for you.
However, if I look at the accomplishments of following the scientific method vs the teachings of basically any religion, and I'm asked to choose which one I want in my life, my answer is gonna be the same every time.
I can only imagine, badly.
Use Path to Victory to tell you when you need to be hiding in your warehouse?
This is the greatest post in this thread.
>The Flying Spaghetti Monster lives behind the moon
Boy, he must be really pissed off at Heavens.
>them trips
Holy shit. This is the best post I've ever seen.
So how does Warhammer 40k sorcery work?
>Sing gets perks from other jumps
I don't think this is a good idea, the thread dislikes it when a jump gives things from other people's jumps, and I personally think it just feels skeevy.
Also, I dislike that drop-in costs points. I don't have much of a justification for this besides tradition.